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Everything posted by MrGoldsilver

  1. Dang, I just posted one like this without checking to see if one already existed. Now we have 2 of them
  2. (Hottie's record, not mine) I love my Lethality Operative, really do, but is so sad that there is a HUGE difference now between the classes. I just CANT play with my merc or sorc anymore. Im dying too fast with them (or should I call normal?). Lethality Operative is a TANK in this game. The Devs really love the class, and now there is no reason to pick up any other other dps class. AND THATS SO SAD. I really want to play with my merc or my sorc again. Just cant for some reasons: Lethality can use Kolto Probes, Instantcast Kolto Infusion, plus a heal on Stim boost. They can roll around, purge DoT's every 20 seconds, and 1v1 a madness sorc without getting below 90% health. They can also attack at 30 meters, which NO melee class should ever be able to do. Lethality Operatives can easily hold 2 out 3 dps for a long time. But the other dps can barely find their *** with both hands. Maybe the Sniper, but we all know that they need a serious nerf, and still behind the Lethality Operative. Before you say something, I know pretty well merc rotation (its my main pve class). But for pvp, its unplayable. t was cool for few months, but now Lethality Operative is a ridiculous overpower class and need to be nerfed ASAP so we can play with other classes without been 2 steps behind. I still have an hour and 20 minutes from when I posted this
  3. I agree, we should nerf Operatives
  4. Which level? Because right now, operatives are still better than mercs, for the most part. Merc heals (Without a tank) is incredibly easy to shut down, even compared to operative heals. Personally I think that: -Merc heals should get a buff so that Supercharge is up more often. However that works can be discussed. -Sorc heals need less escape plans (Nerf phasewalk or something) and should have a nerf to resource management. (IE, make it exist, because it doesn't right now) -Operative heals doesn't need a buff so much as the heals need to be redistributed. As others said, nerf Kolto Wave's total ticks and nerf Kolto Injection, and move the healing to Kolto Probe and Recuperative Nanotech, and Surgical Probe. Move the Autocrit to a different heal, and move some of the upfront healing in Kolto Infusion to the HoT part. -Also matchmaking, limit the number of healers to 3 (Without any tanks) or 2 (With tanks) And if one team starts with a healer, ensure that the other team has one. (But dps/tanks V dps/tanks battles still exist if no heals in Q)
  5. So I've been playing IO merc a lot in pvp, in order to get a feel for the spec, and I've noticed a couple of major problems: 1) There's a different ability to spread each dot. Why? 2) I overheat all the time. If I go through my main rotation, I overheat. 3) IO should have more mobility than what currently exists So, to solve these problems, I propose: 1) Explosive Dart and Fusion Missile should each spread both dots. This will make dotspreading much easier. 2) Surging Shots (The lv 64 ability) should also effect Explosive Dart, and have this added bonus: When stacks of Surging Shots are consumed, you vent heat equal to the number of stacks consumed. So at 10 stacks, you vent 10 heat when using power shot, explosive dart, or sweeping blasters. This should, in theory, help heat management greatly. 3) Explosive Dart should also proc Innovative Particle Accelerator, like AP does. Additionally but not required: 1) Serrated Shot should not have a cast time. Maybe give it a cooldown instead or something 2) Death From Above should deal increased damage to targets that have a burn or bleed on them. This would give IO more cleave potential. 3) Rapid Scan should heal more. It crits for 7K compared to a non-crit sorc Dark Heal that heals the same amount. EDIT: 4) Also eliminating the rate limit for Speed to Burn (Instantcast serated shots or power shots) would be nice
  6. Depends on the spec for what you have to do, ill try to go over strats for MM and Engi. General Tips: -Do not attack the jug when he has saber reflect up. I've reflected a 20K crit back to a poor gunslinger who tried to use aimed blast on me before -Keep the range. Each spec has different ways to do so, but make sure to stay in cover (So he can't leap) And try to knock him back as much as possible -Use Roll on cooldown whenever he gets close. If roll is on cooldown, then use entrench and Evasion. For MM: -If you know that he's waiting to use Saber Reflect, fake-cast Ambush. Cast is for about a second and then stop the cast, if you do it right, the jug will pop saber reflect early and you can wait it out, and hit him again with it. -When the Jug uses Enraged Defense, Flashbang him (If you don't have corrosive dart on him) and wait the ED out. Attacking the Jug with ED up will just heal him. -Try to use Penetrating Blasts when he gets within 10 meters (If you take the middle utility that makes it a knockback) For Engi: -Try to keep Plasma Probe between him and you. Since it's a 70% slow, he will have a hard time getting to you unless he takes the Super Endure Pain utility thing (Gives 50% speed boost, and immunity to slows/roots, but it's a heroic utility) -Since he will be standing in PP a lot, make sure to stun him every 18 seconds with EMP
  7. The Heroic utility Brooding has a rate limit of 30 seconds now, so while it could be possible, the timing would be tighter
  8. Ok, lets try to decipher this wall of text: (Yes I am paraphrasing) 1) "Please limit warzone healer numbers" I agree with that. Make the limit 3 per team, with a minimum of 1 per team if the other team has a healer (So matches with 0 healers on each team still happen) 2) "Remove healing abilities from those people that aren't in a healing spec, leave them with maybe one selfheal like sorcs do" First off, DPS sorcs have three (Or four depending) different self-healing abilities. (Dark Heal; Resurgence; Unnatural Preservation; and Dotspec heals) DPS operative and merc both have only two different healing abilities each (Kolto Probe, Kolto Infusion; Emergency Scan, Rapid Scan). Second, doing so might be a useful nerf for madness sorcs, but you would nerf dps operatives (Both specs), lightning sorcs and DPS mercs (Both specs) for absolutely no reason. More on that operative part later 3) "Juggernaut defensive's OP" I sort of agree with this, except that jugs are incredibly easy to kite around, so I feel that they don't really need a nerf. If anything, just make Enraged Defense heal for a bit less. 4) "Operative defensive's OP" Operatives are a lone wolf spec, and doing the changes you would suggest without giving them anything would ruin the class (Again). If you want them to have weaker defensive's, be prepared for them to get a major damage buff, because right now they are under preforming in damage. -Other notes: -Don't forget that sorcs have phasewalk. -I agree that snipers and mercs need a defensive buff, though I'm not certain how to do so without making them OP. On my sniper, I usually have enough defensive to troll a guildie jug who is tunneling me for most of a game. It's multiple melee that can be a problem.
  9. Well tanks already get a spammable Trauma debuff on their single target and AOE filler abilities...
  10. I'd rather them keep the Legends Universe and the Disneyverse as separate as possible. Why? For a couple of reasons actually. 1) To use Disney's own (probably wrong) reasoning as to why they had to make the EU not canon, it would be confusing for people. To have one universe where this is canon, and another universe where some of that is canon, but not everything else, would get very confusing really quickly. And it already has, with people asking "Which books are part of the Disneyverse?: 2) Another (Probably Wrong) reason as to why they said the EU shouldn't be canon is so that they could use "Maximum Creative Freedom" So far from that "Creative Freedom" I have seen (Correct me if I missed somehting) -An episode 4 remake. -A lightsaber that doesn't make a lot of sense -A tie fighter that gives "More Visibility", yet the creaters never had played any Star Wars fighter simulator where visibility was NEVER a problem. -Another planet destroying Death Star (Hey look, it kills 5 planets at once!) Also, what's the chance of one star system having 6 inhabited planets (the 5 starkiller base destroyed, and the 1 that they saw the destruction from. And don't tell me they where in different Star Systems, because that makes even less sense) -And a whole lot of stuff taken from the EU because they couldn't think of anything else. So no, you killed the EU to get your "Creative Freedom" so use it. ------------------------------- I don't care much about "Canon" or "Non-Canon" anymore, I just want them to continue the Legends Universe, alongside the main Disneyverse -Note: The reason I call the reasoning "Probably Wrong" is because they are doing exactly what they said they killed the EU to avoid. "Creative Freedom?" Nope. "Avoid a giant universe that would be confusing?" Have you seen how many movies they plan to make of Star Wars? 10 for now, and I believe that Disney said that they will keep on making them until the end of time (So Weird Al was right) . How quickly until that gets confusing. so Nope "Inconsistencies?" First off, the EU didn't really have that many. Whenever people say this, they almost never can actually name an actual one. But Han being able to jump into the atmosphere of a planet is a pretty big violation of how Hyperspace works. I mean, if Han could do it, why can't a Rebel faction just jump a ship full of nukes into the atmosphere of Coruscant and annihilate the Imperial Palace while good guy palpy is there? Problem solved. /endrant
  11. I'll admit, I didn't start playing operative until fairly recently (2.0 era, forgot when exactly) I just call it a high skill cap because the difference between bad and good operatives is like night and day sometimes. As for lethality, I am that idiot who plays it a lot in warzones, I would suggest: Make Fatality also make Corrosive Assault autocrit. If that's too much of a damage increase, limit it to once every 20 seconds, or every other fatality. Quickening should be off the GCD, more as a quality of life thing. Fragmentation Grenade should spread dots, not Carbine Burst, and it should spread both dots. It would be nice if operative got Orbital Strike back to help with their sucky AOE damage (Along with an OS buff. Maybe not as strong as it used to be, which factoring with health levels would be around 13K-14K crits, but make it punish people for standing inside the giant red circle again)
  12. Bolster doesn't affect empty shells. Right now Lightning is underpowered slightly Madness is the overpowered spec due to it's strong offheals and strong dotspread
  13. For Pvp, concealment is better, especially for new players to the class, as it's burst is better. A good concealment operative can 1v1 any spec in the game without too much trouble. Quick guide to help: You are a melee class. Your Burst is Volatile Substance-> (Ability, to let it prime)-> Backstab (The poison from backstab triggers volatile substance) When your burst is not up, use Veiled Strike to gain Tactical Advantages, and Laceration to deal high amounts of damage. Try to keep 2 Kolto Probes on yourself whenever people are attacking you Use your roll when the enemy is about to use their powerful attack, so that you avoid the attack. Operative has a high skill cap, and you need to know what the hard hitting abilities are for all 24 specs in order to play the class to the fullest. Also if you don't know how to play concealment, Lethality will be even more confusing
  14. Gear does matter, but only if the gear has tertiary stats (Accuracy, Crit, and alacrity) Power, Mainstat, and endurance get capped at a certain point.
  15. Unless I'm playing a lone wolf spec, I almost always group with guildies I don't premade for an easy win, as while it can be fun to roflstomp a team every now and then, it gets incredibly boring after a while I premade for 3 primary reasons. 1) To ensure that there is a competent healer on my team. With the lack of Matchmaking, it's a random draw. And without a healer on my team, the chances for a fair and balanced game goes down by a very large amount. 2) If I am the healer, it's so I know that at least a couple people on my team will peel for me 3) If I Q solo, there is 7 chances for that guy (You know, some guy from that guild that can't be bother to remove his 220 pve gear, and thus has 400 expertise and dies right away? Everyone has seen someone like that before) to be on my team If I Q with a group, that chance goes down to 4. ------------------------------------- The funnest games I have had are almost always when a group of mine goes against a bunch of good enemy players, with about equal healers per team, and we all duke it out for a while. And the team who loses mid attacks the other node right away, and captures it, and it's a constant moving battle. Those are the fun games. Now, how can we achieve games like that more often? The easiest and most simple way would be to just limit the number of healers to 2 per team, and require that every team starts out with a healer. Yes, there will still be Those Guys but if each team has a healer, it would be a start towards trying to balance teams Oh also, where is our "Small but often" Class changes? I thought us pvpers almost universally agreed on it?
  16. I went though on a Watchman Sent, and I didn't really experience very many CC's Of course, I had a tank companion, not a heal companion like most people like to do, so the tank companion took the brunt of most of the CC's I'd suggest you guys try the chapter with a tank companion, it might make it easier. (Note: It also might be because I PvP a lot, and PvP=Stuns)
  17. Ahhh the good old days when Orbital Strike was actually feared, and Undying Rage was considered extremely Over Powered even though it took half your health when you used it.
  18. I almost always run with a premade, except when I am playing assassin or operative dps, or if I am healing and no one else in my guild needs a group. I don't Q with people so that we can roflstomp the other team (Though it does happen from time to time) I do it so I don't get roflstomped You see, when I Q solo, there are 7 available slots that are, for the most part, random. Which means 7 potential slots to get someone with less than 500 expertise who has no clue what they are doing. And at the same time, Murphy's Law makes it so whenever I get idiots on my team (Or a team with no healer) The enemy team will get a nice set of 2-3 sage healers and a tank. Obviously this doesn't always happen, but it happens enough to frustrate me. My solution is to group with others in my guild, so no matter what I have at least one competent healer on my team, while also reducing the 7 random slots to 4, which is a win win in my mind. I understand that some guilds run 8-man premades sometimes just to stomp people into the ground (I've been apart of them occasionally, I usually avoid it because it takes too much work to set up) But long gone are the days when it was common to see a full Goof Troop or HVND premade on Harbinger come in and destroy everything. Now, I do find that most games are a faceroll, one way or another, but I think they should fix the problem by: -Class balancing. We need it, everyone wants it. Just do it. -Very basic matchmaking: If there is one or more healers on one team, require the other team to have at least one healer.
  19. I agree, make the duration of Corrosive Grenade and Corrosive Dart 9 seconds so that they are equal to other DoT specs, like annihilation.
  20. While I haven't played Lethality in PVE since, oh probably before 3.0, if you look at the calculations that Goblin_Lackey did it shows that for 216 gear So they are very close, in theory. In actuality I'm not so sure. As for gear, for 216's you would want: and for 220's
  21. I do agree about the harder fights (Or at least an option for harder fights w/ more rewards) but with the amount of complaining that goes on whenever bioware tries to make things harder (See: Companion Healing Nerf), I'd be surprised if a majority of people feel that way.
  22. I agree with a lot of this, I'll probably restate some things, but here's the problems I see with the map: -It's very easy to hold a point with a healer and a tank against anything but most of their team. As Snave said, this will encourage people just running full tank/heal comps. To address this, additional points should be given per kill in order to encourage people playing dps (Maybe 10 points per kill per control point that your team holds) -Sorcs have a very strong advantage in that they get both Force Bubble and Phase Walk when holding points. Phase walk (For both sages and sins) should be unable to be placed inside a control point. Also, being in a force bubble should be like being in stealth: You cannot capture or defend the control point. This will keep sages from being able to solo-defend a control point for a much longer time than any other class can. -Control points are AOE hell. Not sure how the devs could change this, instead players might need to come up with a strategy to counter it. Like tanks/melee on the point, healers off the point or something. Except sage healers don't need to do that. So we need class balance also. -I really like how the respawns work, though it would be nice for us to know how the respawn timer is set (What causes you to have a 4 second respawn instead of a 15 second respawn) -Probably more stuff that i'll think of later
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