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Everything posted by that_Spartan_IV

  1. Fan of Darth Bane, so I would like to know what in game armor most closely resembles something Darth Bane would wear?
  2. http://memecrunch.com/meme/KFL3/no-thanks/image.jpg?w=400&c=1
  3. The True Sith eyes should have been in from the beginning (the **** were you thinking Bioware?) so I'm definitely behind that.
  4. Just a slight off topic question here, but, does it look like the Sith Warrior (both Jugg and Mara) use Djem So? Look at their animations, I just can't help but get a Djem So feeling from them, especially during Ravage.
  5. To me, it seems like the lightsabers are getting more and more ridiculous. We don't need the hilt to be HUGE guys, stop making the hilts bigger and bigger. So I felt as though I saw some lightsabers that could be put on the CM and rake in a lot of money for Bioware. http://genesiscustomsabers.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/full-shot-2-e1293656151290.jpg http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs50/f/2009/287/8/3/Darth_Talon__s_Saber_by_darthhell.jpg http://www.holopedia.de/images/thumb/2/2f/LSDragonor.jpg/500px-LSDragonor.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Sj7_uI88pwM/USiTTXHE7RI/AAAAAAAAEKM/BZDz4kX87Zg/s1600/Exar+Kun+Lightsaber+01.JPG http://www.dudeiwantthat.com/gear/weapons/custom-made-lightsabers-6245.jpg Those are just some cool sabers I thought would work for SWTOR, especially as the new lightsabers seem to be getting worse and worse. BUT more importantly, what are some lightsabers YOU would like to see?
  6. Orbalisk Armor and this http://fanbros.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Ep_13_Sacrifice_03.png
  7. Doesn't have to be super sophisticated, just different than something we've seen before instead of a copy and paste.
  8. I want them to be UNIQUE enemies. Not all enemies are the same because they're enemies. I don't want them to just be bland re-skins. I want to fight the Massassi that fought in the Great Hyperspace War, the Exar Kun war, you know, the ones that wielded swords and vibroblades and I'm hoping they don't just re-skin a ground pounding enemy.
  9. I know that, but what I mean is, will they basically RE-SKIN the Kintan and other creatures of that size but with a Massassi look. I want the Massassi to have new A.I.
  10. It's confirmed the Massassi will be in the new expansion, as they should be. They've been a huge part of Star Wars lore for a long time, but will they be done right? I can't help but feel like we'll just be getting a Kintan re-skin, and I feel like the Massassi deserve so much more than that. While they are primitive, they're not exactly mindless beasts. They use weapons, wear armor, etc. but I feel like they deserve more than just being idiotic brutes, and it kinda bothers me that it looks that way in the trailer. I really hope they're given the right treatment when it comes to putting new enemies in the game. BUT I have not played the final game, so I don't know yet..... What do you guys think?
  11. Pretty sure I saw a Massassi warrior in that trailer. Awesome (makes sense since it's Yavin IV)
  12. +1 for this reference. This is a minor point, but if you play the Flashpoint where you fight Darth Malgus, he doesn't use his iconic lightsaber. Seriously.
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