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Everything posted by dinowoman

  1. Thank you so much for this information! I don't mind if we get the wrong cutscene for the bugged mission. The fact that this won't impact our story going forward is all I needed to know. Now I can properly look forward to 7.0.
  2. Is there any news on this? 7.0 is due to release in a couple of weeks and we've still heard nothing about whether it will be fixed or, if not, whether it's safe to proceed. My imp main (and my favourite of my characters by far) is stuck in limbo over this because I don't dare move him on. If fixing it is problematical, would it be possible to do like you did with the Lana romance bug a few years ago and add a mission to talk to someone to re-set the saboteur flag (or whatever's used to mark a character as a saboteur)? It worries me somewhat that this has never been added to known issues and the two threads on the topic have never been merged, as has happened with a number of others. I confess it makes me wonder if anyone's actually still reading them, even though the community team assure us that they do read everything. Please can we have some info about the situation, or at least an acknowledgement that it hasn't been forgotten? It's game-breaking for some of us.
  3. I've encountered the same thing a number of times. It doesn't seem to have been so bad recently, and most times I've used the homing missiles it's worked. But on 2 occasions nothing happened. Some months ago (I can't now say how many so I can't say what patch number we were at at the time) I found the homing missiles never worked if I used them as my first attack against a group of mobs (it made no difference whether I had one targeted or not), but if I used another attack first, the homing missiles then fired as they were supposed to.
  4. Two things particularly come to mind for me. The first is the day the climax of the Ziost storyline was released (on May 4th). After being left with a massive cliff-hanger, wondering how they were going to resolve the situation they were in, the final denouement was so unexpected! I thought it was wonderful! Of course, now I know what happens, repeating it in each character's story doesn't have quite the same effect, but I do still love watching the cutscene. The second thing concerns a moment in the Inquisitor story. When designing my early toons' personalities and backstories, I had always attempted to make plausible Star Wars characters. Then I decided to make a lightside sorcerer. He was totally an exercise in self-indulgence and I didn't expect the story to support him in any way, but I was pleasantly surprised to find the choices offered to me in his class story were perfectly compatible with how I imagined him. His encounters with the Revanites and Kel'eth Ur inspired me to make him a historian (who was researching force-related history in the hope of finding a third way, that didn't involve the cruelty of the Sith or the asceticism of the Jedi). I had never completed the Inquisitor story on my previous sorc and hadn't met Talos, so I was absolutely delighted, when they finally met, to discover my historian with lightside values, who disliked violence, was going to have an archaeologist companion with lightside values, who disliked violence. They were a perfect match XD. It may seem like something very trivial, but it meant a lot to me. (And the department he went on to be put in charge of was also perfect for him. That self-indulgent 'spare' character went on to become my main because the continuing story accommodated him so well.)
  5. Is there any info on how this is progressing? Now 7.0 has been delayed I'm less on edge about the imminent risk of not being able to continue the story on my main, but it bothers me that it's never been mentioned in Known Issues that the last fix didn't work for all players.
  6. I always pick up the quests before joining a group, but there have been numerous people in groups I've been part of who ask for someone to share the quest because they can't speak to the Rodian. It appears to be part of a larger problem regarding text-style conversations while in groups. Others have reported the same problem in the Eternal Championship Solo+ mode.
  7. I was thinking about this just today. I would also really like to have some info about the situation, especially as 7.0 is drawing closer and I'd hate not to be able to take my main through it for fear of breaking his saboteur status with Relentless Ambitions. If it can't easily be fixed, just an assurance that it's a one-off story and won't affect any later content would suffice for me. Surely it's possible for the community team to talk to the devs and let us know one way or the other whether it's safe to proceed. (I also realise this is an additional thread about an existing subject and may get locked, but please let us have a response first.)
  8. Definitely still not fixed. I have found broken nodes on Balmorra, Yavin and Onderon over the last couple of days (all skills).
  9. I reset the mission as soon as I saw the incompatibility when it first came out, and so played it from the start as a new mission after the patch today. After finding the Pardax scene still happened, I reset it again and left it unplayed.
  10. I'm likewise still getting the cutscene that this patch was supposed to have removed for saboteurs. I'd be very grateful if we could just have information on whether letting it run would lock us into a wrong path. If it's a one-off scene with no bearing on any later story, even if it's wrong, I could tolerate that. Now that there's a further story snippet released it's getting really frustrating that I can't progress my main because he's a saboteur, while the story continues without him.
  11. I've just encountered the same thing. I was looking forward to finally completing Relentless Ambitions after reading that patch note, but nothing's changed.
  12. Yes, this is still an issue. The same with Scourge. I decided to try removing Kira and replacing her, using a character of another class (Commando), who had completed all story content and had them both available as summonable companions, but discovered that neither of them exist as decos for that character, even though they have deco versions of all their other Alliance companions.
  13. I recognise your problem. A number of people in our guild have had at various times exactly the bug you describe. I haven't experienced it myself so I can't give too many details, but it always seems to occur after grouping for an operation. The people affected lose access to anything guild-related, several forms of chat and subscriber perks (such as being able to do the operation they had grouped for on one occasion, when it bugged out before they started the mission), and the game sometimes doesn't recognise when they log in and out, sometimes showing them as online on 2 characters at once. It's been a while since it last happened but I believe I recall that other guild members could see them in the roster even though the game didn't acknowledge that they were in the guild. It fixed itself without any action on their part, sometimes after a couple of hours, sometimes longer.
  14. I also noticed Lana was unavailable until the mission was finished. My affected character doesn't use her as a main companion, but losing her as a crafter is irritating.
  15. I've had the Paxton bug on all my post-KotFET characters, all of whom had already done his Alliance alert. (I didn't complain about it because that particular alert counts as a story mission and so has given me an extra 7k conquest points each time I've redone the recruitment. ) Yes, there have been bugs surrounding a lot of the reward companions, but they have tended to involve an inability to recruit them. This one doesn't cause any problems, but it's clearly not right.
  16. I would also be very grateful if we could have some feedback about whether this actually is a bug or not. I've taken another saboteur through it for whom the outcome isn't quite so vital, but I've left my main waiting and would very much like to know if I should do the mission with him or wait for a fix.
  17. I just came here to see if anyone else had commented on this. It was my immediate thought too, so I aborted it in case I was forced down a path I didn't want to take. I was wondering if I'd wrongly remembered the saboteur option in the previous mission.
  18. Same problem here. It was working fine when I left at about 18:15 bst. Have just come back, got a download and now it's stuck in the loading screen. I've tried it 3 times and have restarted the computer to no effect.
  19. I've just had this same problem with the Pitscreamers course on Dantooine. I completed all objectives, including the bonus, within the time. The first time I hit a mine near to a checkpoint so, although I redid the hoop I had been approaching and was sure I had gone through the checkpoint, I figured I must somehow have missed it. Then I redid the course, with perfection, and made a mental note as I passed through every checkpoint, and still got the message that I had failed to complete the course. I have done this course dozens of times before, so it's not like I don't know where all the checkpoints are.
  20. Was this ever fixed? I got this chievo some time ago with help, but just decided to see if I could now manage the jumps by myself. But I can't proceed beyond the first tower. At the point on the first tower where the side barrier ends and the floor texture changes I get stuck. I can rotate but can't move forwards or backwards and have to use /stuck. I have checked two video walkthroughs and the video makers are clearly seen passing onto that second area of the floor. The same thing happens whether I'm on foot or on a mount.
  21. There seem to be two issues here. The requirement in the PO just says to complete 2 heroics, but that only applies to Makeb. Nar Shaddaa and Voss require 3. The other one is that, from the posts here, it appears that some people are not getting credit for the ones they have done: someone reported doing 4 heroics without the objective completing and another said they didn't get credit for their 2 heroics on Makeb. I can, however, confirm that it works correctly on Makeb at least some of the time, because I did The Specialists (level 75 BH) and Weapons Test (level 75 Sin, Darth Malgus server) yesterday and the objective did complete for me.
  22. I agree with everything that's been said here. I'm another person who ran the traitor arc flashpoints multiple times for decos after finishing the story, but the lack of drops in Spirit of the Enclave takes away any replay value. I certainly am not motivated to run it again when I'm likely to get nothing but a few bits of gear that I'll simply deconstruct for tech fragments. Also, as people have said, apart from the genera demotivation aspect, with such a large selection of possible decos, this ridiculously low drop rate will make to almost impossible to collect more than a small fraction of what's available or to acquire decos such as pillars, that need to be matched together, in quantities that will make them usable.
  23. I've just completed the Outer Rim Heroics daily and found it was behaving very inconsistently. I did one heroic (on Tatooine) with a Scoundrel and it correctly registered that I had completed 1 out of 3 heroics. That character completed his conquest so I switched to a Jugg. She did one on Belsavis but it still showed that I had only completed 1. So I tried Hoth. It still only registered 1 completed heroic, but I fancied the progress bar for the objective in the conquest tab had moved on a little. Since the Tatooine heroic had registered correctly for my Scoundrel I decided to try another Tatooine one. After that one it still said I had only completed 1 out of 3 but the progress bar had moved to show the objective as 50% complete. I then switched to an Operative and did the same Tatooine heroic (Black Box) and the daily promptly completed.
  24. I've been playing since early 2013. (Would have been 2012, but I didn't have a computer that could handle the game at the time and had to save up for one.) I have always been mainly a story player. My first character was an Imperial Agent and from the moment he opened his mouth I was hooked - Bertie Carvel's voice was perfect for how I imagined my agent, and having full voice acting, which I had never experienced in a game before, enabled me to fully immerse myself in my chosen fantasy world. The game has its flaws, but I've never found another one with the depth of storytelling and characterisation possibilities that SWTOR offers. My first few toons were attempts at creating plausible in-world characters. But then I made one who was nothing but an exercise in self-indulgence. I had been wanting to create a gay character to romance Cytherat, I had found I really liked lightning sorc as a class, I enjoyed playing lightside imperials and had heard there was some amusing dialogue if you played as a lightside inquisitor. So that's what I made - a gay, very lightside, lightning sorcerer. And guess what? The inquisitor class story supported him perfectly, and so did every expansion. That character went on to become my imperial main, and having the game enable me to play a non-standard character as I imagined him has given me years of pleasure. On top of the fun I've had playing through the game's storylines, finding a friendly, supportive guild has allowed me to experience group content that I'd probably never have tried otherwise, and has given me a lot of new friends. There are some wonderful people in this game.
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