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Posts posted by LyraineAlei

  1. I swear it's like you've read my mind with this sentiment. If you actually were in my head, can you tell me where I left my Zippo as I'm going on day two of can't find my lighter.


    Though in all seriousness, going by fleet population as a measure of how active the game is just isn't a good metric anymore. With how kitted out my stronghold is, I just don't have a need to be on fleet aside from the convenience of the crew skills vendor to the skills trainer or if I have some urge to see what the trolls are up to in fleet chat. Even going by zone population isn't a good metric when I think about it more. For example, I'm finally getting around to working on some reputation grinding and when I'm on Oricon doing dailies, depending on the time, I'm often the only person there. Does that mean that absolutely no one's doing Ops there at all? No, just means I'm on doing stuff when every other sane person's off doing something else or asleep.


    Going by forums sentiment's also not an accurate measure of the entire playerbase sentiment. I've said it before here, the forums are where a specific type of the playerbase is going to go while most either aren't aware of the forums at all, know of them and don't bother with it, or are not allowed to be able to post like the f2p folks. It makes sense for the devs to be seeing what gets said on the social media because that's where there's a wider representation of the playerbase than just going from the forums.


    I agree that the new gearing changes will take some getting used to, and there's still time from now to when they go live for there to be some tweaking around. For me as someone who's gaming time isn't anywhere like it used to be, I like the idea of being able to get the top gear whether I raid or not because it makes my questing go faster so I can get more done with what time I have. If that makes me one of the casuals, fine. Call me a feeelthy casual and I'll wear it as a badge of pride.


    The Zippo is likely in the washer from when you left it in your pants pocket. Or nearby the washer and dryer.


    We seem to be of very similar if not completely like of mind. Though I do not own a Zippo.

  2. THANK YOU!!! I have been saying this all along on the merger posts. People whinging that no one is on the fleet and I'm all like...why are you doing nothing on the fleet. There's 160 on Tython, 30 on the Defender, probably many on guild ships, near 200 on the imp fleet, but people see that there's barely 60 on the republic fleet and think the world is ending.

    On the bastion, the pvpers left so everyone is off doing stuff. People see 30 on the fleets and think the server is totally dead. I'm not saying the Bastion = the Harbinger. It definitely doesn't, but the people on the Bastion are off doing stuff, lots of conquest and even some ops stuff in guilds, and everyone is 100% nice.


    You're welcome, it's what I've personally thought, if not actually said on the forums.


    I've seen people complain about dead fleet since DvL was announced and started, it was summer in the NH when daylight is more plentiful and personal lives get busier than before for multiple reasons. And people not on the forums or reddit were doing their RL stuff, or DvL, or other things. And Strongholds/Guildships were just the start of this whole "FLEEET ISSSSS DEEEEEEAAAAAAAAD!" thing.

  3. Level them one at a time, bring them up to snuff. That's how I've been doing it since I started the game. Gives me a break between each repeat of each story segment (I try and alternate faction between runthroughs).


    DvL kinda derailed some of my plans, because I started 2 new characters for that, but I'm back on track to work on my BH again. When he's done, we'll see. Probably a smuggler. Only ting I "must do" is the class story, I'll do the rest if I'm in the mood. (I tend to do a lot of PvP while levelling because a) I want to hit max level and stop having to think about gear and training ASAP, and b) it's fun to me.


    I tried advancing mulitple characters simultaneously for a bit when I started, and it just left me drained.


    I finally broke down and started doing one character at a time as well in the last year because I was losing track of how I was playing certain characters - I had one BH I was trying to play as a solid "get the job done, no alterations no matter what, and if the mark offers credits, take them and then shoot the mark anyway" and then found myself playing that alt like my "Does Not Like To Kill" Jedi Knight I was leveling at the same time mixed with a "Loyal to the Empire" I was paying an agent as at the same general time, and then that JK was killing people with glee and the Agent was taking credits or faltering at the kill. At least those were runs I was running to refresh myself on the stories' general arc, but still.


    DvL derailed me from finishing a Trooper on the pre-KotFE stuff I want her to run and then my plan to pick up my BH I set aside for a while to sit and level another character and play through that story in my "one character until the end at a time" system I've been using now. Lucky me, only an Agent left and then I can log into the DvL crafters periodically to reload on the crafting and finish the crafting achievements.


    Anyway- on Topic:


    I like midbie and lowbie, and I admit I did use it to help me at 65 PvP or to work on the valor rankings for Pierce/4X in potential KotFE-running alts, but I hope leveling, valor, and credits will be enough to keep those alive. They're more relaxed than 65 PvP and more forgiving.

  4. I play on Shadowlands which is one of the few remaining well populated servers. Check it out on a Friday or Saturday night when its peak time. You used to see 2 instances of fleet with 200 on each maybe even a 3rd instance. Now, we are seeing 75 - 100 people on fleet period at peak times. This game is failing because you cannot alienate your core player base and thats what has happened, and continues to happen.


    Ever since strongholds and guildships came out, Fleet's been depopulated. Using fleet population to determine if the game is alive or not isn't an accurate method to use anymore.


    Then there are the players who do not post on the forums for whatever their reason are, who are running DvL or running new/old alts through leveling segments and just not giving the forums one whit of care and maybe at most following the Dev Tracker, so using the forums as a population counting method is also not a very good one, and not an alternative I recommend.


    Although stringing the group-content people along for a long time with the promise of a carrot eventually isn't a very good method either. I'm glad a soloist or a very-small group person can eventually get "top gear", but I'm also glad that "top gear" is faster to earn for those larger/harder group content stuff. And there needs to be a serious increase of group content stuff - and sure evidence that Uprisings won't be another series of Star Fortresses.

  5. Yes it's "that bad". RNG gearing is a terrible idea...no matter how many days pass, it'll STILL be a terrible idea.


    Have you ever done Heroics for gear? Do you know how many crates have the exact same **** over and over and over again? And those crates drop TWO pieces...I'm usually still wearing a starter piece by the time I hit 61, and Heroics are all I do to level...most of my gear will be 178 gear, but I always have a few missing pieces. One toon I recently did was still wearing his starter boots at 65.


    This system is ALREADY in-game...and it SUCKS! RNG is a terrible way to gear players, especially when gear is needed for certain types of content.


    Actually, I miss the old FP-unique gear sets. It made running those FPs fun for me pre-4.0 (okay, I was level 60 and solo'ing them with one-shots, but that's besides the point). Which is also besies you point, I think....



    EDIT: At the topic, uh, well they're adding "Uprisings", which I guess would call for the better gear (maybe?), but if they're like Star Fortresses all over again, I'm not sure if those are actually the most popular group-content out there, and how well that will bode for Uprisings.

  6. What good is bringing our LIs back if we can't interact with them?


    When's the last time we had a romantic encounter with our original LIs? Anyone? Back during Act III before tying the knot. Once you got married, you did nothing with your LI in terms of displaying affection for each other.


    Male Warrior and Vette-Wife had a nice little conversation before going off to fight Big Not-So-Bad Arcann. Even a kiss. There's interaction. Think A married Kaliyo or Jorgan or Torian also have a conversation at that time as well.

  7. sorry? do i correctly realized this information?..

    Elara Dorne is died with start of KOTFE? not lost attraction, attitude and etc, just died?..

    well, lets burn this universe, what reason of this #$%! ??

    as i think 70% players choose class because of the particular companion and... he/she how dead.

    just dead after all.


    am i right? or wrong?


    they are REALY DEAD???


    Source of this information? There's been nothing said on what I read about the true fates of those companions. Just people spouting theories.

  8. i hate the new pack opening thing its so annoying it was faster the old way


    Really? I like it because I can buy packs on any character, open them, and the draw the items on another character I think would get more use out of the item. Really helpful during the DvL event too.


    Anyway, if CCrates do use the new-pack-opening, then that'll be nice if it uses the stash as well for passing things along to my alts.

  9. If they were there first & continued to be there, great. I wouldn't have anything to say.


    They were there first. End of sentence. That character is still there, so the existance of that character continues. So, sounds to me that that character fulfills both halves of your complaint.


    Put a space in your transfering character's name. Problem solved.

  10. Groundless assumption issues aside, they're in my FL & I know for a fact they do not log in. It isn't difficult to figure out. If I didn't log into a character for nearly a year & their name suddenly vanished, I would notice & reclaim it. Because I'm an active player.


    And why can't you add a space into your character's name when you transfer and find that someone else already has it? You say someone else should, but they were there first, and you suggested that they put a space in their character's name instead of you putting on in yours.

  11. People spend months grinding the game to earn a companion and then they make the rival companion simply available through other means?


    There would be murders.


    Well, if the other one were available through the CM, then the other one wouldn't be available for no effort, currency of some kind would be paid. Meanwhile the one is freely given to those who earned her. IMO, I think they should both be on the CM for 700 or so CM a few months after KotET goes live.

  12. It is limited to advanced class, which is still unacceptable. I primarily DPS on my Guardian, however my advanced class also has a tank tree in it. So I'm going to bounce between getting RNG drops for both DPS and Tank sets? Nope, no thanks.


    Okay, so it's the same as the RNG for running Tacticals (gear drops that are based on AC, not stance/discipline/whatevery'wannacallitnow). At least there will be craftable stuff that'll be almost as good while you grind for the gear you really want/need.

  13. ^He's right, you know.


    None of the announced changes will affect me negatively (except that I won't be able to buy a set of PvP armor with "Set bonus" when I ding 65). If anything, I'll be positively affected because I will be able to grind for end-game quality gear doing the same solo and occasional small-group stuff I already do.


    That's not going to stop me from adding my voice to those who are saying "Whoah, this is a bad idea, you might want to reconsider."


    Yeah... I like having that PvP gear's set bonus to make KotFE a little faster to slog through and to figure out how it all works before trying to decide if I even want to try Operations or SM FPs at some point. I hope BW does decide to look through that point as well.

  14. This. All of this. You beat me to posting this.


    Command crates should give you at least SOME element of choice regarding what slot piece you want (ear, head, mainhand, etc), and with what stats (i.e. tank/dps/heals, etc).


    EDIT: Also, the ability to disintegrate duplicate/unwanted items for more Command XP is NOT sufficient recompense. It's like if you bought something for $100, only to discover that it's not what you need - but you're only refunded for $25. Bad bad bad.


    ^ My understanding of the old gearing system for PvE gear was that certain bosses dropped certain parts and everyone got something their class can wear.


    RNG just sounds like a Trooper Healer Commando can wind up with Consular Tank Shadow gear. This "RNG" should be limited to at least AC so said trooper might wind up with Trooper DPS Commando or Healer Commando gear.

  15. Sorry, I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth specifically. I was using the general "you"...more my point is that, taking Valkorion at his word (which, granted, we probably shouldn't do 100%, but it'd be an interesting sort of twist if he is being honest), there's no compelling reason for him to seek a "powerful" avatar in the first place.


    That is true, so it adds a little motive for being interested in a lowly SpecForce Commander, Smuggler Crimelord, Mandalorian and/or Notorious Bounty Hunter, or a particularly obnoxious and difficult to kill Agent.

  16. I do NOT like this change. My main character has been neutral since the very beginning. I intentionally play a clouded Jedi Knight whose motivations are unknown. I remember at launch there were alignment-restricted color crystals that BioWare quickly phased out. There are still some alignment-restricted relics, but they are worthless if you are a max level player. This current system punishes those of us who choose not to be Light V or Dark V. I think instead of a LvD it should be Republic versus Empire. This should be about faction rather than some arbitrary morality system that hardly makes sense half the time.


    ^ Besides, the non-Force Users have no motive to being LS or DS focus like Jedi or Sith do.

  17. Is the bonus detailed above reflective of how aligned with one particular side you are (e.g., will Dark/Light V provide more benefits versus Dark/Light I?)


    Additionally, out of curiosity, is there any benefit to being neutral / Gray?


    I personally think LS v DS is a bit weird to have as a goal of any kind, and from my understanding of what you quoted, it seems to me that neutral is actually being punished, and that LS/DS I would be of less benefit than LS/DS V.

  18. Valkorion is an all-powerful demigod who can do whatever he wants (at least, if you believe his claims). If he's just out to possess people for ***** and giggles, well, it's just like some people prefer to play Troopers, right? Valkie wants to try see what PvP is like as a Vanguard. Or whatever.


    I didn't say s***s and giggles, I was saying that nFUs may be less trouble to work with when controlling them or making things seemingly controlled by Valky than FUs (Revan apparently gave the old guy trouble, if you believe Revan's word, Hero of Tython as well if you believe Scourge during JK storyline)

  19. I'd go so far as saying that the missing romanceable characters are missing as a bunch of geeks who are doing the writing don't have real life partners, don't understand the link that partners have, and now this far on, don't know what to do to fix it...

    Personally speaking, my BH married Mako, had this been real life, when it all went belly up after the carbon freeze episode and we all got separated, Mako would have been the first one I went looking for when I awoke..

    The first rule of family is we look out for each other first...

    The fact that in game, even now with a whole new season coming out in December, I have no idea where she is, smacks of shoddy writing imo, makes me slightly angry, I say slightly as I realise it's a game... however I don't like unanswered questions when playing, and it should make sense... so I suggest, whoever does the writing or is responsible for this, gets their fingers out and does something about it, ASAP!!!



    Though BW has a history of semi-shoddy writing for romances-

    ME3 Romanced Garrus for example, when the Reapers are destroying Earth and marching through the galaxy, the first place my Shepard would be doing on the Normandy while in transit after Mars is sitting her rear end down and trying to contact Garrus for the first time in at least six-months since the house-arrest/"relieved of duty" and warn him about the Reapers likely heading his way if not there already. But no, Shepard goes to the Citadel and makes nice with people, before trying to get in contact with Palaven. And then he's brought back shortly enough at least.


    Or ME3 with Romanced Tali'Zorah - Shepard would have been trying to call up the Flotilla to tell them of the Empire of Giant EFFING MACHINES likely to come their way, to hide their rear ends somewhere safe, and do not try to retake the homeworld from mere Geth just yet when specie-killing machines are on their way. But no, he goes to the Citadel, Palaven, Salarian homeworld, Tuchanka, the Citadel again, and I think another blasted planet, before finally getting in contact with the Flotilla.


    ME2, romanced Liara, or Virmire Survivor? Why not leave VS or Liara a message with Anderson to deliver? "Well dang, I'm not dead, apparently, anymore. Let's meet up again? Help me get rid of this three headed dog looking over my shoulder?"



    Or my BHs of any romance path are horrible with tech and therefore have allowed themselves to believe Theron's fake techno-babble for why hacking into the Holonet to send Mako a message is a bad idea.

  20. Well, the Smuggler is weird for a whole lot of other reasons.


    "The Empire and Republic have fallen, you're our last hope."


    "Yes really, we checked with everyone else. All gone or otherwise occupied."

    "Exactly how far down this list was I?"

    "We're in a hurry. It would take a long time to go through them all."

    "Tell me while we're escaping."

    "Well, there was the Hero of Tython, Emperor's Wrath, all members of the Dark Council, the Barsenthor, the Jedi Council."

    "Lots of powerful force wielding people. Makes sense."

    "Since they were missing, next was Havoc Squad, Cipher Nine and of the intelligence assets connected to them. The Grand Champion, Mandalorians."

    "Warriors, leaders, people that could run an insurrection against the Eternal Empire.."

    "Exactly. Then we came to you."

    "The guy that cracks wise, is handy with a blaster pistol and owns his own space ship."

    "I did say last hope."

    "Did I mention I lost my spaceship?"

    "... I don't suppose you have Kai Zykken's contact details?"


    Sounds legit.


    Anyway, I am firmly of the belief that KotFE is a Jedi/Sith story more than any other class because "everyone wants a glowstick" or something, I guess. Look at their 5year chart and we see that JKs are the most commonly made classes, and I think SWs are second.


    Ziost had a moment where Lana said something about the PC having the ability to worry Viti, to which a nFU could say "But I'm a Trooper/agent/BH/Smuggler" and Lana hand-waves it off as a badly veiled BW-brand of "STOP THINKING SO HARD ABOUT THIS AND GO WITH OUR PLOT" by saying that Viti's intimidated by the RT/IA/BH/Sm's "force of will" or something. This strength of will also tends to be helpful when fighting Sith/Jedi using mindtricks on a person, of course.


    And a person could claim that Exile wanted someone, anyone, who could be helpful to her cause on Taral V to see her, and the nFU PC was there and had shown s/he could succeed, so Exile made herself visible to the PC.


    Maybe Valky decided that Force Users were a lot more troube than they're worth (Revan, 300 years, Lord Scourge, Dark Council, the Jedi, all troublesome) and decided that good el' mundanes can be used for whatever plans he's got so he's running around not using the Queen on his chessboard, but the nFU could be a Knight or Bishop if not so low as a mere Pawn in Valky's galactic chessboard.

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