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Everything posted by DeVanagloris

  1. LOL this is so good Celise how you came up with it? I didnt think of the alliance as my very own Mandalorian clan, but it makes perfect sense. Still there is the question of how can i beat some of the most powerful force users in the galaxy, but i just give that merit to the fact that my BH is an extraordinarily well trained and skilled assassin with top gear and the ultimate tech weapons, force-resisting armor and an arsenal of deadly devices at his disposal. Now, any idea how can you headcanon a scumbaggy, crate-smuggling trickster and mischievous thief into leading the alliance? This is actually the hardest imho.
  2. So, i'm a bit of an altaholic and i've been considering starting a neutral/slightly DarkSide Mercenary. I played the vanilla story a long time ago and cant remember almost anything so it's a good time to replay it. The problem lies, as usual, beyond the vanilla story. To me, being a bH is similat in a way to being a Smuggler. You are a relentless, reckless greedy hotshot of the criminal underword, and you are willing to go any lengths for the credits. At least that's the way i'm planning to roleplay the BH, similar to the Smuggler and always following what my greed dictates. But, would a BH involve himself in Zakuul's problems? I dont think so. Would he lead an Allianced of Rep/Imp and be a prominent figure of the galactic stage? I dont think so, i believe he would prefer to be as discrete as possible and keep going on about his shady deals and credit hunting as silently as possible. So how do you guys headcanon this stuff, for those of you who took a BH through those stages of the game? One possibility i thought about was that the BH sees the Alliance as a means to his own goals, and secretly manipulates it to take profit, but seems too farfetched.
  3. For each honest referral 'buyer' there are 10 scammers. I've seen in with plenty of friends and guildies, therefore the only way to avoid being scammed is to ask payment upfront. You are the one interested in getting clicks, so you should take the risk. Also the f off part is totally uncalled for, because i have seen scams first hand, so my claim is solid, not all but most of referral buyers in chat are in fact scammers. You may be, or may be not, i dont know you so i cant tell, but i can tell about a dozen times i know it has been a scam, actually. Both people profit, that's true, but CC are much harder to come by than credits, so if you want to get CC you should be ready to take the risk, not the referral 'clicker'.
  4. Qyzen Fess. The reason is the weird way in which he builds sentences. I would say Qyzen is an aquired taste, at first you think he is rather bothersome with all that Scorekeeper points thing, but later you can even find it amusing. At least that was my case. Aric Jorgan is the runner-up. At first he came across as someone who has a broomstick up his rear, but later you discover he actually has a heart under the thick surface. You gotta use a shovel to bypass that surface though.
  5. F2p, preferred and sub, all can use referral links. If a sub clicks yours, you get more coins i think. It's 600 coins if a sub clicks it i believe. Regarding the paying for clicks. In Darth Malgus i've seen all types of advertisements, usually offering 4-6 mills for a sub that has never clicked a referral before, mind you. Most of the times if not all, these are scams. Once you click their link there is no way to ensure they will pay you the credits, and most likely they wont. I've even seen scammers offering credits plus some rare items, but they are not trustworthy at all. When i'm in the mood and i see these scammers offering credits for referral clicks, i usually whisper them to pay me first, and i'd click afterwards, but so far nobody agreed to pay upfront, therefore i see no reason to click their referral upfront.
  6. Nothing interesting for me today either. I hope tomorrow comes up something that draws my attention.
  7. No offense with the bland thing, LS Jaesa is just not my type of character, i couldnt find a better word to describe it. On a side note, am i the only one who thinks [Force Persuade] options in the game are too few?? Those moments are often quite good and i enjoy them a lot, but there are just too few of them, I get to experience that force power way less than i'd like.
  8. There's just no other choice for me. That moment, that very cutscene when you, as a Sith Warrior, turn her to the Dark Side, is totally memorable and flavorful, and absolutely makes you feel like a true sith! The anger, the frustration, all those dar side emotions, the "Strike me down! Destroy me!" moment...oohh gawd no wonder i'm a sucker for Sith class stories. I'm just BITTER that the Sith Inquisitor doesnt get to turn anyone DS, for instance, i dont know let me thiiiink... yes ASHARA. I mean, if you look at it, it should be the other way around. Warriors are impressive combatants but it's the Inquisitors the ones who are manipulative and deeply know the Dark Side of the force and all its mysteries. Inquisitors should be able to turn a Jedi DS, not Warriors actually. Or at the very least, BOTH classes should experience that moment. I absolutely hoped when Ashara returned, Inquisitors would be able to finally turn her and get to feel that moment too, but BW was like NOPE! Oh well... So, do you turn her DS too, or you go with the (imho quite bland) Light Side Jaesa? PS: Am i the only one who thinks the 2018 Cantina Livestream Flair is THE BEST ONE ever created? Original, so much flavor, beautiful, it's the only one i use, and i got it for free lol, who would have thought they could produce such a nice flair and give it away for free gachigasm.
  9. Today's sales are a bit bland, at least for me. I already have all the stuff that is offered in bundles, or even better armor sets than the ones discounted. Still, i'm happy yesterday i got the freelance Hunter set, i wanted that one for quite long. But here's hoping something else picks my curiosity in the next bunch of sales.
  10. Black Friday sales are indeed happening: http://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20181122-0 This month i'm quite tight on money, and already spent my monthly gaming budget on other games and Steam (besides SWTOR subscription). Still, i had 1100 coins sitting there, just enough to get me a Freelance Hunter set, which has just gone on discount!! Yay!! I hope you all get something. Judging by the fact that they constantly repeat "today only", and also that those are the sales for Thursday 22nd, i'd guess maybe tomorrow there will be a different set of sales, possibly? Maybe different sales every day until sunday?? One can hope. If it is so and other stuff i want goes on sale, i'll consider dropping a few euros on CC.
  11. Still, his attitude seems to shift with time, from the point of hating you and craving your flesh, to the opposite in which he calls you master, and faithfully follows you and does everything you command, even risk his life for you. At some point, he even says that if you help him cast Zash out his body, he will blindly follow you and serve you forever. In fact, I would say that Khem Val is one of very few companions that actually displays a very remarkable character evolution, as opposed to, say, Qyzen or Mako for instance, which behave always the same towards your character. Khem Val's loyalties, affections and cravings change as the story and the character evolve, which makes him a rather rich character complexity wise, or at least richer than others, if you ask me.
  12. If this is so, then i'm definitely siding with Khem on my current playthrough. Having played the Inquisitor story about 6 times or so, i sided with Khem in maybe 4 of them. Now, playing for 2 months after a year long break, i decided to replay my favorite class, and definitely Khem Val is not only loyal to me but also would sacrifice himself if need be. I'm keeping him this time around.
  13. SPOILERS: I've played the Inquisitor story several times over, different toons, different ACs, simply because it was the first story I played in this game and it holds a special place in my heart. It's the best story for me, closely followed by the Warrior story. However, every time i play the story, im legit doubtful about what to do. Sometimes i chose Zash, others Khem. In my current playthrough with a new Sorc, I earned Khem's loyalty, but if it werent for Zash i wouldnt have been able to survive the challenges i faced. And now that, if im correct, Khem Val is supposedly coming back in Ossus, the choice has become even more important. I'm slowly approaching the choice in the story. So, what did you guys do, and why?
  14. Both Inquisitor and Warrior are at the top, but i'd go with Inquisitor for 2 reasons: 1- Inquisitor was the first class i played when i joined the game. Somehow i will always remember that moment when i finished it and became Darth Nox. 2- the gameplay. I truly enjoy spamming force lightning in madness spec. Never gets old, it's great.
  15. Well to me she is the type of politician Coruscant needs, this is, a person willing to do what's necessary for the greater good, and that is indeed what she's done. The black/white way of looking at things is, let's say, too simplistic for me, because the palette of grays is too wide. But in this particular case, Kayl is a no brainer for me, the Dark Side choice is what i've always chosen and always will, because that is for me the actual light side choice. To each his own.
  16. This is arguable, at the very least. It's the typical case of the tree that prevents from seeing the forest. We're talking morals and ethics here, and also if the end justifies the means to get to it. In my opinion, not always, but sometimes the end is worth achieving at any cost. Kayl is competing with a very rich albeit corrupt and lazy man, and it is made clear even by other people that Kayl is doing great things for the people of Coruscant. Therefore i would say it's totally justified if not even necessary to prevent her rival from winning. But i wont delve into politics or anything here, my point is to say that certain choices are definitely arguable, and this is undeniable, because we all have different moral and ethical compasses. Some choices are perfectly clear, others are definitely not and by placing 'dark' or 'light' points they impose a certain view on matters that are definitely not that easy to assess. It's okay, it's just a game, i'm actually not complaining because i think those type of choices truly make the game more interesting, and i LOVE spending 10 mins at a dialogue choice because i genuinely dont know what i would do in that situation.
  17. Plenty of DS/LS choices dont make sense at all. Hence why i've decided as of late, to simply choose the answer i feel most comfortable with, or closest to what i feel and i would do. Example: when you arrive on Coruscant, one of the first side missions allows you to expose a female senator who made shady deals in order to win the election. However, she is doing pretty good things for the people, and her rival in the election was a corrupt scumbag. Light Side: expose her, making her lose the position and probably another corrupt worm takes her place. Dark Side: dont reveal the info on her, so she can continue doing her fabulous job for the people of Coruscant. I chose the Dark Side option ofc (as a 'mostly' light side Consular). To me, the choices in this particular quest should be the other way around. Same applies for many others.
  18. Well, honestly i dont know where the the rest of the population is. I was in the Red Eclipse, and it always was a healthy server population wise. My point anyway was that, at least in DM, the population is quite acceptable and not only that, starter planets are full of ppl which means there's still an influx of new players.
  19. Darth Malgus server here. I'm talking last friday/saturday night, this is, peak times. There were 2 instances on the Imperial Fleet, sometimes a third with few people. 1 instance on Republic fleet, with a few people on the second. Korriban had 2 full instances (100 ppl) and a third one with some more. DK had almost 2 full instances. Other planets such as Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine or Alderaan had 1 instance full plus a second instance with some more ppl. Not commenting on pvp instances. All this doesnt take into account personal starships, advanced planets, pvp/fps/ops, ppl questing on expansion planets, etc So, i cant comment on Satele Shan, but Darth Malgus seems healthy population-wise.
  20. Makes sense, from a lore perspective. Also the fact that those are Sith caste tatoos would explain why Jedi cant access them. The point still stands though. The Inquisitor should be able to get tatoos if he ever wanted to, being a high rank sith as he ends up. Also, all humans (arguably non-humans too) should be able to get tatoos if they ever wanted to. More options are always better, and for some of us, customization and looks/appearances of our characters mean a great deal regarding immersion, rp and story.
  21. But, a human Sith Warrior has access to tatoos. (gender doesnt matter) A human Sith Inquisitor or Jedi Consular doesnt (not sure about Knight). How is it a racial limitation then?
  22. I never thought of making a character with tatoos, even those ones who have them available. However, today i just though hey, why not toy around with the character creator, and so I did. I wanted to get some ideas, try different looks for different classes, and basically play for a while with the creator. Then i found out the Consular, for instance, doesnt have access to tatoos. DERP. To be clear, i mean something like this: http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Thanaton This lovely, adorable Lord of the Sith has a beautiful tatoo on his face. He is an Inquisitor, and yet the Inquisitor class CANNOT have this tatoo, does that make any sense? Same goes for the Consular (i wanted the displayed tatoo so badly on a Consular, a Jedi who progressively loses his faith on the Light and ends up Dark Side...) or the IA, to say some. Never understood why more customization is bad, because it is actually never bad. Could we make tatoos available to all classes, please? Pretty please? Make Yellow (orange, red etc) eyes available to Twileks while we're at it. Thanks.
  23. This is one of the things that bugs me the most. As said above, no you wont have another interaction with him, at least for now. You just had the 2-minute cutscene and that's about it, nothing else. No more love scenes, no more dialogue, not even more comments when you go into an impressive place, you wont notice he is there anymore. And this is the same for each and every companion that has come back so far. As i see it, companions meant a great deal for many of us, plenty of players stated how they grew attached to their companions. And still, they didnt get the attention they deserved when reappearing. And still, you must be thankful. While there are plenty of things i like about the game, this is probably one of the things i dislike most.
  24. Yes the story is exactly the same for both ACs, but the immersion and small bits of roleplaying i do along the way are not. There is definitely a huge difference between being a Scoundrel who dirty kicks people and attacks with just 1 blaster pistol (a la Han Solo, or Mal Reynolds) or being a Gunslinger who crouches behind a tech shield and shoots everything that moves. Same applies for Vanguard and Commando, specially because the huge blaster cannon is in many ways immersion breaking for me. Again, SiegePro provided a very good explanation on this previously in the thread, i totally agree with him on that. It's just a matter of your head canon, the cutscenes, story and small bits of roleplaying i do here and there. I cant play comfortably if, for instance, i see my Commando carrying a huge cannon around as if it were nothing, or if i see my Gunslinger hiding behind a tech cover. Hence why i picked those subclasses. I try to be as comfortable and satisfied as i can with my choices (varying from character design, to outfits, weapons, tunings and mounts, to ACs and specs) because a full story playthrough actually lasts quite a lot depending on your time avilable, and if i realize further down the road that i'm not happy with my character, i know i'll abandon it.
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