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Everything posted by WayOfTheWarriorx

  1. Yeah, I guess I just missed it. It does seem like something you would expect people playing these kinds of games to ask for. It's a great idea and I'm sure a majority of the player base would love that option and many would undoubtedly be willing to spend some money to get it from the Cartel Store. Star Trek Online has that feature as an option for player characters, and it was really cool the multitude of different alien types and looks that people could come up with. It was the kinda thing that often drew your attention when you saw a player who went that route on "Fleet". Some of them were really interesting and even beautiful at times. Would be a great feature to have in this game, even if just for companions.
  2. Yeah, we do see RPing in the Erotic Role Playing fashion from time to time for sure. And anything beyond simple flirting or joking around, that's probably more suitable for Strongholds, ships, etc. That sort of RP in 'public' does sort of invite attention. The problem is, however, even when RPers are legitimately just Role-playing stories or non erotic interactions, they still do catch some flak from time to time. It's become sorta like a meme to some people. But I do get what your saying. The different channels are there for a reason, best to honor their intent. But as there are no specific rules that state they can only be used for their respective purposes, the honor system is really the only option. Not everyone will respect that tho, which can lead to some people having issues with it from time to time.
  3. Loincloths and buttflaps. would certainly be very convenient things to grab for sure. =] I'd also like to see chest pieces with hoods have some sort of toggle this way you could switch back and forth between up or down as you like. We see Jedi in the movies and The Clone Wars series doing it all the time. They should really make that an option. Classic Star Wars.
  4. I think the idea behind it, and this doesn't apply to all situations of course but considering the amount of fighting that characters do, loose fitting clothing could be a detriment. The last thing you want to give an enemy is the ability to grab you, hold on, stop you from moving, or pull you back. I can recall one of my martial art instructors back in the day saying that the uniform's they wear in more organized teaching of martial arts (gis) is the last kind of apparel you would ever want to be wearing in a fight. Way too much to grab on to and pull. It's the same principle in the military with regard to hair length. It's why they have buzz cuts, so people can't grab them by their hair. Could make the difference between life and death. But, than again, this is a video game and I don't think we need to take those kinds of things too seriously when people are running around shooting Lightning from their finger tips and Jedi Mind Tricking people. Playing space barbie is a big part of the experience for many players and so the more styles and options available to players the better. No such thing as having too many options. Besides, there's tons of stuff already available that has tons of things to grab onto. My character, for example, a Sith Lord very much in the vein of Vader wears a very long ass black cloak (no hood) that would make for a great way to hold or pull him. But given that he has two lightsabers, some might think twice about keeping their arms and hands that close to him.
  5. Totally. It's time to bring Malgus to the just end that he deserves. Decapitation. Malgus has tried my last nerve at this point. Sith don't leave their enemies alive if they are of no use to them. Malgus is a proven traitor to the Sith Empire and treason deserves only one form of punishment. The total cessation of breath. Time to light his ass up.
  6. Whatever works for you. Not everybody handles things the same way. Your way is probably more prudent than mine. Guess I'm just a bit of a scrapper. 👊
  7. Awesome idea. That would be very cool. - It may have been suggested before, but honestly, I don't recall ever seeing the suggestion being made previously. The only issue I can see with it is that that would make it very unlikely that they could incorporate the companion in any story. But, even still, we use comps all the time not in story so for the most part it would be a non-issue anyways. Really great idea. I'd love to seem them do that.
  8. All excellent points. As you pointed out, because of the many instances and separations of the various multitude of chat in the game, the feasibility factor would be a tremendous hurtle. It really isn't much different than IRL. There's always gonna be some A-O's saying some not nice things. It's just one of those inescapable things in life. I always feel and practice the manner of dealing with A-O's talking smack by giving them back twice in return. Always strike back.
  9. I have to agree with you here. I'm not a big fan of policing speech. But, from a soley technical view point, and I know you didn't use the term "freedom of speech", but censorship is often lumped into that by some, but the truth is they are fully within their rights to dictate what they consider allowable speech and not allowable speech. There is a huge misconception that the Freedom of speech is some sort of universal thing that applies everywhere. It doesn't. The reality is that the only speech that is protected under the constitution applies only to the government infringing on the free speech of people. Free speech doesn't apply anywhere else or from any other body or persons. It's solely about protecting people's speech from governmental infringement. And even that isn't total. We all know you can't scream fire if there isn't one in a Court House. So for example, someone can tell a guest in their house the type of language they will allow and won't allow and they are fully in their rights to do so under the law. So a person couldn't say to their host, "You can't tell me what I can or cannot say in your house, I have freedom of speech." Well they could say that, but they would be wrong. So if that happened the host could say to them, "If you use that speech, I will not allow it, and if you do, I will ask you to leave." and under the law they would have every right to do so. If it went far enough and the police became involved, if the guest said to the Police "I have the right to free speech." The police would say, "No, you don't. Your host isn't the government, your freedom of speech here is not protected by the First Amendment." Don't get my wrong, I'm not suggesting that I think the game should allow hate speech based on race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, etc. But, like you said, profanity is allowed in the game. It's not allowed on the forums, but it is allowed in the game. I personally would be against profanity not being allowed in the game. Profanity has a multitude of uses, it's not only about insulting people. Like when you stub your toe you say" Ohh! F**k that hurt!". Or "That movie sucked s**t!" For better or for worse, profanity is a legally recognized part of language. Some people might not like it, but some people are fine with it. I'm a New Yorker. I can't get through two sentences without using a 4 letter word somewhere unless I am consciously trying to make the effort not to do so under certain circumstances. I wouldn't want to have to do that during my personal entertainment time. As far as death threats. Yeah, that's not cool or necessary, but, if someone wants to threaten to kill me over the internet, I'm really not gonna sweat that because they don't have a clue who I am or where I live, it is a totally empty threat that is of no concern. Probably be best to not allow it in the game for those individuals who might be more sensitive to such utterings.
  10. Personally, I'm not really sure what the big problem here is. It's just like real life. Some people like certain styles of clothing and other people don't. Some women wear revealing clothing IRL, some women don't. It's up to the individual to decide for themselves what they think is appropriate and what they think isn't. If a woman likes wearing revealing clothing, than that works for her. It's her life, her expression, and her right to dress that way. For women who are more demure in their tastes they wear the clothing that they feel more comfortable in that is less revealing. And that's fine. Sometimes the beauty of a woman is most acute when what they wear is understated. And for the women that do choose to wear revealing clothing.... Thank you.
  11. I'd give that honor to the Prequels and The Clone Wars series personally. Not a fan of Andor or Disney Star Wars. I do dig The Mandalorian though, but that's got Filoni working on it, so no surprise there. But, there's no accounting for taste and everyone's entitled to their opinion, so rock on yo. If Andor works for you, that's all that matters. I'm glad you enjoy it.
  12. I am Grim and I support this message. Garter Belts, Fishnet, and 12 inch stiletto heels would be an excellent place to start. 🐷 🐶
  13. I've never really understood why RPer's get so much flak. While I am a Table Top RPGer, I don't RP in MMO's, but, It's kinda ridiculous that people make fun of people RPing in an RPG. The logic of those trolls is totally FUBAR. But, I guess 18+ virginity is hard.
  14. Deal. 😉 LOVE the Walking Dead. I don't know if you'd be interested in this, but I just recently played " The Walking Dead" Season One video game, and if was very story driven. It has 5 episodes you can play, but it's not the characters from the TV show, it's new character's they made for the game. Doesn't take very long to play, maybe 6 hours total, but it was very interesting. There's very different outcomes to the story depending on the choices you make. I haven't played Season 2 or 3 yet, I may in the future. But, you might consider giving it a try if you're a fan of the series. It was a different kind of experience, but it was very cool. Only downside to it is there isn't a ton of fighting in it. There's some, but limited. It's very story driven. Despite being the combat hound I usually am, I still had fun with it. 🧟‍♂️
  15. Why do you respond to posts you clearly didn't read? I'm not a solo player, I'm a group content player. I literally haven't even done the story from the last two story updates. I haven't even done Showdown on Ruhnuk and I haven't done this last story update on Voss. I started Showdown on Ruhnuk story and after about 15 minutes of listening to Shae Vizla whine (and I normally like her a lot.), I stopped playing it and never went back to it yet. I play one character on one server doing group content. That's it. And to be honest with you, I haven't even been playing the game a lot lately. When I got my new Alien ware computer about 2 months ago, because it's got really good stats I was finally able to play some games I wanted to try, so I played Star Wars: Fallen Order and Star Wars: Survivor and those games were outstanding. As much as I hate Disney Star Wars, I have to give credit where credit is due, and those games felt more like real Star Wars than this game does. They were a lot more respectful of Lucas' Vision of Star Wars than this game is and I think it kinda spoiled SWTOR for me a bit, so when I try and play this game, it really is a bit of a downer compared to those games. What you're doing is what Elitest's do. You look down on players who don't do group content because you think that means something. You think solo players are plebs. But, even though I am a group content player, I don't look down on them. I'm not a virgin who thinks I gotta belittle 'baddies', and be disrespectful to them to try and make up for it. If you cared about the game like you pretend you do, than you would feel that there needs need to be just as important as the needs of group content players like me and you, because the health of the game is dependent on the player base being happy, not just you and me and the other group content players. So yeah, what matters to solo players is important too. You don't like the fact that another group content player is sticking up for solo players so you gotta try and pretend and make it sound like I'm a solo player, which I am not. And if you did Showdown on Ruhnuk and the new Voss story line content, than you are more of a solo player than I am. You have no sympathy for solo players because you're not a solo player. And I have no sympathy for people on SS because I don't play on SS. SS can burn for all I care. If SS has to suffer so SF players don't have to put up with the many negative ramifications that mergers cause that you want to pretend that they don't cause, and you're so selfish that you don't care that they'd have to deal with those many negatives, than to hell with SS, because I don't play with people on SS. See how that works?
  16. This is objectively false. Solo players wouldn't agree with that statement and you are not in a superior position to make any definitive statements about the standards of things in MMOs that everyone else should have to agree with. I'm speaking against my own self interest here because I am an end game group content player and I definitely care more about group content than I do about solo playing and story. BW doesn't get Star Wars, they often insult it with their stories IMO. This game has a much higher proportion of solo players than it does group content players. If that wasn't the case, you wouldn't be complaining about the quece times and group content availability on SS. Those things might not be more important to you (or me for that matter, because I'm with on the group content being more important to me on a personal level), but they aren't more important to everyone else necessarily. It's an MMORPG. MMO stands for Massively Multiplayer Online. It doesn't stand for Group content playing. Just that there are a lot of people playing the game online. Let's not add stuff that isn't there. That's a straw man argument. RPG stands for Role-Playing game. There is no Role playing going on in group content. And playing the story line IS inherently solo play. You can play this game without ever doing any group content. You cannot play this game without doing any solo content. Again, I will remind you, I am a group content player. That's all I personally care about. As far as I am concerned with regard to the story telling in this game, this isn't real Star Wars. But not everyone cares about Lucas's vision like I do and so the story is important to many other players. Most people who play this game are solo players. Again, if that wasn't the case, we'd be seeing a lot more group content going on, even on SF which doesn't have any problems with group content play. Thank you for being honest. My opinion of you just went up considerably. As far as the free character transfers possibly being a bad thing for SS, I'll be honest with you here, you make a very good point, that is a very valid concern and one with a realistic potential outcome. I really can't argue that logic.
  17. My response was really about the insinuation that there was any server where they were was literally no group content ever being done by anyone. That''s how your previous comment struck me. But from this response from you it no longer strikes me that you were literally saying there was any server where there was truly never any group content being done by anyone. Regarding the dead vs. live thingy and "completely dead" - I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. Death is very much an all or nothing kinda thing. If you're not "completely dead", than you are totally alive. There aren't different degrees of death or life. You're either alive or you're dead. Much like The Force, there really is no middle ground there. But, you were just making an analogy, I get that, so point taken. When it comes to the French/German speaking servers, I don't really think it's realistic to hold them to the same standards as the other servers because they are inherently limited by the population who speak those languages fluently. I think most people will play on a server that speaks their native tongue, or at least a language that they use on a daily basis (certainly there may be some exceptions there, but just generally speaking.). And let's face it, there are a lot more English speaking people and countries than there are with regard to German or French. So it kinda stands to reason that a German/French speaking server would have smaller populations than an English speaking server. Star Wars is an English speaking movie after all and was "born and raised" in the United States. Certainly Star Wars is a world wide phenomena that crosses all boundaries and has been subbed and subtitled in countless languages, but there are a lot of people who shy away from dubbed/subtitled movies. Additionally, there may be cultural differences that also might effect the way some people in certain parts of the world might perceive Star Wars. That isn't to say that there aren't enough people speaking those languages who are into Star Wars to fill a server. Certainly there are, and probably than some, but the lowering population in the game crosses all boundaries, languages, and servers. When you have 3 out of 5 servers being English speaking servers, you already have the make up of a greater emphasis on English speakers in the game to begin with. Plus, it's an English speaking game. (Unless they also had voice actors also who did all the lines in the game in French and German as well that I'm unaware of.) I have been hearing about Leviathan's woes for a long time and I really don't see anyone denying the state of Leviathan. There doesn't seem to be much debate on that. And while I have no way of confirming the state of the things there, I am more comfortable with what people say about it because there seems to be a great consensus on it. Regarding SS specifically - The issue with whether or not SS is dead remains a question. That really hasn't been quantifiably proven. Now, I'm not saying that I know the answer to that. I'm saying I don't know the answer to that. But, I have to be honest here, when I see just as many people who also play on SS saying that it isn't dead and it doesn't need a merger as I do people saying it does, than I become a little bit suspicious about the claims being made by those saying it's dead and needs a merger. If I can't confirm it either way, why should I be more inclined to believe those saying it isn't dead and doesn't need a merger than those saying it is and does? As I've mentioned before, it's because there is no logic or gain to be had by people saying it isn't dead and doesn't need a merger is in fact it is dead and does need one. They play there too, so if it was dead and needed a merger than them saying it doesn't would only perpetuate their own woes when playing on SS. They'd be speaking against there own self interests. I'm not saying I think SS is totally fine, it has plenty of people, it has good quece times and group content is as bountiful there as it is on SF. In fact, I don't think that.It's an unfair and unrealistic comparison to make. Compared to SF, all the other serves are less populated, have less activity, have longer quece times and less group content. But that's just a question of simple math. As someone who only plays on one server (SF), I am no position to make an definitive statements about the state of any other server. But, and you'll forgive me for sounding like a broken record, just because I can't confirm to true state of things on the other servers, that doesn't automatically mean that someone who does play on those servers, whatever they say about them is automatically correct or true. At the end of the day it comes down to this. Bioware has clearly never had any problems merging servers when they felt it was necessary and it cost the game more than a few players each time they did so. Mergers don't tend to be very popular. They're generally not looked forward to or serve as good advertisement for the game or it's health. BW/BS has the true numbers, they are the people who are in the best position to know if a server needs a merger or not. If SS is actually dead, than they'll do it. The fact that they haven't done it, said they may need to, or even acknowledged that there is a problem with SS's numbers, is to me, the most accurate accounting of the state of things on SS. This is just my take on things based on what I have to work with. Doesn't mean I'm right, it's just my opinion.
  18. Which server is so quiet that a person wanting to do multiplayer content is unable to exactly? Which server is there no multiplayer content being done on?
  19. So your of the opinion that how many characters someone plays and how many servers is somehow relevant to whether or not a server needs to be merged? Now, you definitely are in a better position that I am to speak on the state of things on SS. I've stated numerous times that I don't have a clue how things are on SS. But that doesn't automatically make everything you say about it necessarily accurate or true. And again, I don't know how many times this needs to be said and how many times it's been ignored without any response, there are people who also play on SS and have been here a very long time and play on multiple servers and play more than 1 character and don't agree with your assessment. My opinion is not the only one that counts. We're not talking about every server. We're talking about one server. SS. The populations have dropped on all the servers, everyone knows the game population has continually dropped over the years. I agree with that totally. But smaller, or longer, doesn't necessarily mean 'dead'. You're making an assumption that the only reason why group content seems to harder to get people for is automatically due to population decreases. Now, I'm sure to a certain extent that has some influence on it, but it might not be the only factor involved in that. We all know how toxic people can be in PVP and how elites some people can be in raiding. A lot of raiders don't want to take people under their wings and teach them, so there is also a dwindling in the numbers due to that. Plus, people hear all the stories about toxicity and elitism not only here on the forums but also directly in chat, especially fleet. That could definitely play a part in why group content populations seem smaller. Because newer people can be intimidated and think they're not good enough and are to afraid of how they might be treated, so they don't even bother to try. I personally think that is definitely part of the problem with dwindling group content populations. And the +5 premades in PVP, that's also driven a lot of people to be far less interested in PVPing. Population certainly plays a part, but it's not the only part or cause. If you want to PVP you better damn well have a thick skin, because you're gonna need it, no matter how good or bad you are. And Elitism in higher end raiding is also a thing to some degree. People see "Know fights". "Have X achievements". "Have gear." Now all of these things are understandable and it's not unreasonable for people to want those things, but, it does make people who don't have all those things very reluctant to try. If they can't get people to accept them, give them a chance, help them a bit to learn, than when we lose raiders from the game, we can't replace them in proper accord to off set those loses. The toxicity is real. Most people acknowledge it's presence in the game and the effects it can have on people. Population certainly plays a part, but not the only part.
  20. Like it or not, individual concerns are what people make their decisions based on. People pay money to play this game. They're not paying so they can have fun, they're not paying so other people can have fun. You also have to bare in mind, there are some people who have expressed repeatedly (and I am one of them), that they are of the notion that having only one server for the whole of the North American continent, which is several countries, The United States being the most populated among them, would be extremely bad for the health of the game. I'm not saying that you don't believe what you are saying to be true, I'm sure you do, but some of us aren't so sure. You're arguments, I'm sure, make a great deal of sense to you, but so do the arguments of others to them. I very much think that one server for NA would be disastrously bad for the health of the game. I think it would be the catalyst that starts the end of the game. You're queue times being longer than you may like them to be, shouldn't supersede the overall health of the game. See how that works? We all have our own points of view. You may not agree with ours, but we're saying what we're saying for the same reason you're (presumably) saying what you're saying. It's what we think is best for the game at this juncture. You did say something that I do agree with however. If the population gets to small they will have no choice but to merge servers. The fact that they haven't done so, said they're going to, or even hinted at the possibility, should say something. They're gonna do whatever it takes to perpetrate the game's longevity to continue to make them money. If they thought it was best for the health of the game, they would merge the servers, and wouldn't give a rat's ass what any of us think or want. They don't care about us. They care about making money. They have the figures, they have the information, they have the business analysts. They're in a better position than we are to know what is needed and what isn't with regard to this topic. The fact that they are considering adding a new APAC server, which they tested not too long ago, inclines me to believe the populations of the game aren't at a state wherein server mergers are needed. If those of us who are disagreeing with your position are wrong than there will be a server merger whether we like it or not. You said server mergers are inevitable. If that's what you think, than you have nothing to worry about.
  21. Well, ya know, that's a fair point. It really isn't the game itself that is charging certain players more or less, it's just about the monetary exchange values around the world. It just doesn't sit right with me. I guess it's just more about not necessarily who is to blame, but more what is to blame.
  22. First off, let me just say, I really enjoyed your post a lot. Good stuff. That said - To a large degree, I agree with you on that. Technically speaking she is, she Sith trained, she uses the Dark Side, and she is often moved by her emotions. But, in many ways, she really doesn't fit the mold really, so to speak. She's far too nice, caring, and she is very rarely selfish. She often puts others before herself, even at the risk to her own life. I certainly wouldn't confuse her with a Jedi though. We do see her kill out of anger at times, and she certainly doesn't have any misgivings about the PC (assuming they're a Dark Sider) doing some harsh stuff. She's more or less fine with the PC killing pretty much anyone (there are some exceptions based on her personal interactions.) The only stand out example I can think of is with Theron with a certain choice that's given with regard to him, I'm sure you probably know what I'm referring to. I do like her a lot though, and every once in a blue moon, she does do something that seems like what a Sith would do. One of things about her being Sith that was very poorly handled with the story line right after the Eteranal whateverthehell story was she asked the PC if they want to align with the Republic or the Sith Empire. That kinda bothered me. There's no way a Sith Lord would be okay with joining up with the Republic against the Sith Empire IMO. But, that kinda speaks to your point really. Well, to a certain extent, I'd agree with this, but, it's pretty clear that she has great passion for the PC if there is any interest in that way shown. She's clearly taken by the PC pretty much from the get go and it always seems like she's coming up with reasons that she needs to see the PC alone. She more or less worships the ground the PC walks on and she is loyal as a dog. This is one of the reasons why I like Lana so much. She makes it very hard for me not to like her. My character is a stereotypical Sith Lord (Carnage Marauder), as Dark Side as Dark Side gets, and my character would have no concerns 'turning his back towards her', which is something a Sith Lord really should never feel comfortable with doing with another Sith Lord. He doesn't see any chance of betrayal from her. Which again, not something a Sith Lord should feel about another Sith Lord. Which again, speaks to your point. My POV on this is (and it's just my opinion, nothing more), the thing about that is that 'the greater good' is really dictated by the PC. Whatever the PC thinks is important or places emphasis on, she pretty much adopts that POV. Perhaps that 'greater good' might be seen as what's good for the PC. She'll work towards whatever end the PC works towards. - To a Dark Side PC, those 'unethical recommendations' really don't seem unethical to them. I can certainly see how someone could see it this way, sure. But quite honestly, a certain very infamous German Dictator often tried to spin his reasoning for doing some of the very evil things he did based on that logic. It's a question of 'beneficial' to whom. To him, some of these things, he said he was doing for the sake of 'the German people'. What was best for them, what was most beneficial to Germany. And, some of those things were beneficial to Germany. But, even still, they were still some terribly unethical (and at times downright evil) things. But, I do agree with you in the respect that, she's really not doing it because she necessarily enjoys it, or out of sadism or is totally indifferent. Most of the time, she does things because that's what's best for the cause and the person she is serving. She's not power hungry at all. I'd say some of the things she does, she does out of her infatuation with the PC and what matters to them. By and large, her general demeanor certainly does not come across as an evil person at all. She generally comes across as a fairly nice, considerate and caring person (at least to those she cares about). But, when she get's angry, a lot of that goes right out the window. I love it when she get's angry. =p I share your view on this entirely. She's far too nice, she's not power hungry, and she's lacks the two most noteworthy characteristics of Sith. She's not selfish and she's not greedy. There is one exception to that however and that's when it comes to the PC (at least if there are romantic ties, I'm not sure if it's different if the PC and her are not involved that way). Than she becomes exceedingly selfish. Everything and everyone else be damned, she will do whatever she has to do to keep the PC safe and with her. I think she'd extinguish all life in the galaxy if that was the only way she could keep the PC safe and alive. She'd let the factions burn if that's what it took. She is ruled by her passion for the PC. I love that about her. Her utter and total loyalty to the PC is very un-Sith like. Sith don't put anyone ahead of themselves. Sith may espouse a certain amount of loyalty, whether to their master or the Sith Empire, but they all know that is fleeting. The Master knows that that loyalty is temporary and is based on the fact that they need their master to teach them all the things they want to learn so they can become a Sith Lord themselves. And it's understood that sooner or later, the Apprentice will come for the Master. Their loyalty to the Sith Empire, even that is selfish, they perpetuate that because that is the seat of power to which they aspire to. As much as I like Lana, and I hate to say it, but, all and all, she really is a terrible Sith. But, at the same time, she's definitely done some things that a good and moral person would never do.
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