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Everything posted by denavin

  1. Do a systematic grid search. When you "Ping" go to the end of the radius and "Ping" again. Follow the grid NE to SW from the Wall just below the stairs to the Entrance of the Temple. You will find it quicker that way then if you run all around the place. It is usually at the bottom of the stairs near the NE wall. In the middle tear just above the stairs, in the middle near the SW side or at the top of the middle tear. It is rarely in the court yard outside of the temple, I have only found it one time up there but that does not mean that it will never show up there. This is the hardest part to find but if you stay with the grid search and you will find it....
  2. KotET does not unlock until you complete KotFE...
  3. Weapon Tuning only adds Visual Effect to your weapon, nothing more.
  4. Do a systematic grid search and you can find them in a few minuets every time. I never spend more than 5 to 10 minuets looking for any of the parts. You can also be helpful by shouting out in chat when you find them so that others that might be looking can come to you and get the part before it resets. The reason that they are never in the same place twice is to make HK-51 rare and a challenge to obtain. It's not supposed to be easy. That way when you have HK-51 it is an accomplishment, something that others don't have, because you worked to find him. Of course you do know that once you found HK-51 the first time, you can buy him for credits for the rest of your characters. You don't have to search for the parts unless you want to.
  5. Date Night was in a word.... Lame! 90 seconds of nothing... It takes longer to get to the date, than the actual date is long. I see no reason to ever repeat it. Once is more than enough. And it cost 5,000 credits to go on this lame, so called date. I was expecting a DATE. a little Dinner, a little Dancing, a conversation about your many adventures. then some intimate romancing... but instead, Blah... Nothing This would be classified as the WORST DATE in History.... If you took your love on a date like this they would NEVER talk to you again....EVER!
  6. They only said "Some Time in March" they did not specify what year.....
  7. I've got 56 companions and I only ever use one. Other then the original ones the other 51 are at influence 1. Don't use and of them, don't want them, don't need more companions. More companions is not an incentive for Galactic Seasons for me. Same with Strong Holds. I've got 3 and I only ever use ONE. Don't need more don't want more. I've got 25 mounts and only ever use ONE don't want more don't need more. I've got 30 pets, I never use ANY of them don't want more don't need more. I make my own dyes and have hundreds of the same ones they give us over and over again. I don't want more don't need more of the same dyes. What I do want and need is gear, weapons, enhancements, crystals, modifications or the currency to buy them. But do we get that.... NO. Instead we get useless garbage. The only gear or weapons we get are useless shells that can only be used for appearance at max level or weapons, gear or companions gifts can only be used by the companion of the season and nothing else.. Galactic Seasons is nothing more that a grind fest, a waste of time and effort to get only useless trinkets and toys. They never offer anything USEFUL or helpful. Even the currency they give us is maxed out with nothing to spend it on.
  8. Agreed.... So complaining about the way it looks now is a waste if time. When it happens.... If it happens... Then we shall see....
  9. 56 companions later I can honestly say.... I Don't Need or Want Another One.
  10. The game runs on a 2008 Highly Modified and Hacked Beta version of the Hero Engine and uses DirectX 9 (not DX12) Graphics. The graphics are VERY good for a DX9 game. It's never going to look like DX12 until the engine gets upgraded to a DX12 capable game engine. Complain all you want but that is the Reality of it.
  11. Snowballs are simply a way to harass people. I sat in Fleet and did not cancel the snowball hits and still got hit 20 times in a couple of minuets. The buff lasts for some time where you CAN NOT get another parcel but I still got pelted over and over again. Many times by the same person. At that point it is not longer about collecting parcels, it becomes harassment and greefing. There are too many jerks in the world now for Snowballs to be fun anymore. The ability to hit other players or their companions needs to end and only be allowed to hit NPC's. I'll be so glad when this stupidity is over.
  12. I find the giving your "Load outs" unique name and not just the default name, helps.
  13. During Life Day's I stay in my strong hold and avoid Fleet like the plague. I can't stand constantly getting pelted by snowballs over and over and over again. I Can't Wait for Life Day to be OVER! The Snowball thing is a total PITA!
  14. Isn't a Jet Pack a Mount? Not armor?
  15. It's a limitation of DirectX9, when they upgraded the graphics they made all the textures thinner and smaller in an attempt to increase resolution, thus making Morrie patterns more noticeable now then when the textures were not as thin. The thinner textures are now as thin as 1 pixel wide, and the way DirectX9 works it would make these thin textures even more noticeable when they cross over from one pixel to the next pixel causing a Morrie pattern. You can mitigate this effect some by increasing Anti-Aliasing but it still will not completely resolve it and the increased Anti-Aliasing will drastically slow down the games frame rate when there is a lot of movement and textures on the screen. If the game was DirectX12 then the improved rendering of DX12 would make the Morrie effect far less noticeable. As for the Dev's not seeing it, they probably did but again because the game is DX9 there is not much that can be done about it. Try to remember that this game runs on a highly modified and hacked 2008 beta version of the Hero engine and does not have the sophisticated rendering of modern game engines, thus it has limits not only caused by DX9 but by the game engine it's self. There are many other imperfections caused by DX9 in the game other than just the visible Morrie. And yes higher resolution monitors ie 4K compatible will show this even more because of their higher scan rate and smaller pixels and higher pixel count on the screen. A new game engine and DX12 would fix this but as far as a new game engine, I doubt that will ever happen because it would mean a total rewrite of the game code and that would be far too expensive to do. Though I have heard that DX12 is a possibility, but how that looks on a 2008 hacked and modified beta Hero game engine remains to be seen..... Literally. As for now it is best if you just tune it out of your mind and ignore it and don't look for the many imperfections of the game.
  16. It would be nice if Flashpoints were Persistent for like 18 hours. That way you could come back later and finish it without having to start from the beginning all over again. There are times when I would like to keep playing but I can't because it is too late local time to start a Story Flashpoint since it would take too much time to complete.
  17. You also have to be sure of your target before casting or attacking. The game will "Target Next" and you may wind up killing your current target just as you are casting or attacking which will attack the "Next" target if it is in range thus attracting that group. Also be careful with your and your companion's AOE's as they will also sometimes hit other groups unintentionally causing them to respond. There is also a lot of "Cross Species" attraction that will cause another group to come to the rescue of the ones your are attacking.
  18. I use my ASUS ROG G15/G513 Gaming Laptop to play SWToR when I'm on the road. Other than lag caused by the network I am plugged into there is NO lag to be found playing from my Laptop. Allot depends on where you're getting the network connection from. Hotels and Motels do not give you the fastest internet connections, they are setup more for the business user that is only interested in checking their email or cruising the web, not gaming. Public Wi-Fi is a hit and miss affair with it usually being over stressed with too many users for the available bandwidth as well as cheap routers and hardware. Game rooms and cafe's can also suffer from too many users with most using VoIP and hogging too much bandwidth for the venue to support. I would start looking at your system to see if your settings are causing the lag or something else is conflicting with your gaming. Not all Laptops handle games the well regardless of their specs unless they're internal buss speeds and memory are specifically designed for gaming. The newer content since 7.4 is more graphics dependent and stressful on your hardware and network speed. Again depending on network and your hardware this may be the source of your problems. Simply blaming the "Laptop" as the source of your problems may not be the only answer you should be looking for.
  19. On 12/19/2023 at 1:46 AM, denavin said: Many years ago the Dev's stated these rules for Player Races.... All Player Races... 1. Must fit on a Human Size Skeleton. 2. Must be able to wear Human Size Gear and use Human Size Weapons. 3. Must speak Basic as their primary language. 4. Can not conflict with the story line in any way. They did it once by putting a Nautilan head on a human body and thoroughly screwed up the appearance of the race. The outrage from players was severe. It also cause a conflict in the KOTFE story line when Senya sees a Nautilan for the first time and says, "I've never seen that race before" and the player standing right next to her is a Nautilan. For the same reasons that were stated in your last post..... Though they speak Basic as the primary language. The Voss are much Taller than a Human and you have NEVER met a Voss until you go to Voss... Plus The Voss are Isolationists and shun the Jedi, Republic, Sith and the Empire . Major Story Line Conflict.
  20. Rodians DO NOT speak Basic as their Native language... Rodians are smaller than Human size, not just in height but their body size is smaller. They do not use a Human Skeleton. All 4 rules must be in compliance for a race to be a player character. No my rules the Dev's rules. Sorry but unless BS changes that, no Rodian Player Races. The line in reference is when you are talking to the Leader of the Order of Zildrog just before you go to meed the Lady of Sorrows. A Nautilan holo appears and Senya say "I've Never Seen that Race Before". I have a Nautilan and was standing right next to her but she has never seen that race before? Really? Am I invisible?
  21. Many years ago the Dev's stated these rules for Player Races.... All Player Races... 1. Must fit on a Human Size Skeleton. 2. Must be able to wear Human Size Gear and use Human Size Weapons. 3. Must speak Basic as their primary language. 4. Can not conflict with the story line in any way. They did it once by putting a Nautilan head on a human body and thoroughly screwed up the appearance of the race. The outrage from players was severe. It also cause a conflict in the KOTFE story line when Senya sees a Nautilan for the first time and says, "I've never seen that race before" and the player standing right next to her is a Nautilan.
  22. Same for me I've got ALL the mail I have ever received since the day I started playing 10 years ago for ALL 32 of my characters. I have NO idea what you are talking about.
  23. I like the new system. I like not having to wade through a hundred pages of the same item. I like only having 20 or so pages of one item per line. I could care less who the seller is. I ALWAYS bought the LOWEST priced items even if it was only 1 credit lower. I never bought the higher price. All I hear here is "I can't sell or buy credits any more because nobody can see my name" Keep the new system, it works just fine.
  24. Bye.... Other than it is a little harder on my old GTX 750 Ti graphics card I like the look. Depending on where I am, I May... need to reduce shadows, but for the most part it's just fine and I like all the definition in my characters and the scenery.
  25. I've looked and that file do not exist on my system anywhere. Nor do the other files that were mentioned as a fix.
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