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Everything posted by AlaricSevGirl

  1. Yes, I hate what they did to HK. I think that's the dumbest dev thing I've seen since I've been playing the game, and I've been playing since the beginning.
  2. I actually like Lana now though she disagrees with my trooper. I also don't like the text dialogue. In Dragon Age Origins, it was done correctly. I think they need to go back to that game and see how it's done if they're going to do it but I would rather they didn't.
  3. Yes, Bioware is story.,.it's why I play their games.
  4. Wait, there are solo versions of operations? Do my eyes deceive me? Do they level to the amount of players entering, say 2 people can do them? Must go read dev notes.
  5. Yes, I had tons of missing gear that was returned in the mail. I love the changes and the new story line.
  6. I agree with the OP 100%. The companions are over powered. There is no way my companion should have 15 to 20K more hit points than my PC, in 192 armor.
  7. What the hell does casual have to do with wanting your companions to look different. This is an asinine comment. OP, I agree. They should allow customization.
  8. My smuggler as it fit her more to work with Sith. I doubt I will do the content with my light side jedi since I don't think it fits. I'm also doing it with my gray sentinel who doesn't believe in the order. That works too.
  9. I actually didn't expect choices to matter because it's BW. It's on rails. I'm looking at this from a POV of art, design and story and I'm enjoying it enough to come back from being away for weeks because the game was stale. I don't know what's going to happen in the future of the story but I'll stick around enough to see it because the art is good. Now since we're on rails, we're stuck with undesirable companions that some BW dev thought was a great companion to jedi...really...sith working with jedi....not mine but I'm stuck because BW made it so. I can't kil said Sith...I can't make said sith go away....but that is BW. Choices never matter. The only choice that ever matters in the game is whether you are going to save your coins or spend then in the store. I'm sure EA/BW would control that too if they could.
  10. Yes, I was looking for them too. Figured it would be an update. I want to do a Sith Warrior with one. My free went to sentinel because I already have one of each class and can't bother to repeat the stories except the smuggler (I have two of them).
  11. Yup, you are exactly why people don't like to PvP. You do realize that, right? You and others like you.
  12. I have not heard one complaint from anyone I've spoken to. We all are really enjoying it.
  13. i don't think it's working correctly. Corso had 45K hit points to my smugglers 27K. I had him out there fighting with no shirt and no weapon and he was still punching the gold star to death.
  14. There are a lot of truly free games on the market, Wildstar, Guild Wars 2, Blade and Soul is coming out first quarter. If the F2P and preferred players don't like what they have with SWTOR, there are other games to play. EA is never going to change it's strategy for making money especially off an MMO. I do, though, think that BW should have left enough alone to keep these players happy and changed enough to make those of us who love the changes happy. They should have kept the vendors where they were.
  15. Nice comment...PVP can be done in any PvP map. Explain how it is content unless there are new arenas. New arenas are content, the act of PvPing is not.
  16. People are complaining because they have to grind companion influence. People are complaining because they don't have to grind quests. How is BW to win? Half want the grind, the other half don't.
  17. Wait...what? There is a choice between old and new and if you pick old, you don't have a voice? That's quite...well whatever.....I would never do it. My characters without a voice is just damned crazy.
  18. Actually, I did. I went from 55 to 60 just by doing the FPs for Revan, solo, easy. The FPs took around 20 minutes each.
  19. It's definitely longer and for the comment about PvP. You can still PvP. Go back to fleet and PvP. PvP is not content. Story, FPs, OPs are content.
  20. Actually, Treek is a her. I didn't have the bug with her and the ship droid. I still haven't kitted out my companions because now that I don't have to use her any more, I probably won't. It will be nice to use my other companions for a change. The other bugs should have been sorted out but that is typicsl BW fashion in all of their games.
  21. Players were clarifying it all over the forums which is how I knew I had to be subbed the entire time without even reading what the devs said. How could you have not known unless you didn't read the forums at all the entire time.
  22. 12XP was a huge success. Why do you think they changed all of this? Honestly, I like the main quest and the planet quest line but hated the other side quests. I was forced to do them because if I didn't, I would be under leveled. I love what they did. People are bringing up new players to the game as if they will want to do all the side quests. I honestly think that given the choice, those new people will want to see the story of the main quest and the planetary quests and not the other side quests or will want to only see the main quest. Bioware has finally given them the option to play their way. Also, companion gearing and every companion tank/heal/dps was in my opinion the best move. I was so tired of being forced to use a specific companion because if what class he/she was. I want to use Bowdaar instead of Corso for my slinger, can't do it, but now I can. I was using Treek on every character. Now I can use any companion I want. That was an excellent move. Gearing companions, thank goodness that's gone. It made me insane to have to spend my comms getting them geared only to find out I had to strip them so I'd have enough comms or gear for my character. The new story is excellent and the best part is that we didn't have to buy it.
  23. I have to agree. I was away from the game for a few weeks because I was so bored. KOTFE has renewed my interest and I find myself thinking who will be next through the looking glass of my characters. I also barely got a warrior and an assassin started. They will be deleted and redone with the insta 60 so I can get every class through the looking glass. So far I'm really enjoying it. My only problem is where is Theron. I get stuck with Lana and though she is much more tolerable now, my Republic characters hate the SITH and will never trust them.
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