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Everything posted by Maelael

  1. Can you restate that in the form of an actual reply that leads into discussion using full words and complete sentences? Like seriously, I realize this is an idiocracy moment of "u talk liek a ***" for me, but I have no idea what you're really trying to say.
  2. Dear Sirs, There is this invention called a dictionary. It actually defines the meaning of words that you use in a sentence. I would assume you can use "The Google", please try it on the word "Chance".
  3. On my server, both sides its a 50-50 chance. In the example of the 3 hour loss-a-thon, I was chatting with a friend who was also solo queuing (I wasn't sure if I was going to get a phone call so I did not commit to a group with him), and he was getting into decent teams and winning most of his matches. I was pugged with him once during those three hours. I find Imp or Pub I get about the same results. Unless you're double premading, it technically is a 50-50 chance of it being a win or a loss: Because the other team could be worse than you, or better than you. I've literally had it where it was 7 of us from a double premade - the slot 8 was filled by someone with the mental capacity of a snail, who constantly broke our mezzes for caps, ensuring our loss. Otherwise it was a lolroll fest on the other team if it wasn't for Happy McMezBreaker. Likewise, Ive beat both premades and double premades with pure pugs, but at the same time it was good players pure pugging (and we all tend to know eachother from such as well). 50-50 Chance. Either they'll be good, or be bad. It's statistical chance, not results. My point is it doesn't matter how good you play or how good your gear is. If the other team outplays yours, you lose. You're literally depending on random chance of who you team with unless you double premade, and you're still depending on the chance of the other side not doing the same. Take it as it is. If you're losing more than 50% of your games throughout the week or month, you need to learn when to Quit warzones to avoid a queue cycle of bads, make premades, and/or improve your own game.
  4. Nailed it. I pretty much consider solo queuing as flipping a coin to complete dailies. There is a 49-49 chance of winning or losing. There is a 2% chance of having an even, hard fought match that is a lot of fun. But most of the time? It comes down to completely random factors in how the queue behaves. Your chances on being queued on the stronger team is the same as being queued on the bad team, and it does not matter what your gear is, or how hard you play at that point. If you center yourself in reality, it doesn't bother you as much. I pugged for 3 hours one night and lost every single match. Went in with a guild group and won every single match for an hour except one where we faced a double premade. Just a flip of the coin man. If you want competition, go play ranked. I'd honestly be okay with them making pugs solo only once Arenas come out. It should decrease the QQ and increase the enjoyment of the casual players who don't post to the forums but complain in game. Wanna play with your friends casually? Go deathmatch. Want to play srsbzns Warzones? Go Ranked. Want to play casual warzones? Queue solo.
  5. Here's the thing: You really don't get a lot of increased mobility with JUST zealous leap. It does help a bit but at the same time, you need to consider what you're losing by not utilizing plasma brand. Most importantly - you will NOT do similar damage to either of the mainstay specs, it will be noticeably less. Overhead Slash: 9s CD Dispatch: Situational with Masterstrike from Keening, and 6s CD Plasma Brand: 12s CD Zen Strike and Force Rush greatly benefit from Plasma Brand. It's not the damage itself from Plasma Brand that makes a big difference, but the fact it procs both of those giving you more chances at auto crit Blade Storm and Reduced CD on Master Strike - Which procs your Dispatch CD with Keening (along with burns). Honestly, Master Strike is the big money maker that high in the tree, and without being able to more reliably affect its CD, you totally gimp it's DPS. Conceptually you want to have at least three hits that can proc down MS per 15 seconds - with just 1 9 second option and a conditional one that is dependent on Masterstrike to increase its availability, you aren't accomplishing it. Plasma Brand makes it happen. Ensuring that Force Scream auto crits every CD is also very key. Feel free to try the hybrid, but then go back and try full Vig or Focus. You'll see a huge difference in damage and not much of a difference in mobility. The two biggest mobility increases come from Shien+Unremitting and Zealous Leap+Agility Training. Unfortunately you're carving off 25-50% of your overall DPS, which is a big make or break in anything near serious in PvP. If anything I do similar or more damage in Defense than in any of the hybrids. Really in the end if you feel Focus is too easy, try full Vig.
  6. Tried it, runs about 200-300k behind full Focus and about 100-200k behind full Vig. Vs full focus you're missing the stack and surge advantage, vs full vig you're missing the keening advantage, master strike buffs, and plasma brand procs. Was mobile but overall ineffective. Also had focus issues. I really like Shien form but I couldn't figure out an effective hybrid with it. I tried a 0/13/33, it was even more mobile, but had the same damage issues. I've also tried this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500GMorzZcGMRMuddGh.3 and was not happy. Plasma brand does make a difference.
  7. I have no idea why anyone would want a blue, or red floating lithotomy chair.
  8. More like 5, unless you warzone for like 60 hours a week.
  9. Full Stock Conq: 9500 for Partisan Shells 1000+(28600*3)=86800 96,300 Normal Warzone Coms Min Maxing, so you don't suck more than min maxed partisan: 8 Mods, 4 Enhancements (average case scenario for classes): 12* ((1750*3)+775))= 72,300 72,300+96,300=168,600 It takes about a week of hard work to get full min max partisan, without dumping coms at Conqueror Ear, Implants, and relics. 168,600 coms is about 1190 Warzones at 140 wz coms at average 15 minutes a piece. About 297 Hours. Reality based: 32 Hours of Play a week at 4 Warzones an hour. Average 100 coms a warzone. Equivalent of 500wz coms a day from dailies. Equivalent of 1200wz coms a week from weekly. Thats 17,500 a week. 9.63 weeks, lets say you go out and remember the touch of the opposite sex on and off without ending up in jail, and up that to 10 weeks. Thats two and a half months. I can buy PvE ilvl 72 grade stuff on the GTN for about 1.5-2m each. Lets say 2m each. Between crafting and dailies, I can lazily get about 500k an hour. No Ops or anything that requires more than a pulse to complete. Pulse is actually optional if you have a fully geared HK and a bunch of presence from legacy. At 9 armorings/hilts, 9 Mods, and 7 enhancements, thats 50m. So 100 hours. Lets say I spend about 4 hours a day, 7 days a week grinding, crafting, and yadda yadda at a rate of 500k an hour. 3.58 Weeks. Let's say I have some slow days and up it to 4 weeks. So in less than half of the time, you have ilvl 72 grade end game PvE gear. Feel free to double the time at 250k an hour. ~75% the time. At 8 less hours a week. Conclusion:
  10. Oh and I don't disagree, Sent/Maras hit way harder, with an easier time at it, and with better defenses. I think the damage that sorcs output right now with better defenses could make the class more viable/optimal. If they want to keep the class as kiters and turret freekills however, then yes they need to up the damage. I don't see them upping the damage as BW seems to love heal-off stalemates (Along with that being really retarded OP vs bads), so I'd ask for increased defensive abilities and raw defensive capability. I've said again and again the class is crap when compared to others classes overall. Too many look at it as piecemeal (Damage, or just situational defenses, etc). Which all of this could be moot for BW. As a healer they're definitely second best, if not preferred as the partner to a scouperative healer. That could be BW's answer to "Sorcs/Sages are fine in PvP". I would love to argue with them on how Sages due to animation ARE better than Sorcs due to the much more sneaky looking abilities.
  11. I may still have that screen shot of the end results in the match, keep in mind it was vs someone who bolstered for like 1100. It was with proc, damn sure. I'll see if I still have it when I get home (Most likely not as I deleted a lot of old stuff, but theres a chance). I don't have a screen shot of my sent getting 9ked by TB though. I said nothing about average Admiral Cheese. Skarl if you're topping out at 7k with that skill vs bads, wow. Something is wrong.
  12. This spec requires strafing in PvP. No way around it. You cannot be a clicker and a good combat sent in PvP. I was a long time clicker on both a sorc and a jugg, and I found I was way too slow on the jugg, so I forced myself to be a keybinder. Take your time with it, and do PvE. Get at least a two-side-button mouse like this, it will help, however a naga is better. One or the other can work (do not macro, that is against the ToS, although most top tier PvPers macro anyways), and rebind: Q E R T F G Z X C V B (I also did ` 1 2 3 4 5), and all 3+ of your new mouse buttons (dont forget the wheel). Start putting skills where you feel they are natural for you, think of it as order of importance. Mess around in pve for a while till you get used to the new setup, then go do some PvP, and expect to change it up a lot till you find what you like. I used to use just a two-side-button mouse. Now I use a naga, and I'm really good at a circular-ish rotation with my thumb on the side of the mouse, so I just circle the buttons in order consistently. Takes some practice tho. Worked okay for the Jugg with the two-side-button, but was a bit rough on the Sent. Most of the time it's about spamming your rotation or at least priority skills. If you have a hard time keeping up with procs in pvp, you have: http://froyosoft.com/torassistant.php To be blunt: Switching to being a keybinder from a clicker and learning to strafe well SUCKS. Bad. Huge donkey balls. But you'll get it, and you'll love it. Actually, if the Juggs you're fighting are being "Less Mobile" you're fighting really bad juggs in any spec. They should be all over the place CCing, or in peoples faces strafing as well, etc. Only the Sorcs are turrets that will stay still to fight (alot of their skills require it), and they stay on the move as much as possible so they don't die. If they stand still too much unprotected, they're freekills (I love these kinds of sorcs). And since most of their hard hitting stuff requires them to stand still, you want them to keep moving. Snipers will also stay still, but thats a different problem and they have better CCs than the sorc.
  13. Although I agree with most of the points in your post, I've 9k'ed plenty with TB, been 9ked with TB, etc. 7-8k'ed with DF and CL. The issue is all of the other classes that can AoE 7-8k (or better) and 9k+ in the amount of time it takes to setup and deliver TB, and have way better defenses. I think the damage Sorcs do is on par, but not the defensive capability. I forget the name of the one sage/sorc, but they have all of these damage and kill logs that look insanely impressive, until you look at the overall scores and go "Yea, number padding goods vs bads..."
  14. Not at all on Dread Guard, first attempt was 2 Valor, second attempt (where people didn't DC on phase 3...) was 1 Valor. However, did I misread Valor - I thought it was only from activated abilities? At the same time, I would not have minded having an extra trans just in case on phase 3. Of course, next round I'm gonna try watchman, but I want to make sure I learn both specs REALLY well in PvE as to have the options open to fit different situations. (And thank you for the info!)
  15. I played around with valor 1 vs valor 2 the other night in TFB. Save vs the actual TFB, I found I was able to Zen when Master Strike was ready/in a PS window just fine with Valor 1. However, I found the CD and odd moments throughout TFB having Valor 2 be worthwhile. Its really tempting to go with Valor 1 and Swift Slash, however I really disliked not having enough stacks set during the TFB boss fight. I could just about hit Trans every now and then while still getting Zen for Master Strike in just fine with Valor 2 in the rest of the boss fights (although, not much testing on Kephess given we one shotted him). Oof and KBN, where am I missing the consistency needed for Valor 2? Or do you feel it could be a situational thing, or am I just not consistent enough in my rotation do you think?
  16. Playing both sides lately, Zu is pretty much on the money. General Queuers: Quality of the Pub side has gone way down, but Imp has stayed about the same as it was a month ago. There is more pubs who have no idea what they're doing in the warzone in terms of coordination or objectives than the Imp side per queue, whereas the Imp side probably has just as many in numbers, but due to the more pvpers - it's not as impacting. I'd say I see on average, 2-3 Pubs with 1450 or less expertise, during the typical daily time, whereas on the Imp side, about 1. Approximately the same percentage of people who have no idea what they're doing. The low expertise does not always follow "has no idea what theyre doing" on either side. Essentially, there is less people to carry per warzone on the Imp side. Pro Queuers: Best way I can put it, is you will on average have 4-6 experienced or pro players on the Imp side per warzone. Pubs have about 1-3 per warzone. This somewhat goes out the window with Premades - but it seems the "Random 4" people are easier to carry on the Imp side as opposed to the Pub side (With nearly all of the Pub randoms ranging from semi okay to free kill - might as well not be there people) And of course, this sometimes changes a bit late at night (Pubs seeming to have better late night players), and random stuff happens where all the Bads end up in one warzone together. I've intentionally left warzones to avoid serious bads on both sides only to end up queued against them with decent to pro players on my team same faction vs same faction, and it was a massacre. As a bonus, both sides "I Queue Naked" people seem to have found their gear, and I haven't seen a few of our usual afkers lately.
  17. http://www.learntoreadfree.com/ http://docs.joomla.org/How_do_you_search_the_forum_to_find_what_you_need http://www.swtor.com/community/search.php?do=process Hint: Bolster
  18. Having played Tanks, Healers, and DPS: it's you - not the class. 2v2 they should have won if you didn't have a healer. 3v2 they should have lost slowly. 4-5v2, as much as I'm against this saying: l2p. Edit: Damn you Cret. Just figured out you trolled.
  19. Pistols is completely overhyped and misquoted. Expect it to be mostly PvE information.
  20. There is already plenty of spectators that queue as competitors for Huttball.
  21. Pistols posts are in the CM for one day only. 10 CC per post.
  22. Who cares? Me. And others that don't comment or ask questions. When I first started this game all I did was read forum posts, learn a LOT, try out different people's suggestions, till I found what I liked on my Sorc. I ended up dumping the sorc cause I dislike it, but I learned to play it well from discussions like these. It's not about refuting, it's about explaining your position. Dead serious - this discussion has made me re-evaluate cloak of carnage and Im going to dump it tonight and if Im not rage starved, keep it gone. I may even try out malice for a while too, see if I notice some good crits where they aren't right now. But yea I agree its pretty minor and more about the field you're playing in and your personal playstyle. Which imho, and from raw experience in multiple games, finding what fits you makes you a better player and contributor, not necessarily copying ONE person. Difference in opinions should be welcomed. Edit on your edit: Yea, Im taking into account in my "No Miss" checks when they pop Defensives (One of the Juggs I always come across, I swear, is like a botter or something, does everything at exactly the same wrong time each time I see him). I have a pretty good short term memory, and I only did 6 warzones last night, with each being pretty memorable. Still wondering if Im not doing the parse right tho.
  23. I think any use of force choke save 1v1, to buy time, or as an interrupt is kinda worthless, even with the Crit. It's so much time wasted. I find it awful that the people you're facing are not putting down DDs killing your DDs and healers, even through AOEs, but I guess thats the culture of your server. I get hit...a lot, regardless of regs or ranked. Especially as the last man standing at a node. That 20% is a big deal to me, and it almost always lasts 25-30 seconds unless everyone is dead. However if the situation changed, regz or ranked (I do ranked about once a week for about 3-5 lately, Id love to do it more), and I found I was being mostly untouched like your situation - then yes, I'd go with malice. I'd find it unbelievable, but I'd totally do it. For now the extra time to ensure Cloak of Pain lasts is worth it to me. I think I've got some ranked logs. I'll check for misses. Zero last night, even vs a full (8 man, they got queued together) premade rwz (Not the best, but not bad) team because the queues were crap last night (we got so hammered lol). I'm not seeing the misses. Statistically I should have some, but even in a 1500 dps match I had none. I'm almost thinking I'm reading the logs wrong. But at the same time I can see a case for killing cloak of carnage for narrowed hatred anyways, I want to see if it really impacts my rage gain/need. Cause yea, I'd be pissed if I had a miss on a finisher like Vicious Throw and those 2 points of accuracy would have made it a hit. And don't take this as criticism, take it as discussion. I'm enjoying it, I hope you are too - and its caused me to review accuracy to be sure, and validated a few things I'm already doing too.
  24. Screws with Bolster. Example: Switching offhands causes you to lose stats. However if you switch the offhand, then the main hand, it sometimes comes back. I've done full gear swtiches inside warzones and gotten awful results (Less bonus damage mostly, and some HP issues), yet if I zone in with the gear I'd switch to on, it's fine. Same buffs, stims, etc. I've had an issue where ear and implant switches did not bolster correctly unless you enter in with them on, however that was two patches ago on my Jugg. There's also the issue with the skills not showing damage appropriately, but according to BW, they do damage on the back end appropriately. Mostly there is just not enough time at the start of the match for me to really screw around testing stuff, so I only know about the recent OH/MH stuff, but i've heard of other slots being problems. Likewise, it could literally be like the skill damage tooltips being wrong - it may be just showing low (in error) but is actually at appropriate levels.
  25. ...I think you're seriously onto something. Question is will they implement such a simple thing. Make it so subs can only start or enter an instance, and make it password locked. Boom. Simple thing makin RPers happy. And they don't even have to make a new zone, just create the access.
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