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Everything posted by Maelael

  1. I can answer this for you: 1. You're overcharging on our server. Like literally, the mats+your requested fee > GTN often. FYI, you are known as "The guy who transfered servers thinking he could make billions ripping people off". Also: You're not the only one who can craft them. There's more than you think on both the Imp and Pub side. 2. Talking to several of the "Free with mats" people on our server - they still make them, sell them on the GTN. And keep crits when they make the "FWM" and make money off that. They're rolling in millions. 3. Over the years, MMOs have become an entitlement riddled, instant gratification QQ fest. People don't care about how much money you've spent, or time you've spent into being able to make the product. Until this is enforced as wrong, it's going to stay that way. 4. Like the rest of the market flood, eventually there will be so many of these on the GTN they will sell for mats or less (Operate at a loss with the GTN tax). A good chunk of the people with the money to buy this stuff in bulk do know this, and will just wait or pay in mats (And usually, tip for your time. But not the prices you've been asking.)
  2. Did some yesterday during the day. However, if nobody is on to organize it, its not going to happen. The Imps have multiple organizers right now.
  3. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=657826 You get used to it. It's a feature to slow you down from being so OP.
  4. Awwww the little girl can't answer. Seriously? Can anyone show us Krunchy isn't a nobody?
  5. Cybertech: Sell the grade 9 Scaveneging mats. Every now and then sell armorings and mods, but mostly they operate at a loss. The Basic com ears do decent but take a while to sell. The crafted 54s do still sell but will stop selling if/when BW nerfs them down below partisan. Synthweaving/Armormech: Sell MK-9 aug kits at profit. Even better if you can just RE for Aug Kit parts. Sell level 55 augments. Make and sell blue and purple Skill, Absorb, and Reflex ones, only do the Shield ones by request. Synthweaving do Redoubt, Resolve, and only do the Might ones on Request, although your server may be weird and might ones may sell. You will make money hand over foot if you RE aug kit parts and make Mk-9 augment kits for profit, and make money hand over foot if your server has a dearth of augment crafters as well. The math: Mk-9 Aug Kit parts cost about 4-6k to RE for. They sell for 10k easily. Mk-9 Aug kits cost about 45-80k to make, they sell for 100-135k easily. Blue Augments cost about 5-7k to make, sell for 15-35k. Purple augments cost about 60-100k to make (Way cheaper if you get some lucky purps while missioning), and sell for 100-150k. People will pay these insane prices because they are at end game, and will actually just farm PvE dailies to finish their gear out - and they don't mind, cause they only have to pay once per slot. Unfortunately, selling the cool crafted armor, even at endgame is a crapshoot. When I was shopping for my jugg, there were people selling the same stuff for 15k and 50-60k. I bought the 15k stuff. I looked up the mats, its about 15kish or less worth of mats. I saw the same chestpiece by the one guy at 50k up for over a week while I was getting the rest I needed. I bought mine for 15k.
  6. I have valor 88, 79, and 69 (!) right now on three toons. I've been playing since April. I'm sure I have a rated score but I never checked once I got past 10 wins (Because I don't care...but now I'm curious). I've also done a ton of 55hms on all three toons, and a few HM Ops on the healer and tank. Show me Krunchy being awesome. Anywhere. At anything. I'd take the PvE-Hero-Theorycrafters over a nobody any day. Show me the money, put your money where your mouth is, put up or shut up, etc. Right now you guys look like a bunch of fanbois running at the mouth insulting PvErs. It makes the PvP people look like idiots, and since I'm mostly a PvPer - stop it.
  7. Who said anything about my side losing? Along with the rest of your assumptions. That or you flunked out of mind reading class. Address my post without the wrong assumptions, otherwise I have no idea how to respond to you.
  8. Some nights never, some nights 3-4 times a night. There is a way to queue two premades, and when they're facing total scrubs - yes the scrubs should just leave. There is nothing to learn from being stunned/killed repeatedly in under 4.5 seconds right outside your spawn point. I've been on both the pitching and catching (top and bottom?) end of it. But yea, its way less common than the QQers claim.
  9. Still ongoing! Add it to the list of known bugs!
  10. Spoiler hidden since its long and OT. I'm okay with that. If the guy has a lot of friends, and just comes across as a jerk on the forums - but is AMAZING with knowledge of the class, communication, and working with a community, I'd vote for him. I just want to see it.
  11. You're not strafing, managing your defensives, managing CC break timing, and utilizing CCs correctly then. Unfortunately, I'm not a good enough writer to translate how to do that into text well. Really sins and agents should be stealthing to get the hell away from you because you just jacked 75% of their HP or more.
  12. This post may have lost you many votes sir. It shows a lack of PvP knowledge for sure. There is a LOT of them. That are very good at both. They avoid the forums like the plague for a reason. Dead Serious Question: Can anyone find me a post by KrunchyMedia that is not whining, bullying, and has something to do with depth and knowledge of the Sent/Mara class? This is a serious question - given he's been nominated many times I'm curious to see some quality. I could only find stuff on other classes, whining, and bullying when I searched his history.
  13. Honestly dude? You know what the class needs? Education of its players. There are a lot of people who just don't know the class. Some who think they know, but really don't. And some that fall in between. The people who don't know/play well/understand carnage/combat in PvE or PvP is not good for new players to the class. Not to mention the people who think "Big Damage = I did awesome" in PvP with Watchman, not realizing they truly didn't affect the field well. I always want to say "We need more CCs!" but honestly were fine when balanced against other classes The only thing I can say is Obfuscate/Pacify being ranged to make sniper fights a bit more balanced - but thats about all I can honestly think of without it becoming a "me" posting. I'd say fix the leap issue, but thats been in the bug forum, acknowledged by the CM, and yet still isn't in the list of bugs, so that may be a wasted 1 of 3 slots. Knight/Warrior may be the only truly balanced classes in this game. BW may need to bring the other classes into a similar balance, or nerf the hell out of the OP classes and break Knights/Warriors a bit so they all suck on a level with the other classes.
  14. This. Heck we've had our fair share of afkers, naked toons, and etc this week in regs.
  15. SLC and KBN work well. Some of the other know it alls are rather "Off" in crazy land.
  16. Hah finally checked back in this thread. Sorry. And I can actually answer this at 55 now. If you wear out the sniper (ie ditch their CDs, tank a bit with your defensives) you can walk right in and put a sniper down in Combat spec. Even good ones. It's more of a fake out. Focus it seems to be a crap shoot. After you nail them 2-3 times for big numbers they run and reposition. Combat its a 10 second window pretty much, focus it can/does take a bit longer. Also with combat, if you don't get a good 10 second burst window, you can just leave. Focus it's not so easy. I think the difference is all of the skill upgrades at 55. I feel I'm dealing with them much easier at 55 than I was before that - they're still our worst matchup though. And all of this is you actually knowing what to cancel, and knowing the sniper class well enough. If you don't know the class they're gonna kill you even if they play like garbage. In the end? The best "Kill everything" combo I've had is a Combat Sent and a Focus sent working together. I'm pretty much solid Focus now with the exception of the odd respec for some harder warzones or ranked. Two sents I play with are Combat. When we pair up, doesn't matter what class it is. Took out three decent-well played snipers at one node on several occasions, but when we weren't paired up we got ripped apart. Guardians and Juggs handle them great though, it's the CCs and debuffs that make it easier. However I am way more deadly against sorcs/sages on my Sent. Sins are about even, if anything easier on the Guardian/Jugg because you have more CCs to keep them from escaping. I need to not play both in the same week however, I keep trying to do stuff my Jugg does on my Sent and try to DD on my Jugg like I can on my Sent. Heh.
  17. arktip, everyone else seems too specialized without a good overarching knowledge of the class - or says really crazy things in conjunction with their good advice that throws their credibility out the window. (Or Ive not seen them post much, like ssfish) KBN too, but I think he actually has a guardian and not a jugg?
  18. Aluvi, Aetrus. Not much quality outta anyone else that I've seen in the last two weeks of trolling this forum. (KBN could count but hes already nominated in 30 other places). Edit: Also throwing a "Yes" at oofalong. Totally didn't realize that was the guy I've read countless good posts by. MrGrzecka I couldn't find anything Mara wise of quality on the forum. TBH they should have just combined the Adv classes. Sents/Maras, etc.
  19. Eh, both. They could change node mechanics or nerf healing. Either would fix the problem. The example from the other night though, nobody got further than 2 seconds of node capping that I saw. I think I used predation more in that fight than I did all weekend.
  20. As a Sent player I am insanely jealous of your luck. Sorcs are like free kills along with being the easiest healers to shut down, and sins are only dangerous if nodes are an issue. (It's been about average on my server)
  21. What history? Did you make up this history, or is there an actual honest to god history and statistics of MMOs thing I'm missing here? I can say from personal experience, with 100% certainty, that more PvPers care about PvE than PvErs care about PvP. In reality, its the PvE heavy people that tend to hate PvP, and the heavy PvP people could take or leave PvE, and at least are interested and informed in it for gear/progression purposes - along with many things translating back well. Best reps will be hardcore in the class, regardless of PvP or PvE. Lacking either "Extreme" would be fail of someone described as a class expert.
  22. Do you have any designs to ensure the "Elected" reps actually represent the needs of the class, and are actually informed on the class? I have concern of this becoming the popular kid vote in high school instead of something useful as it could be. PS: This did not work well in DAOC.
  23. Seriously. It's not an every warzone experience, but it's 1-4 times a day at least (Of course, I may play more warzones than the average player.) How you haven't experienced this is beyond me if you've actually done your fair share of pugs and rateds. Good healers, especially three of them, can cover easily. Puddle+Op HoT is godmode for Maras/Sents.
  24. There is no challenge in stalemates due to poor game design. If a heal-off stalemate of "nothing happens" is a challenge to you, or even "fun" to you, the current state of PvP is for you. Not for me. And as a Jugg, I've tanked 5 people with one Op healing me. For 10+ minutes. All DDs. Something is wrong with that, as I, nor the Op, is that good nor were we that well geared at the time.
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