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Everything posted by Benets

  1. I think they only make the space mission cos a star wars mmo need space bombat, but probly they regret it. Cos' it usless, whats the point to get ship gear? The space system is crap, specially for pvp, I prefer they do not make pvp wth this actual system. To be a pvp need to have more freedom. Like X-Wing vs Tie Figther and not a system like rebel assault. I've made already suggestion to make the ship more atractive: A isntance and operation that you use your ship to play the first part. Specially if guilds have capital ship to run operations with it. To check the idea click here ----> Space Instance/Operation Other ideas: Patch 1.x Guilds Guild HQs Guild's Quests/Story World PvP Ideas Denova (Rep vs. Imp PvP planet) World Pvp My Ilum Map Story with different paths Legacy
  2. I made some suggestion that i would like to see: Patch 1.x Guilds Guild HQs Guild's Quests/Story World PvP Ideas Denova (Rep vs. Imp PvP planet) World Pvp My Ilum Map Story with different paths Space Instance/Operation Legacy If you like comment and rate it.
  3. Old idea, it has been said since being. I made some suggestion myself with the whole system. I took some time, including guild content. Take a look if you want to, i even make some graphs and maps: World PvP Ideas Denova (Rep vs. Imp PvP planet) World Pvp My Ilum Map And those ideas can be complemented with those below: Patch Guilds Guild HQs Guild's Quests/Story Other ideas Story with different paths Space Instance/Operation if you like those ideas, please comment so it get back to top of list and rate it.
  4. So you need in this expantion to change the name of the game to Star wars THE REPUBLIC And suddly, 2 thousand JEDI is unfrozen, i think if that happened the movies would say something about. This isnt a game for the movies era, nor it have logic on that, thousand of sith and jedi? It'll be noticable. It dont combine with the era of the rebellion
  5. so this 2.1 is usless. Only option you need to buy to get? A new species? Duh, but you need to pay for it? Usless content
  6. I made this suggestion long time ago. But seems that BW don't care at all. I post a lot of suggestion, took some time to make it, made graphs, pics, maps. But don't think they care. Here my post but it' have some other legacy features that could exist: Legacy Other suggestions/ideas Patch 1.x Guilds Guild HQs Guild's Quests/Story World PvP Ideas Denova (Rep vs. Imp PvP planet) World Pvp My Ilum Map Story with different paths Space Instance/Operation
  7. it's not coincidence when this happens to a lot of chars at same time. And seems to have a pattern. Last nite was one WZ that keep repeating, today is another. All pep complaining that all of them is having the same issue. It's not a matter that is porbability. It's broken.
  8. I don't think bioware care about anything posted. I've made a lot of contribution myself with "full" open pvp system, guild system, ilum system. If you want to see, check it here and comment: World PvP Ideas Denova (Rep vs. Imp PvP planet) World Pvp My Ilum Map About guilds: Patch 1.x Guilds Guild HQs Guild's Quests/Story and space/operation using ships at introduction: Space Instance/Operation
  9. Benets

    some 2.0 sorc pvp

    its almost the same scale, cos the others hitting me for 8 to 10k. So nothing new, game's the same, the expantion is a scham. Nothing new, a single planet with no real cool and different things on it. No new WZ, nothing about ilum or other open pvp, no FP. This expantion is a major patch in pratical terms.
  10. the question is? Do you think bioware really care? They do not care, this game have one of most stupid things in pvp i've ever see. In bioware minds, is fun to stay 12 seconds doing nothing cos' you already spent the CC breaker and can get two full CC with no diminish. Bioware really think is fun when everybody can hit a class for almost all life in 3 seconds, but this class need something like 4 seconds to begin do some dps. This is retard.
  11. They probly antecipate the launch date, nice to hear it. I like some ideas although it isnt the game i think it could be, or should be, YET.
  12. Miralukas hears? It's a common mistake that flash bang is only visual. The loud disorient and the flash blind. It's a double effect. Even if you're not facing the granade you still get disorientated by the noise. flashBANG.
  13. Not even close. Throwing rocks to air. Its a quake not a eruption. The lighting that stun could prevent it get hurth by his aoe too. Like letromagnectic static barrier.
  14. The event was meant to be sasonal. It will come back eventualy. I think it will occur something like twice in this year. Event by definition is "A phenomenon or occurrence located at a single point in space-time". If it keep forever it isnt an event.
  15. It wasnt a bug, they wanted to be like this. But it do not means its right nor smart. It was a bad change, they didnt thought well. Same as a lot of other things in the game. Its like work as intended, it do not means it's balanced nor fair, just they design this skill to be exaclty this overpower. In their minds this is right.
  16. Forcequake shouldn't affect lifted foes as they are not stepping on ground. If sombody is flying or floating he do not have ground contact to be affacted by a earthquake. So i think it shouldn't hit and by consequence it shouldn't remove the status of lifted.
  17. I posted about it long time ago and if you want to take a look the links is here with all my guilds ideas. If you like comment and rate, more comments and rate more likely they notice it. Plus comments make it to top of list again: World PvP Ideas Denova (Rep vs. Imp PvP planet) World Pvp My Ilum Map And my guilds ideas that complement the world pvp Patch 1.x Guilds Guild HQs Guild's Quests/Story Other ideas Story with different paths Space Instance/Operation
  18. I've already make a full post about guilds. Please left a comment, more comments and rate more likely they notice: Patch 1.x Guilds Guild HQs Guild's Quests/Story Other ideas Denova (Rep vs. Imp PvP planet) World Pvp My Ilum Map Story with different paths Space Instance/Operation
  19. I've already posted about it, but i went further. If you want to take a look the links is here with all my guilds ideas. If you like comment and rate, more comments and rate more likely they notice it. Plus comments make it to top of list again: Patch 1.x Guilds Guild HQs Guild's Quests/Story Other Ideas Denova (Rep vs. Imp PvP planet) World Pvp My Ilum Map Story with different paths Space Instance/Operation
  20. Cyborg maul is a mistake. It's only to take advantage of a bad used char.. People always wanted to see more of maul. But lucas killed him too soon. So now to give a taste they resurrected him. (Like a deus ex-machina). I doubt it will ever be accepted as canon lore.
  21. its "youtu.be" perhaps copying and changing to "youtube"
  22. I don't think rep is that bad. What i think is, they seems to put their effort and mind on the wrong things. There's a lot of things to do before that. They should fix this game first. HOW HARD is fix bugged codex entries? Its there since day one. Is rep system that important that need that kind of advertising? Although rep isnt that bad, it isn't need. So this company should focus on what this game really need. They seem lazy.
  23. I didnt count my own negative posts. It's too much. Some things they do seems like a shot on the own foot.
  24. So, i read page 1 to 27 and write down some information of all i've found 24 cleary positive posts and i've found 78 cleary negative posts 4 posts asking about testing this patch and 14 about the discussion of "retroactive" so, a post of "new content" and this ammount of negative feedback? Something's wrong. Nicely done BW
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