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Everything posted by black_pyros

  1. This. But don't limit this to GTN only. Everything in this game should be tradable only once. After that, it should automatically become legacy bound, with the only exception of Czerka Crate-O-Matic.
  2. After all, PvP is a team game. I am against giving players less options and removing things but if anything is removed, it should be the queue solo option, not the group queue. It's like if they ban teams in operations - these are team game mode as well. It would be stupid to ban teams in a team game.
  3. If dealing with a premade causes you trouble, the game fairly gives you an option to form your own. No one unfairly forces you to queue solo. That's fair.
  4. Disagreed. The increase in supply may be countered by increase in demand. You guys seem to forget that the same as there are sellers that don't bother, there are buyers, too.
  5. A good business model is one that works. Since they operate like this for years and game still exists, I can say it's pretty safe to assume, their business model works. I get your point that you don't like it and that it may be better for you and every player including me, if they aimed at higher goals, persuading players to give them more to then have more resources to release more content. But this game is over 11 years old and I think that ship of opportunity sailed a long time ago.
  6. And I was trying to explain to you, they don't need that as you already give them more than their targeted average customer. They acknowedged in the past that they are fine when players come and go and subscribe once in a while when new content is released. That's obviously enough for them to keep the lights on and to release the tiny bits of content required to lure enough players and money.
  7. It doesn't matter how much you play, only how much you pay. Their business model is targeted at players that play other games and buy a subscription once in a while when they release some substantial amount of new content like a new expansion or new daily area, etc. If you maintain a continuous sub, you already give them more than their targeted average customer. They have zero reason to care, that you play other games, they welcome it as long a you pay them at least once in a while. If you want that to change, vote with your wallet. If you are giving them money, it means you are happy. It means they already have your money and nothing will ever change, why should it?
  8. Your math is all nice and everything, but the only relevant number is the character credit cap. That's the maximum amount any player can pay in a single trade. Even if BW came with a way of paying with our legacy bank, or even 100 characters + 100 guilds at the same time (which would be a huge hassle to implement just for a single trade per server 🤣), removing a one man's wealth per server plus 10% of few others would do a diddly-squat to the inflation, more so when most of those credits are already not in circulation anyway.
  9. On the contrary, it actually takes lot of effort to learn all the classes and their abilities, all the maps, all the tricks to be able to properly distinguish what is a hack and what not. Not even mentioning a fact this game uses a crappy engine which itself leads to certain abilities look like hacks in certain conditions (cough, exfiltrate, cough, and many others). According to your forum profile, you are a brand new player that likely had not the time yet to learn everything and judging by your attitude, you may never will.
  10. As long as it's peanuts and BW don't inform me, I wouldn't even notice. 😂
  11. Oh guys, get real. You can use your complimentary CC to become a billionaire overnight. It's like if a RL billionaire riding his Ferrari suddenly had to start to pay a 3 dollar toll riding a road that was free yesterday and whined about it. Just get real.
  12. You guys paid for the QT CD reduction. You still have it, BW has taken nothing from you. If you can't afford to pay peanuts for QT, I have an advice for you: 1. Subscribe. (Congratulations! Since you post on forums, you already are.) 2. Use your complimentary CC to buy something on the CM. Pretty much anything. 3. Sell it for hundreds of millions or even billions of credits. 4. Use them to cover the QT costs for rest of your, your children, your grandchildren, etc. life.
  13. To motivate players that already got Vulptila mount from the last test server, would it be possible to add something else, please? Perhaps the Opal Vulptila Pup. Same like the mount, this is also a promotional and hard to obtain item.
  14. Funny, how I have the exact opposite experience. The most fun, intensive, thrilling games I ever had were usually the premade vs premade ones.
  15. Yup, except that in your setting I am simply incapable to play my way anymore because with separate queues, group queue will die. While in my setting, you still have a choice between playing solo if balance is the ultimate value to you, or group up and have some more pleasant experience at the expense of balance. Terrible choices, I agree but still, more choices.
  16. We both want the same. Except unlike you, I value the option to play with friends more than balanced matches. Because of this, it's impossible to fully satisfy both of us. You have every right to ask the BW to satisfy your needs over mine. Naturally, I will always vote against it. I am still happy we can have a civilized discussion. If only more players are like you.
  17. I get your point. I am not sure if it generates an inability but it certainly makes it harder. But transfering the servers to cloud should finally allow for cross-server queues and a proper matchmaking, capable of creating balanced matches even with teams in queue. I am affraid BW is simply not capable of ever implementing a proper matchmaker, but then the solo-only queue will simply never help with the skill discrepancy problem. Nonetheless, it would be fun to see what all the players confusing existence of premades with skill issues start to blame in solo-only queue.
  18. If you already have friends and are fully capable of making them, why not spread this social skill to incorporate PvP as well? Maybe because of this: Calling other players muppets and saying they are bothering you is the exact opposite of being social. This is actually being antisocial. No wonder you have problem teaming up in PvP if you treat others like this. Then do so? If you already are fully capable, you don't need solo-only queue to help you.
  19. Bingo! Finally, another player realizes, the premades aren't the real problem, but the skill discrepancy and the inability of matchmaker to put similar skilled players against each other. You can have solo-only queue, and the unskilled players are still going to get farmed when facing the more skilled ones. Grouping up is never going to help such a player, the same as the solo-only queue. Only practicing and improving their skill can help them. But that takes certainly more effort than blaming the premades.
  20. This is because sadly they are too stubborn, too shy, too lazy, or whatever other reason to socialize more, group up, and cooperate. By doing so, not only they have worse experience in game mode designed on cooperation when facing coordinated premades, they also miss that awesome satisfying feeling of interacting with other human beings in a team while working together on a common goal. Bioware is also stubborn, when doing everything possible to persuade players to group up. But probably for a very good reason. Players that make friends in game have an additional reason to keep playing. Rather than soloers who have only the game itself. It's more likely socialized players then last longer and are more keen to keep playing and more resilient when facing bad development decisions.
  21. No one is forced to feed premades as long as everyone is free to form their own premade. If they refuse to do so, it's their choice. Choices often have consequences. As a player that likes to do both, I vote no. I hated the days when I had to either constantly change my gear while doing some heroics or other pve stuff while waiting in pvp queue, or suffer in inferior pvp gear during said pve content, or suffer in inferior pve gear during pvp. If you are interested in solving this issue once for all, I have a much better proposition. Simply make gear in pvp irrelevant and make everyone have the exact same stats. They can even change the stats between classes slightly as a way of balancing them.
  22. There are brackets. Level brackets. Not the gear ones. Why only the level ones, you may ask? Because lower level brackets is the place where you should learn how to PvP. Level 80 PvP is certainly not a proper place to learn how to do it. It is an end game.
  23. Nope. There are 25. Your math is wrong. 19 out of 25 wouldn't be as much help as 19 out of 20. You could regonsider this, as well.
  24. I couldn't agree more. I am certainly tired of both reading and repeating same arguments over and over in the infinite loop, and it doesn't help the discussion either.
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