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Everything posted by Starglitter

  1. Hi: With the advent of very fast leveling, trying to keep up with your gathering skills has become more of a nuisance for I will level much quicker and be prompted to leave planet before I my gathering skills can catch up. It would seem to me, a potential solution to this, is to have gathering missions (not via discovery) be stackable in the same fashion the crafting skills are done. For example, say I am working on Scavanging, I pick an alt to do scavanging, select the scavanging misssion, and then an option to reclick that mission up to 4 more times for that particular alt be provided, so that the alt can be gone doing the mission a total of 5 times, obviously the cost to do the mission is paid for each instance of the chosen mission, if the mission was chosen to be done 5 times, then the cost if of course 5 times the base cost. It would be nice, but optional, if a discovery mission could be multiplied this way as well, but I can see the economic impacts in the price of the respective discovery missions... Sue
  2. What worries me in chosing the disciplines as you go, is that the description of the discipline itself is usually vague or unprecise and thus leading to misconception, at times the description may be quite counter-intuitive, if you read the descriptions in the spec trees, you can see that. Sue
  3. Mmm... Having not seen the actual disciplines, I can not render an opinion, but this is what I would like to think in terms of game design... In the days of warshipship design, engineers had to trade speed, armor, and weaponry with each other; thus resulting with many different types of warships. For instance the French designed their warships to be very fast, have modest armament, but had to sacrifice armor in order to have the other two. Thus they had ships that could essentially raid very well, but could ill afford to go into blows with another warship and thus was forced in essence run away. when I look at SWTOR classes ina broad manner, they do also have three characteristics to balance: DPS'g, Tanking, and Healing. When I first heard of disciplines, I welcomed the concept, tinking it would allow me to design my alt's classes through a series of compromises, such as a fairly tough tank, with low DPS, but can mildly heal herself, but include the ability to cleanse. So it would read as Moderately Tough (Armor), Low DPS (Armament), Low heal (speed?), compared to today's tank of High Tough Armor, Low DPS, No heal. The concept of trading and compromising is a wonderful thing, and encourages players to evolve a character that is in more of the like to the player's perceptions. If the concept of diciplines allow for this, then it will be great, if not, then it needs to be re-tooled. Sue
  4. Mmm... Not sure I am for it or not, its a complex matter. I like the idea, for it is a way to reign-in the cost at GTN for your could buy the materials via CCs, and thus establish an upper cost parameter. I don't like the idea of buying the materials for CCs for it becomes dangerously close to pay to win. Thus the dilemma Sue
  5. Mmm... Pets main misssion is to wander about you in an attempt to gather as much aggroe as possible Sue
  6. Mmm... I doubt very much what you have asked to be $55 worth, and not sure people would pay that much now days... Sue
  7. I fear at times, Bioware treat us as if we were stupid. If their statement was to be true, how come the speeders you rent go so much faster? If the server had limitations, should it not have the rent speeders be limited also to the slow personal speeder speed? I am simply trying to compare apples with apples, and then comparing result with their answers Sue
  8. Mmm... I unlocked HK-51 the traditional way, and did find the part search with the detector quite annoying. I am sure some will call this "challenge" and thus stand on a pedestal for succeeding. To me there are several forms one can be technically challenged, one is at an intellectual level, one is at the physical level, and another is at the persistence level. Obviously trying to figure how to achieve an objective by using terrain, skills, and what not is an intelligent and true challenge. A physical challenge such as you need to shoot things really fast, before they wear you at, is a challenge but not a very bright one, but some reasoning must be done to optimize your combat pattern. The persistence one, is just a brainless repetitive chore that must be done till you randomly get success, thus any moron with out thinking can achieve success, all that is needed is persistence. The HK-51 part search, is the last of the challenge forms, is one of brainless move and click over and over till you get lucky. It's the moron challenge class of activity, frankly I would prefer to not be identified as one who hads been brainless enough to do the tedius, monotonous task over and over to satisfy some sadist developer's sense of fun. I would suppose there are those mentally challenged out there that equals tedius with challenge, for them HK-51 should be your crowning achievement of your life. For myself, dispense with the stupid search for a tiny area, just do the search in general area and have the stupid thing reveal itself... Sue
  9. Mmm... I would rather focus at the forest rather than at a tree type of perspective... In a wholistic view, Bioware did an incomplete job, but they also did things very right... For instance the xp is indeed boosted, but did you note that buying the class skills are free? The only thing that is missing is a bolster, so whateer gear you wear is irrelevant to the leveling process. Even the bolster would help you in Oricon s you gear up to Arkanian/Basic level gear so you reach the point you no longer need to be bosltered and are indeed ready for the next game update/upgrade. Sue Really debating the goods and bads of the x12 is frankly irrelevant to this particular topic
  10. Mmm... The game has introduced during class stories a couple of sentient droids such as Scorpio for instance, so I could see some of these droids spinning of into stories of their own, and thus become a playable character... Sue
  11. Mmm... One of the major advantages of HK-51 is that it benefits the same from either aim or cunning, thus you can maximize the DPS Droid very effectively, on the other hand one of the greatest weaknesses of HK-51 occurs at end game, where the droid can not be upgraded with commendation vendor gear at the Elite or Ultimate level, for the vendor does not sell robot gear; you could buy normal gear and rip the mods and enhancements to be able to place them in the robot sections, but you are out of luck with the armor portions. Of course you could pay about a million credits for mats per gear section, to have the armor parts made and then installed, but paying in excess of 6 million credits is not what would call convenient... Sue
  12. Because they were not always weak, when I made one and went through the effor of leveling them and equipping them, would be nice to be able to enjoy them just like all the other players who play other classes. Since then, I have rolled other DPS alts, who while similarly equipped are much more powerful and easier to play. It is a shame, I had to do that to enjoy the game though... The class had so much false promise Sue
  13. Mmm... To me its not so much the level differential mis-match, but much more so with the gearing players have, the obvious mismatch is the new entrant fo PvP when matched with a fully brutalizer geared player; even if the new player was a genious and the brutalizer geared player a moron, the new player does not stand a shadow of a chance; gear makes way too much difference in the outcome. Be as it may, why not separate the classes by gear quality? Say use expertise as a measure: 000-750 Expertise - Class 1 751-1,250 Expertise-Class 2 !,251- whatever Expertise - Class 3 This way you collate the under geared from the max geared, and allow matches to be done in a leveled playing field. I only made 3 tiers because I am not sure to how large the PvP population is and the resultant wait to queue, if there is sufficient players, I would make more tiers to make the tiers more equitable. Lately, I had experienced a larger number of players hacking the PvP game such as no timers to set bombs, extended immunity timers, extended damage mitigation, extended damage delivery, reduced CC cooldowns, etc. Two weeks ago, I went thru battle after battle with this happening more frequently. At first I thought, geez, I really need to learn the game, and gear up for I am getting owned in 2 shots and I am doing nothing to them for damage. Now my alt is in full Obroanian, and felt ok, I should be more competitive, and I saw the difference in my performance with great satisfaction, something I enjoyed for close to a month; but then suddenly, I began to get owned in two shots, my damage to some players became non-existent, I was being spotted while stealthed from characters from clearly the far side of the field, I could see them run directly at me while at full stealth and leap with the stun duration till you are dead, and have to conclude this can't possibly be right... After that chain experience, I no longer PvP, it has been now 2 weeks since I PvPd and frankly not missing it anymore, all because the hacking is way out of control and the PvP game is no longer fun, really wish I had not blown all those credits on a second set of gear for PvP... Sue
  14. Oh so true, but I think the companion purposely maneuvers to place themselves between you and the mobs, which almost always result with them unstealthing and getting the stealthed assassin indirectly discovered. Lately, if I need to sneak into somewhere, i get rid of that traitorous companion, and hope I can re-summon him in a safe place when I get to where I need to be. Would be nice, I could summon a companion and remain stealthed. Sue
  15. Mmm... While I can not provide a fair judgment for PvP, I can for PvE A Thing that points that say a Sith Assassin's DPS is not very good... Have you ever had your assassin guarded by the tank over a marauder, merc, sniper or sorcerer (equivalent geared)? The above alone should be screaming at you, that there is a problem, does it not? Now lets look at some of the other issues, with the stealthers: Light Armor and Melee Ranged That has to hurt, a sniper enjoys great range and medium armor, has a form of self heal (not very good, but beat nothitng). Lets face it, range has benefits, they usually can avoid aoe damage and effects, the poor melee folks have to walk into it to be effective and dance like maniacs to try to avoid the aoe damages and effects when affordd a chance. The HOTS of the assassin, are not that impressive,essentially pointless during OPS where bosses auto hit and the elevated defense is pointless, much rather have what all others get: Immunity or absorption boost; at least they are reliablu usefull. Assassins do get a cleanse, where the other dps classes does not (exception is the medium armor wearing OPS agent, who has 2 cleanse abilities and one is very fast), but their cleanse cool down is very long, and often as a result most healers tend to assume they cleansed themselves and be oblivious that this was the second mob spammed cleanse and the assassin's cleanse is still under cool down, and do not get cleansed and are left to die. Assassin's are under provided with Croud Control capabilities, and made to feel puny next to wealth of CC a bounty hunter has for instance. So from a PvE perspective, the Assassin specialty for DPS really needs to be re-looked and re-balanced. I for one would reduce the cool down for cleanse to be the same as the sorcerers, at least to make up for the assassin's light armor and being forced to melee ranged. Would provide some form of self-heal like Sniper has for instance, not a lot, but something, perhaps tie it to a skill chain such as the one that gives added protection, why not also make it heal the assasin by 3%? Talking by un-even skills for the assassin, they get a boost for critical chance only when they crit on a force attack, which for a melee class results with why bother with this skill type of thought. A sniper for instance, they get their crit chance boost to both tactical and force equivalent automatically with out the need to crit. I would rather see the assassin get the crit boost to both force and melee and be done with it (does not need to be as high a boost as the original setting, but should be the same percentage boost as the sniper gets) So in conclusion, the Assassin is weaker in many areas, and being the politically correct class to get the nurf bat for so long, its beginning to show in teling ways... Sue
  16. Mmm No, I very much disagree with this. I prefer choice, but no, I don't want to be blackmailed into paying millions of crdits (with mats) to a crafter for end gear, simply no! On the other hand, having a choice between getting the end gear in the form of drops from an OPS, or bouoght through commendations from a vendor OR a crafter is very much acceptable by me; in other words choice. If a crafter is the only source of an item, with nothing to provide competition for it, we are going to see some pretty stupid pricing going on, and the principle that another crafter will under-bid another, may occur but not consitently, price fixing is real, and very soo the crafters will agree to a base price; take a look at GTN or those crafters you can reach for an item, they all have about the same price and sell conditions. What keeps them from going totally crazy, is that players can get the drops from doing the actual OPS or buying with commendations. Sue
  17. Mmm... Or perhaps pay a higher CC price for them if thy come Legacy capable... Sue
  18. Hi: Often many guilds appear to have many players, but in reality there are only a few with many alts. Over time the guild limit is reached, but mostly with alts. So why not instead instead of counting the number of alts as part of the guild number, track the individual by their main character, say the default is the first character you made for the game, if you want to change that, you should be able to flag the alt of your choice as your main. Given this, in the guild roster only your main shows but all your alts are accounted for automatically as a member of the guild, and thus a single guild invite to the main is sufficient to get the alts automatically into the guild and same is true as you create new alts, they are automatically placed inside the guild. When you look at the guild window, all you see are mains, even if you are on an alt. It may be beneficial in the guild window to put your class next to the name to help with group formation. Not sure how to handle folks with multiple alts in different guilds, any suggestions? For example, if I have three alts all in different guilds, one could assume that all your alts are members of the three guilds, but if so, how is guild chat handled? But with respect to guild count, if I have say 8 alts, for guild count purposes I only account for 1 player not 8 as it is now. Sue
  19. Mmm... I would actually like the event to be realistic... It makes sense that an infected person, can infect another, it only makes sense. When you do the level 50 FP where is shows how the infection works, it becomes clear that the person who can pass on the infection is physically altered, and thus folks have an opportunity to react in some form or fashion, but the mechanics of the plague are made clear. I can see an infected person at fleet, succumbing to the plague and thus transforming and going into a rampage as done in the FP, once more that would make sense. It does not make sense, to have people infecting you, and you don't even notice? Common, the creature almost had to eat you alive to infect you, and you can't tell this has happened? In the flashpoint infected people are clearly obvious they are infected, how come we can't notice it? we become totally stupid upon entering fleet? How come no one in fleet can attack and infected person? You reduce them to mush in the FP, so what is the deal here? So I want a bit of parity here, sure let the folks who get their kicks by infecting others retain their ability, but also make such an ability come with consequences too. Sue
  20. I believe we need more hues of blond hair... Sue
  21. Mmm... How many times one does a heroic or some quest and by the time you finish you are at the opposide side of the map where you can cash the rewards? How many times where you need to go has no convenient place for you to use your quick travel, because the NPC/Station had no nearby terminals? Obviously, what I seek here is a quality of life improvement, to save a player simple, tedius travel time upon completing a mission. In LOTRO were the problem was in times worse than SWTOR, they developed a Reward Transport Token you could buy with Game Credits, in SWTOR terms Cartel Coins. To use the coin, you untracked all the missions in your legend and only kept the mission you completed and want to be transported to the location you can cash for the end of mission reward. You then cllick the token, and are transported to be right before you need to be. I believe it was just a credit or 1 CC per travel token, so it was not too expensive for the use of the convenience. I believe SWTOR players would enjoy this convenience. Sue
  22. Your foundation to your objection is flawed in part, the legacy bank is not free, it must be purchased. I would suggest that when the concept of common credits be allowed that an upgrade cost to the legacy bank be applied so it could make-up for the cost of overcoming a non subscription currency limit, on the other hand this upgrade comes free to subscribers since they do not have a credit limit. Sue
  23. I would suggest if you spend $19.00 or more on Cartel Coins, you get a one month subscription (with out the CC bonus). Sue
  24. Groan, another week of merciless troling... I would really like to have the ability to know, who infected me, so at some time or another I can return the favor... Or better, would really like to know who infected me and have the opportunity to attack them and force them to spend credits in the form of repairs. Best yet they get flagged "pvp" like and anyone can attack and kill them, as it would be a logical thing IMO. But as long as infecting is undetectable as to who did it, the cowardly trolls hiding behind anonimity will enjoy their week at the expense of all others... Sue
  25. Mmm... Many interesting views and thoughts, that got me into thinking of my own approach to the game. Being and Alt-O-Holic so I can support my guild best for OP formation, I have placed great effort in starting an alt concept, and then blazing through the leveling to be ready to support my guild as quickly as possible. Now that I think of it, I really could care less about the class story, all I need them for is to send me to the various areas I can get quests so can level. In double exp time periods, I don't even waste my time with the class quests, I just go to the space station tactical and bore myself repeating them over and over. What got me intrigued was what one poster did mention, the leveling process does nearly nothing in preparing you for OPS at all, no mechanics, etc. In fact the low level FPs does the great majority of the pre-OP training a player should need, and in fact I urge new players to master both CZ HM FPs, Athis (tanking), and name eludes me for the last FP, its the wan you fight a droid that requries healer to cleanse the tank a lot. So if OPs training does not occur during leveling, and end game is either PvP or OPs then what is so special about grinding to level? Frankly if you did achieve 55 in a class, I see little reason to grind the levels on the otehr advanced class choice, ie Sith Assassin vs Sorcerer, they both have the same story line, they both do the same quests, so what is the point of doing the level grind. Why not just give the player the 55 and let them build their expertise in FPs? Do note that just saying you got an alt to 55, all classes are opened up to auto level to 55, I left the option to specializations only. Now when we get to inter-class, the first 15 levels are all about teaching you how to use the GUI and interact with the game, for that much any one who made it to 55 should master those simple mecahnics and should be able to start at level 15. Of course, I am viewing this in a highly pragmatic view from a player who makes many alts... Sue
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