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Posts posted by denavin

  1. 6 hours ago, Grendel_Echo said:

    You literally showed my today gameplay. I reached to apprentice dead body, could not loot it since the animal mobs walked on it. I was alone and attacked, moved away a bit to have space to click on body, mobs followed, but before I managed to click, another player arrived and did it first without joining the fight. Before they left I reacted with smthing like "damn you" on chat, and got in response "it's a short respawn". 
    Well its true,  respawn is short, several seconds, no big deal, but it wasn't polite. Sadly what else we can do, than to shrug arms and play.
    In similar situations I usually join the fight, but whewn its over I step aside awaiting for player to click first.

    I feel that approaching a clickable item in an mmo game, when we aren't grouped we form a kind of queue, and should watch to each other avoiding accidentally steal from others.

    The way to foil these people is simple. Set your companion to Tank. Send them in to attack and they will put aggro. Then you do and click on the objective before you attack. That way it will not lock you out from being in combat. I've been doing this for years.

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  2. Look to the bottom of this page...
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  3. 11 hours ago, Raazmir said:

    nah, screwthat.  im trying to cancel my account im not looking to involve myself in any more of their poorly coded products


    Bye.... Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Using 3rd part authorization is becoming a normal part of most games. Complaining about it won't change anything. It's done to protect your Account. But I guess you don't care if your account gets hacked then.... 😏

  4. Chat can be turned off, right click on the offending party and you can block them from your chat.
    I have found that a thick skin is needed in any MMO as people suck. If you let it bother you then it will always be a problem. It is up to YOU to ignore the jerks and simply play the game.
    This is an ADULT game and language will always be rough. Nobody is going to tone it down just because it bothers you. It's more like if you complain about it then you WILL become the target of the abuse. So long as there are no treats on you life there is nothing that you can do about except ignore it and get on with your gaming.

    You CAN report abusive player but don't expect to ever know what or if anything will be done to them.

    Without sounding too unfeeling.... You just need to get over it. Sorry but that IS the way it is in life and the game.

    Oh and this is not the only game with abusive players. I have played many MMO's that are MUCH worse. So as games go SWToR is mild. Don't expect it to change just because it bothers you.

    • Like 2
  5. 8 hours ago, Saeten said:

    my point is made.

    Your "Point" is like a dull knife. It only cuts you if you push hard enough.

    The small amount of people that are seeing this is proof enough that this is NOT a wide spread or a server problem since the Majority DO NOT have this issue.

    As I said it is most likely local to your region or your system and NOT from the game. Sorry if the truth hurts but I'm not convinced that this is a game problem since there is not a HUGE amount of posts complaining about it, and if it was these forums without a doubt would be blowing up.

    Instead of complaining about the game try doing a little investigation and find the actual problem. When you can come here with actual evidence that it is the server, your complaint are moot.

    • Sad 1
  6. I think what Steve is trying to say is that your problem may be regional, local or personal and not necessarily the fault of the game or the game servers.

    I live in the middle of the Pacific ocean on an Island chain and I do not have any issues with lag, disconnects or stuttering. All of my internet comes over an undersea cable from California. My ping is the same 95 to 145 ms as it has always been. I never get disconnected, the game does not crash and lag is non-existent.

    You might need to look elsewhere for a solution to your issues.

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    • Confused 1
  7. Fun is not longer allowed in SWToR...  It has been replaced by Grind and endless Repetition of the same old stupid garbage over and over again. Mixed in with constant death of your character. for Zero reward.

    Your only reward now is a Bill for Thousands of Credits to repair you gear, and the cost of simply playing the game, and I don't mean your subscription either.

    • Like 2
  8. What the OP wants won't work because the game has always been about One player's story.

    You can join in the player's instance, but if your on the same class then YOU will have to do it again to get the credit.

    Different classes do not need to do this since each individual player will get the credit for their instance, and ALL story instances can be GROUPED.


    So there for the game IS MULTIPLAYER just like you want.

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  9. The game has always been a solo oriented story line game that can be grouped. Nothing has changed. It has always been that players of the same class have to do the instance in solo mode and only the owner of the instance gets the credit but they also can be done in a group you just have to leave and have a new player start the instance. Again nothing has changed. If that does not work for you then maybe you need to find another game that is for groups only and not try to change SWToR into something it's not. There are only a couple of part of the Story Line that must be done Solo and not with other player. Only the first few chapters of KOTFE are Solo Only. The rest of the game as far as I know can be played as a group.

    I play mainly Solo but have grouped in almost all parts of the game with friends.

    Also look up the definition of an MMO. It says nothing about being for Group play.


    massively multiplayer online role-playing game: any story-driven online video game in which a player, taking on the persona of a character in a virtual or fantasy world, interacts with a large number of other players.

    There is no mention of the necessity of Grouping with other players. Just that there are a large number of other players in the game at the same time.

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  10. The Dev's have gone out of their way to make these classed from the ultimate DPS class to the Ultimate Dead All the time class. The changes they made have done nothing to improve them but rather to make the DEAD all the time and basically useless.

    The DEV's are more interested in making these classed useless for PVP than actually making them playable for PVE. So now in PVP they are the first to die and in PVE they can't fight their way out of a paper bag.

    Keith has done nothing to improve the game only to make it harder to enjoy by removing ALL CC's, DPS and Survivability of these classes.

  11. On 6/18/2024 at 7:22 AM, eabevella said:

    To be honest, I lost interest in grinding it after the 1st week.

    It's not like you can solo operations with a companion so I still call my romanced companion for solo stuffs. Even the best dps/heal/tank companions don't really matter that much to me. Only melee/range heal matters in a way that I can feel in some of the kite-heavy and/or the most difficult solo contents.

    The Bessie grind is just too obnoxious and the reward too none-consequential that I can't be motivated to do it. Maybe when I am super bored.

    But I can see die hard Mando fans or people who think Bessie is super cute to grind it for lore/cuteness' sake. It's like most of the grind that is not gear-grind in this game now: it doesn't matter in a pragmatic sense (as in raw power in dps/heal/tank numbers that contributes to gameplay) whether you do it or not, so unless you really want the cosmetic rewards, simply don't waste your effort on it.

    I agree, I can't see myself doing this 32 times for each character much less even just once, and there are people with way more characters than what I have. Way too grindy for what you get. This is a poorly though out procedure to get a companion that will have to be repeated for every character you have.... Not Worth It!

    I'd still rather do HK-51 that this. At least HK-51 can be completed in one to two days.

  12. 7 hours ago, xordevoreaux said:

    Veteran < > mechanic mastery

    There are people, for reasons other than mine, who are simply not interested in doing a deep dive in class mechanics, op mechanics, anything. They log in, they putz around, they get their story done because it's nice and easy, BOOM they're gone until another day.

    They're called casuals, and they're not noobies, they're veterans, and at that play threshold, absolute masters of mechanics they will never be.

    Casuals aren't noobies that simply have yet to learn the mechanics, so it's a falsehood to believe that all the veterans of the game are bored of the game's current difficulty level. There are plenty of veterans in my boat and casuals too who are quite happy with the standard of play.

    Appealing to casual players broadens a game's appeal. If this entire game was Nim-OP hard, you wouldn't see me here. You wouldn't see many people here. The game must cater to a level that makes it accessible to the greatest number of people, so yes, the make-me-crawl-through-glass people will be dissatisfied with the level of play.


    So, in thread discussions such as this, recognize that the categories of players and play styles can and do overlap. You can't hold up a category like "veterans" and say they all demand harder play and this how every last freaking veteran in the game plays the game because they're veterans and the veterans all know how to run harder content.

    That is garbage.





    I have to agree with this...

    I play this game to have "FUN".
    Not to increase my Blood Pressure or Stress Level.

    As a casual player with only Green gear (since I am no longer allowed to have MAX gear), I feel it's hard enough just the way it is.

    For the people that complain that the game is "Too Easy". I have noticed that they ALL use a Healer and have MAXed out gear with EVERY available MAXed Augment there is on them. Then they come here and complain that the game is too easy. Since MAX gear is no longer available to Casual players then this statement does not hold true.

    They are wearing "RAID" gear and they complain that the STORY LINE missions are too EASY..... like DUH!

    What is "EASY" for one player may be "HARD to Impossible" for another player, and as I said before catering to these players and making the game Extreme also makes it unappealing to players that just want to play the story without having to fight for their characters life in EVERY battle..


    Being DEAD all the time is NOT FUN!

  13. You can thank the low life's that would horde hundreds of the relic's so they could beat the system and hit max reputation instantly. Because of them, we now have the insanely low amount that you can turn in for a single week.
    Unfortunately there is nothing you can do about it except grind for the amount of weeks to months that it will take you.

  14. There is a trigger you missed. You don't go down in to the Dark Heart. Sorry don't remember what that trigger is. Do you have the Voss Girl with you? She is the one that goes in there.

  15. Game difficulty is Subjective. Not everybody likes to or can play at extreme difficulty. Most players like to play a casual game with a reasonable amount of risk and not by dying in every battle. 

    Making the game harder has been tried before with disastrous results and many complaints from the majority of the players causing the dev's to reverse course.

    If you want harder content then you can make your character not so powerful so that YOU can have the challenge your are looking for without making it harder for those of us that don't.


    News Flash: Being DEAD all the time is NOT FUN!

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  16. I don't think that this would apply to the Devaronian race.  But for any Player Race.

    "They MUST speak Basic as their Primary language"

    "They MUST be Human Sized and be able to use Human Sized gear and Weapons".

    One more thing is that a player race "CANNOT conflict with the story line in any way".

    If they meet these 3 requirement then the species can be used as a player race.

    Oh and that EA/BS wants to spend the money to pay voice actors for 8 classes, 8 sub classes and translations for other regional languages too.

  17. I have found that you will usually get a random assortment of 98% garbage, 1% trash and 1% crap.

    But on occasion you can get lucky and get a random assortment of 98% trash, 1% crap and 1% something decent.

    It looks like you got lucky and got the latter, 98% trash (companion gift, misc and emote), 1% crap (armor useful only for appearance) and 1% a decent piece (the Mount)

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