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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. Musco did not have the developers make this change. He can likely only make suggestions, he is not a dev himself.


    He is likely just the messenger.

    And frankly he looked pretty unenthusiastic, almost annoyed, during the last live stream. It's not fun to be him right now.


    Morale among BioWare's SWTOR team is probably pretty low. It's kind of a death spiral: produce poorly crafted software and make bad decisions, players get mad, you lose enthusiasm for your work, your work suffers as a result, and you produce even more poorly crafted software and make even worse decisions.

    Symptoms of a poorly managed team.

  2. Working as intended, probably. The crafted blue non-moddable droid parts I put on HK have better stats (except for armor rating) than the 192 Companion gear.


    They only good thing about the Comp gear is that with one set you can gear all your Treeks, because it is BoL.

  3. I have an idea, they know exactly what people won over the week.

    Probably not. Based on recent events, even if the software BioWare uses provides tools that let someone perform a query of the database that would produce the information you mention, it seems unlikely there is anyone at BioWare smart enough to know how to use that tool.


    You can't just ask your computer in English, you have to write some form of database query.

    And that's not something a PR flack like Eric Musco is likely to be able to do, and anyone on the SWTOR team with the training to do that is probably too busy substituting new bugs for old ones in the next patch.

  4. I thought it was names wouldn't be named. But we'd know in sweeping brush strokes.


    Heard through the grape vine that people who were selling the lockout on fleet chat got banned.


    I have not heard of anyone else who was banned: not people who bought the exploit, not people that shared the exploit for free, and not people running every alt they could through both SM and HM every week.

  5. Oh look, I came to see what's up in the thread entitled "Ravagers Exploit Action Update," and the key issue is apparently some nerf of some cartel item.


    That makes sense.

    Yes, it does, because since the "Action" part of the title is pretty much a farce (what action have they taken?) we might as well ignore the entire title.


    Besides, at a broader level, this is a thread about exploits, and the grandest exploit in SWTOR at the moment, and perhaps ever, is BioWare's exploiting there ability to modify items they sold to players for real cash so that the items are no longer anywhere near as valuable as they were when they were sold (the switch) after telling the players that the items were meant to drop mats, were not bugged, and it was not an exploit to funnel credits into them (the bait.)


    By comparison, the Ravagers exploit, which netted the exploiters nothing of any real-world value, was of no real consequence.

  6. As for getting the machine, well it cost either real money or a couple of million on the GTN.

    Every single slot machine in the game was bought from BioWare using real money transformed into cartel coins. That some of the machines were then resold for credits is irrelevant. BioWare got real cash for these machines, and then altered them from being a valuable asset to being useless decos after baiting the players for 5 days by telling them "working as intended, not a bug that it drops mats, not an exploit to pour credits into it."


    Has that every happened before in this game with something BioWare sold for real money?

  7. Above 5000 now... I can feel the hate flowing through me :mad:


    Reposted from another thread:

    So, if you can click once every 1.5 seconds and have 3 or more machines (so there is always a machine ready to click), here's the chance of getting at least one Walker mount if you do that continuously for a period of time:


    • 1 hour (2,400 pulls): 2.3 %
    • 4 hours (9,600 pulls): 9.1 %
    • 8 hours (19,200 pulls): 17 %
    • 16 hours (38,400 pulls): 31.9 %
    • 24 hours (57,600 pulls): 43.8 %
    • 28 hours (67,200 pulls): 48.9 %
    • 32 hours (76,800 pulls): 53.6 %
    • 72 hours (172,800 pulls): 82.2 %


    5000 coins buys a little over 6000 pulls. So it is no surprise you have not won a mount.

  8. People work on the weight of assumptions and common knowledge.


    Common knowledge in this case is A LOT of people exploited this on Harbinger ( any one who has bothered to look around fleet @ 60's can clearly see this )

    I only wear my BtL raid gear when I'm raiding, and tend to walk around fleet in empty CM shells.

    Plus, our guild Flagship is pretty well equipped, so I rarely have to go to the fleet anyway.

    So if there are many exploiters in a situation like mine, the numbers may be skewed low. ;)

  9. There are two limits on how fast you can pull the Slot machine lever: 1 GCD per click from your character, aprox (may be affected by Alacrity) and the reset time of the machine, which seems to be about (edit) 2 GCDs.


    So, if you can click once every 1.5 seconds and have 3 or more machines (so there is always a machine ready to click), here's the odds of getting a Walker mount if you do that continuously for a period of time:


    • 1 hour (2,400 pulls): 2.3 %
    • 4 hours (9,600 pulls): 9.1 %
    • 8 hours (19,200 pulls): 17 %
    • 16 hours (38,400 pulls): 31.9 %
    • 24 hours (57,600 pulls): 43.8 %
    • 28 hours (67,200 pulls): 48.9 %
    • 32 hours (76,800 pulls): 53.6 %
    • 72 hours (172,800 pulls): 82.2 %


    If someone is just macroing a repeated right click on one machine, they should multiply the above times by (edit) two.

  10. I would assume they underestimated just how willing people are to stand in one spot and click... and click... and click... and click...

    They had the Nar Shadaa Nightlife event as a baseline.

    And all the NSN slots dropped were BoP and BtL items, you couldn't make money on them.

    Still, many players dropped millions of credits into them, each.


    So how stupid do you think they are? Heck, is there even a lower bound to that?

    I used to think the Maltese dogs were the dumbest mammals on the planet. Now, I'm not so sure.

  11. It would appear that 99% of the posts are in regards to the Slot Machine now and not what is going to happen to Ravagers exploiters.

    Perhaps BioWare's Slot Machine Swindle exploit is "what has happened to the Ravagers exploiters."

    I'll bet lots of people who buy Hypercrates and got Slot Machines did the Exploit. Now they are being punished.

    Sure, lots of other people are getting punished by it too. Acceptable collateral damage.


    And no one saw it coming.

  12. Just wondering why any threads that post the new drop rates for the slots are being removed.. is someone at BW afraid they overdid it?


    I do know where to go to get them, just curious why they can't be posted here.


    Exact percentages are from data mining, read on the SWTOR reddit probably, and BioWare forbids the posting of data mined info on the forums.


    All you really need to know about the drop rates is that you you will have to spend tens (plural) of millions of credits before one of the new mounts is likely to drop, and that if you want to use the machine to get purple mat scraps, expect it to cost you close to 100K credits per scrap (so 300K for an Adaptive Circuitry). The machines were promoted by BioWare as being a legit and intentional source of level 11 mats, which was true yesterday.

    But not any more.

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