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Everything posted by Rahizm

  1. I'm wondering why these changes will be added. Hybrid VGs, like myself, are getting nerfed. And I don't think we're at the back of the pack (not Hybrids, but Assault Troopers, sure) The highest parsing Hybrid VG is getting near 3200 on the dummy. This is almost as high as the SS/MM Slinger/Sniper. These changes affect all current VG DPS and it will make them less viable in 8-man NIM ops. The only thing we needed was an IR reduced cost, not a nerf to all the important abilities. Note I'm just speaking from the Hybrid perspective. I left my Assault days behind since 2.0 came out and went Hybrid because I can put out good DPS with it. Assault still doesn't get improvement and now they are nerfing Hybrid as well.
  2. Bump. We are looking for 1 solid, optimized (for NIM content) DPS who can carry his or her own weight. Apply at our website, http://incursio-swtor.enjin.com and please provide a parse as proof.(Ops dummy AND HM Ops parse preferred). Note that we have 3 solid DPS (in Ops settings they do more than enough DPS), we just need the fourth person who can perform at the same level. Requirements: - Mumble (having a mic is a PLUS) - Torparse - Raid awareness - Time to raid 2-3 hours a night, multiple nights a week - Able to acknowledge our strats and provide own input. - No arrogant behaviour. - Have fun while raiding. - Improvement in own performance. Progression takes time. We'll teach you our strats. All you have to do is perform at your max, benefit from progression. Thanks for reading.
  3. You should try asking that in the Class forums for your class, this thread is for parses. Straight answers: - Double PVE SA relic doesn't work. You should get a proc relic or a clicky relic. - Get the first set bonus, and get a PVP set bonus. - The instant cast CB will eat energy, imo. If you have to use CB, just make use of the cast time (cast times means energy returns). I'd rather see a good slinger/sniper answer this, again, in the class forums - You should see the Sniper/Slinger guide. - Optimize your gear completely. This includes augmenting. Having 99.51% accuracy and up (100% is the max), 71% surge does a lot for DPS. Again see that class guide.
  4. Nae'palm - Gunnery 6/36/4 -2947.72 http://www.torparse.com/a/382609/time/1376417251/1376417556/0/Overview I THINK I could've pushed more if I had - Used adrenal TWICE and not once - Had a Nano adrenal instead of an Exotech =P
  5. You can't if you want to double dip in the alacrity talents (first transponder and the passive talent in assault tree) Also, quoting Odawgg: Which points towards any healing ability the commando has. Which is utility, because those abilities can make a difference and do make a difference in any fight if used. Utility is not just a scrambling field. It's anything that can either protect or heal the raid. Healers can only cleanse one person at a time. Being able to cleanse yourself (and others) IS utility. It takes workload off the healers who can then focus on someone else / the rest of the raid. A good DPS isn't just about putting out numbers GOOD raids rather see people using whatever they have to survive while losing 50dps for a healing ability from a DPS than dying because of what could've been prevented. A good example of this is on the Writhing Horror HM/NIM. Healers can focus on healing tanks while you can run to a safe spot and cleanse yourself (read: not near flowers) Recharge cells can be used as an ammo replenisher, but if you're good at maintaining ammo then it can (also) be used as an Offensive cooldown (of sorts). Recharge Cells will allow you to burst DPS like a madman (i.e. spamming grav round till Curtain of Fire pops up). Burst after your opener, throw in a Plasma Grenade, Recharge Cells, Hammer shot, continue your rotation.
  6. Dear Kitru, don't even wonder. You pretty much gave the answer. They'll still try to improve those DPS classes (mainly slingers) to let them do more DPS. They could've fixed the quick shot Sab talent/Hightail It bug but instead they "buffed" it by added 4 stacks with a longer duration, which was sort of unnecessary because they'll still top the DPS in any raid group without that talent. Sorry but it pisses me off, we shadows (both DPS and tanks) have been complaining for months. The minute a Sniper complaint comes in it's being dealt with. I don't mean to be mean, but it's the truth. I've put my Shadow aside since NIM came out. All I do with him is rarely tank HMs, and craft some enhancements.
  7. Don't think you're playing 36/3/7 on your sniper then, since that spec requires energy management and currently parses higher than DF, hybrid and sab (without the wallbangs). Mess the rotation up, and you'll find yourself casting Flurry of Bolts. Commandos bring utility, actually. - Kolto Bomb. Because it might save your raid, even if it's not a HoT in DPS spec. - Advanced Medical Probe. Gunnery commando's can save any player who's near death if they happen to have 5 Charged Barrels up. It makes that probe an instant cast, thus another heal utility. - Medical Probe. Slow cast but it's still a heal. Which is, raid utility. - Battle rez. Snipers don't have this. - Knockback, stunts takes care of adds and of course, both are needed on Styrak NIM. it's considered utility. - 1 mezz, you know, to cc a target (non-boss). And as for offensive abilities - Tech Override (gunnery). Making 2 abilities instant cast, can even be used in combination with 1 medical probe to provide raid utility. - Reserve Powercell. Because it makes anything cost no ammo (read: Plasma Grenade or for AP/Hybrids Incendiary Round). - Recharge Cells. You can deplete your ammo, cast this, throw in a Plasma Grenade, a hammer shot, and you've done some DPS while regaining full ammo. As for defensive, Commando's only have Reactive Shield. If you're specced into Gunnery, you can get a nice Absorb chance which makes it a bit easier for healers, thus brings a bit utility. Or the Diversion absorb talent, it dumps aggro (tanks will love you) and absorbs some damage. As for MM Snipers / SS Slingers, they'll have to watch their energy because of: - Sab Charge. Using this is actually a DPS increase, but it has to be done while having high energy - XS Flyby. Having low energy and then casting this will make you use either Cool Head or spamming Flurry of Bolts. - Vital Shot. Eats energy, but having full durations and refreshing it does a lot for DPS. Only a few (or maybe even 1 player) managed to use the above abilities and never used Flurry of Bolts in their rotation. I do agree with the fact that Commandos need an ammo regen boost or reduced cost of some abilities. I handle my ammo well now thanks to some guides here on the forum, but there's a large group that doesn't read anything said on this forum, they just head to Noxxic and read up rotations there and end up with a depleted ammo bar and just spamming hammer shot 24/7 till they're able to cast something again. I also agree with the fact that Snipers have pretty much everything better when it comes to offensive and defensive cooldowns. But on topic, Snipers/Slingers do the most dps in this game. It isn't odd either, devs play them.
  8. Don't follow Noxxic. Your priority stats are: Accuracy 110% (Tech) > Surge 71% > Aim > Power From what I've read from the BH guides, some crit helps (114) but I'm not sure. Also, try not to go over 110% tech accuracy. The "ideal" percentage is 99.51%. Other than that, keep cells above 60%. - FA off CD, especially with CoF - HiB above 5 Charged Barrels - DR after HiB (same CD timer) - PG with TO and RP, or if you want to burst, deplete ammo > that ammo regen buff + plasma grenade > HS. - HS below 60% ammo. - Use Electronet off cooldown. For a low amount of ammo is does a lot of damage. Managing ammo will help a lot. I'm still working on my "rotations" but doing the above helps a lot atm. You might want to see Odawggs (I think it was Odawggs) guide to Arsenal Merc. He explains it well. (Note it's an Imp side guide though, but abilities are the same). http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=624205
  9. Well, you might've parsed a bit higher if you actually kept on going, depending if you were in a good rhythm
  10. I am personally still experimenting between the 8/22/16 and 2/22/22 build, but I run the latter. I would suggest looking at MoJoZor's thread here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=658277 This thread helped me with my energy management, and your numbers will go up too. You can lose 4 energy blocks (70%) of your ammo before it starts becoming a pain to manage, so take this in mind as well. The only thing besides his thread that I can advise is to use the ammo regen buff when you drop below 50% with either NO IR up or with IR up + Pulse Cannon, but both followed by a HS (this will put you back to a full cell). Save your free SS for when you have to cast IR, and when IR's duration is still long, use any free SS that comes your way and preferably when you have to reapply Gut. As for crit: I'm currently using 2 nimble 31 mods (unlettered crit mods) for my VG, it helps a bit. Although I run 2/22/22, I get about the same numbers with 8/22/16 but lower. Also I looked at your AMR profile, your accuracy seems low (108%). Try to get it to 99.51% by using 5 initiative 31 enhancements, 2 adept 31 enhancements, 2 power+surge implants and a power+surge earpiece. The UW earpiece and implants will benefit you the most as they have 110 power on them. There's no 110 power on any 31 enhancement, hence this setup. Hope this helps.
  11. The rules state that the parse has to be at least 5 minutes.
  12. Devs play snipers. Thought that was obvious already. It's why they get roll; to roll back when knocked back, resists during the roll etc etc could go on forever. And in pvp devs don't want to get facerolled by assassins. They literally put assassins to the ground, both tank and DPS. Anyway, there's your reason why =P.
  13. Yes it's possible. I have no 75 pieces at all on my VG, full 72s with a relic I'm going to swap (DG clicky for DG proc) and UW SA and I manage to get closer to 3000 (currently 2900-ish), I just keep effing up =P.
  14. I expected a fix by now but apparently snipers were more important. (ousawutIdidritethere). Like Kitru said, we'll probably have to wait till 2.4...3..45...9 lol
  15. It's stil low. I know a few (Gunnery) mando's who can pull more than that on Dash'roode, including being Lost. And I have done 16m NIM.
  16. Well, here's my questions: 1. Merciless needs to be up full time, but with some of your current boss lineups it's a problem and gimps DPS, since Watchman do more damage when reaching a full Merciless stack. Not that I have a hard time keeping it up, there's a large amount of players who do suffer from this. Will there be a change to this in the future? My own suggestion is to drop the CD to 6 seconds (like a full stack of Merciless), giving Merciless a small damage boost to the next Merciless cast in the next 7 seconds or something. 2. Any possible tanking builds for a Sentinel? DPS waiting queues are annoying, gunslingers and sentinels have no choice but to wait for an unknown amount of time (it's why I don't even queue for flashpoints anymore and raid with the guild at set times). I mean, two lightsabers can deflect stuff too right? (being creative, Kreia could control lightsabers in KOTOR, maybe an example..? ) 3. The beloved Gunslinger class currently has a mainstat boosting talent, which is of course not present on a Sentinel. Can we ever expect this talent?
  17. Well, I already posted my questions (which are the same as everyone's questions) but there's only 1 remaining which I probably know the answer to because devs play em': Why in the world do Gunslingers/Snipers get 20% DEFENSE CHANCE (in cover) when they are not tanks, compared to, let's say, Shadow Tanks?
  18. It's possible to tank in any tanking gear above 63 (Dread Guard), 66's preferred of course. Yes the alacrity is worthless, and you really want to replace all those alacrity enhancements asap, even if they are 66 enhancements. Heck, blue 28 enhancements are even better (Sturdiness, Immunity), and they should be cheap on the GTN.
  19. Stop doctoring posts. You've been editting your log multiple times today. As seen here here here here here here here here Your lowest is 2610 on the same last attempt. You can't fool anyone. And to add some examples from These entries never appear in Torparse unless the log has been tampered with. And another damage done = threat caused. See his tampered log for some bad examples.
  20. Another update here too I guess. Tan'qu - Hybrid Vanguard 2/22/22 2899.78 Nothing changed since last update, I read through some guides on the forums but that's it .
  21. Update on mine Tan'qu - Hybrid Vanguard - 2/22/22 2887.01 I could've gotten over 2900 but abilities not going off totally gimped me. >_> I'll try again tomorrow lol. Changes: - UW earpiece - DG Clicky - 3UW 1Ark pieces (yeah I am too lazy to PVP, if anyone wonders why I didn't go for the PVP setpieces) - Swapped 2 Advanced Agile Mod 31 for 2 Advanced Nimble Mod 31.
  22. Gunslinger/Sniper. Actually, Sniper. You should take a look at the PVE DPS Leaderboards 2.0 topic in the Operations and Flashpoints board.
  23. Looks doctored to me. Damage equals threat, no matter if you crit or not. Misses is 1 threat.
  24. I did, but I prefer giving my normal (read: unlucky) parses I mean, it's quite more realistic.
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