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Everything posted by AlaricSevGirl

  1. Jaxo is either dead or alive and guilty because of what the trooper did. Jonas, oh hell yes, Darmas is in prison or dead, but my smuggler so did him lol. Arcann, very nice. I think my jedi knight would give up on Doc if Arcann was romanceable. My other jedi is a Theron girl.
  2. This is how I did it with my shadow. Stay at the bottom of the steps. That way you are close enough to the green circles to catch them as they come by. Next, use only one attack, a powerful one, that you keep spamming. Make sure you get out of her AOE blast but as soon as it's over move right back to the bottom of the steps. Keep her there. Once I did this, I won easily. You can move slightly to catch the greens but then move right back to the bottom of the stairs. Should have said this, the front of the stairs, not behind them.
  3. I completely disagree with you and Keith on this matter. Yes, he did a nice thing, but there are a lot of things he could have given her that wasn't the most expensive outfit in the game. It doesn't matter the reason and it can be called nepotism. I understand why people are upset about it. You don't. Hopefully Keith does and will be more aware of the affect it has on the populace in the future.
  4. I don't know. I think the consular female voice was great throughout KOTFE/KOTET. My consular is my favorite character. She sounded exactly like she should have. I haven't taken my night through it yet. I figured why bother if they're not bringing back her Doc. I'm only taking those through it who have a reason to, either LI or romancing Theron. I have 14 characters so that entire thing will be a challenge.
  5. After10 tries, I finally got this completed yesterday. The trick, and yes I say trick because it is so poorly designed, is to stand about 4ft away from the bottom of the steps and just attack her with 2 attacks. I did it on my shadow. I used both of my throw debris skills. I spammed one and then the other and kept her there unless the red circle. When the red circle came I moved out of the way. The healing circles will pass very close to there and you'll catch them every time. You may need to move a couple of feet to catch one as it comes by but then move right back. Everything I did, every trick I tried that everyone mentioned, failed except this.
  6. Yeah that pisses me off too. I was at the top of the stairs and fighting her there. I have to jump down to get health, run back up and fight her again, just so she wouldn't reset. I still couldn't kill her and this throwing someone around like a damned ragged doll is freaking stupid. BW Austin, are you listening to me??? Damned stupid. I think I'm unsubbing again. I did like KOTET better than KOTFE but if I had know you needed to do dark side choices to succeed, I never would have done it with my jedi shadow. Edit: Finally, for those who are having trouble, be about 4 feet from the stairs when you attack her and stay there, the heal circles will come to you. Keep to two attacks and just attack over and over again. The only time you should move from this spot is when you need to avoid the red. Otherwise, this is the only thing that worked for me.
  7. Hey guys, I am kiting the hell out of her and she constantly resets. So I'll get her on the stairs, she'll be down a little health then all of a sudden she disappears and resets. I had her half way down by leading her through the healing circles, she was half way down then reset. I don't know how to complete this and frankly, I'm thinking about unsubbing all over again because it pisses me off something fierce that those dark side people who kept the spirt get the healing help and the rest of us don't and there is no way to go back and change it. I'm on jedi covenant if anyone wants to come in and help me. I'm a shadow. Honestly, this is the stupidest f'ing fight in either KOTFE or KOTET.
  8. Don't you think this is the reason EA is going to give up on this game probably over the next year. We've already seen it going down hill rapidly. They need to do more if they want the game to survive. Actually, maybe they don't want the game to survive.
  9. Qyzen is the last companion I want back and it is ridiculous. Honestly, I doubt we'll be seeing most of the companions that were left out. I'd be surprised if they even write the romance companions back into the story.
  10. These are the things you'll need: Artifact unlock, the larger money unlock (forgot what that was called), character slot unlocks if you have more than I think it's 6 characters, hide helmet, more quickbars if you use them, I use 3. I think should should handle it. When I went preferred awhile back, I purchased all of that and did fine.
  11. Where's the poll because I think you're wrong. I think there are problems for sure and I do think there needs to be new flashpoints and operations and a couple of battlegrounds but I also think they need to go back to the old method of content and they aren't going to do it. They frankly gave up and they certainly can't say that they won't do content for each class because of the voice acting cost because as we found out with this strike, voice acting is dirt cheap. The problem is that they have their fingers in their ears and are humming la la la la la. I've seen free MMOs come out with more content that SWTOR has. There are so many things they could do to improve it but they don't bother and nothing anyone says is going to change it.
  12. First, Jolee Bindo was married, his wife became Sith. Bastila Shan had Satele who had Theron. So yes, Jedi do get laid. It's just frowned on. I play a lot of jedi, some violate the code, some do not.
  13. This is really an ignorant statement. There are very few players happy with the changes. In fact there is so much wrong with it that BW A is immediately effecting changes in it. Back up your info before you post it.
  14. That is pretty pathetic. Honestly, if they don't play the game, they shouldn't be on the payroll.
  15. Now this I would love. I don't want my characters to be the Outlander. I'd rather they be jedi, sith, soldier, smuggler, mercenary, spy. I know I'm going to have to force myself to finish KOTET eventually on all of them but I'll take my time because honestly, I didn't like being shoehorned into that role. I'd love for Zakuul to become free, appoint a new democracy and let my characters go back to what they were.
  16. I absolutely agree with you. Here is the problem, they can fix it. EA most likely won't let them. I go into Neverwinter and they are always adding new content to play and it's fun content if you like dungeon delving. SWTOR 1-50, I could even go as far as 60, is great content. KOTFE and KOTET is not great content, IMO. They need to actually hire someone who can write.
  17. No, just no. I transferred off Ebon Hawk for a reason. I paid to do it. I'm not going back and I'm not losing my names.
  18. No, just no. Chapters are an important part of the game and I'll take my CXP any place I can get it.
  19. So you don't think the Sith Inquisitor would get tired of sitting on his or her *** and want to be out there doing something after the emperor is taken down? Mine surely would. It would be all about advancing the Sith Empire in anyway they could (I have 3 of them).
  20. Some of my girls would have a problem not having Theron in their lives.
  21. They have their fingers in their ears and are saying "la la la la, I can't hear you"
  22. Actually, wrong. Name me a game besides FFXIV, WOW, SWTOR and EVE that won't let you do end game content without being subscribed. That isn't "plenty of games". WOW and EVE have diehards. I hated FFXIV and SWTOR needs to loosen up. They'd bring a lot more players into the game if they did. BW Austin needs to get a grip and see how they are ruining this game. Look at their sub numbers. Awful is putting it mildly. So what can they do. 1) Make all content free ie GW2, ESO etc and give subscribers better rewards for being subscribed, ie ESO etc. 2) Give better incentives for shopping in their store. They'd make a ton more money if they would just put a few packs in with great stuff and put a lot more stuff that people could see at higher prices. And lessen the RNG. It is terrible. 3) Put KOTFE and KOTET on the CM for DLC prices Will they do it? Hell no. Whether it's EA's stubborness or BW Austin's, I don't know but if they followed some of the other MMOs out there, you'd see the population grow substantially. To take max level operations away from F2P players is just plain stupid IMO.
  23. 1) Vanilla class stories were really good. You felt like you were the center of the story which is what you should be. That all changed with KOTFE and KOTET. All the companions people really liked are gone, especially all the romances that most looked on with fondness, and you are thrust into a world where you can be thrown around like a rag doll and have no power and your husband/wife is no longer interested in you even though they damned well know where you are since the Alliance has been broadcast through known space and probably beyond. 2)RNG, what the hell or what a hell, BW. My gosh, They put RNG in the Cartel Packs, but then they make it worse. They put RNG in endgame gearing and made it worse. I understand the need for RNG but they went way overboard here and purposely did it so that some foolish person who wants a certain armor set or mount or companion will continue to buy, buy, buy. BW Austin has turned into it's greedy parent company. 3)Where did all the good writers go. A good MMO writer knows that the player wants to be the hero of the story. A good writer knows that the reader wants to put himself/herself into the story and be able to identify with it. They want to get to know the companions, they want a long drawn out story that they can play over the months and they want to feel good about it. That was vanilla stories before all the XP boosts and it certainly isn't KOTFE/KOTET. I love BW games, the Dragon Age series, the Mass Effect series, really looking forward to ME Andromeda and I loved vanilla SWTOR so much that I've made all new characters so I can play vanilla class stories again and do the flashpoints over again. My friends are coming back for the same reason. They don't give a damn about KOTFE or KOTET. They want vanilla. BW Austin can't make sweeping changes and expect people to stick around. They have ruined the economy. Damn you can't even buy an armor set on the GTN without paying a fortune. 50mil for a mount? That's bloody ridiculous. But BW because of their RNG made that possible. Next, the damned restrictions on FTP and preferred players. That is the most ridiculous of all. I'm a subscriber so don't go on the you just want everything rant. No, I want fairness and equitability. I don't want F2P players to have the massive restrictions they have. You know what, if BW loosened up on the restrictions to F2P and announced it, there would be an influx of players. The CM is making a ton of money and everyone knows it. They'd still be bringing in the flow. They would have to adequately compensate the subscribers and they would stick around if they had reason to, but more players would be in the game. Lastly, BW Austin doesn't know MMO gaming at all and they don't want to know it. If they did, they'd be on these forums reading every reasonable post and putting every idea on the drawing board. Voice acting isn't expensive. In fact, it's dirt cheap, 825.00 per session. If they had not moved away from making new class stories and new OPs, this game would be thriving. Alas, BW Austin doesn't appear to give a damn and have fallen to EA's total and complete greediness. Do I think there is a way to save this game? Yes I do. They need to go back to the drawing board and make class stories and new operations. There is so much Star Wars content out there. Surely they could use it since this game is not considered canon. They need to lessen the restrictions on the f2p players and release new content as DLC except for subscribers. They should look at the other MMOs that have gone f2p. Honestly, ESO, f2p, the free players get to play everything with no restrictions and the subscribers get an amount of store currency and the new content for free. I can name several other MMOs that have the same policy. I definitely think BW has this game on life support. I don't know if it's caused by a decision from EA or if BW Austin is just incompetant. The other BW teams are on the top of their games and producing excellent games (except the ending of ME3 which fans have fixed). Now granted, not every change they've made is bad. I really like being able to use any companion I want. I like not having to gear them. Those two changes were very good. I hate what they've done with the Alliance quests, no PC voice acting, especially now that I know how cheap it actually is. Yes, BW/EA, you are cheap, cheap, cheap to pull that crap when a session is so inexpensive. And do you know what's worse of all? They'll never read these comments and even if they did, they won't take them to the drawing board and try to make things better. *shrugs*
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