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Everything posted by DesmoLegacy

  1. Use Heroic moment or something...if you can't beat the horribly easy single player content then you must be horrible at this game. Please stay out of WZ's.
  2. Positioning is one of the most important aspects of PvP. There is more being mobile than running around like a headless chicken. You don't get 1.6+ million damage in WZ's doing that and you don't get over 1600 dps just "spamming dots". The issue I have with "cover only" mm snipers is that good players will never let you beat them. Countless times do I see these MM snipers sitting in a corner spamming away at useless targets just because they are in view while the skilled/elusive healers are LoSing them. I drop into cover all the time, but the second I am ready to swap targets or gain some type of advantage I move. If my healer ran behind a pole or hallway I get off my cover *** and go peel. It's enjoyable after these matches seeing MM snipers whisper me in droves asking how I just did 5x more dmg than them as well as rack up solo kills.
  3. Seriously dude, from the looks of your posts you should really stick to being a PvE hero.
  4. Late 70's/early 80's bro all the way! Ohhh yeah And props to whoever knows where the music is from!
  5. Lethality and Engineering are legit, not sold on Marksman but my server must be filled with too many MM snipers stuck in cover doing 280k in a full wz. Useless.
  6. If you're rolling MM spec in PvP you're not killing any Lethality sniper worth a ****. Don't be one of the countless noobs flooding warzones that won't leave cover mode. I realize the MM spec caters to clickers and keyboard turners but moving/position is extremely important in PvP. I drop to cover on abilities that require it but I like to keep my feet moving constantly. I'll go toe to toe with any class as Lethality.
  7. This ^ Accuracy sitting at 92% ranged. Usually get 3-4 1+ mil dmg games a day. 1.6 million dmg the other day and 1600+ dps. Accuracy not needed to be anywhere near 110% Power/Surge > *
  8. 1.63 million damage: http://i.imgur.com/EvwmdLk.jpg 1677 dps: http://i.imgur.com/WLtPtMZ.jpg 10.3k dmg hit: http://i.imgur.com/O4uqxIO.jpg edit: phuk....just saw Zoey's 11k hit lolz
  9. Mine is going up: 4 1+ million damage games in a row the other night, peaked at 1.6 mil dmg. http://i.imgur.com/EvwmdLk.jpg 1677 dps: http://i.imgur.com/WLtPtMZ.jpg 10.3k dmg hit: http://i.imgur.com/O4uqxIO.jpg Snipers are beast right now, the faster the TTK the worse we do though as our cast times and/or dots take time. Lots of smashers will hurt our dmg. Either way, 1+ mil games are normal for me now. Also, compare yourself to other players...sometimes the games end quicker and 400+ is not possible but you're #1 on the list it doesn't matter.
  10. It's gone, it's never coming back and you're going to have to deal with it. I enjoy seeing people that can't handle change squirm and cry. You got an answer, you're just not willing to cope. Maybe your life would be better if you were more accepting to change? Maybe someday you will ask out a girl that doesn't weigh 250+ lbs...theres change for you!!!
  11. Nobody *********** knows, these morons deleted all the threads on the test server so we can't even see real info about 2.0. Stop *********** talking about it, we wont know until it hits. Unless you're the .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% that actually moved to the test server.
  12. Good luck, Hardly any info out there for 2.0...this game just does not have the expansive community to find real info on it. Most people crying nerfs don't even bring data to back up their tears. I saw a beautiful post written explaining all the changes in full detail but I can't find it. These forums are such garbage
  13. With no information to back it up? Stay off the forums, and go get carried n00b.
  14. Alex Modny did a poor job wording his article, can you please tell him to get his butt back here and clarify his horribly written post? Is he saying that WH gear and the new gear gives full expertise? SO if i'm already full wh then there is no reason whatsover to invest in new gear? What does bolster actually boster? Just expertise? Will pve gear be better for pvp? Make more sense please.
  15. This is basically what I expected 100%, people complain way too much. At the end of the day you will still need to grind pvp gear, people are failing to realize that expertise has a completely different cap in 2.0 and without it you're limiting yourself. The fact that bolster only gives 1k on the last version of test server should end this silly debate and flood of tears. I welcome this change anyway, there is simply way too much of a gap in the current pvp situation. Matches these days are mostly a steamroll for one side, it's rarely a long competitive match anymore. Even when you're winning the game in a big way, it's not fun when the other team doesn't even bother leaving the starting area because they are getting farmed so bad. Good players usually overcome gear but for alot of average to bad players this will help them at least not be completely useless.
  16. You could also explain to your son how you don't know how to properly setup/fix his computer so he can play.
  17. This is a dream world, go play League of Legends if you want unpleasant people. I find the overly sensitive people here are much more annoying than the trash talkers. The trash talking in this game is tame.
  18. You worry too much about what people you've never met think. Especially in an online video game that has a large percentage of humans who have the worst kind of anti-social flaws.
  19. I must be getting really old for nobody to pick up on my footloose quote.
  20. You had me at "Ladies looking for a co"
  21. Not one did I see a legit player actually trying called out for their lack of DPS...it's usually only the ones that spend 90% of a fight afk and or go out of their way to troll and bring down a raid. Why would you cater to their feelings? How bad do you have to be to actually have someone call you out on lack of dps? Sorry, I don't buy it...this implementation is more like a purple everyone wins ribbon.
  22. I assume if we are max WH and WZ comms then we get to use them at level 55 to obtain the new gear?
  23. From the oldest of times, people danced for a number of reasons. They danced in prayer, or so that their crops would be plentiful, or so their hunt would be good. And they danced to stay physically fit, and show their community spirit. And they danced to celebrate.'' And that is the dancing we're talking about. Aren't we told in Psalm 149? "'Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song. Let them praise his name in the dance.'' Amen. And it was King David- King David, who we read about in Samuel. And what did David do? What did David do? What did David do? ''David danced before the Lord with all his might leaping and dancing before the Lord.'' Leaping and dancing. Ecclesiastes assures us that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. A time to laugh and a time to weep. A time to mourn and there is a time to dance. And there was a time for this law, but not anymore. See, this is our time to dance. It is our way of celebrating life. It's the way it was in the beginning. It's the way it's always been. It's the way it should be now.
  24. No DPS/Heal/Protection meters are why I don't bother with PvE. I refused to run through PvE content in this game since it's simply not fun. I loved the raid finder in WoW because you constantly raided with new people and got to see how your numbers stack up, it was even cooler to see how much gear affected your DPS as you upgraded. People love stats and collecting data, the current dmg logs has got to be the laziest and worst implementation i've ever seen. The day they add DPS meters is the day I start trying out PvE content.
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