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Everything posted by denavin

  1. This so called Credit Sync has no effect on me. REASON.... I have removed QT from all of my characters quick bars and will NOT use it ever again. So take your Credit Sync and put it were the sun....... you know the rest.
  2. It's funny, all these high end systems are seeing a slowdown in performance. But in my old i7 8700K Coffee Lake CPU and GTX 750Ti system, since going to 64bit. Have seen a vast increase not only to frame rate, but in the reduction of Lag and an over all improvement in general.
  3. I have removed Quick Travel from my quickbar. I no longer use Quick Travel..... I'd rather walk.
  4. Disable "Enhanced Shadows" in the Graphics Settings. That will improve the brightness.
  5. Disable "Enhanced Shadows" in Graphics Settings, that will drastically improve brightness...
  6. There is also another little trick BW has done to us. Watch your casting bar. EVERY time a mob so much as touches you it will reset your casting. So there are times when all the mobs are hitting you, can make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to use a single skill because every time you get hit, it resets your casting time. This will allow the mobs to beat you into the ground all while you CAN NOT cast a single skill. All you can do it stand there and mash your keys while you watch your character rapidly die. Being DEAD all the time IS NOT FUN!
  7. He is Immune to Crowd Control, Holds, Stuns and Knockbacks and resists most of the damage you put on him... In other words, there is no way to kill him solo before he kills you.
  8. Gear or tactics will not make much difference when the mobs can do over 20k to 50k per hit while stunning your and knocking you back constantly.. It does not take long for them to go through your 300k HP. My Sentinel last about 6 to 10 seconds or less. All while I do about 2k to 5k damage to them. Balance in this game now sucks as do the devs idea of fun. HEY DEVS: Being DEAD all the time is NOT FUN!
  9. It sort of make you want to go and knock the Devs off their feet every 2 seconds and see how they like it.....
  10. I miss DPS. You now take 10 times more damage that you can produce. NPC's 20,000 to 50,000 damage per hit. Player 2,000 to 5,000 Damage per hit.
  11. Credit Syncs are a prime condition for Credit Sellers to operate. The more BW takes away credits from player that do not have BILLIONS of credits the more the Credit sellers will operate to sell credits to make up for the credits BW takes from them. GET RID OF THE CREDIT SELLERS. Until that is done NOTHING will help reduce the amount of credits in the game and instead it will only drive away players that DO NOT have billions of credits. Then there will be nothing left in the game except Credit FARMERS, Credit SELLERS and the people that buy them. I've said it before. The only way BW is going to get the amount of credits it takes to buy anything in the game is to put a CAP on how may credits a player can have and limit how much credits it costs to buy it. It's not a popular idea but it will work. As for the people that will leave, don't let the door hit you in the rear on your way out. Others will quickly come to replace you. People that want to PLAY the game and not try to make it a new form of income for them selves. Until DRASTIC measures are taken it's all nothing but a Band-Aid solution that will only HURT players that DO NOT HAVE BILLIONS. And it is that majority of players that WILL leave. When they can No longer play the game because they can not pay for the services IN-Game. I guarantee the first time a player can NOT use a transport or repair their gear because they do not have enough credits they will LEAVE the game and NEVER come back and will tell ALL their Friends that SWToR is a Credit Farmers game and to stay away. I've played games that were farmer games and they DID NOT FAIR WELL over time. If BW does not get this under control the same will happen to them. And penalizing POOR players is the fastest way to do it. Que the Rich Elites that will not come here to say they will leave the game.... You will NOT be Missed. There are more players that do not have BILLIONS than those that do.
  12. Repeating bug reports will only raise the ire of BW who will admonish you for re-posting the Ignored bug. They will repeat that it is "in the known bug list" then ignore it as they always do. Re-posting will only get your post "Removed" and YOU in trouble and will have NO effect on BW nor will it get them to pull their collective heads out of their Rectal Orifices.
  13. That would be true if BW had not removed most to all of player CC's and made most NPC Stuns and Knock-backs uninterruptible. The way it is now there is NO defense for NPC knock-backs or stuns. Your only choice it to stand there and take it since you can not interrupt it or escape it.
  14. This would not qualify as a disputed charge thus a charge back would be fraud and punishable by law.... https://www.creditkarma.com/credit-cards/i/what-is-a-chargeback Nuking a virtual economy will have no effect on reality. The only people it will effect are the fools that spent $400 on Virtual Pixels of light .... If you lose all your credits it does not bother me as I have NEVER been so stupid as to spend mass amounts of money for virtual items. All I spend money on is my subscription I have NEVER bought anything off of the Cartel Market.... It's just not worth it whether I can afford it or not makes no difference. Sound like your personal problem not mine... Fools and their money are soon parted....
  15. I would not be so stupid as spend $400 to buy Virtual Items made up from Pixels of Light If you spend $400 on the Cartel Market (which would be stupid) just to sell it for 100 billion in Virtual ( as in Not Real) Currency then you deserve to loose it all if they reset the economy. Charge-backs would not happen since they are illegal A chargeback is a form of credit card fraud that can be punished under the law. In case you have not figured it out... You Do Not Own the Currency in game, BW does and they can do what ever they want with it. It may upset people but BW has been upsetting players for years. This would be just one more time they did. As for you quitting.... Nobody would notice. It would be like trying to drain the ocean by removing a teaspoon of water.
  16. If you did not report bugs.... Then they would have nothing to put in the Known (but ignored) Bugs List.....
  17. If you don't have the 700 to 5000 credits to quick travel then it will matter to the player that can not quick travel. 700 to 5000 credits may not seem like a lot but if you only have a couple of hundred credits then it is a fortune.. Try to see how a New Player that Does Not have Multiple character in the game will see this. They will see it as game breaking.
  18. For me it was .Net 3 needed to be installed as well as DirectX 9.c Redistribution.
  19. You can not run 2 instances of SWToR on a single system. The game will not allow you to do it. The only way is to run 2 PC's with one account on each. As far as I know that is the only way.
  20. Yes you can have multiple accounts both Free 2 Play and Subscription. I have a Subscription that is my main account and a F2P account that I use to invite my main Subscription account characters to my guilds. Never had any issues with either account.
  21. Load is primarily on 2 cores 4 threads. Tabs are maxed and most of my Cargo holds are near to or completely full. My newer Asus laptop has an AMD Ryzen CPU. I don't have the programs to monitor my CPU's load but I never notice any slow down or lag when my Cargo Holds are open. Not sure what is going on but I have never run into an instance where my CPU pegged at 100%. Now my GTX 750Ti GPU does max out all the time. But I can regulate that with settings when necessary.
  22. Question... Are you running in "Windowed" mode or "Full Screen" And are you running Windows 11. I am currently in the game now while I am writing this and checked my system. I have a much older Intel i7 8700K (Coffee Lake) CPU, 16GB of DDR4 RAM, NVIDIA GTX750-Ti, running Windows 10 Pro in Full screen. With ALL cargo holds open that the game will allow me to have open at the same time. I DO NOT run into a processor pegging at 100%. In fact the highest load I see as only about 56%.
  23. Thanks to BW's abor-tion of the skills, there are now Combat Styles that I no longer play because of the screwed up skill pruning. The lack of intelligence of the devs with the destruction of the skill set has made some of the combat styles almost useless. By aborting the skill sets, BW has managed to single-handedly removed most of the FUN from SWToR in a miss guided attempt at making game play HARDER than it needs to be, and in the process anger the majority of the players. The BW dev's need to pull their collective heads out of their rectal orifice and stop applying what they find in said orifice, to the game. We are tired of the never ending stream of crap they call "Improvements", that they keep stuffing down our throats. One player vcs 7 mobs, 1 Over Powered healer and 2 Gold's results in 1 DEAD player EVERY TIME! FYI.... Being Dead all the time, IS NOT FUN!
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