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Posts posted by gaelicvixen

  1. I lucked out with a couple of the Gold Mount packs this weekend and picked up the Overlord and Imperator Command Thrones, so I can scratch those off my list, but I still have a pod of white whales lmao:



    • Underworld Bar
    • Blue Rishi Tree
    • Satele's Set
    • Visas Marr's Set
    • Secret Agent Set
    • Sith Recluse Set

  2. More or less just what the thread title says.


    If the GTN is supposed to operate on supply-demand then something needs to be done about supply outstripping demand, something that doesn't involve you folks having to meddle too much with the market.


    My solution would be to add the most sought after items to the CM as direct purchases for a limited time, and to cycle them back through the CM periodically much as you do the Platinum rarity dyes.


    I'm not suggesting you do this with current pack items, mind you, though I would suggest you consider adding some of those Platinum rarity weapons to the CM for direct purchase in future.

  3. Well I loved it. But I love war movies, and Rogue One is a war movie imo. Gritty, dirty, and fast-paced, and mindful of the mortality of all involved. Definitely not a kid-friendly kind of film.


    And Vader was amazing. Everything I'd hope to see from him. He was in it as much as he needed to be, considering the Death Star was not his baby.

  4. Is she truly more expendable than Torian, though?


    Vette has a good amount of tech knowledge and other clever tactics due to her time as a pirate. Whereas Torian could easily be seen as another soldier, of which you may already have plenty. In particular, if you recruited Shae Vizla, and took the light-sided route in the Mando chapter, you probably have plenty more Mandolorians willing to follow you into battle.


    This isn't to say you're wrong to choose Torian over Vette. There are perfectly valid reasons for either.


    I'm just pointing out that there is much more to this war than just fighting, and specialists like Vette definitely also have their place alongside fighters like Torian.


    You're absolutely right that specialists have their place in war, but imo it's not the front lines.Theron is also a specialist but rather than charge into the fray he did what he's best equipped to do: infiltration and sabotage. Vette had no business being where she was and as my Wrath had not ordered her to the front, he did not believe he was responsible for saving her from her own stupidity. Especially after she said she "almost fell for" Saresh's speech.


    He also happens to be Lawful Evil like his player, however, so I neither expect that viewpoint to be popular nor would I ever attempt to argue that it is the right one. It was simply the right one for my Wrath. ^_^

  5. Oh they can try to force me to experience every aspect of the game, just like ANet has tried in GW2. But I'm far too contrary to do things I dislike simply for the chance at gear that I don't need.


    And that's part of what I find so mind boggling about this situation.


    For the folks who have an actual need for endgame gear to be restricted to the same RNG-dependent system of gear acquisition as the folks like me who wish there was a solo story mode* for everything makes no sense to me.


    If over the course of however many months I only get a piece or two of uber gear that I immediately hide behind an outfit it's nbd because I have no need to be competitive in this game. Those "orange shells" people keep complaining about? I love them. Give to me all the cosmetic items. I still have alts with empty outfit slots. If the GC crates were just another form of Cartel Pack a la their beloved DvL event - yeah I didn't finish that either because I'm about as competitive as a cotton swab - it wouldn't be bad. In fact, I wouldn't mind that at all. Everybody likes to look good, right?


    But for all the folks who do competitive content to potentially NEVER get the gear they need because they have bad luck? Why would anyone think that was a good standalone system? As a supplement to the existing system, sure, but as a replacement? I simply don't understand the logic behind such a design choice.


    (*For the record I find the current story mode to be way too bloody easy and wish there was some middle ground between that and veteran.)

  6. Steve honestly I wish I'd known about that when I did that chapter the first time...


    But since I didn't! I know another way to tell which one is the real one, and that is to have a reprogrammed Skytrooper with you, because he will ALWAYS move to attack the real captain. Not easy to admit that Skytrooper is smarter than me but it is what it is -_-

  7. Did you go to the trainer on the fleet to get the companion?


    Quoted because iirc you HAVE to visit an NPC on your faction's Fleet to gain access to a companion purchased via the CM, so OP if you haven't had a look at the Cartel Market area of your faction's Fleet yet you might want to take Steve's advice and do that ^_^


    Of course if you have done that, and like JSpalter did the quest and still don't have the comp then it's likely a bug

  8. She did briefly when she thought she was talking to Thexan.


    She has a moment on Arcann's ship when she appears to feel something - her eyebrows relax - but she makes no attempt to join her mother and brother. Maybe she's intrigued by the offer Senya makes, or maybe she's looking at the pair of them thinking that the distance between her and them is fitting because she is not like them. She doesn't even have their eyes - not Senya's blue or Valkorion's amber, but the same Sith eyes that Lana has, which had to be intentional. (I half-expected her eyes to turn black like Tenebrae's when her conditioning was broken.)


    She does have another relaxed eyebrow moment on Iokath when she briefly believes that ARIES is Thexan. He was obviously important to her, but that doesn't mean she isn't a sociopath. They do have moments when they feel as others do, albeit briefly, and they can form attachments to people.


    To me that's part of the horror, though, seeing her have those brief moments where you think "Maybe there's hope for her after all" only to have the moment pass. It makes her human, reminds us that monsters are people, too, which is another part of the horror. It's uncomfortable to watch, yes, but it's good storytelling imo.

  9. Ideally, it would depend on what you chose at the end, with those of us who chose to rule as Emperor/Empress facing the possibility of a two-front war and those who chose to be Peacekeepers trying to maintain neutrality during a renewed Empire vs Republic conflict.


    But I sincerely doubt that will happen as it would require more development resources than BW is willing and/or able to expend on the story, so I suspect we'll all have to deal with both the Empire and Republic fomenting unrest as they square off against each other and, sooner or later, us, with what the writers decide is an acceptable one-size-fits-all explanation.


    Because unless they can pull a fourth faction out of hammer space (aka Star Wars: Legends) for us to fight, they more or less have to turn back to the old Imp vs Pub paradigm to keep the story going imo.

  10. I suspect that's BioWare's basis for it, too.


    However, that's contradicted by the appearance of Senya, who wasn't part of Valk's force-eating scheme either.


    Thexan is long dead by then and as others have said, most likely at peace in the Force, whereas Senya still has a beef with Valkorion for what he did to her children and thus, imo had plenty of reason to show up (either as a ghost or astral projection).

  11. This is pretty much how my sorc is. But my jugg was a full on psychopath. The thing is, my sorc who I guess could be considered Lawful Evil doesn't like killing for killing's sake. But there were so many boneheaded betrayals in KOTFE that she had to make sure they knew there was consequences for their actions. She's still a Sith Lord after all, not a Jedi.


    So, she's wracking up a pretty big kill count.


    I'm disappointed that I missed the chance to kill Kaliyo AND Koth on Adraes because I didn't check Dulfy first and wasn't quick enough with the escape key when I misclicked, respectively. Hilariously, Adraes is the nicer of my two Juggs yet it's Adraeus who still had Koth going in to KotET. At least he got to punch the idiot for putting a bomb on the Gravestone >|


    I will totally kill Saresh and SCORPIO on my Agent when I eventually take her through KotET, and probably Koth... but not Senya. I let her go because I understand the importance of family, even if I wanted her to bring Arcann in to stand trial.


    Saresh isn't surviving on any of my characters, not even on the LS ones. Not after Ziost.


    SCORPIO though...I'm somewhat surprised that letting her merge with Iokath is the LS option. Yes, you're choosing to NOT kill someone but at the same time you are letting a genocide bot take control of the planet that created her and all the other genocide bots plaguing the galaxy.

  12. I had the exact same issue with Lana in KotFE early access. Clicked the [Flirt] option in the Cantina, spoke to Lana, but never got the pop-up. I submitted a ticket, CM got back to me and said it was an issue that would have to be addressed in a patch and as such was out of their hands, so they were closing the ticket.


    I've since given that character a makeover and rolled another Jugg to romance Lana because I figured it would be literal years before they figured out what, exactly, had gone wrong, never mind worked out a solution.

  13. Two little things that had me scratching my head.


    Not a true story element, but after the big battle inside the war room of the Alliance base, it's all completely cleaned up and repaired immediately afterward.


    Furthermore... if you pick "rule the galaxy as emperor/empress." Obviously the Republic and the Sith Empire aren't going to recognize you as THEIR emperor/empress? So exactly how much of the galaxy you truly rule isn't entirely clear. Finally, if you take the throne as ruler, exactly how and why are you supposed to personally go out and fight in these uprisings and any other group content released in 2017? This has been discussed before-- the EMPEROR/EMPRESS doesn't personally go and squash every little threat. They tell someone, who tells someone, who tells someone, who tells someone. Just because the Emperor/Empress might be super-mighty doesn't mean they have to run around squashing all challenges themselves. Even Darth Vader and Darth Sidious knew when to send rank and file, and then if necessary, officers, to do the dirty work.


    I've never been clear on whether Zakuul had conquered other planets out in Wild Space prior to attacking the Empire and Republic, so yeah, no idea what my Wrath is now the Emperor of, exactly. Or why Lana would let him run off to personally snuff out any sparks of rebellion, because it doesn't seem like a good idea to leave the Eternal Throne empty.


    That was another head-scratcher moment for me, actually, when we leave Zakuul and the Eternal Throne to return to Odessen. And suddenly - hello surprise time skip? - there's a throne room in the base. Like okay...we don't have SCORPIO around and our Hutt hasn't mastered Iokath tech or he'd've roused GEMINI Prime by now, so how the hell can that dinky little chair in Odessen possibly control the Eternal Fleet?

  14. The best part was when I force choked Koth exclaiming "I can reach you from here."


    There needed to be more "you have failed me for the last time" moments like that one, imo.


    My DS characters tend to be Lawful or Neutral Evil so killing sprees are rare but they would do a LOT more Force Choking if the game allowed it.

  15. I think it's a bug. On my Sith Warrior she mentioned me being the Emperor's Wrath and said things about how I "understood how the Sith operated" but had "Always done things my own way to great success" (I'm LS sith)


    I've taken two Wraths through that chapter and she's not said that to either D:< I wonder if that dialogue is reserved for LS only?

  16. I may be one of the few Warriors who chose to sacrifice Vette. I didn't need to read gen chat or watch YT videos to know that I was choosing which character would die. I played Mass Effect I. This was Virmire all over again.


    Wasn't an easy decision, but I still believe saving Torian was the right choice. While I do like Vette more as a character, and while my Warrior may have been closer to her, a leader has to maintain objectivity. There is little room for sentiment in war. At the end of the day, Vette's individual expertise and charm is simply outweighed by the need for influential loyalists in the Mandalorians who are ready to die for your cause. Vette is easily replaced, and that's just the cruel reality. On some level, it's precisely because I knew that she would not take her death with dignity that I chose to sacrifice her. She's simply not the type of person (my) Alliance needs.


    It does seem to be a very exclusive club we're in as SW who sacrificed Vette...


    My reasons were very much the same as yours, though I never much cared for her.

  17. "There's nothing as pure and as cruel as a child."


    So said Jet Black in the Pierrot le Fou episode of Cowboy Bebop, and he was not wrong. Children can and will do horrible things if they aren't taught otherwise. Vaylin's father as a child is a perfect in-universe example of this and I feel certain that's intentional. He even says she was his favourite. Why? Probably because in his eyes she's the most like him. Thexan was too stoic, too much like a Jedi, while Arcann was too emotional, too much like the Sith. As Valkorion he had cast off the Empire and Republic as being unworthy of saving and destroying, respectively, so his apathy towards his sons was almost to be expected. And then there's little Vaylin. So powerful, so cute, so loved by her brothers and mother. Senya was afraid for Vaylin, not of Vaylin, and thanks to Vitiate-as-Valkorion playing the long game with Zakuul she had NO idea what kind of monster her husband was so she goes to him, naively believing that he will help their daughter. When she finds out what's really happening she tries to rescue her daughter, but by then it's too late.


    The fact that it is shown to be too late, that time and again Vaylin demonstrates the difference between her and Arcann, is the only thing that prevents me from agreeing that she's one of those characters who has a tragic past because she's supposed to be grim-dark and/or sympathetic.


    Yes, what was done to her was unconscionable. Yes, we should be sickened by the recordings on those datapads. We should feel revulsion when we realise Valkorion gave a child over to a Mengele stand-in. But is it really the writers being manipulative, when the character remains true to her damage? She isn't a gleeful sadist one minute who shows a "softer side" when the hero appears. She's not a yandere. She does not want our sympathy, our affection, or our understanding. With the exception of a single, incredibly brief moment at the end of KotFE, what we see in Vaylin is the sociopath (for lack of a better word) that her time on Nathema made of her.


    Perhaps it's a matter of opinion or perspective, but as I see things it would be far more manipulative to make Vaylin somehow redeemable because that would diminish the horror of her experience and for what purpose? To placate that portion of the audience uncomfortable with the notion that some characters are beyond redemption and indeed in some cases, would throw the offer back in their would-be saviour's face?

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