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Everything posted by krakadyla

  1. Then have I got news for you. Obz is said to do relationships in Deadfire, including them of romantic sort. They won't be one size fits all though, i.e. if your character routinely burns kitten orphanages then the guy who loves all animals probably won't be interested in knocking boots. As for Avellone (who's not with Obsidian any longer), I think he said he preferred his romances tragic, with heads on pikes and such, think KOTOR2 restored content's Atton/Brianna if you're dark and snub them for the other two. What makes me sad he doesn't write romances, because it's exactly how I like them too.
  2. I, too have a wall-o-text of questions and observations. I hope you don't mind I lay them out there instead of making a new thread. For starters, people who are praising "fantastic story"? I don't get them, unless they a) don't mind things making no sense as long as they look pretty (and that's one pretty FP. Kind of like a Bethesda RPG - so very pretty, but so stupid and shallow), b) never played any of original stories before (Oh Alexander Freed, where art thou?), c) are really, really into Theron (or rather romantic fanfiction version of him). Because not only that thing isn't making much sense, it has no connection with previous FPs, although they're supposed to be parts of the same story. Umbara. Why did the Ponytail Dude need Adegan crystals anyway? They're for lightsabers and stealth ships. I'ts unlikely Zildo would've needed either. If Adegan crystals have other uses it was not mentioned anywhere. Copero. I hope next piece of character development shows Theron sinking deeper and deeper into bottle to drown his guilt over causing almost full annihilation of the House Inrokini for no good reason at all (and for frying his old man on Iokath). Gemini 69 could not have joined the cult after him because he mentions she's constantly spying on them and that's why he had to "betray" the Alliance. And speaking of that -- "Hey Commander, I really don't want them to kill you so I will attempt to kill you myself! With a train! What could go wrong?" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And what's the deal with Valss? DId he belong to the cult? If yes, what could possibly motivate a member of Chiss Ascendancy to hate Alliance enough to join the silly cult? If no, why was he so eager to throw his life away? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Nathema itself. What caused people as different as Darths Baras, Mortis and Ravage, Masters Sumalee and Kiwiiks, Shara Jenn, SIS chief and many others catch the same virus of stupid and get lured into trap that could not have been more obvious if Admiral Ackbar ran circles round them shouting his famous words into the megaphone? Ugh. For me those cameos were the lowest point in after-KOTET story. Why was Ponytail Dude such a chump? Why was Zildo itself such a chump? Why did Theron think those two chumps could take a person who exorcised tremendously powerful eldritch abomination out of their heads by sheer force of willpower? Not to mention that dismantling ridiculously increasing in scope superweapons were kind of a routine job for the most - if not all - player character classes, why is this one different? Why Lana and Theron had extended scenes of varying cheesiness (Theron's scenes alone could provide enough material to bake Quattro Formaggi pizzas for entire Odessen garrison, including Dr Lokin's rakghouls), but none of original love interests bothered to even write a letter, like they did afer Umbarra? Oh, and Koth who? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...okay, I probably should stop, because the more I think about the Iokath story chapter the less I like it, including in retrospective. One good thing comes out of it all, though -- I don't have any expectations for whatever comes next.
  3. My Agent is more than happy to disappear back into the shadows, pirate Godmother Smuggler never enjoyed the spotlight too much anyway and the Bounty Hunter will probably throw a huge celebration of freedom. My Force Users aren't too thrilled, especially my ruthless, ambitious Dark Knight. As soon as any moron on either Pub or Imp side barks out anything that can be interpreted as an order, heads will roll, viscera will fly and intestines will coil on pikes. But eh. As long as I'm not forced into being an errand boy/gal for idiots on both sides again, I can cope.
  4. It doesn't matter. If he's not dead, it's hard to imagine him going back to work for someone who left him for dead. And since branching story is impossible, well...
  5. These cameos is absolute worst part of Nathema Conspiracy. I could be convinced that some random no-name is so consumed by hatred to the Commander so bad they walk into obvious trap (smart of Scorpio to prey on crazy unstable people), but you can also get Darths Ravage, Mortis and Baras who did not get to be on the Dark Council by being naive, gullible and stupid. Ravage and Mortis always seemed rational and calculating. Baras was not just careful, the man was properly paranoid. Even if he was all "Eh, this dork with a ponytail has "Loser" written all over him, lets pretend I'm here to help and then snatch his cult away from him!" , I cannot imagine him go "Sure, I will absolutely go and sit here in the highly suspicious chair that has cables going to the big buzzing Evil Science doodad in the middle of the room, no problem!" All that venture was a parade of extreme OOC'ness and I'd rather believe that was just Scorpio messing with us via fake holograms.
  6. On the other hand, more involvement might mean simple additional cutscenes a la "Hi honey! I packed your lunch to take with you to your next carnage! *smooch* Ciao!" That will keep romance brigade happy, but...it's not content, it's fluff. No more spy business, no more banter and chemistry with Lana, no more involvement, no more, well...character.
  7. Oh? Well, I'm quite happy to be wrong then. As for Zenith, I do have a few Consulars and I actually prefer his performance as Zenith to Theron's. Love how if you click on Zenith too many times he goes "Heeeeyyyy! Personal space!" Never fails to make me smile.
  8. That death scene was very well designed on several levels. First, ambiguous enough that resurrection -- if need be -- could be possible without too much suspension of disbelief. Second, even if the outcome is the same, coldly and deliberately leaving a man to slow, agonizing death seems way more cruel than just impulsively shanking him in the gut. I bet there are many "Rarrr I kill Theron now!!!!" players who suddenly found themselves lacking balls to be truly evil. Still, now he's optional and thus out of story. Pity; I like Troy Baker but don't usually play the games he's in. Here's hoping they make another character for him.
  9. I dunno. From what I saw Theron's wayyyy more a chosen waifu (this dumb word cannot DIAF fast enough, by the way). Lana's pretty reserved in her romancey interactions, whereas Theron is constantly slobbering out "i wuv yoo so much I cannot live without youuuuuu!~" and suchlike sentimental cheese.
  10. Before "nerf": stand in all stupids hacking at the boss for 10 minutes. After "nerf": stand in all stupids hacking at the boss for 1 minute. That's it. All the difference. So it seems that for some people "hard" equals to "easy, but 10 times as long". And these guys really should stop being smug about their self-perceived excellence at the game, because skilled they ain't. Just boredom-tolerant.
  11. Look, why are you moaning about content that was designed specifically with a casual player in mind? Moreover, why are you even doing rounds in solo what with being so leet in videogames? Nobody nerfed Vet and Master, take your 248 lvl Shadow, your doubtlessly enormous and impressive e-peen and your twice as enormous sense of entitlement there and be challenged as much as you want. Or go for "10 rounds of Eternal Championship in 10 minutes" cheevo or something. Me, all I want is another fountain to plop in my Yavin stronghold and if nerfs help me get moar fountains in less time, then bring on all the nerfs! All of them!
  12. Oh, I wasn't joking. I'd say she surely wants to clock him something hard, yes, but kill him? Nah. Their camaraderie is real, fire-forged and doesn't even need our character at all.
  13. Can't speak for Ralei, but I suspect it's because if they make him killable, story-wise he is dead regardless. Like Arcann, Senya, Torian. Vette, Aric, Kaliyo, etc. And it's not for our characters to decide his fate anyway. The Alliance is Lana's brainchild. She planned everything, she found/rescued/invited and employed people she thought would be useful -- including Koth, Senya, Theron and yes, our characters. I'd say Theron's a higher ranking Alliance member than us, too, what with him planning and plotting and us going to where he or Lana points and simply killing all dudes. Boss Lana is the only one Theron's accountable to and so responsibility is hers. And I don't think Lana would want his death.
  14. Yeah, and yet you didn't choose to run those remaining 24 on the Sentinel, but switched to the stealther. Why, if everything is so great with this FP?
  15. "Hey guyz I'm playing the class that allows me to skip 99% of annoyances and this FP is easy-breezy! You all are whiners!"
  16. At this point I would rather play as Theron, because I suspect he is having way more interesting adventures than our protagonist. Look at him "Alpha Protocol"-ing about, seducing Chiss dudes and giant Chiss business ladies, whereas "the Commander" is moping trash on Copero while being used in Saganu's schemes in addition to Lana's.
  17. That's because we're no commander. Lana Beniko and Theron Shan run things and "the Commander" is just the figurehead/errand boy who goes whenever and wherever Lana points. That's also why Theron is no traitor -- he just have no obligation to inform his underlings when he wants to do some field work himself instead of delegating it to "the Commander".
  18. "A Traitor Among the Trash" would be a more appropriate title for this flashpoint.
  19. Up to this FP I was certain I'd spare him on most of my characters; after an hour on Copero, not only I want to carve his peepers out with a rusty spoon and then make him choke on them, I also want to exterminate every single Chiss in existence, starting with Saganu. I think this whole exercise in excruciating tedium of cleaning Copero's streets is his idea of a prank. "Sooo, comrades, it seems to me that the Alliance Commander fancies themselves The Next Big Thing. What do you say to us teaching them a lesson in humility by, ah ha ha ha, conning them into sweeping trash on Copero? "
  20. It's interesting because I remember the exact opposite as one of my own favourite funnies: on Belsavis's planetary quest the dude you bested receives a holocall, and you can pick it up with the option [imitate this dude]. Everyone cheeses that line by doing their normal voices. Everyone but female Inquisitor, who instead does . I guess actors were given different directions for KOTFE/ET -- male Inquisitor was definitely told to stop with all the scenery chewing -- and Nolan North, who has been playing his Consular as the most boring person in the galaxy, decided to overcompensate a little.
  21. That would be awesome. Alliance Commander vs Hutt Cartel, Czerka Corp, Hoth pirates and House Rist! Although it's probably just cult of Zildrog or something. Would be not so bad -- they were established before and it's better than "SUDDENLY, the mysterious Order out of NOWHERE!" -- if only they weren't established as Scorpio's schutta. And for, e.g., the part-Colicoid, part-construct by way of ancient Rakatan machine, part-retirement community for cranky old Sith ghosts abomination of a Commander to be protected from Scorpio's little schutta is...insulting.
  22. I'd say Theron's not as much writer's pet as shipper's bait. He's got way more romancey schmooze, is often sentimental and (maybe because of that, maybe not) sometimes inconsistent. Whereas Lana has better and more consistent writing about her. And hey, stop comparing her to Liara -- voice acting alone makes her much better. Anyway, here's hoping they're not resolving this plotline in the very next update. It's got potential.
  23. Totally called it after him telegraphing his shiftiness all over Iokath intro. Also, calling triple agent gambit now -- he's totally infiltrating whatever cult that dude in the goofy mask belongs to. Still, keeping my Theron-romancing character off Umbarra until I know if choking the bastard + million gazillion bounty puts the damper on romance -it's kind of unbecoming for Darth Imperius to bleat "Bu-bu-bu-but I luv ya...*sniff*..." after such a spectacular dumping, fake or not. I'm also a little concerned about the future of the character. People will want his head, and if he's made killable, he'll disappear from the story just like Senya, Arcann, Kaliyo, Scorpio...would be pity to lose a Troy Baker character (unless they bring Zenith back. Zenith's more interesting anyway). P.S.: Fingers crossed he's not made into the operation boss. This is personal.
  24. Took another character through Iokath's introductory cutscene. He's shiftier and camera's more "Look at him looking so guilty and suspicious!" than I remember. Hoo boy. Even if he's not the mastermind, he is totally involved in some conspiracy of sorts.
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