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Everything posted by that_Spartan_IV

  1. But just because there's a lot of Sith doesn't mean they have to be weak. Look at Darth Krayt and his Sith. Darth Krayt was incredibly powerful, AND Darth Wyyyrlok III, and to a lesser extent Darth Talon.
  2. I had a question regarding Sith comparison. So almost everyone here knows about Darth Bane and the Rule of Two that reformed the Sith etc. etc. If not go buy the Darth Bane books. They're very good. From all the Sith we've seen from the Rule of Two, they seem like every single one can take on the best of the Jedi Order, and Darth Bane even said "The Force is venom, not fire. When you pour it in separate cups it loses it's potency, but when it's all in one cup it's at its deadliest."-with that quote I assume he means less cups=less Sith. So I have a question: if a Sith is from the Rule of Two line does that make him deadlier than Old Republic Sith? Now really think about it, we see Sith in this game trying to take on ONE trooper in the cutscene on Alderaan and he just knocks them away like nothing. This is a Republic Trooper. They're Sith. They have lightsabers. This shows that these Sith are less effective than my ex-wife at fighting. They RAN UP TO A TROOPER and then he knocks them out of the way like they're NOTHING. But then Darth Malgus can easily contend against plenty of the Rule of Two Sith (Excluding Darth Sidious/Palpatine/the Emperor/"No, NO YOU WILL DIE! *LIGHTNIIIING* So if the notion that the Force is venom is true, then why is Darth Malgus so powerful? Wouldn't the amount of Sith mean that he'd be weaker? How does this system work? What about Darth Vitiate, he's pretty powerful? I've wondered about this so much after having read the Darth Bane trilogy that my brain now looks like this http://www.chubbsnhoover.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/CIMG5706.jpg
  3. I know this is probably not the most...original thread, but I figure It's better than asking for the cape/skirt no-clip thing, but there's a few items that could be put in that people have been asking for that I suspect could be rather simple (I say suspect because I have no idea how computers work. Don't you just trust me already? ) 1. More curved-hilted sabers than just one....and have it point the right way (I don't feel like I need to explain this one) 2. A cybernetic arm that actually has five fingers and is a noticeable arm-replacement. I feel like those three fingered cyber arms are just a little....odd to have. It just doesn't feel right. Maybe it's because in Star Wars and other movies featuring cyber-arms they had five-fingers and were a bit more maneuverable-looking, like they could actually REPLACE the arm. I don't know, maybe this is just me. 3. Acklay/Reek/Nexu mounts. You managed the Rancor and the Bantha, so I suspect this would be easy. 4. More planets from the films. Now this one seems like it would be harder, and I can understand that, but there's a lot of planets that I think could work just as well. For example, Felucia. Could you imagine the creatures and life-forms BW could dream up for this planet alone? It seems like there's a lot of potential here that can be exploited. Mustafar, we kinda already have in the form of Oricon, but Bespin, Kashyyyk, and Utupau could be used. I mean, why not? I think they did good jobs on Hoth and Tatooine. 5. Multi-seated speeders. This seems like it could be difficult, but I feel like the payoff would be tremendous (and quite frankly, looking cool and practicality both play equal parts here) So these are just some things I'd like to see. They've probably been suggested before already though. Anyway, post what you'd like to see. There are no wrong answers...unless you're a troll.
  4. Well that explains why I never heard of any of that.
  5. That's shortly before the Brotherhood of Darkness (I'm currently reading the Darth Bane books) so...I...I don't know.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mr+plinkett+phantom+menace http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mr+plinkett+attack+of+the+clones http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABcXyZn9xjg I'll just leave these here....
  7. Also, I feel like the Rule of Two isn't that smart. Technically it worked when Sidious rose to power, but I feel that was more an incompetence thing on the Jedi's part than the strength of the Rule of Two.
  8. Something I've almost always been confused about in Episode III, after Anakin dons the name Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, before executing Order 66, says "Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy!" By once more, I assume he means "once more".....as in it already happened, but when did the Sith rule the galaxy? Was it during one of the Kotor games? Was it involving Marka Ragnos or Naga Sadow? No, none of those work... The Ancient Sith? The old Sith Empire? Seriously what was he talking about? Also, It'd be pretty stupid if we "just haven't heard of it yet" considering that the Sith ruling the galaxy would have been a big friggin' deal, so what was he talkin' about? Was he just being plain-old silly Palps?
  9. If we're counting our SWTOR characters? My Sith Marauder, Darth Callidous. Otherwise, Darth Caedus A.K.A. Jacen Solo. I really like him (and based Darth Callidous off of him, only Sith Pureblood) because he wasn't just the "GGRRRR KILL TEH JEDI" Sith that so many Sith are portrayed as. There's so much potential in a Sith character and it gets wasted on the murdering butcher lunatic or the scheming deceptive jerk, and that really bothers me. The Sith Warrior AND Inquisitor conversations with their companions are a good portrayal of what a Sith COULD be....but instead most of the time (except in Darth Caedus case) we get the stale murderer or the boring schemer. As for the films? Luke. Freaking. Skywalker.
  10. Granted, you don't, and never will know what kind of fuel it takes. I wish I lived near an orphanage..... (HEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
  11. That's the thing, my ignore list is LITERALLY full. I didn't even know there was an ignore limit. Needless to say, I unignored them and now they're back -_-
  12. A little off topic, but.....your quote is by my favorite Sith Lord of all time :')
  13. Then we agree to disagree. (Also Exar-Kun is over-rated >.> )
  14. I always thought he said that to try to push his feelings for Luke away, which makes more sense than Luke straight up lying.
  15. So the line "I sense the good in you. The conflict." means nothing now? Because I'm pretty sure that if there was a conflict (Which Luke sensed) then Vader would NOT be okay with killing Luke. These novelizations hurt the canon more than Ja-.....eeeh nevermind
  16. This is from the movies so bear with me. The Jedi believe the Sith to be extinct. Then they say there was only the master and an apprentice, no more, no less. http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrTcXPtrKdTAEsAA_OJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIzN2FvamJoBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANkZjljYzIxNDg5NzM5ZGE1NDE1ZTE3MDIwZmZhMDE0MARncG9zAzM1BGl0A2Jpbmc-?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dwat%2Bmeme%26n%3D60%26ei%3DUTF-8%26fr%3Dsfp-img%26fr2%3Dsb-top%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D35&w=552&h=413&imgurl=troll.me%2Fimages%2Fbert-extravaganza1%2Fwat.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.troll.me%2F2011%2F08%2F08%2Fbert-extravaganza1%2Fwat-2%2F&size=18.5KB&name=Bert+Extravaganza!!1&p=wat+meme&oid=df9cc21489739da5415e17020ffa0140&fr2=sb-top&fr=sfp-img&tt=Bert+Extravaganza!!1&b=0&ni=96&no=35&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=11o6e3df5&sigb=13dqgjdga&sigi=11a6fqcsf&sigt=10khno656&sign=10khno656&.crumb=O7oQHTLQRyE&fr=sfp-img&fr2=sb-top
  17. 1. Vader. 2. Vader. 3. Vader. He could've killed Luke at any chance if he weren't his son. For everyone saying he lost to an untrained Luke in Episode VI, I'll just quote Luke when he talks about the Bespin duel: "You couldn't bring yourself to kill me before and I don't believe you will now." Luke: "I sense the good in you, the conflict." Even the Emperor in Episode III says to Yoda "You will not stop me, Darth Vader will become more powerful than EITHER OF US!" *byooomlightsabernoise*
  18. In my opinion, following both the Dark Side and the Light Side is a fulfillment of the Sith Code. Why? Because at the end of the Code it says that the Force shall set you free. If you're free to utilize both sides, then you are free to do what you wish and are not bound by either Dark nor Light Sides.
  19. Sorry to Necro a thread, but I didn't feel like starting another one. My problem is while it DID work....its success only lasted about 25 years. Good job Darth Bane! All those thousands of years and it worked! For a little bit. Boy wasn't that worth all the effort? No? Yeah I didn't think so either :/
  20. With a Sith Marauder as my main, I think a lot of the issue comes from people playing it like they expect the Marauder to be as tough as the Juggernaut without the burden of playing the role as a tank. The Sith Marauder should be played like a wise serpent: Not extraordinarily strong, but ready to know when and where to strike, and what buttons to press instead of mashing them like an addict on speed. Think, analyze.
  21. Oh jeez, I was playing a Heroic 2 with this guy that told me to wait after every. Single. Fight. Then got mad at me because I wouldn't follow his exact instructions.....so I went ahead and beat the Heroic by myself without dying once and left him in the dirt because I was sick of waiting for him to formulate a wierd plan that never worked when I WAS listening to him.
  22. I see the Warrior as being more of a male and the Inquisitor as more of a female, but that's just me. In all honesty, I like the diversity that I see when people make characters...makes me feel more like I'm part of an MMO.
  23. First off, paragraphs man, paragraphs! Second, I actually agree. If people would use Berserk instead of Bloodthirst, and save Bloodthirst for later, it would make a lot of things go by quicker and easier, so OP, I have to agree. Third, a bit off topic, but don't tell me I'm not a Star Wars fan because I don't like a good majority of the EU. You are in no position to tell people they are or aren't Star Wars fans. That's like saying someone that doesn't like the prequels isn't a true Star Wars fan. Star Wars fans don't need to like everything. Imagine if I took a Star Wars item, any item, and then covered it in fecal matter, presented it to you and you didn't like it, then you're not a true Star Wars fan. Get over it.
  24. 8.5 out of 10. Sounds threatening while also meaning something more. Darth Callidus, at your service.
  25. I find it wierd that curved hilted lightsabers aren't on the CM at least. You'd think they'd sell like a delicious flattened circular morning food typically eaten with syrup.
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