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Everything posted by btmart

  1. Obviously many of us are excited about KotFE, but lets not forget about the SoR story finale coming. I am very excited to see how Chapter 5 wraps up, and transitions us into... "KOTOR IV"(?... effectively?). I would like to see the death of Vitiate, once and for all, and some well written story as to how the end of SoR ties into Valkorian and his origins. Basically some lead in to why we should care about who he and his sons are. What would you like to see with the ending of SoR?
  2. Let us know how it goes... I just did one yesterday as well.
  3. Any word on when the patch notes will be posted?
  4. I'd hit escape to get out of the instance just before it was over so I can kill him more times than that.
  5. I seriously think it's him. Look at his thread history.
  6. He's actually great for level 1 through getting your first companion. Just yank all his gear off, put a sniper rifle on him from collections and he'll out DPS you until about level 9 or so.
  7. I have a guild mate who uses that, and the groans are just... creepy. Sounds like a mouth breather.
  8. Witch hunters rejoice! Ban them all!!! Take their stuff! Delete their accounts! OMG OMG OMG! Seriously guys, just stop with that nonsense.
  9. This. I am an infrastructure manager for a large global logistics corporation. Being in infrastructure, which means putting in all the pieces to make the foundation of what the applications are built on, I certainly have no credibility to diagnose any issues with this game properly, nor will I ever try to. If you want me to help explain why their network infrastructure is bad (or good), I certainly can. However, I do work very closely with our development team, and I can assure you that what Malestare is saying is spot on. Every point of it. BioWare/EA is running this show just like any other business with a development team, I assure you. It is sometimes frustrating when I see people here want to have dev's fired, reprimanded, or just talk very bad about the dev team or the organization without any knowledge of what is really going on behind the scenes. I certainly wouldn't want to be a dev in this environment.
  10. Vigilance is pretty solid for Guardian DPS. Sentinels are underpowered at the moment, and I'm doing way better with Gaurdian/Jugg.
  11. Dantooine was done in KOTOR I. Yavin IV space station was done in KOTOR I Rakata Prime was done in KOTOR I. Manaan was done in KOTOR I. I think you need to go play KOTOR I
  12. You do realize you are able to keybind any key to whatever you want that function to be right?
  13. They should release Improved Speeder Piloting IV with this expansion, improving movement speed to 88 miles per hour and offering excellent protection against being knocked off due to it's time travelling effect.
  14. Is this one free level 60 character per account, or per server?
  15. This. Strongholds for me are more functional. An easy place to go to quickly get things done. I prefer the Coruscant and Drommand Kaas because the room you load in is small and I can put a lot of utility decorations right there and get business done quickly without a lot of moving around. More utility decorations would be wonderful, like mission terminals, target dummies, and crew skill vendors. Yeah, that'd be awesome.
  16. will explain how it works, and why it is necessary.
  17. Yeah this would be way more interesting and fun. Allowing you to get the most out of your companions. Put together a four man companion team and pick your tank, healer and DPS and good to go.
  18. I'm in the same boat with you on slicing and treasure hunting. Between all of them, it's like 10 toons. What would be nice is a mission shuffler button in the CS mission window. That would add a great QoL enhancement.
  19. Probably going to dump Tatooine, mostly because there is no exit terminal where you load in. You have to go down an elevator and all the way across the map to exit. That has basically discouraged me from using it at all. Generally I set mine up to get in, do my business and get out as quickly as possible, and that's just not feasible on Tatooine. Bought it with Cartel Coins, so I can reopen it at any time. I hope Yavin isn't like this.
  20. It's definitely time. All the models are there, just need to do it. Take the Battle Expulsor gear and give it an unbelted long sleeved robe like the Exterminator's robe, and make it hood down and bam. Done. Well at least good enough, anyway.
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