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Everything posted by Cidanel

  1. Buy him this and watch him lose his mind A jigsaw puzzle with no edge pieces and five extra pieces that don't actually fit
  2. Or easier still, go after it with someone who has a pull, wait for them to get to the next ledge, duel them and have them drag you across the parts you have problems jumping to.
  3. Or just don't ***** if you are not in a ranked WZ. I agree to all of that for ranked, not for unranked.
  4. Exactly. I have a 55 scoundrel healer, and we are great for CCing. Given how mobile we are, you absolutely don't need to stand around not moving in a FP or OP. Run around, flash bang and dirty kick mobs, hit them with a tendon blast and kite them back towards the tank. Drop aggro in front of the tank and keep moving...you can heal while moving around doing all of this. There really isn't any excuse to stand in one place and not CC mid-fight as a scoundrel healer, unless the mechanics of the fight prevents it.
  5. You don't work in programming if you think every one of these bugs is that easy to fix. Real systems never work the way they do in a computer science textbook, and code is almost never as clean as you just made it out to be. By my logic, cosmetic bug fixes such as voice modulation should take a backseat to anything related to gameplay. That means they need to focus on making sure we don't get stuck in terrain as much, not that they should waste time on something as dumb as voice modulation. I think any bug fix that is not only cosmetic, but cosmetic outside of gameplay (which voice modulation is) should take a back seat to every single gameplay related bug and new development effort. It should absolutely be on their list, and I bet it is already. It should just be one of the absolute last things on their list. This is the type of thing that is #100/100 on a bug fix list, that you will only get to if you are sitting around with absolutely nothing else to do. It is about having priorities for bug fixes and development right....
  6. I agree with this. I didn't mean that I wanted no add-ons at all. If they help you manage inventory, or navigate collections, that is fine. I don't want macros so that you hit one button and your entire rotation is kicked off. I also don't want add-ons so that you get a notification when you pick up threat. I don't want add-ons for damage meters. Getting to the point in OPs groups (like WoW) when you aren't allowed to join if your damage isn't proven to be above xxx DPS is ridiculous. Those are the things that make it feel like a job, not a game.
  7. I agree this is a big reason why WoW is so popular. People like to have things easy, but still be able to brag about being elite. Add-ons make the game ridiculously easy, and make it so that you don't need any skill, but they still let the player have that ego boost that comes from being 'elite'. The question is why on earth would we ever want that? People who love add-ons are those who aren't good enough on their own.
  8. If you have managed people, then you understand what headcounts are and how department budgeting works. You are essentially asking for a larger budget for bug fixes (which translates to more headcount). Those resources need to come from somewhere, and they would come from new content development. Also, something such as voice modulation is not 'tiny' in terms of a bug fix. That is where your ignorance of programming is showing through. It isn't always as simple as a blind copy and paste to another helmet. Things that look that simple to the layperson can easily be multi-week projects.
  9. Having worked as a computer programmer for a fortune 200 company for years, I disagree. People work on multiple projects all the time, and even in environments where you have dedicated teams as you are describing, the bigger staff on a bug fix team, the lesser the staff on new project teams. "It would take one guy less than a day to go through helmets"? Can you at least admit you have never worked doing any sort of programming in your life?
  10. Because bug fixes take a lot of time, and anyone who has worked as a programmer knows that the same people who fix bugs are the ones who develop new content. Resources are limited to any company. So yet again, why do you want them to take time away from new content development to work on something as trivial as this?
  11. No, it shouldn't be as much as added to a list. Why the hell would you want them to fix voices when that development time could be spent on new content? Voice modulation doesn't add anything to the game. New content does. Would you be happy knowing the next expansion was put on hold so that they could fix a few voices?
  12. Before the term trolling was used, it was called 'being an a**hole'. Stop being a douche and you wouldn't have to worry about this. Problem solved.
  13. I suggest you wait until 55 to start working towards 40 valor. You can do endgame content at 55 AFTER getting up to 40 valor. You can't go back and re-enjoy leveling quests at 55. There is no 'in lieu of endgame content'. You can't outlevel it as you can with quests at lower levels.
  14. I disagree with this. What if someone enjoys questing and the stories behind PvE leveling? Every WZ done while leveling is one less side quest you can do. And if you don't enjoy the story-driven PvE content, why are you playing this particular MMO?
  15. I know what you are saying, but healing and tanking are more difficult than DPS. It is very easy to be OK at DPS. It isn't easy to be great. It isn't easy to even be OK at tanking or healing. That isn't a knock on DPS, but it is the easier of the three roles in this game. The floor to be average is the lowest. Average tanks are expected to study youtube videos of runs before even starting them. DPS can jump right into a run.
  16. Tanking is strategy. You need to research OPs and FPs before jumping in. You are expected to know what to do before your first time running. You are expected to be the person everyone leans on when they aren't sure what to do. Healing is art. There is no great guide to write to make a good healer. Some people are just innately better than others. DPS is science. You memorize a rotation and knock it out. Not saying one is better than the other, but that is how I see the three classes. Great DPS is very hard to come by, and 95% of PUGs are not good DPS. The best players IMO are ones who have played all three pretty extensively.
  17. I really liked the trooper story, but as others said, it was only good being darkside. I also really liked the team dynamics every once in a while. I liked the few missions where they forced you to take a different companion because that companion had to perform a specialized skill (can only run with one because he is the demolitions expert in the squad, and that is what you need, can only run with another because he is the tech expert, and that is what the mission needs). It might not be for everyone, but I like that kind of thing.
  18. I am not saying if it was great or not, I am just saying what my highest heal was...just like everyone else on this thread... I am a casual player. I would be shocked if I were to ever have one of the highest heals in the game. I only ever play with casual players, so what amazes us might not impress someone who is hardcore. What were you trying to accomplish with this post?
  19. As a healer, I love phase walk, and my healing boost means you as my tank should love it too. An extra 5% healing is nothing to laugh at...
  20. PvE, finally crit'ed at 10,071 with my Scoundrel. Crit happened while inspiration was up on the group. Only one person caught it in game. They made me show my logs to prove I wasn't lying.
  21. I second this...I have a 55 scoundrel,and we always run with myself and a sage healing. Any different combo makes it a lot harder. I almost got to the point of quitting my guild because I always got a guilt trip for wanting to try an alt instead of healing for the night. I also second the PvP comment. Getting good at PvP keeps you from getting used to set rotations, and forces you to be more aware. Once you get used to not standing still for more than 2 seconds, it makes playing a lot better.
  22. To explain what everyone is saying, here is my healer's setup. I just click their health bar in the middle of my screen and use hotkeys to cast the heal. http://galleries.guildlaunch.net/293537/screenshot_2013-04-10_19_54_31_1009416702Pop.jpg
  23. Easy...balance means whatever class I have as my main is better than yours without me having to try too hard.
  24. I am always asked to switch to my 55 scoundrel for 55 HMs. We nearly always run a sage/scoundrel combo. Two of either one, or adding a commando into the mix makes it significantly more difficult for us. I found that getting comfortable with PvP as a scoundrel healer helped me a lot in OPs, given that PvP forces you to become comfortable with the mobility aspect of it.
  25. ....I called you a whiner because you started a thread for the sole purpose of complaining about something trivial. God help people for enjoying a game their way instead of first checking with the almighty DarthWoad to see if what they enjoy is allowed. Now go back to your whining, you seem to enjoy it!
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