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Everything posted by Rahizm

  1. I'm interested in understanding VG DPS (cuz of my own), but I noticed that 1 Plasma Cell burning tech effect has not faded, that you left combat without the effect disappearing. Was the log edited? Using spoiler tags to keep this post short: I made the Plasma Cell burning tech apply and fade lines Bold and Red. The only effect fading from the dummy is GUT @ 01:24:11.792. Plasma Cell's burning tech never faded, yet you leave combat at 01:24:12.162 which is not possible unless Plasma Cell wears off. I like your crits though.
  2. My update: Tan'qu - Hybrid Vanguard - 2806.3 http://www.torparse.com/a/357371/time/1374984377/1374984683/0/Overview Differences since last time: UW SA, clicky relic, new UW implant and some UW armorings (3/4). Too lazy to get pvp armorings ><'.
  3. Some other thing I thought about. The button on the Titan-6 mount. What if that does anything? Like say, open the gate in the Titan-6 area if you're near it?
  4. I play on the Harbinger, I got up to 2900 max on my VG (Hybrid). Considered it a lucky parse, but I do well over 2800. Viability for NIM depends on your raid awareness So, both VG and Commando are viable. The difference is the mobility: most VGs will have trouble with it (Hold the Line will help, but 45sec CD).
  5. http://www.swtor-spy.com/codex/the-sarlacc-stomper/91624/ The other one must be something like jumping into one an amount of times. I think the Sarlacc is just a decor and for fun (to push those guards in there) in S&V. There's a heroic mission on Tatooine which gives you a grenade to kill the Sarlacc pit in the Dune Sea. Figures if you do it a lot you'll get that achievement + title.
  6. Multiple people with the same specs applying the same DOT can be really confusing, therefore I will /sign this.
  7. My thoughts would be using it on one of the two Kel Dragons. Not just the orb.. First the Dreadful Essence, then the orb. I mean, two buffs/debuffs were datamined saying that something harvests energy from a creature in it's weakened state and that it is searching for a point of focus. It might be the orb. It's weird that there are 2 Kel Dragon (the normal and the revived one) corpses after beating Styrak anyway. I know some of the people here have already tried using the Orb on the dragons, but have you tried using the Dreadful Essence before using the orb? I haven't read this anywhere in the multiple threads on this forum. In S&V HM/NiM there are only a few creatures present: - Dash'roode and his vul.. something birds - The rats - Thrasher - The Kel Dragon
  8. Man, my guild had fun trying to beat NIM DGC and it made us improve ourselves. And no we haven't beaten it yet. Why the nerf? I'm pretty sure if everyone optimizes their gear and becomes more aware during encounters that they can beat it. I protest against this nerf, not needed and not wanted by a lot of people.
  9. Since we're talking about Vanguards here (with an Aim boost talent), I'm wondering why Keen mods (cunning+crit) is mentioned instead of Nimble mods (aim+crit).
  10. Bump. Updated with more specific information.
  11. http://www.mmo-mechanics.com http://www.swtor-spy.com And this forum. Other class guide sites are outdated. And pretty much all strategy guides out there still miss some mechanics information.
  12. The questions I have are already mentioned but heck.. 1) Tanking. I think I need to say no more. But I can give examples! Yay! - 19000+ hits on A STORY MODE THRASHER. I've never gotten these on my Guardian nor Vanguard. No really, this "Swipe" ability hits that much on an almost full 72s Shadow tank. - Terminate - Operations ft. Chief. Even the ability mentioned below fails to block it, and Shadow tanks will end up almost if not dead if Resilience fails. - Titan-6 and the Huge Grenade. Yeah, that one somehow magically bypasses Resilience too from time to time. I kid you not. - Resilience not working as it should. - Lack of use for Phase Walk. As mentioned, it's only really useful if you place it before you start an encounter and during break phases. Wooptedoo. Okay I found a small use for it by placing it on the spot I'm tanking on and my TKT profits only a small bit from it but, since you have made every boss a mobility fight, moving out of the PW pool is needed to survive. It also causes me to drop my rate at getting the HS stacks for 3 seconds every time I have to refresh it. Scratch that, PW is completely useless. Question when will Shadow tanks get some love? 2) Infiltration / Balance (PVE). I like backstabbing stuff, and to see a scoundrel/operative (and especially the Dev-played Sniper) get so much love annoys the living censored out of me. They even outperform Shadows on a Boss fight! So my question is: When do DPS Shadows get some love and affection? Even in the hands of the best player the Shadow underperformed by a large amount. You are supposed to bring balance to the Force!! 3) PVP Related. I don't really play PVP but I do have a few suggestions that will benefit PVP AND PVE Shadows a bit. My question that goes along with it is: What were you thinking? And have you thought about implementing this before? - Make Spinning Kick available in combat by default. Really, having THAT talent in the tanking tree just doesn't make any sense. - Put the Shadow Wrap talent in one of the DPS trees instead. Instead of survivability you gave us a DPS talent. Overall question: When do Shadows get loved up?
  13. ^ what he said. My guild has run both the HMs several times now, all successfully. We took note of everything we could take note of. The info I gave earlier is part of it. For example: Thrasher's target is given a damage boost. Then is knocked up the walls. Why? -> To bring down the shields + kill the snipers. I couldn't find the above info anywhere. The funny thing is, this also happens on Story Mode, minus the Sniper shields. On the Noxxic thing, YEAH DEFINITELY. Information on the swtor.com forums is the most useful source you can find on the net.
  14. Mechanics / Strategy: - Start out in the center of the arena. - Tank pulls the boss towards the walls where the snipers are as soon as they appear - Tank will get a "Frenzy" buff and knocked up unless he's too close to the walls - The off-tank taunts the boss when he roars, rotates the boss and slowly takes the boss towards the center of the arena. Slowly so he doesn't roar. - Tank needs to hit/taunt the snipers up the wall (the center one) to take down the shields. Taunting from below DOES NOT WORK. Note that if any DPS is up on the walls that they can damage the snipers, but they cannot break the shields. And DPS on the bottom floor will notice the ABSORB message when they try to damage the snipers. - DPS take down the Demolitionist first. Sentinels will want to leap to them to get up the walls. - Marked with Firebug = run towards the gates / where Bo Zarran stands. You can run back when the Firebug starts kneeling. - Avoid standing in front of Thrasher if you're not tanking. Cleave damage. The above has always worked for our guild runs. Try it out. ------- Off topic: we usually go by guides we find on the internet, but our guild has found several mechanics all over S&V that hasn't been mentioned anywhere else. I'm considering posting guides for both S&V and TFB because I wrote them for our guild only. The thing is that I used some censored language in those guides because they like my humor Anyway good luck!
  15. Went on my Guardian tank today, haven't been tanking with it for a while. So q'd up with a guildie for HM FP. Everything went fine in our Cademimu run. Was fast, no wipes. We get to the mobs who have an Overload Saber (Sentinel) buff on them, which also places 3 DoTs on their target. Which happened to me. So I just keep tanking them, expecting a cleanse or so at 2 stacks of the Dots.. Dps was taking out the weak ones first, which was good. Bam, I'm dead. Noticed that I had 6 stacks of those DoTs in total before I died. Healer didn't cleanse. So I told him to cleanse when I got revived, which I got told not to "rambo" and "maybe" I would get cleansed, and that cleanse has a cool down. This is the part where I scratch my head. I stood there for 10 seconds with those DoTs on me. At the last set of mobs, I noticed I wasn't even getting cleansed. I just popped my defensive CD's at a set of mobs. So I told the guy that I'm not going "rambo", I am tanking at my own pace. With a response "it's pissing healers off". And the guy ragequit. Literally closed the game (disconnected). ------- I've never gotten a healer pissed off in any flashpoint with my pace of tanking. Really, never. If you can't keep up with the tanks, make sure to ask if they can go a bit slower, NOT AT THE END, but during the beginning of the FP. This guy did not ask but TOLD me to, at the LAST SET of mobs in that FP. Which is ofcourse, too late, lol.
  16. Tan'qu - Vanguard - 2/22/22 2742.54 - Link to Parse I'm not even close to full 72s. If anything, an almost optimized full 69
  17. Tan'qu Hybrid Spec: 2 / 22 / 22 DPS: 2747.14 Differences between last log (2623 DPS) and this one: - I used 8 / 22 / 16 before - I have the UW SA relic now - Swapped 1 Accuracy +Crit implant (BM 69) for a Power+Surge one (still BM 69 though -_-') - Swapped the Arkanian Boots armoring for the UW one (but the rest of the mods are the same).
  18. ^ This. In other words Devs, leave your rolling/stationary snipers alone and get to shadow tanking, see how you like it at the moment. In all seriousness, I have pretty much left my shadow in the dark because of the huge nerf. I did manage to tank and complete all the HMs, but when NiM TFB was announced, I switched to my main DPS. Ironically, I saw a guildie shadow tank, slightly more geared than my tank is, die because of the spikiness, over and over and over. Asked what the cause of death was every time, "meh pretty much over 20k in 1 hit" was the answer. Not to mention the 19k+ hits on BOTH Story Mode and Hard Mode S&V on Thrasher and the Operations Chief's Terminate (25k+). So with all respect, we all appreciate the "news" that the team "is looking into it", but what really would be appreciated, is if it would be resolved IN THE NEXT PATCH APPLIED using the math that has already been done by your friendly PLAYERS in YOUR commuity (Kitru, KBN) instead of another Cartel Market discount / item. Thanks for reading.
  19. Tan'qu - Vanguard - Hybrid (8 / 22 / 16) - 2621.82 DPS Link to log: http://www.torparse.com/a/315260/time/1372575287/1372575669/0/Overview Also, Daharel's Commando log leads to a lower DPS log than reported.
  20. Minutes. My bad, I was multitasking, men can't do that. Anyway, check the log. Shows the correct amount of time. Tried again, with my gunslinger. Hae'zarde - Gunslinger - Saboteur (5 / 36 / 5) (with rolling) 2967.37 Link to Parse Gear: 3x Arkanian + 2x 72s 69 Wrist + 72 Waist 2x Verpine implants + BM earpiece DG Boundless Ages + Partisan SA 69 MH + 72 OH (with 69 barrel, no luck on that R/E )
  21. Tan'qu - Vanguard - Hybrid (8/22/16) 2623.32 DPS On Ship Operations Dummy. Link: http://www.torparse.com/a/315260/time/1372575288/1372575669/0/Damage+Dealt Gear: Conq Power Proc Relic + DG Tech Ele relic 3 Arkanian + 1 Underworld and 72 chest. 69 Wrist + 72 Waist. BM implants + earpiece 72 barrel in MH, rest in MH is 69/66 72 OH.
  22. We could use a good healer for our progression group. With that said, a bit of (general) info about our guild: Incursio is a Republic side guild and we do need more people for our late night raids. Our Ops night starts at 9PM / 9.15PM PST, everything is pre-scheduled. We have completed all pre 2.2 End-game Ops, have a website available at http://www.incursio.tk / http:/incursio-swtor.enjin.com with guides to SM / HM Ops with some of the information not found anywhere else on the Internet (and I'm not joking about it) and a Mumble VOIP server. We're both serious and laid back, and you can expect a load of laughter (especially on Mumble during Ops and whatnot). Some of our members like to PVP outside of Ops times as well. If you're interested you can either apply on our website, or send one of the following people a message in-game: - Tabbouleh / Gardein - Nae'palm / Rev'movak / Râh At this time of writing, I am currently in-game. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a tell in-game. At this time of writing, I am currently in-game. If you're not interested, then I wish you good luck wherever you land (I do hope it's with us though )
  23. Well, your girlfriend and you are both welcome in our guild once you are transferred. We have a lot of couples in our guild (my wife is in the guild as well). With that said, a bit of info: Incursio is a Republic side guild and we do need more people for our late night raids. Our Ops night starts at 9PM / 9.15PM PST, everything is pre-scheduled. We have completed all pre 2.2 End-game Ops, have a website available at http://www.incursio.tk / http:/incursio-swtor.enjin.com with guides to SM / HM Ops with some of the information not found anywhere else on the Internet (and I'm not joking about it) and a Mumble VOIP server. We're both serious and laid back, and you can expect a load of laughter (especially on Mumble during Ops and whatnot). Some of our members like to PVP outside of Ops times as well. If you're interested you can either apply on our website, or send one of the following people a message in-game: - Tabbouleh / Gardein - Nae'palm / Rev'movak / Râh If you have any questions, feel free to send me a tell in-game or a PM through the forums. Hope you'll like the Harbinger as much as we do And good luck wherever you and your girlfriend may land (I do hope it's with us though )
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