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Posts posted by gaelicvixen

  1. If you want to see a lonely MMORPG, log on to Guild Wars 1. They left the servers up, and monitor them to make sure they are still running OK, but there's almost nobody there. I mean, I logged in a while back and found myself to be the only player in Kamadan. That's lonely.


    Spamadan no longer. That really is sad. Guild Wars is my original MMO love.


    On topic though, it's successor GW2 only feels populated in whatever the newest map is. Try doing Dragon Stand now that three new maps have opened since and you're likely to find yourself completely alone. I've no idea how the PvP areas are doing but even the cities feel kind of empty now that there are guild halls. I'm in a pretty large guild in that game but it's such an event to actually encounter a guildie out in the world that we legit announce it in gchat.


    Meanwhile I solo most everything in TOR because the only people I know in-game are RP'ers who are either in their strongholds, guild ships, or their respective Fleets. And I think that's the thing, in most games these days that have housing of any kind. People congregate there to craft or fiddle with builds or just idle and chat so the worlds themselves feel emptier than they are.


    So yeah, OP, if you aren't like me and totally okay with blasting your music and lone wolfing it, your best bet is to find a guild.

  2. Hell, even a vendor with cosmetic stuff like the DVL vendor would be awesome. Armor shells, weapon shells, speeders, whatever.. Even if the prices were high.


    Yeah I only have like 3 DS tokens and maybe 5 LS tokens but I have about 200 GC tokens already with zilch to spend them on. If there was a vendor with fancy speeders or weapons or armour shells - all purely cosmetic items ofc - that I could buy with them that would be grand.

  3. Well the chances of SW Rebels going for Revan are "at least" real at this point.

    They already hinted some stuff that comes from the Old Republic so there's a chance more stuff will become canon.

    Kanan confirmed that the Mandalorian Wars happened and the whole setting, ruins, scorched jedis and arch in Malachor kinda looked like "Disney version" of the events in Malachor V from KOTOR2.


    They already brought Thrawn from Legends being a fan favourite, so there's great chances they could bring stuff from the old republic back to canon.....and if they are after fans favourite, they won't just let Revan go imho.


    Yyyyeah I have to agree, especially with that deleted scene from TCW.

  4. Very doubtful you will get one - it's part of the canon (I hate the whole canon thing myself, but Disney are sticking by it) and the canon says that the Darksaber was "unique" (that means there was only one of them). I very much doubt they will let thousands of people run around with them.


    You're probably right, but they could tweak the in-game version so that it wasn't exactly like the Mando one. For instance, no little silvery-white crackling and no katana-esque edge.

  5. It's also possible that you won't get to kill the one you don't pick. I mean, Pierce and 4X are faction-restricted because it wouldn't make sense for either to work for a PC from the other faction, and really the same can be said about Dorne and Quinn. I'm not suggesting that they won't be killable, mind you, rather that you might have to pick the one you want to kill instead of the other way 'round.


    Either way it's still a forced choice which I don't really like but which BW seems to be quite enamoured of /sigh

  6. The two biggest missed opportunities in KotET:


    1. Dead Khem Val did not show up as a force ghost for Imp players, to eat Valkorion. "I have waited millennia for this little Sith, I will not be denied! NOM NOM NOM"

    2. Dead Scourge did not show up as a force ghost for Pub players, to help fight Valkorion. "Come. It is time."


    Dead Khem Val...?! OH HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL NAW D:< He better NOT be dead.


    On topic: Scourge needs to come back in an awesome way to make up for his inexplicable - sorry, poorly coiffed Chiss Jedi, but a few lines of vague dialogue from you are hardly satisfactory - absence. And then have tea and talk shop with my Wrath. They have a LOT to discuss.

  7. There are two definitions of "bad companion", leaving aside the no-longer-relevant questions of combat role and crew skill bonuses.


    1. The one you hate. Example, for most people, Skadge.


    2. The one you look at and say, "Meh."


    The first are indicative of better writing than the second. The moment I set eyes on Skadge for the first time (more specifically, when I heard what he had to say), I wanted to feed him what comes out of the hot end of my blasters. The writer succeeded in raising an emotive response. Some of the others are less ... inspiring. More insipid than inspiring.


    Agreed. There are a lot of Case No 2 for me with the companions, but then I'm also someone who dislikes the composition of just about every crew. Or said another way, I would have liked to be able to offload certain members of my crews at various points in the story.


    Not Quinn, before anyone assumes. I like him. Kaliyo though for instance, I'd like to have killed on Hutta. Otherwise I suppose I like the IA's crew as a whole the best.

  8. ...thirteen years from vanilla to the end of KOTET?? I...wha. I've...always thought it was six or seven years, at the most... Three for the whole vanilla story. Two/two-and-a-half for Makeb, Shadow of Revan, Ziost, beginning of KOTFE. One year for the rest of KOTFE/KOTET (including the time-skip between them). What did I miss. o_o


    I was just as surprised! I had no idea that much time was supposed to have elapsed! But if we go with what you said, that's 3 + 2.5 + 5 for the time skip + 1 = 11.5 years.


    Personally I don't mind AT ALL having Quinn be in the Don Draper age range -cough- <_<; Nooooo problem at all

  9. If we're sharing some of our favorite Quinn moments, one of mine's from SoR when you head out on Yavin and Quinn comments not only about his Sith ancestry but wanting to be an Imperial Guard when he was little. It gave me the mental image of him as a kid playing Guard like how we play astronaut.


    ...time to power my new SW to SoR!


    And I just read in another thread that it's probably 13 years from the start of Vanilla to the end of KotET. That would make Quinn 50 and now I'm like O_O <_< >_>;


    BW pls give us a customisation option for grey hair at Quinn's temples

  10. My JK will for sure be "defecting" to the Empire. The rest will probably pick their original factions...unless siding with the Empire means Theron breaks up with my Sin in which case she will have to pick the Republic and just take it over from within <_<;
  11. My Malavai and my warrior do: my juggerrnaut :D;) Not the same, but close enough


    Yasssss I'm not the only one with that head canon...though mine's possibly crazier >_>; He and my Mara had twin boys - one's my Immortal Jugg the other my Guard - and a daughter - one of my sorcs - which made KotFE kind of trippy tbh. Influenced their playthroughs of the chapters as well, as they could relate to Valk's fam.


    But ugh! Just so glad to have him back ♥_♥ I deleted FB ages ago but I've done my part on Twitter

  12. IRL I hate bugs and the Killiks freak me out but Vector doesn't seem creepy to me at all somehow. Maybe it's the voice, maybe it's the nice way his pixels are put together, I don't know, but he's just so sweet. Melted my cold blooded Sniper's little black heart. She's not doing the expacs until his return is confirmed, that's for sure.
  13. "Returning companions – Quinn and Elara. If you side with the Empire, Quinn will return. If you side with Republic, Elara will return."




    From my Discord chat with a friend who mains a Trooper :D


    I've not played the expansions on my Mara but now I can safely take her through, knowing he'll be returning. I wonder how he'll look in the Imperial Admiral's armour...

  14. you fall for the sociopath charms . :p


    Oh no. If you read the rest of my post, you'll see I didn't. ^_^ I was saying that I think part of the reason why he looks and sounds the way he does is an intentional attempt to lull the player into believing that he's changed.


    No he did not transcend the limitation of dark/light he was a dark side user until the end. Did you see any light side power from him?

    No only lighting and force drain and mind domination these are dark side power with only one who is neutral.


    I would argue that he's a manipulative, megalomaniacal arsehole until the end, but that he does in fact utilise powers from both aspects of the Force. In fact,

    he switched between the two when I was fighting him, which prompted me to switch as well using the holocron.


  15. He certainly looks and sounds more trustworthy as Valkorion, and he's a lot more chatty, but I figured when he offered to share his power with my Wrath that he was testing to see how tough this potential new host body was. His line about who Valkorion was, when you're the Wrath, is also rather foreboding. So no, I never believed he was selflessly helping the Alliance. I don't doubt that he managed to transcend the limitations of dark/light and Jedi/Sith after noshing on Ziost but his personality didn't really seem all that different to me so I never bought the idea that he wasn't at least considering betraying my Wrath from the getgo.
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