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Everything posted by szczypaczek

  1. you are sow rong abpout the merc, pls, dont even write ny other ideas
  2. 50% on crit, so its not all the time, and srsly dude ur doing it wrong
  3. get combat shield and havoc rounds, get rid ow one point in first responder ***?
  4. omg pls dude nobody says anything bout face tanking melee, but u have more options just to spam missile blast. when u on the run ofc u can throw one every now and then, but you have to cast at least one tracer at your target to be able to max the dmg from your hsm. But again dps mercs needs some serious buffs, cause hes the weakest AC in pvp right now. And dont sjow me lowbie pvp i beg you, lol.
  5. spaming missile blast will overheat you in seconds and it does close to no dmg for its cost, imo not worth, unless you and your enemy both have low hp, and no other instants are available.
  6. LOl i never said i cant kite a maruder 1v1, i would probably kite u to your death, but stop adressing me, arguments ad personam are just low, lets focus on the subject. Sorry but the old UR wa just a no brainer cd, u could pop it to have a second life with a healer, then pop camo and had third. Thats just sad parody of balance imo. I'm talking about the team fights not some 1v1, which isnt that relevant to the overall balance. If you want old UR to have a second life with a healer then to be fair i want that too =)
  7. No UR is not useless its a regular dcd, not stupid op nobrainer heal me to full while i beat them down dcd
  8. lol who cares about lowbie pvp, this game must be balanced around end game pvp.
  9. This game is right now too melee heavy, never saw an mmo, where a melee class with just one button can leap to you, root you and interrupt your casting. Thats enough, and arenas are even more melee heavy due to the nature of the skirmish. I need all my cds to have any chances with melee player. My list of uselessconcepts: 1. Melee root on a ranged class in a game where every melee toots you with pretty much everything? So basicly u need to use HO or HTL immediately after you root, else you will stand next to him roteted. Imho pointless. 2. no leap protection like snipers makes you an easy target for every monkeyleaper in this game, especialy for vengence juggs, and you cant push them away, u cant stun them, you cant run casue of insta root with master strike etc. Lol Srsly? who designed this, did the devs play some melee classes in the past and got destroyed by ranged all the time? 3. No ability to do dmg when under heavy fire. 1.5 sec cast for Grav R. or Tracer takes like forever, when you have melee on your back bashing you with instants. 4. no escape ability, or antifocus ability makes you the best target in arenas. 5. Awful shared tree with lots of useless talents. 6. 2 min cooldown on 12 sec 25% dmg reduction? wow 7. Heavy armor which is basicly nothing more than maybe 5% more dmg reduction in a wz with bolster And many more... And still zero changes, casue we are overpowerd, self heals and heavy armor.
  10. so u want UR to be a free to for your healer to be able to heal ya to full? no thx
  11. Shield is crap as devensife cd, 25% more dmg reduction? on 2 min cooldown? Pls i beg you dont make me laugh, u will probably die a second later And still im not analyzing the 1v1 scenario, but arenas. Mando needs more help to be on pair with other clasess and i dont buy this crap like l2p And everyone will focus a mando first cause its plain simple, under heavy fire ur not going to do lots of dps, while kiting and trying to survive. Arenas are just not ranged friendly, so if the devs are saying the truth about making each class competitive in arenas, they need to rethink the approach to mando.
  12. Merc/mando is just an liability for your team, cause they need to watch over you all the time
  13. Sorry dude im not talking about 1v1 scenario, im talking about arenas, where merc is always the first target to kill for ppl who have half of their brain. I pretty much stoped playing casue of zero changes to merc in the last year, there are some chnages, that are going in good direction. Like no interruptos while shiled is active or low cd for tech override/ power surge. But still merc isnt mobile, if you have to do dmg you need to cast! I see two things to solve this: 1) Assault should have a talent hight in skill tree, that allowes you to cast power shot on the move. 2) a good anti focus ability that helps you survive, all of merc/mando abilities are garbage in terms of anti focus right now. Shield and Adrenaline rush helps you last one second more under heavy focus fire. Thats my two cents
  14. Shield is garbage as anti focus ability, EN can u us eon a single enemy, what if 3 ppl jumps on u? I bet u never played taht merc against ppl with brain
  15. in arenas ur target number one and sadly ur defensive cds are garbage. Without any anti focus fire ability or ability to shoot charged bolts/power shot on the move /mandos/mercs will be easy targets. Devs overvalue the useless heavy armor, which does nothing in a wz, where bolstered medium armor gives just about 1% dmg reduction less, is it a joke?
  16. Just never take these +% endurance talnets, there are much more useful things, end of story
  17. use tech override for two insta heals, and kite more but it was very nice to watch, good job
  18. I want to participate in your RP events, but im hired by the Deal with it, and cannot break the contract. Its ok for yaou?
  19. Zeli, come back to DWI, i just resubed yesterday
  20. EN is not oh **** button lol, what crack do u smoke ;p EN is a kiting ability, oh **** would be more like bubble or vanish
  21. since every class will got only slightly nerfs or buffs i think this would be good to see: Tech Override cooldown reduced to 60 sec baseline, 45 sec with gunnery spec talent Reserved powercell cooldown reduced to 60 sec Cell charger in gunnery tree similiar to vanguard changes Move combat shield talent to tier 1, so any commando spec can take it. fixed
  22. Use this and enjoy http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800bcZrccRrdRkfrsZc.3
  23. Ofc it should, let's stop abusing =)
  24. again using power surge/ tech override on 2 demo rounds/tracers and u lack insta mezz or insta burst healing. Dude u assuming i'm bad on my merc cause i see our weaknesses. Ofc when my electro ent is up i will take down a smasher, but arenas are not 1v1 pvp, a kiting merc is not going to be dpsing like he should to. Sorry a team does not need a jack of all trades, they need a dps, who can dish out same dps even under pressure. Again dmg of mercs (arsenal at least) is fine, it's the way u deliver the dmg that need to be loooked at.
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