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Everything posted by JennyFlynn

  1. I don't understand why they did this. I was glad to see Life Day end, no more annoying snow flakes.. turns out people can still use it on you but hey at least you can get rid of it by clicking the buff off. Now you can't even do that and though it's not a game breaker for me, it's kinda lame. If they're gonna do this then at least make it so people can't use snowballs on each other at all unless the event is active.
  2. I enjoy most accents in the game. Some are, in my personal opinion, overly proper and it makes me wanna slap that NPC. I hated interacting with Elara Dorne. Darth Marr gives me good chills but I knew he wasn't British. Then I googled to see who was behind Darth Marr.. Just never would have picked that that guy and Marr were one and the same.. speaks volumes though about his acting and voice acting skills.
  3. Why not just implement a small change that causes that gear to become BoL once the character hits level 61, or 65 even?
  4. Thank you all.. that's both good and quite dangerous to know!
  5. There's some horrid glitches. I notice it especially with the Fettered Trench Coat. When leaning forward and riding your mouth, your *** sticks out through the jacket so if your pants don't match the color of the coat.. well.. baboon butt. The long tail of the coat is always clinging to one leg and 'scrunching' up especially in cinematics. It's a bit of a shame.
  6. Currently I have 17 out of 17 characters active in my legacy.. I'm a little addicted to the old class stories especially and doing different things like LS/DS etc. I'm subbed. Now if I buy an extra character slot on the CM, will I get 18 slots? Or are those for FTP people?
  7. THAT is actually somewhat comforting to know, thanks!! I do feel in a way that the SW and JK have a far 'closer' connection to the KotFE story . I mean, everyone who wanted to has gone through SoR so obviously they have history too but the JK and SW were 'tied' to the Emperor in their original class story by either becoming his Wrath or by facing off against his Voice twice, though at the time from the JK's perspective you believe it to actually be him.
  8. What's the deal with all these dramatic "I quit" threads? If you like the game, go nuts and have fun. If you don't like the game, quit and move on. If you have feedback to provide, bring it to BW in a more direct manner. They may shrug it off still but it's a far better approach than being person 1045 on the forums to throw a tantrum. You're not original no matter what 'creative' title you add to the thread, you're not the first nor the last and your 15 bucks per month aren't any shinier than someone else's.
  9. Haha it's intended! I had the same on my Trooper and yelled at my screen "I have *****!! I'm not a sir!!!" and my guy just started laughing and explained it's a military thing.
  10. True yes. I also said "like you would in Act I, II, III". From what I've experienced leveling together with my man several times over, majority of the instanced story/class areas had to be done separately, even when going from level 1 to 50. If we'd go in together, one of us wouldn't actually progress on the quest. Rishi is the same way but also has many quests that need to be done out in the open, on top of being able to FP together so all in all it's not that bad of an experience for questing together.
  11. I think you can enter same instance but when my fiance and I tried to do it together, his progress would be halted if he was in my instance and vice versa, essentially putting us in a position of having to do it twice. Perhaps that was a bug, I'm not sure but we decided to play it safe and just do them separately.
  12. My SW just finished Makeb, she's yet to head into SoR and KotFE but I'm just waiting for her to face Valkorion and him going all "Heyyy.. you look familiar.. aren't you my-what was it again? Ah, Wrath. Haha yeah I know, fluff title making you feel all powerful and superior dishing out justice on my behalf as I enjoy a far superior life here on Zakuul and devour a planet here and there. You're adorable thinking you had any purpose. Fine alright quit crying, you can team up with me here now if you want okay?". I mean, you become the Emperor's Wrath and next thing you know there's Malgus proclaiming himself to be the new Emperor, followed by Darth Marr who basically states the Empire ought to move forward without the Emperor because the man's worthless so where does that leave you? Like I said, I'm yet to start SoR so my SW is really stuck in that point of like "Well just stop calling me Wrath because with the way things are now it's a useless title and position".
  13. As far as Lana goes.. anyone with a pulse can fully romance her without issue, unless you do a lot of things she disapproves of but that makes sense right? As far as neutrality goes.. I'm not 100% certain but I think the Smuggler's pretty neutral. If I recall right from running my own Smuggler through the chapters..
  14. You can do SoR together the way you would have for Act I, II, III. Even the FPs that are marked [sOLO FLASHPOINT] can in fact be done with at least 2 people plus 2 bots plus 2 companions. Solo play doesn't really kick in until the KotFE chapters.
  15. Yes if you activate the freebie boost you'll get the typical classic SW scrolling text giving you a quick "what's going on right now" rundown before you're placed at the start of KotFE. I *think* you can cancel out of the chapters at any given moment before hitting level 61 if you've changed your mind about the class/role you're playing and the lvl 60 token will be refunded. Once you're 61, you can't go back. As someone who's both leveled and boosted her way to 60.. leveling is the way to go if you want to get the most out of it. The SoR chains and Ziost add so much to the KotFE chapters, help you understand things so much better and having certain relationships with your old companions gives a nice extra touch to your KotFE experience too even though they're in 'limbo' by then. For instance..
  16. God I shouldn't have read that while drinking my tea. Thank you!!! Koth gets too much crap from everyone lol. He IS a good guy. Yes when it comes to Valkorion he's extremely misguided and naive but you've also gotta remember who this guy is. He was a loyal soldier, he grew up in a mostly peaceful and prosperous Zakuul led by Valkorion. When he witnessed the evil, Arcann's orders for slaughtering civilians, he walked away. He witnessed that, he lived that. He didn't witness Ziost, he didn't live through it. He didn't grow up in the worlds we grew up in, he hasn't seen the things we've seen. He has had faith in this Emperor, his prosperity bringing good Emperor, all his life. What kind of a man would he be if he suddenly changed his beliefs around just because a group of outlanders wander in sprouting off about how evil his beloved Emperor is? He may have been told a dozen times over but he hasn't seen it or lived it so it's different for him and harder to just suddenly see Valkorion as an enemy. I do think there's a certain chemistry between Lana and Koth, it could be possible for them to hook up, we'll see!
  17. Did you mean at the end of Chapter 9 or are these some kind of early access spoilers? Your post has me slightly puzzled about your alliance not trusting you and the empire not being worth avenging. Unless that's your personal experienced based on decisions that Koth/Lana etc. disapproved of?
  18. Skavak is my man. By no means does he weigh up to the evilness and such of Baras and Arcann but he's the one villain I would have loved to spend more time fighting with and to not kill. Revan's a favorite too. Darth Thanaton.. oh he made me mad running off like a coward. Darth Jadus was quite interesting, Zash and Baras annoyed me to no end. Tarro Blood was a huge let down. The Emperor on my JK was a bit disappointing.. until I found out he wasn't dead dead. Game on!!
  19. I rejoined as the release of TFA came about. Fiance and I had settled in for a SW marathon over Christmas before watching the new movie and just, seeing everything reminded me of the game and playing these characters myself. I didn't even know much about the new expansion, just felt like diving back into the world. The expansion is nice though I do feel it's content is burnt through quite fast and it's very repetitive in terms of it being the same exact story/chapter for each class. The wait time between KotFE chapters is too long compared to the content they provide, material that's played through in an hour. Chapter 1-9 are done in 2-3 hours depending on how much I feel like spacebarring and if I decide to bother with little bonus objectives or not. The thing that most of all is keeping me around right now is actually leveling all 8 classes through the first 3 base chapters and I think that the feel of those chapters is something BW should try to bring back if they wanna keep these numbers up.
  20. I can never get his name right, it's a brain defect of some kind so I ended up trying to short cut it, but admittedly that felt odd too. And thanks for the clarification regarding the 'bug'! My Smuggler's not weeping over not hearing from Corso, she's grateful actually but I was just wondering/concerned it had to do with the relationship status so good to know!
  21. Most of my characters have not once accepted his help, nor kneeled to him. My free boost token toon did accept like, 80% of his offers because I figured well wth let's see how that goes down but my other ones? Nope. Not even to save Lana. Why? Because if I 'read' Lana's character and personality right, she'd not want me to use the Emperor's power to save her. She'd rather die than let me succumb to that man's control, temporarily or otherwise and I value her opinion, her friendship, I'd not want to let her down so I dunno, it never felt right to accept his power, not even to save Lana. Now my bigger concern with all this is, what if we're supposed to accept his help? What if there's a truth to this whole notion he has of having surpassed light/dark, good/evil? He's got to be there for a reason, a purpose, something that goes beyond wanting to dethrone his children. You're a part of him that he doesn't want to let go of, he tells you that much and sure, he may be toying with you. He may realize you're too strong to simply possess so he has to talk you into allowing his control instead but what if it's not that simple? What if he truly sees you as his most worthy adversary, to pass his knowledge onto, the good and the bad and he truly intends to strengthen you without destroying you? What if in a future situation, you truly need his power and even your close alliance encourages you to finally accept because there's simply no other choice and then Valkorion's all like "Oh NOW you want my help? Nawh, tea time for me, see you back in the dreamworld fool!". I dunno I can see this going in so many different ways that I'm just aching for new chapters.
  22. It makes sense to me. The people on Zakuul use the Force differently than we were taught. They embrace all aspects of it, harness it's power through all means. Kinda like Sith/Jedi/Voss Mystics combined. They're an ancient civilization who've cultivated the Force in a way we've never seen or done before with entirely different teachings. Valkorion/Vitiate has a connection to that power, an insight that we don't have so yes in a way, we do need him. Perhaps not his direct power but his guidance/teachings of some sort to better understand who and what we're up against. I think that, we as the Outlander, are on the right path though. We're forming an Alliance, a proper one. One that reaches beyond the bounds of Sith vs. Jedi, Empire vs. Republic and I think as the story progresses, we learn how to overcome this new threat whether we're force users or just dashingly beautiful Smugglers. Yeah we've done amazing things in the past but all of that took some teaching too. We had to work to overcome those threats, prepare for them. The Jedi Knight faces off against the Emperor (or what turns out to be the Voice of the Emperor) in Chapter 3 and wins.. amazing feat but don't forget that that was their second attempt. The first time they failed and fell to his influence for a while.. further training and teachings, further preparation is what helped us be victorious in the end. The Outlander will do the same. For now, we may be outmatched by this new enemy, for now we may not be as strong and powerful as they are but we're working towards it like we have with any previous threat and we'll get there.
  23. Not a bad idea but what if you've got armors sitting in your bank that you've dyed separate pieces of for a specific look and they get sucked into collections losing the applied dye? Although what would be nice is if any armor that's Legacy bound, goes into a new collections/legacy section so you can retrieve any unlocked piece from there rather than having to keep it in your legacy/personal storage. As it stands, I have 3 and half legacy storage tabs filled with the armor you get from the lvl 65 alien/artifact/smuggler etc. chests.. I'd LOVE to clean that space up.
  24. I can't recruit my other Legacy members into my alliance, Theron would have a heart attack. I think 90% of my lvl 65 toons are dating him, mothers and daughters.. oh that's bad. No. The only way I could see you getting use out of that is if recruiting your Legacy members would contribute like, Alliance points which in turn unlocks special abilities and empowers your Alliance but that would essentially then just be the Legacy system 2.0 so. Or perhaps through an "Affiliates" section that lets you do special quests that anyone who's in your affiliation can access and complete for some kind of reward/temp buff or whichever.
  25. Can you please add a sort button to the legacy bank too? Unless it's already there and I'm just blind as a bat.
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