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  1. Arcann date was the best. but waaaay to short. theron date, lame.
  2. simple: Zakull. Not for KOTFE, for quests, and maybe neat world bosses.
  3. it doesn't make sense to take the servers down with only a 15 minute warning like the poster said, do it tomorrow. the gtn issue is likely not a crisis that can't be remedied tomorrow.
  4. time will tell. perhaps they shouldn't even get people stoked unless the release is imminent. just sayin
  5. Where do I pick up this quest? its not in my alliance alerts.
  6. Does it really matter if you see who sells what? does it really matter who sells something for less? NO. Good thing in RL we have a COMPETETIVE economy isn't it? Or we'd all be stuck. why get floored over high prices? you don't like it, don't buy it. simple. if you black listed someone,, then ignore them. they have as much right to sell as anyone else. who cares? its trivial. people take this game way to seriously. its meant to have fun, not to be miserable over trivial issues. the op is not going to like my post, but oh well, it is what it is.
  7. i'll bet any credit that malgus will be around for a loooooong time to come. 😒
  8. notice they didn't answer? its still not available. 😐
  9. vector mentioned he had been on nar shad before i forgot the entire dialogue, but i suppose its on google somewhere. i think riv was a jedi or is a light side sith.. broadsword could really make something good story wise out of that...
  10. Did you all notice that when he heals you in the Ruins of Nul that his skills are not dark side ? 😛 He uses Jedi Sage heals... and he also asks you what you think of Tau (Old Wounds) Very interesting..... Did any Agents also happen to pay attention to what Vector said about him?
  11. yup, and they re-added it. so far, not back yet.
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