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Everything posted by MrGoldsilver

  1. I know Bioware doesn't want to make Que pops go slower, but I'm certain that any sane person would rather wait 5 extra minutes instead of getting a game with no healers on their team, while the enemy team has 2-3 healers (Which is almost guaranteed an auto-loss against an enemy team that has healers that are at least somewhat competent) Or at the very least make so Imp V Imp (Or Pub V Pub) games has distributed healers. The amount of wargames that I get into which has one team with no heals, and the other team with 2-3 happens often enough to be depressing. Ok my rant is done, go back to reading about nerfing operatives.
  2. Actually that wasn't all That was my reasoning back in 2.0 when I played engineering sniper... guess what Bioware did... Buffed the spec a little bit, and then mega-nerfed the playstyle in 3.0
  3. I have started playing my powertech (In pyro spec, like an idiot) and here's what I have to say: Play AP if you want to win easily, Play Pyro if you want to mock your team if you get the highest damage. That is all.
  4. I know that having major matchmaking could slow down ques But having basic MM that spits up Pug healers in wargames (Which is 50%+ of games that I play now on The Harbinger) should be the very minimum that should exist. The fact that even that doesn't exist means that bioware probably doesn't want to code any of it, and used the "We want fast Que pops" as their excuse
  5. I want to see a game with 8 lethality operatives rolling around, that would be funny to watch
  6. All depends on preference Sniper is a ranged class that shoots people to death Operative is a melee class that sneaks up on people in stealth and stabs things, all the while laughing.
  7. Right now there is two different "universes" Universe 1 is the "official Canon" or what I like to call the Disneyverse. It contains the 6 origional Star Wars movies, the new movie, SW:TCW, Rebels, and any book published after April 2014. Universe 2 is the "Legends" universe, which is everything that was part of the official canon until April 2014. This game is currently the only thing in the "Legends" universe that is being continued, which really sucks. (There is a large facebook group called "Alliance to Preserve the Expanded Universe" who's primary goal is to keep interest in the EU in the hope that Disney will allow this universe to be continued) Extra note, from my perspective Universe #2 (Legends) IS Star Wars. The Disneyverse is just an alternate series that just happens to share the stories of the first 6 movies and the name "Star Wars" on the cover. Besides that, they are as different to me as Harry Potter and LotR
  8. shhhh don't tell them about my awesome offheals I still haven't trolled enough madness sorcs yet.
  9. Actually concealment's roll does grant a 100% chance to dodge attacks, same as the warrior "rolls" Lethality and Healing ops get a 30% chance to dodge white damage. As to the OP, I believe that when rolling though fire, you still take damage, like normal. When people roll though the fire and don't take damage, it's because they rolled in-between the damage ticks.
  10. As someone who plays lethality a lot (I know, I'm an idiot) a couple of improvements that I would add is: A) Make Corrosive Dart spread on Frag Grenade instead. B) Quicking should make Kolto Infusion off the GCD in addition to it's other effects. C) I'd like to see some purge-prevention. Maybe re-add the ability that Lethality Snipers (Forgot their new name) get that puts a weakened DoT that still makes Corrosive Assualt deal max damage D) I did the math somewhere else, but if you want to increase the damage done by the spec, and give it some extra burst, make the Fatality Proc (Occures every other shiv) additionally make Corrosive Assualt Autocrit. E) Make Lethal Strike only deal internal damage so that it does one solid tick of damage and crits from it hurt more. If the auto-crit fatality is added in, the 6 piece set bonus should cause Lethal Strike to autocrit instead, My biggest fear is that the devs will "improve" lethality like they did to Engineering Sniper in 3.0 (Which was my main in the 2.0 era) and make the spec even less fun in warzones. As of right now, Lethality can do 2 things very well: 1) troll offnodes. With superior offheals than concealment, you can usually survive longer, except against burst classes. 2) troll FOTM rerollers playing madness sorcs. When I get all my defensives active, their DoT effects have about a 70% damage reduction, and my offheals can easily heal though that. Plus a purge on about a 30 second cooldown or so, you can make sorcs "pay for trying to kill you" (Lets see if anyone gets that reference)
  11. Make sure to use a Green-Black crystal in your mainhand (You get it from the rackghoul event) Real Lethality operatives only use that color. It's the unspoken rule
  12. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, if you look at the Amazon reviews of the Expanded Universe books, a vast majority earned 4 stars or above If you really need specifics, based on some research I did the other day, 118 out of the 153 Star Wars EU novels/short stories are rated 4 stars or higher on Amazon.com, which is about 77%. Because I'm bored right now... Just wondering, because I get curious when people have the opinion of "EU was mostly rubbish" (Which again, is fine if you have a good reason for it) what books did you read that formed your opinion? To the OP: While this game isn't apart of the new Disneyverse (Which I think is a good thing, personally. I thought the new movie was Meh+Explosions at best), it is still apart of the "Legends" Universe, which is something like 90%+ of all Star Wars content ever made. So within that universe, you can still consider everything in the game "canon"
  13. Very true. For me, at least, the biggest problem with the Expanded Universe not being canon anymore is that they are not producing anymore Legends content (Besides this game). I want to read more books in this Universe, maybe a Zahn book with the Empire of the Hand, to see what they where up to during the Vong war. If they announced tomorrow "Zahn (Or Stackpole, or any other good author) is now writing a new Legends novel" I would be happy
  14. While that is true, I do at least give them a chance to name contradictions and other errors, because it is always possible they truly are thinking of one that I don't know about.
  15. That annoying EU guy is back! (me) Perhaps I'm blinded by my love for the Expanded Universe, but what part of the post-rotj was an "unholy mess of things and continuity snarls" anyway? I can't recall any off the top of my head that haven't been explained.
  16. That is true. That's how he Star Wars Canon worked before Disney. Think of it this way: George Lucas let the authors of the Expanded Universe play with their toys in his driveway. If/when George decided to back his truck out, if any of the toys the authors had got smashed, oh well. But the "Toys" where not part of some alternate dimension, they where in the same universe. For your definition (Which is different of how I think of "canon") Think of it as "Everything was Canon (Except the infinities), but if two things contradicted eachother (Which having a contradiction in Canon doesn't make sense either) there was a system in place to decide which one was kept. Again I bring up the fact that Canon can change. Lucas himself did it plenty when he redid some of the Original Trilogy. That doesn't change the fact that Star Wars: The Clone Wars was considered "T-Canon"
  17. You yourself called the T.V. shows "canon", yet they are part of a different Hierarchy. "If they can be overwritten, how can they be called 'canon'" Would you have considered the classic "Han shooting first" to be canon before Lucas changed it?
  18. Warzone Solo kills (6) Operative Link
  19. Replying again to respond to how completely and utterly inaccurate this statement is. There was something called the "Hierarchy of Canon" that existed before Disney, it went something like Stuff That was Canon 1) G-canon (George Lucas Canon) The 6 movies. 2) T-Canon (T.V. canon, or I call it F-Canon for Faloni, or however you spell his name) SW:TCW 3) C-Canon (Continuity Canon) Most things that are Star Wars: Expanded Universe fall into this category, except for video games, and some of the older books. 4) S-Canon (Secondary Canon) Video games are here (So the events in the game "Happened" but not exactly how you played it) and some of the older novels that where overridden. Stuff That Was Non-Canon 1) Lego Star Wars 2) the Star Wars: Infinity Comics (Because they where "What If" comics like "What if Luke died on the Death Star run" sort of thing. Since this IS the internet, I suppose I should bring some sort of proof to this claim. Here you go Any questions?
  20. You know that without the EU, the only movies that would exist right now are 4, 5, and 6, right? Also, why are you playing this "garbage" game if it's a part of the EU? Last, what books did you read to make you feel this way?
  21. Of course, what class isn't "pretty good" if the person playing it knows how to play?
  22. I agree, small and frequent would be for the best. What I would like to see is some sort of balance change every week, but to only one advanced class. So week one is Powertechs, week 2 is mercs.... So every class gets a balance change every 8 weeks. Also this way, if it's the Powertech week, for instance, if they don't do anything to a spec, like Pyrotech, we know that the devs think it is perfectly balanced.
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