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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. Yea it was over-nerfed, but after all this is the slot machine... and not the farming machine


    BioWare promoted the Slot Machine as a source of Level 11 mats. Go read their posts, it's there. They sold it as a mat farming machine, which is why at least a few people bought it. Then today it isn't. Bait-and-switch.

  2. This wasn't some big overarching plot by EA or Bioware to scam people out of money.

    How do you know that? Where you in on their decision making process?

    Or are you so naive that you think there are no con artists in the entertainment business?

  3. Pretty sure "objective and rational thought" is what leads to the conclusion that "this seems like a really silly thing to get that worked up over".

    Are you sure you would recognize an objective and rational thought if it accidentally occurred to you?

    Because getting scammed out of credits and/or dollars by BioWare seems a rational thing to get worked up about.

  4. Lord... from YOU that is shocking... I associate your name as a Bioware defender in all things... I'm nearly speechless!

    Decisions about many aspect of the game, I defer to the developers. But when they use bait-and-switch tactics to get people to part with their credits and dollars, or are just so incompetent that they appear to be doing that, such deference is inappropriate.

  5. While I do not support the way BW handled things with the Slot Machine, I am fairly baffled that a mishandling of a quirky little stronghold decoration has caused this much of a blow-up, with people claiming they've unsubbed over it.

    I'd like you to spend some time pondering camels, straws, reputation, and repeat business.

    Perhaps you'll be less baffled if you do.


    Yes, it's a cryptic response, but for a reason: in this case only you can cure your baffledness.

    Be prepared though: some objective and rational thought may be required.

  6. No I v lost trust with them

    ^^^ this

    Never again

    But not necessarily this. They might regain a bit of trust, but not if it takes them 5 weeks to correct their error, as was the case with the obviously wrong 16-man loot drops.


    But restoring a tarnished reputation is harder than tarnishing it. My expectations for BioWare have reached a new low.

  7. I really think I should've exploited Coratanni when I could.

    In retrospect, you are correct. BioWare has shown no hesitation in gaining an "unfair advantage" by exploiting there ability to change items from prized one week to valueless the next in order to make real $$$. We should all follow their example and exploit their bugs to make in-game loot. It's only fair.

  8. So it's the next week or so Eric.

    What's happening on this front? :)


    They've pulled a bait-and-switch with the Slot Machine to show us that BioWare is MUCH better at Exploiting the game than any player could ever be. That's our punishment, and a deterrent: "Be good kiddies, or we'll exploit you like this again the next time a player exploit gets too wide-spread for us to actually punish only the people who did it."


    And people say BioWare isn't creative. LOL.

  9. As someone who has spent thousands on this game, you have lost my trust. I will no longer, outside of my subscription fee, be supporting this game financially through the Cartel Market.


    TL;DR - You lost my trust and any future income from me outside of subbing by being very deceptive about these slot machines within 7 days of them being available in your Acolyte's Shadow packs.

    This, except I have also cancelled the automatic renewal of my subscription. Maybe they'll notice if lots of people do that.


    Eh, I need to get out more anyway. And it's not like the bug-ridden L60 ops are actually all that fun.

  10. They should just simply stop hitting themselves in the head with bricks. Then they wouldn't make these kind of silly mistakes.

    Before today I figured BioWare's sanctions for the Ravagers exploit would not harm the future of the game.

    Now I think they may ban thousands of their most active players who will be grateful to be booted.


    It's so bad, if I was running a company and this kind of stuff was happening, I'd higher a private investigator to check out whoever is making these decisions to make sure that they weren't secretly in the employ of a competitor.

  11. That 'racket' works because those were small retail shops who wouldn't be able to afford fighting those suits in court. EA's legal team and whatever litigation firms they have on retainer are a whole other ballgame.

    Retainer? They might have in-house council on salary but I don't know of any law firms that have a retainer agreement with a large corporation. Big corporation get charged by the hour for anything related to litigation unless they handle it in house. In the very large corporations I have worked in, none of them handled litigation in-house.


    That's the underlying mechanic by which small-potatoes "non-practicing entities" (also called patent trolls) made a good living: send a letter alleging infringement, then offer to license the patent (usually low quality) for a fraction of the minimum cost of a law suit.

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