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Everything posted by btmart

  1. This is exactly right. I don't care about accuracy for any other reason than to not miss. Armor penetration is a bonus but that's not the main reason why it's so important to the build.
  2. So the question is where are we supposed to cram in alacrity, as they intend? Looking at probably 5 accuracy augments just to make up for accuracy. Ideally I'd have all main stat after gearing properly. So sacrifice main stat? That doesn't seem like a good idea.
  3. My Merc is an Armstech, so between Blizz, HK, 2V (with the sensor), and Treek, I crit augments and MK kits like you wouldn't believe.
  4. I have been having the same issue with treasure hunting. Sending maxed affection ship droid with the sensor that gives +2 crit. Nothing but blue mats on rich and bountiful.
  5. ******e chute? ******e ****? wut? Teff''ith has bad grammar... EDIT: Associate. Was thinking the writers were trying to be clever but it didn't make sense. Something about a butt hole. Carry on.
  6. Now that we have 6 deployable companions, can we get 6 available gathering missions at 56-60? Thanks and great job with 3.0. It's pretty awesome.
  7. 50 - 55 was a breeze too, prior to 3.0, so this is not new. You can also hit Ilum dailies at level 47.
  8. Raise the legacy level to 100 and give that as a reward for reaching it, and I'd be all for it.
  9. Yeah I don't get this. They have been wanting you to use alacrity for a long time now, but there's absolutely no room for it unless you're a healer. I suppose you could augment with it, but at the detriment of something else. I get the point they're trying to make is the faster you DPS, the more output you have but still doesn't make up for armor penetration and hits your gain by accuracy. I DPS quicker but I miss more often. Seems like a wash to me.
  10. They stay up way too long/buggy. Give us an option to X out if necessary. That is all. KTHNX!
  11. Yeah I'd like to know if I should blow out all my comms now or save them up until after.
  12. I use Nar Shadaa because mainly it is free, and also dual faction so I only need to get one the way I want it. Coruscant and Dromund Kaas are the guild strongholds, so I didn't want to be on Coruscant and wondering why I'm in the wrong place. If I'm on Coruscant, it's guild. Nar, it's mine. More of a practical way of doing it I suppose.
  13. My entire Havoc Squad looks relatively the same. Differences in armors to give some individuality, but all have the same color dyes. Pretty cool.
  14. No strength ever if that is not your main stat. Useless. Gear him like you would a vanguard tank (dulfy, noxxic can give a good enough stat base that will work).
  15. I played my merc dark but wish I would have gone light. The light side options would tend to be someone of integrity and impartiality to the job he's doing. Dark side was more just being a thug in some cases. Plus, dark side choices pisses Mako off, and I don't like making that darling girl mad.
  16. 3 Guardians (Tank/Tank replacement/DPS) 1 Sentinel 1 Shadow (DPS) 1 Commando 2 Sage (Healer/DPS) 1 Scoundrel (DPS) 2 Juggernaut (Tank/DPS) 1 Sorc (Healer) 2 Assassin (DPS - one will be retired) 1 Marauder 1 Mercenary 1 Sniper Starting with my Guardian tank, I'm going to be making alts for all of my crafters, so I can be able to use the reuseable stims and medpacks. Fortunately my two healers are crafters and I only use them for end game stuff so need the blue stims/medpacks anyway. That saves me some time.
  17. Both can output high amounts of DPS. You do need to know how to play the toon in order to achieve high DPS output, like learning the proper rotation for to pop instants that pop armor penetration, release cooldowns, etc. Both can be very effective, but just different strategy. Assassins have stealth that is great for getting yourself and a group to bypass situations. Keep in mind, they are two different playing styles. One's ranged, with a couple killer melee moves, and the other is melee with a couple close ranged attacks. I find that playing a merc is much faster in dealing out damage especially on groups because of quick targeting and multiple AoE damage abilities. They also do pretty well agains single target. Assassin's are great for single target, but, IMO, are slow switching from target to target compared to Maurader. Mainly because you do most of your best DPS when attacking from behind the target, so it takes a but more time to align yourself. However you can generally one or two shot them pretty easily. As far as companions go, as a merc, you get dear sweet Mako pretty early on in the game. She's an amazing healer, and probably my most favorite companion in the game. Hope this helps.
  18. Yes there is definitely lag. I've noticed once the stronghold message clears (which you have to run around to make go away.. needs to be on a timer), things tend to work a little better. Also the range of access to the kiosks is a lot shorter, so you have to be a lot closer to them to get them to work, despite the mouse icon turning yellow to let you know you are in range.
  19. Yes pretty please revert this. It's quite hindering and annoying.
  20. Just so everyone understands: the Crew Skill Trade Vendor is the guy you go to to learn the crew skill and the new schematics as you level your crew skill. Mainly found on fleet and core world. And yes I VERY much support this and was pretty disappointed that this was not available.
  21. Didn't see a response so I'll ask again: Has it been mentioned if we are going to be able to place things like Crew Skill vendors and item modification stations, as well as all the other things we have access to on our ship if we unlock them into Strongholds/Guild ships? I'm seriously hoping so.
  22. It would be fantastic if there were a hood up and hood down headpieces. There is a lot of great looking gear in which the hood is up, and I'd rather it down and vice versa. I know this conflicts with the hide head slot issue with F2P'ers, but perhaps it wouldn't work for them until they unlocked that. Edit: Could this thread be moved to the Cartel Item Suggestions forum please?
  23. Has it been mentioned if we are going to be able to place things like Crew Skill vendors and item modification stations, as well as all the other things we have access to on our ship if we unlock them into Strongholds/Guild ships? I'm seriously hoping so.
  24. Yeah the mouse sensitivity has to get fixed. I move my mouse barely a 1/4 inch and I'm flipped around 180 degrees or more and I'm disoriented and have to figure out where the hell I am again. Total turn off. Put a slider for space combat mouse sensitivity please.
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