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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. This. Had it been released like this I would probably not have an issue...I simply would have never purchased it.

    And I wouldn't have spent real money on CC's to get a chance at getting it. Now I have 4 monuments to BioWare's ... what? Ineptness or deceit? Either way, it doesn't enhance my enjoyment of the game.


    TL;DR: BioWare exploited the players. "Working as intended" my butt.

  2. LOL good luck with that.

    You don't know California consumer protection law, do you?

    I think not.


    There's an attorney in California who made a fortune just going to small retail shops, seeing whether they had a wheelchair ramp if they had even one step at the entrance, suing them under the ADA if they did not, and settling the suit for a few thousand dollars. Heck of a racket, perfectly legal, but it's just one example of why amateurs shouldn't think they know how the law works or what you can do with it.

  3. Since I spent real money to get these machines, based on the drop rates and BioWare's statements that they intended the machines to be a source of mats, I wonder if this is a deceptive sales practice under California state laws?


    I hate to throw good money after bad, but I'm seriously considering finding an attorney that practices California consumer protection law and paying to get their analysis.


    This is not a reasonable "tuning"of what I bought. It reduces the machines to uselessness, and I'm going to be annoyed at BioWare every time I see the damn things now.

  4. I see no reason to have to make multiple characters in order to have multiple crafting skills, when I can just load them all onto one character and be done with it. Having to make another character just to hold crafting skills is not going to warrant me playing on said character whatsoever.


    How about NO. Just do what everyone else has done and create an alt. You don't even have to level them past 11 if you do not want to: I have an alt who got to 500 Armstech at level 31.

  5. ToS aside, BW is legally obligated, throughout the privacy act of The United States of America to keep information about you private. This would extend to "punishment" for your actions.

    Really? Which title and section of the United States Code says that?


    Note that the The Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, according to U.S. Department of Justice only applies to "information about individuals that is maintained in systems of records by federal agencies." (emphasis added)

  6. Just because it's type 4 doesn't make it non sexy. Everyone has different tastes, just no need to be rude about it.

    Most people I know who play SWTOR think BT4 is easily the sexiest female body type. Including my wife.

    [Edit] ah, the rifle barrel, that was the joke. Not the right place. I have a BT4 female sniper, so I'm familiar with the problem.

  7. Or I can drop $100 on CCs, enjoy the suspense of opening all the crates in two hypercrates, and hopefully get a Slot machine I can play pretty much as often as I like for no additional real money. And just like a RL casino machine, it provides the sensory rewards - lights, sounds - that the RL slot machines do, which matters, and some rewards I can use to further my SWTOR enjoyment.


    Sounds like fun! Thanks BioWare!


    Update: wife and I bought 3 Hypercrates each. She got 3 Slot Machines, I only got one.

    Now my "casino" has a 4-machine bank, she has a 3-machine bank, and the other two she will give to the guild.


    Why? Because playing slots is a fun thing to do when you aren't raiding, leveling, or doing FPs or weeklies.

    More fun than cycling toons, anyway.

  8. Yeah cant help stupid if they want to waste there real $ on packs that are going to be worth a lot less than what they invest in them now, so be it there decision.

    Every dollar spent on SWTOR is wasted, in some people's opinions. But when I look at the amount of entertainment I get per dollar spent, it looks like a pretty sweet deal. Heck, the entertainment provided by "playing in the forums" almost justifies my subscription all by itself.


    Now, I could go to a casino and drop $100 in a slot machine there, maybe lose all of it and have the expense of the trip too. I might win, but I don't really need the money unless I hit the jackpot, and I won't.


    Or I can drop $100 on CCs, enjoy the suspense of opening all the crates in two hypercrates, and hopefully get a Slot machine I can play pretty much as often as I like for no additional real money. And just like a RL casino machine, it provides the sensory rewards - lights, sounds - that the RL slot machines do, which matters, and some rewards I can use to further my SWTOR enjoyment.


    Sounds like fun! Thanks BioWare!

  9. You're missing the long-term picture ... we'll see the prices of every single crafting material that can be obtained via scrap fall to the about 100 credits per stack range. Which will be "good" because we crafters no longer have to click the machines, we can buy from GTN for effectively "free". ...

    So we'll start crafting with those things and compete like nuts because our mats are free and then... then at some point the actual credit value we get for the effort of learning to make things you want, making them, posting them to GTN, etc.... will become not worth it. So a lot of crafters will stop at that point.


    At which point the prices of crafted items will start going up again, until supply matches demand.

    I am looking forward to this future you described, it sounds great.


    Those who were just here to craft, and who were subscdribers to do so, would stop, taking their subscription revenue with them.


    Seems like a win for everyone, then: There's probably a game somewhere that is centered around crafters, and the "play to craft" crowd will be happier there. Meanwhile, those players that are here to swing lightsabers and fire blasters will enjoy reduced prices and better availability of crafted gear. Win-Win. Maybe even for BioWare, since increased availability of gear may actually increase the number of players, who can say?


    I am not saying crafting is not important or fun, I craft myself, but mainly just to be self sufficient.

    But this game is not "Star Crafting: The Old Republic," so if the devs want to favor fighters at the expense of crafters, and they think that's best for the game, that's not unreasonable of them.


    Meanwhile, the credit sellers ...


    Yeah, yeah, the evil credit sellers are lurking under the bed, waiting for the right moment to devour us all, I get it.

    Yet somehow I still sleep at night.

  10. When an integral part of the game is made usless because of a small item added to the game there is something broken.


    Which "integral part of the game" is that?


    Rotating toons to send out companions on missions for purple mats?

    Is that what some people play SWTOR to do? I always just found it a necessary annoyance myself.


    But are you saying it's integral to game? That it wouldn't be Star Wars: The Old Republic" without it?


    I don't recall anyone doing crafting missions in any of the movies. Is it from the books perhaps? I haven't read much of the EU stuff.

  11. They need to start the actions on the exploiters right now.. so people can go back to the actual chew-toy that is the thread topic. :)

    Word on the grapevine is that the sanctions have already been imposed.

    Of course, BioWare may not ever confirm that.


    How many weeks before we all just assume they have, and move on?

  12. The slot machine is broken. Its results at present break the game.


    No, it doesn't. It reduces the cost of two aspects of the game (purple mat acquisition and CM reputation acquisition). That's change, but it does not break anything.


    This is not like the Collections bug that was a nearly limitless source of new gold in the game. Making purple mats cheaper just means some crafted item will be cheaper and more abundant. I don't see that that breaks anything. And making CM Certs and rep easier to get just means some vanity items, like mounts, are easier to get. Again, not game breaking.


    I'd appreciate it if people would try to limit the hyperbole in their posts. Hyperbole works great for scamming people and comedy acts, but other than that it is not very productive.

  13. Are the low prices due to the slot machine, or due to a stockpile of materials?

    Using the slot machine, you have the following typical acquisition costs for Grade 11 purple mats:

    • Midlithe Crystals and Doonium: 1200-1700 credits
    • Auotimminue Regulators: 2400-3400 credits
    • Adadaptive Circuitry: 3600-5100 credits


    This is based on averages for 100-coin runs, selling the rep items and counting the green and blue scrap token and the CM Certs as having no value. That last is obviously not true, but we have not bothered to sell the CM Certs yet, so short-term for us the above numbers represent our short term credit outlays.


    Midlithe Crystals are currently 6400 credits on Harbinger right now, a 300% markup over the above costs. At that price you need to sell around 650 of them to recoup the 3.2 million credit cost of a slot machine.

  14. Yea, the one I bought cost 3 mil. It was worth it IMO.

    Something fun to do while I craft.


    Between me, my wife, and a friend, we acquired six machines, currently allocated as follows:

    • Three-machine cluster in a stronghold that all three of us can access at any time,
    • Single machine at one of my wife's strongholds,
    • Single machine on the Flagship of the Imp guild we are in, and
    • Single machine on the Flagship of the Pub guild we are in.


    The three machine cluster is for serious grinding. The token vendor is within easy reach.

    The other machines are for more casual use, like while waiting for an op or Q-pop.

    We might get more :I think a four-machine cluster is optimal, and having more on the Flagships would be nice.

  15. i said, written. laughable that you think all ndas are enforceable.

    Not as laughable as you blatantly represented what I've posted. Who do you think you'll fool other than maybe yourself?

    i used a word "likely".

    And even that is legal advice ("You will likely win in court if sued.") you seem "likely" to be unqualified to provide.


    Why don't you just stop giving out legal advice on the forums? Do you think you are getting respect or winning any arguments by doing so? I doubt that you are.

  16. you're right the countless ndas i've written and signed over the last 15 years in my professional career are apparently meaningless thanks for setting me straight, tips LOL

    Reading and signing multiple NDAs does not provide you with any experience relevant to making a determination of whether a particular provision of an NDA would be enforceable or not, no more than reading a statute would make you competent to practice law or playing an MMO would render you competent to code one.


    No semi-competent attorney goes before a judge and 'argues': "Your Honor, I've read dozens of contracts, and this provision of this contract is unenforceable." Instead, they cite case law of the state in question where a court, preferably an appellate court, ruled that a similar provision in a similar contract was unenforceable.


    So tell me, regarding the provision being discussed, in the jurisdiction that controls for BioWare's NDA, what prior court precedent exists that ruled that a similar provision in an NDA signed as a condition to participating in beta testing of a game was unenforceable?


    I will wait.

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