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Posts posted by gaelicvixen

  1. I got a late start last night so I only got about halfway through but



    given what we already know of Vitiate I (a) was pretty sure when his power deflected Arcann's lightsaber in Ch 16 of KofFE that he wasn't really gone and (b) have assumed all along that his endgame was to make the Outlander his new host.


    Possibly that's a more obvious conclusion if you play as his loyal Wrath. The messages from the Hand, the interactions with Vowrawn and Servant One on Rishi, Commander Iven's raving, and that very pointed warning from Darth Marr...I felt as if there was more being hinted at there than just "the Emperor wants to devour/absorb you" so by the time he said he found things more interesting with Adraes alive I was pretty bloody sure he'd decided to make his Wrath his next host. (Even if Adraes was too devoted to see it v_v)


    The bit about using the deaths of his remaining offspring to take control of the Outlander's body is an angle I hadn't considered, though it makes sense he'd want their power. He probably sees it as belonging to him after all.


    Aaahhh I'm more excited to play the rest of KotET tonight, knowing these things :D


  2. Night before last, there were 150+ people on the Imp Fleet on Ebon Hawk. While I don't think anyone would argue that as being a large number, it's also a far cry from deserted. Personally I would be more surprised if there were scores of people logged into EH between 7 am and 6 pm on a week day.


    That said, EH could probably take all of Jung Ma at this point; and with the separation between PvE and PvP we have now merging the two should be less problematic in that regard.


    Just so long as they don't merge a non-RP server with an RP server.

  3. I respect the desire to have the more popular vanilla companions return via the story, and to make those reunions "meaningful." I'm also willing to accept that not everyone in the galaxy knows who, exactly, the Outlander really is, and that Valkorion was not exaggerating when he said that without the PC the centre cannot hold; thus those most closely tied to the PC would drift the furthest away during the chaos which followed the PC's disappearance and apparent death.


    But at the same time we have a former SIS operative who is the son of the (current/immediate past?) Supreme Commander of the Republic Army and the former head of Sith Intelligence actively seeking information on those missing companions. Yet they still can't even tell the Outlander where his or her spouse is? Presumably Theron and Lana are not entirely incompetent and also have contacts aplenty who are at least decent at their jobs, so it would have made sense to at least get some updates on the companions who are still MIA either from the returning companions or story important NPCs.



    • Shae could have mentioned a Zabrak Mando who had been reluctant to join the clans, or Khomo could have said something about finally being able to pull in all the stray Mandos now that the clans were able to rearm, "even dar'manda like Spar."
    • Since not everyone's Torian was in a relationship with Mako, Qyzen could have mentioned that he heard from his little hacker friend from time to time but only sporadically, only when she reached out to him. (My BH was not happy when she wasn't with Torian, and wanted to belt him one for leaving her.)
    • Pierce should have said more about Quinn than just a lame albeit expected insult and Jorgan should have said something about Dorne, because aside from being part of the same crews they were also part of the same military. I've not taken my Trooper through KotFE yet, but the fact that my Wraths don't even bother to ask Pierce what happened to Quinn struck me as absurd.
    • Talos should have mentioned Khem. He wrote his doctoral thesis on the Dashade, yet he has nothing to tell my SI about her morose monster? Please. Talos is too smart to make that kind of an oversight. His letter after the PC completes that Alliance Alert could have easily contained mention of the Dashade he knew and worked with before.
    • Vette could have said something about meeting Gault while looking for Risha.
    • And instead of Vette and Gault mentioning that little rodent Kai Zykken that every single one of my characters has wanted to shoot in the face, they could've referenced Andronikos instead.
    • Lokin is not only a former Intelligence officer, he has retired to Alderaan of all places. Why put him there if he's not even going to mention Vector?
    • Kaliyo could have mentioned Doc as one of the people she was going to look up after she's recruited.


    Scourge should have walked in by his own ****** self.

    Khem Val should be there instead of Ak'ghal, there is *zero* excuse for that one.


    Totally agree about Scourge. His continued absence is particularly conspicuous at this point. Unless he's also been frozen in carbonite I honestly cannot imagine why he hasn't come back.


    As for Khem...I both agree and disagree. I really don't want any other Dashade but I suspect that we got Ak'ghal instead because they haven't worked out what to do about the Khem/Zash situation. It doesn't really present any problems for an SI, imo, and honestly having Khem/Zash be the one trapped in that box instead of Ak'ghal would have been a tidy way to bring him/her back for the SI. If the trap was designed to hold a Dashade, regardless of the personality since the body is that of a Dashade then Khem/Zash would be trapped.


    The other classes, however, do present a problem. That being how to determine which one they get. I always choose Khem and would only ever want him for any of my characters. I'm sure there are others who would say the same about Zash. For us the game deciding to give our other characters either Khem or Zash based on our choices as an SI would be acceptable but that solution wouldn't work for a lot of people, for a variety of reasons. Of course there are ways around this dilemma and I'm hopeful we'll get the companion we want back at some point. I'm just guessing this is why we haven't had Khem/Zash return yet.

  4. Personally, I enjoyed my DS Consular playthrough. There's occasional discrepancies (similar to DS Knight, actually), but a DS Consular tends to see beyond their immediate circumstances. One of the best examples:



    Whether to kill Vivicar or to use your shielding power on him. If you shield him and free him from Terak Morrhage's influence, he [might] be redeemed but Morrhage will undoubtedly return in the distant future. If you kill him, every Jedi affected by the plague will die, but Morrhage will be gone for good.



    Just because an option is 'Dark Side' doesn't mean that the Jedi making the choice is a Dark Side user. For the Consular, Light/Dark choices are typically measured as immediate consequences vs. long-term consequences (just as how for a SW Light/Dark choices tend to be based on good of the Empire vs. personal ambition).


    All of that makes sense and I'm actually glad to see someone argue in favour of a DS JC because thus far I've seen only the opposite, and I do believe variety is the spice of life.


    The problem I personally had with Consular was the idea that the character is taking the kind of damage the SI takes in the pursuit of power for purely altruistic reasons. As such, it was impossible for me to make any choice that wasn't equally altruistic because it felt odd. I even took the hits from Qyzen for not encouraging him to hunt Wookies like it was his job for that reason. Of course I'm only talking about the class story here. She's only just hit Makeb and I'm not sure she'll be so quick to volunteer to half-kill herself simply because it's the right thing to do in future :p

  5. Definitely squinting at those skill bars and the playstyle but maybe for this pre-early access they just toss a character and a few skills at the person?


    Ohh, I just checked out the story and skipped all the combat I'll loathe while playing kotet. But I'll have a look again!:D



    I watched an entirely different video somehow, with a Jedi knight. ;/


    If it was an IGN vid and the JK had a toothpick then it was next up on AutoPlay for me. Not sure why YouTube would skip the linked vid for you though.



    And what happened to the ladies' faces in that video? D:


  6. According to the old D&D alignment quizzes I am myself Lawful Evil and (perhaps as a result) 13 of my 14 characters have been neutral-to-dark, so I certainly have some subjective opinions to share on the subject :D


    Everything beyond this point is just that, my very subjective opinion, and as such YMMV


    Jedi Consular: This story would make no sense whatsoever with a DS playthrough and if a story is nonsensical I lose interest very quickly, so that one I wouldn't recommend.


    Smuggler and Bounty Hunter: Both have a lot of potential for a DS playthrough given the very nature of their professions. Mine both wound up almost perfectly neutral simply because neither felt any faction loyalty and were motivated by their bottom line, which meant sometimes they went with the DS choice and sometimes the LS choice.


    Trooper: There's an old saying that what makes a man a hero in wartime makes him a murderer in peace, so if you approach the Trooper with that in mind there's really nothing jarring about making DS choices as one. In fact, there are times when the LS choice is actually the one that felt "worse" for lack of a better word. Mine is a dark leaning neutral because I played him as if he was my father, who is a retired Army officer and decorated war veteran. He's the consummate professional soldier who believes his cause to be just, doesn't take any pleasure in killing, and will minimise civilian casualties when he can but not if doing so will jeopardise either the mission or his men. He also has precious little respect for politicians and even less patience with civilians giving the military orders. The story does support this kind of character and if the idea of a soldier for the "good guys" being no less ruthless than his enemy appeals to you, then you might enjoy trying DS Trooper.


    Jedi Knight: Mine is for all intents and purposes a Fallen Jedi who has only been spared that realisation and the consequences that would follow because the game doesn't allow faction transfers. I played him as if he was my precious trash son, Anakin, and honestly had a blast. Satele does recognise that a DS JK is a ticking time bomb but in war ideals are often sacrificed for expediency. Knight is one of four classes that feels the most natural as the Outlander, even as DS despite that story so heavily favouring LS.


    Sith Inquisitor: Considering where you wind up at the culmination of this class story, a DS playthrough makes a fair bit of sense. While it's true that a fair portion of all the DS choices in the game are what I would call Stupid Evil - killing for no discernible reason other than a mindless blood lust - canonically the SI starts out as a slave and as such would have experienced the worst of the Empire. It stands to reason that upon being given a chance to not only be free but to be powerful, some individuals would go to extremes either to fit in or to get a bit of their own back. My Sorc is a dark leaning neutral but my Sin is fairly dark and definitely a bit unhinged; and I've enjoyed both equally. Inquisitor is the second class that has not felt awkward being the Outlander, though so far only my Sorc has made it that far so I can't say how that story feels for DS SI.


    Imperial Agent: I have three of these because I wanted to experience the three possible endings <_< and more of Bertie Carvel's voice. My fangirling aside, the story is excellent regardless of alignment. But if playing a cold, calculating, ruthless, and amoral spy piques your interest I definitely recommend IA. I'm not always happy with the gameplay as an Operative but he's probably my favourite character. Agent is the third class that I've not had to head canon too much with as the Outlander due to the class story, too.


    Sith Warrior: I have three of these for a number of reasons, but as it turns out they each wound up with a different alignment. Dark leaning neutral SW is probably my favourite of the three but a DS SW that isn't Stupid Evil is not only possible it's also quite a bit of fun. And you are the Emperor's Wrath, the personification of his rage and vengeance, so if you want to go whole hog and do a full DS playthrough that makes sense, too. A popular opinion seems to be that KotFE was written for the JK and while that may be true, it also works equally well for either a loyal to the end Wrath or a Wrath sick of being betrayed.


    TL;DR version: IMO pretty much any class except JC has potential for a fun DS playthrough, it just depends on what interests you about a DS character beyond the sheer novelty of it. :)

  7. I would like to see options for:


    - portrait avatars (i.e. a button in-game to export your current character portrait picture to use as your forum avatar)

    - strikethrough text and insert table (there are some really basic forum tools here that are lacking)

    - longer signature max length and ability to toggle visibility (their might be a toggle already but I can't find it)

    - ability to put a static image in your signature (forum rules and regulations should still apply)

    - status light (online, offline) visible to all next to or below screen-names.

    - an edit date tag option (shows 'edited on [day/month/year/time of edit]' after text body)

    - faded out avatar or stock image for unsubbed (i.e. no game time left), inactive, and/or suspended accounts.


    that is all


    This might be the mother of all necros but most of these are very basic forum options that I'm honestly surprised haven't already been implemented.

  8. Yeah, Valkorion seems like a loving dad and husband...


    Valkorion isn't fixed, he can't be because there's nothing to fix, this is who he is, and was, even as a child he wasn't like any other human/like being.

    Even if he could be fixed, would he want to? Probably not..lord scourge doesn't either. Are you gonna force him to get fixed to romance him? What would the story be like,like how would he get "fixed" ?


    I'm really curious!


    By "fixed" I meant make it so that he's not in constant, agonising pain unable to experience sensory stimuli, which was a side effect of becoming immortal. A side effect that Valkorion found a way around, it would seem.


    Whether not being in pain and being able to taste food, etc. would cause Scourge to find a renewed interest in romance is debatable, of course, but that change in his state of being would "fix" at least part of the issue with him not being romanceable, imo.

  9. Signed. More options for all, please.


    And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who wanted to flirt with Ravage! My sin is just crazy enough to have tried immediately after beating Thanaton and I was honestly a little disappointed that wasn't an option. Same with Marr for my sorc, though at this point I'd be content if she could just confess to Ghost Marr what a terrible crush she had on him and that she expected, was even hoping, to die with him that day. Maybe have my sniper be able to ask Jadus via holo why he didn't take her with him when he went into seclusion, too, even though they've said he's not coming back despite how popular he is with the story team.


    We really don't want much, BioWare ;w;

  10. I'm among the crowd that wants them all back because you can customise their look, because I like having my character's husbando/waifu at their side in cutscenes, and because I'm far more vested in the original companions than I am the nameless horde of aliens waiting for me to save their people from a Star Fortress.


    Seriously, all those weird languages make for nice flavour in a cantina but ye gods! Learn Basic or ****. :mad:


    Storywise, too, it makes very little sense that we've not heard a single WORD about any of them. Theron and Lana are both, in theory, trying to find them all and at this point, I'm beginning to question their competence. And doing things like putting Lokin on Alderaan or having Torian

    just go off and leave Mako alone without even making sure they can holocall each other

    also made no sense imo, so getting the companions back would tie up some very annoying loose ends.

  11. Simple. Lana told something along the lines of:

    "Hey I know this gal/guy who is a really great warrior, can fight dozens of other combatants on her/his own and almost always suceeds against all odds. I've worked with her/him before and s/he helped me to stop a megalomaniac force user whose crazy cult planned to anihilate both the Republic and the Empire. People in the Empire/Republic celebrate her/him as hero and during the afforementioned cult-craziness s/he sucessfully worked togehter with the Republic/Empire as well. She'd be great figurehead for the alliance I'm planning. Want to help me break her/Him out of captivity?"

    She might even have told him all the details of her work with the outlander and he probably might still agree, since if I remember correctly during SOR and Ziost there aren't really any outrageous darkside choices of the "Kill civilians for the lulz" variety. Mostly they are just of the "Torture enemy combatant for information", "Kill potentially dangerous enemy combatants instead of showing mercy" and "secretly spy on Rebublic/Empire allies because you distrust them despite the temporary alliance" variety.

    So if Koth only hears those deeds of a DS outlander he might be inclined to believe that that outlander might actually be a somewhat reasionable authority figure (Note, he also only rebelled against Arcann after the latter ordered him to mass slaughter civilians.).


    Oh, there are plenty of explanations for it, to be sure. The fact that we have to head canon that explanation when it could have been handled with just a few lines of dialogue while Lana and the Outlander are escaping Arcann's vault or when Koth makes his grand confession in the swamp is, imo, further proof of lazy writing. I'd rather resources had been spent to acknowledge non-LS Outlanders as such rather than have to spacebar through that montage of Koth working on the ship and HK-55 killing mobs.


    But it is what it is. My grousing won't change anything. ^_^


    And miraculously, despite going to ramming speed AND letting the sun reactor blow, Koth's still with my neutral IA. I'm curious to see if he sticks with us no matter what we do after Chapter 16 or if there's another chance to piss him off later down the road.

  12. I'm having issues with the Gemini episode as well

    I'm stuck at the constructor Robot, I keep using my interrupt

    to avoid getting hit by it's main beam weapon, but it just regens a half second later

    and I use another interrupt and while I do this Sky troopers come rushing out from either side and over

    whelm my companion so I go rushing over to fight them only to have the constructor robot recharge and

    continuely firing at me and my companion while trying to fend off the two waves of troopers

    and you just end up dying over and over again, I have tried my companion heal mode and damage mode and tank mode. doesn't seem to matter , I tried for over 8 hours to complete this section of the story

    and I have really good gear, this section of the story seems a bit over powered and undefeateable


    What class are you? I'm far from pro and my characters just have the purple gear you get with crystals, but I've taken three characters through these fights and I had the easiest time with the one I've played the most, which was Immortal Juggernaut.


    And you can stop the Constructorbot from summoning/instabuilding more Skytroopers by targeting the machines he's accessing. I prefer not to leave that to chance and actually right click on the glowy blue part. You should see a wee bar that says "Targeting" or some such. Of course if he's used his KB on you and your stun breaker is on CD that can be a problem...


    Have you tried fighting him with a reprogrammed Skytrooper on your side? With Senya set to heal that little boost in damage/aggro attraction might be the edge you need. (It's also smarter than I am lmao because it knows which GEMINI captain is the real one without having to check anything.)

  13. I'm always in favour of more options for everybody, and Vaylin definitely needs love and affirmation. I won't argue that point. Thexan seems to have been the only person who even tried to show her any affection after Senya left - and I'm not going to be surprised if deep down Vaylin hates Arcann as much as she hates her parents - but I think she's far too damaged and emotionally too immature to be a viable romance option.


    And while DS Jaesa is undeniably unstable, she didn't have "half her personality" locked away from childhood, nor was she subjected to years of torture and conditioning. Watching DS Jaesa explore life as a Sith was like watching a Spring Break movie directed by Rob Zombie. Dark, violent, and at times laughably cliche. Vaylin had her cliche Veruca Salt moments as well, but there was something altogether more painful about watching her for me. She reminded me of an animal that's known nothing but abuse. It takes years of patience and kindness to rehabilitate them, and even then some have been irrevocably broken.


    If she doesn't wind up dead by the end of KotET and/or there's a choice to spare her, then what she would need is therapy and healing. I'd honestly be fine with Senya and Arcann - based on the teaser trailer I'm assuming he'll do a heel-face-turn thanks to his mum's influence - assuming custody of her and taking her to Voss for that purpose. Let her spend the next however many years recovering and learning how to be a human being. After that? Maybe, just maybe, she'd be capable of being in a relationship.

  14. SIGNED #_# I've heard and understand all the arguments against this and all the explanations of why he wasn't originally a possible LI, but with everything that's happened in KotFE I think a lot of that can be tossed out the proverbial window, along with the old Imp v Pub/Sith v Jedi paradigm. As of Chapter 12 we basically have



    Satele and Marr as the Force Power Couple



    and considering that Valkorion not only fell in love with Senya but had three children with her, I'm guessing there's a way to "fix" Scourge so that he's not in constant agonising pain, unable to experience sensory stimuli.

  15. People like bashing on BW for how they don't like Koth and he was written badly.


    Guys, that is the point. We are supposed to find him naive and obnoxious, especially if we are DS players.


    Listen to how much Eric hates him in the last livestream. That is the sign of a well written character, not a bad one in that it causes a strong emotional reaction.


    With all due respect, my problem with Koth is not that he's an idealist looking for my DS Outlander to be the galaxy's saviour, it's that no explanation is given for why he would expect that from a non-LS character.


    If he's intended to be the moral compass, the good man with a guilty conscience trying to atone for his past, then why would he help Lana rescue a non-LS Outlander? I don't disagree with you that the writing team expects us DS'ers to respond negatively to Koth but in my opinion that is at best lazy writing. It's like telling an actor they have to exit the room after a specific line of dialogue simply because the script calls for them to exit the room after that specific line of dialogue. Without giving their character a reason to exit the room, without telling them why their character is motivated to do something, the scene makes very little sense. And that is my issue with Koth. He has no clear motivation for helping a non-LS Outlander. He helps because the script says he has to, even if it makes no sense; and that bothers me. Especially since a very brief exchange with Lana after Koth gets exasperated the first time could have resolved that problem.


    "I might have...glossed over some of the details of your past."




    "Koth is something of an idealist, even after all he's experienced. I'm not sure he would have helped me had I told him everything."


    Et voila! Good Guy Koth was simply the latest man to be duped by Lana. :D


    I also don't necessarily agree that only well-written characters generate strong feelings. Exhibit A-Z: Every character in every Twilight book ever written. :p

  16. Arcann's personality, abilities, experience, and heritage could make him a good romance option for some DS characters. The same could be said for a redeemed Arcann and some LS characters or even DS characters who have been turned to the light. I can also see why the idea would anger, nauseate, or otherwise upset characters of either alignment.


    But then, that's pretty much true of all the LI companions, isn't it? Everyone has their favourites. Everyone has their reasons why they like or don't like a romance option, and some are more vehement than others.


    Obviously the situation with Arcann isn't exactly the same as with the others, and I sincerely doubt we would be given the chance to romance a non-redeemed Arcann, but he'd not be the first violent, egotistical antagonist to do a heel-face-turn and wind up in a relationship. (Aaaaaand now that I think about it, KotFE really is a lot like DBZ lmao)


    So while I don't know if any of my characters would go for Arcann, I do support having that option because options are good.

  17. This is an excellent post. In canon, the Imperial classes were a bunch of bad seeds who caused death, suffering etc etc... They were not heroes in the sense of how Koth perceived you. Either Koth was misled, or he simply misunderstood because after Valkorion died he needed a new hero...


    or... its story limitations.


    Thank you. :o And you raise an excellent point as well, that Koth might have transferred his hero worship to the Outlander. He's used to having Valkorion to idolise and with the Outlander playing host to Valkorion's spirit, it would make sense for him to turn his rose-tinted goggles in that direction. It follows that he would feel betrayed by every non-heroic choice the Outlander makes, because not only is his new hero failing to live up to his ideal but they are dishonouring Valkorion by their actions. His decision to leave also makes more sense in that scenario as well.


    There's still the issue of Koth never asking why his benevolent Immortal Emperor would choose to share his power with a non-LS Outlander, but again I believe that's a story problem, not necessarily a Koth problem.

  18. I'm one of those people who wants to eventually get ALL the vanilla companions back through the story and Scourge is a personal favourite



    who has promised to raise my JK's spawn to be Sith



    but I'd honestly rather they give Theron a larger/more visible role in the story than have them resurrect Revan again. After 300 years the man has earned his rest imo. Let his descendants carry that weight going forward.

  19. I'm hoping that part of the teaser turns out to be more of Valkorion's mind games, as trite as those are at this point, because it would be pretty cheap to reveal something like that via a teaser trailer imo.


    However, as I was running around on my first Juggernaut last night at one point his buffs wore off and I noticed the two new Attuned buffs on his bar that I'd not really paid much attention to in the past. Specifically, the Sacrifice one, which says something like "Willing to sacrifice everything in order to achieve final victory."


    And that got me thinking...



    What if by choosing that when making his new weapon I've doomed all his allies?


  20. Play as super dark and evil. Right at the start ram the Zakuul ships with Marr instead of allowing people to escape in the Pods. When you first escape, follow Lana's idea and allow people to perish after Vaylin messes up the power core. In the swamp be be evil to the refugees rather than giving them passage on the graveston. Take every decision that basically pisses Koth off, especially in the Anarchy chapter with Kaliyo. If you do it right, he leaves with Len and Ralo and then comes back in the last chapter and takes the Gravestone


    Oh it takes much less than that...



    My Juggernaut chose to go to ramming speed, saved the reactor, accepted the refugees, didn't let Kaliyo blow the Spire, and he still left. I have to wonder if anything less than a 100% LS playthrough will result in him leaving.


  21. I've pissed Koth off enough on two playthroughs that he betrays me, and I have to say (again) that he's something of a hypocrite in my eyes for having no discernible reaction to the cost of using Valkorion's power in Asylum because no matter how "good for Zakuul" Valkorion was, after that little display a truly moral person would be forced to at least consider the possibility that Lana wasn't joking about the Emperor being a world devouring abomination.


    That said, I wish there had been an option for non-LS characters to explain to Koth that Lana didn't thaw him/her out because he/she was a hero since the man is clearly operating under that delusion. My SI was not a member of the Council of Sunshine and Rainbows. My SW was not the Emperor's Love and Tender Affection. My BH did not win the Great Bakeoff. My IA did not defeat the Star Cabal by hugging it out.


    If Lana lied about the Outlander to get his help, he should've left as soon as he realised that. If she didn't lie to him about the Outlander then he should not be so surprised when they don't make the "heroic" choice. And he's been working closely with Lana for what, three years? Yet he still seems surprised/upset when she does something that literally EVERYONE ELSE was expecting. That makes him seem a bit thick, honestly, and I think contributes to people's level of irritation with him when he starts complaining about a DS choice (that is not using Valkorion's power).


    Of course that's BioWare's failing in having the story treat DS characters the same as LS characters even when it makes absolutely ZERO sense.


    So while Koth does have a gift for working my one nerve, a lot of my problem with him is due to the story not necessarily the character himself. My Sage is the safest bet for NOT pissing him off and I'm actually looking forward to how the story plays out when he sticks around.


    I'm also hoping that if he DOES come back - and from the latest teaser it looks like he might - that my DS characters can have it out with him and not just fight him because he believes they aren't worthy of whatever pedestal he'd put them on. Maybe it wouldn't make a difference and he'd still leave/attack, but for me that would go a long way towards rectifying how utterly ignored some of my characters' pasts/personalities were in KotFE. I'd probably like Koth a lot more, too.

  22. This is something I only thought about in going through the SI story a second time and it's maybe a little out there as theories go, but what if playing host to Valkorion and the insane power that comes with him is actually harder on the Force Sensitives?


    Bear with me for a moment here as I try to explain...


    The SI gets wrecked from taking in those force ghosts and has to go through a special healing ritual on Voss, the planet everyone's favourite world devourer has such a keen interest in no less, to keep from dying. The JC suffers in a similar fashion from shielding other Jedi from Vitiate's influence alone. There are rituals involved which prepare his host bodies, rituals I'm pretty sure none of our PCs underwent prior to being his host in KotFE.


    Iirc, we're told in the SI story that it's too much power too quickly and in the JC story that Vitiate's power is that corrosive, for lack of a better word. Combine the two, and it makes sense that our PCs, whether Force users or not, would be thrashed after using his power, right?


    Well what if the rituals not only prepare the host body physically for the strain but also serve to balance/synchronise the host's power with/to Vitiate's? Admittedly I have an overactive imagination, but that said it doesn't seem all that far fetched to me that having a being like Vitiate/Valkorion suddenly take up residence in the body of a Jedi or a Sith could actually weaken them both physically and in the Force. Yes, there are those moments of insane power but as we're constantly reminded in this game it comes at a great cost, one which we might not even fully grasp. Maybe he's devouring our Force abilities. Maybe that's part of the corruption. Maybe I'm overreaching/overthinking this whole thing lmao, I don't know. Just a wild theory I had :o

  23. My Merc is legit still trying to figure out why Vitiate/Valkorion considered him worthy of notice, never mind why he's the best choice to lead the Alliance, and I suspect my Gunslinger will face the same conundrum if/when I take her through KotFE.


    My Operative did go head-to-head with Jadus, who was touted as being second only in power to the Emperor himself; and while I had to head canon myself through that fight by imagining Temple being able to boost her healing abilities with the Force, I can nevertheless see why Vitiate/Valkorion would take an interest in the "mere spy" who managed to bring Jadus to his knees. Of course he would rather be the power behind the throne, dealing with threats from the shadows like he's always done, so I'm honestly not sure WHAT he'll do in KotET.


    Before addressing my Force users, I wanted to say that for me, it's not simply the fact that the Smuggler, Agent, and Bounty Hunter are not Force Sensitives that tests the limits of my ability to suspend my disbelief for the sake of fiction where KotFE is concerned. It's also the roles they played leading up to KotFE. These are the sort of people one would find in the cantina in Mos Eisley. Heck, the Bounty Hunter theme is called Scum and the Agent theme is called Villainy. The Smuggler theme is called Bravado, which is really only marginally better. And while I believe in character development, I also believe it should make sense. So far with my Merc and Operative, I've not felt that the story was actually leading these shady characters to "transcend" their pasts as shady characters. Instead I've felt as if they are expected to act completely out of character simply because the story demands it. That, to me, is where KotFE failed the three non-Force using classes that are not obvious BDH material a la Jace Malcom.


    Speaking of which, my Trooper will just assume Vitiate/Valkorion is interested in him because even world devouring abominations get bored and considering how much damage Jace did to Malgus with a grenade it's not entirely unreasonable for the Emperor to keep an eye on another guy who seems Most Likely To Try To Blow Himself Up Just To Take Out The Big Bad. I'm probably going to be chanting "remember Order 66" like a mantra every time he fights a Valkorion spawn, but he's a dutiful sort so while he'll be initially reluctant to sit in in that uncomfortable chair ultimately he'll accept the responsibility if for no other reason than to FINALLY remove Saresh from power. <_<


    Now on to my Force users...


    My JK is very interested in the job because I've played him like Anakin this entire time and he's reached the "we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy" point that Vader did where he believes no one else has the power to maintain order. (Is it wrong that I'm hoping he has the option to propose to Lana by saying, "Marry me, and together we can rule the galaxy as husband and wife"?)


    For my Sorc and my Sin, it's something of a natural progression from Dark Council member to Ruler of the Known Galaxy. My Sorc was exceedingly fond of Marr, however, and after getting rid of her ghosts is none too pleased to have another one in her head, so it will depend on what happens with Valkorion in KotET whether she actually wants to sit in that chair or not. My Sin is a power-hungry waif with a chip on her shoulder who will Force Leap at the chance to take the throne and likely be fully corrupted by the time she does.


    My first Jug is pretty exasperated with the state of the galaxy/his life so he would agree to be Emperor to keep another power hungry lunatic or world devouring abomination off the throne..and to have a chance at taking a real vacation.


    My second Jug, rolled for DvL and a KotFE bug, is slavishly devoted to Vitiate and as such, would willingly seize the throne if Valkorion told him to.


    My Sage is probably going to be miserable throughout KotFE. Here she spent her entire story fighting the Emperor's influence on other Jedi and now she'll have him in her own head. If she's not a nervous wreck by the time she gets to KotET I'll be very surprised.


    I have a couple of characters I'm not taking through KotFE until I either know what happened to their husbandos or we get those companions back.


    Now, as to why I the player would be interested in being Emperor/Empress? For the novelty of it, and to satisfy my own curiosity. To see where that story takes my character(s). To see the differences, if there are any - and I sincerely hope there are significant ones - between say a DS JK and a LS SI sitting the throne. There is actually a decent amount of potential with having a PC assume such a position of power and while I haven't been blown away with the writing in KotFE it hasn't been awful (imo, with the exception of anything written by John Stumme ANet takes top prize for bad writing and lazy characterisation), so I'm cautiously optimistic that KotET will at least be interesting.

  24. I fought Baras last night for the third time and could not believe how easy it was. At one point I actually stopped hitting him because his health was going down so quickly I thought the instance was broken. I think Quinn might've technically defeated him the first time.


    That was...anticlimactic to say the least.


    If the devs somehow forgot to boost the bosses in instances...well okay then someone needs to remind them, because I can't imagine anyone wanting a boss fight to take less than five minutes. Seriously. I keep seeing that phrase "dumbed down for casuals" but unless the definitions have changed drastically I am a filthy casual - I've never run a single Operation nor set foot in a WZ - and I most certainly do not want my game dumbed down. A boss fight should feel like a boss fight. I should not regret bringing a companion into a fight because maybe, just maybe, the boss would've been a bit of a challenge otherwise.

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