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Everything posted by Hebruixe

  1. I've really taken it slow and easy since I started playing last summer. So there are still a bunch of brand-new class stories for me to explore and enjoy. Nothing ruins this game like rushing through it. Roleplaying -- that's what keeps me invested.
  2. ^This is really true. From a management perspective the developers must feel like it's impossible to make us happy. We complained that the original space minigame was inadequate...so they tried to offer a more sophisticated dynamic space game (GSF) and we started complaining that they're wasting resources on it. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. I would hate to be a game developer.
  3. Yeah I finally got it, I'm sure it was between 400k and 500k I spent on smuggler coins, but I had a bunch leftover.
  4. I'm pretty sure the dictionary would tell you that greedy is selfish and apathetic toward the needs of other people....lol
  5. Since this is obviously a move to compete with WoW's introduction of garrisons, I bet that our version will be at least as interesting and dynamic. After all, there are few things SWTOR does better than copy Blizzard.
  6. I really like this game, so I'm not here to moan and groan about its faults. I just want request one of them be fixed. I've been having issues with lag spikes that can only seem to be fixed by relogging. My connection to the server stops, ping goes up by 1000/sec, and it's game over. I am forced to exit the game and re-enter from the password screen. Bioware: Could you please make it easier/faster/more convenient to log out and back in again? Could you change it so that we don't have to shut down the software every time our internet connection lags out? I was in the middle of healing a raid...my lagout caused a wipe because it took so long for the game engine to load again. This shouldn't be necessary if I was already in-game when I lagged out. Relogging should only take as long the servers need to communicate with my computer.
  7. I have the same problem with the kingpin blaster pistol and blaster rifle. Doesn't bother me THAT much, but it would be nice if this bug was fixed.
  8. Considering the chance of getting a rancor is less than 1%, you should expect to use more than 100 kingpin coins before getting it.
  9. lmao, good point. of course he is subbed...I have no idea why he is complaining about restrictions he doesn't have to deal with maybe the wildstar company hired him to come talk trash and spread cynacism.
  10. I can appreciate your frustration, as I have felt it too. None of these restrictions apply if you are a subscriber. If you're preferred status, you're playing for free, and that's a lot more content than other MMOs like World of Warcraft offer for free. Just pay $15 so you don't have to deal with all the marketing BS.
  11. Best hardware and best prices...hm...sounds like someone who could give you an STD =P
  12. I've had to call in a few times and ask tech support for help. They will give you a new one-time password over the phone. It's annoying to have to call in but it works.
  13. Accuracy is an utterly lame stat. I wish they would just remove it from all gear and give us passive accuracy talents appropriate our classes. World of Warcraft is removing hit/expertise in their upcoming expansion. Please do the same, Bioware.
  14. The OP clearly wasn't denying or in denial about the faults of this patch. Try reading. It is good for your mind.
  15. Damn. I feel for you, that's really unjust. I love SWTOR but I don't trust or respect Bioware at all. As a result most of my money goes to Blizzard instead. I'd spend more time in SWTOR if Bioware didn't pull horrible stunts like the OP is talking about.
  16. Ok that's a smart solution to the problem. I might go check out Champions Online when SWTOR gets too frustrating.
  17. I agree, there should be a resolve system for pve content. It's not like it would ruin all the fun for the computer AI when it can't use its damn CC abilities. And getting CC'd repeatedly is extremely annoying in pve. It would seriously improve the game if the OP's suggestion was implemented.
  18. I'm having problems too. Everything runs smoothly for a while then my ping sky rockets.
  19. Yes. My ping is fine for a few minutes after logging in, then everything lags out and my ping jumps up by 1000 per second. My internet connection outside the game is fine. This would be such an awesome game if I could actually play it.
  20. Goodbye and good luck. You might rediscover your love for the game if you return after a break.
  21. Turn off chat. They can't pester you if you're can't see what they're saying.
  22. If this is a joke thread, it's well done. You definitely made me laugh. If not...it's still pretty comical. Because dude. If this game is your idea of sleezy, you must lead one hell of a sheltered life. Are you like 13 years old and just learning about sex?
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