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Everything posted by Nozybidaj

  1. Maybe I'm splitting hairs here, but The Bioware - Edmonton Team very much is a GLBT friendly developer. Bioware - Austin which is a completely separate entity though is clearly not. I don't know if that is an important distinction to make or not, probably too granular for the purposes of raising a complaint with GLAAD. Still I draw that distinction for myself.
  2. Edit: First, link takes me to "Video does not exist" lol. Second, we really have no idea what schedule he was referring to. Did he mean the release schedule? Maybe. Of course he might have been talking about the design schedule, in which case they haven't so much as even talked about it internally yet. Unfortunately we have no idea because *drumroll* BW won't talk about it. I doubt anyone views this thread unless posts get reported for trolling/harassment. Agreed, anyone with an interest in this might as well join the band wagon. Having more people speaking up about it might impress the displeasure we have more forcefully.
  3. Somehow I very mush doubt that....
  4. Ah so they don't feel any incentive in communicating? lol Ah yes, that's an excellent reason to leave folks in the dark. I'm sure that will calm everyone right down.
  5. Its funny. You'll often see mods and community managers (at any site, this isn't BW specific) tell a forum group when a general opinion opposes or contradicts that of the developers that they represent overall a tiny fraction of an overall playerbase and that their input is treated as such, yet this same group strikes such fear into the hearts of the developers that they have to treat any and all plans, ideas, or timelines with the utmost secrecy so as not to potentially upset said insignificant tiny fraction of the playerbase. Notice how the characterizations of the populations always favor the person making the comments?
  6. Honestly something like that might have worked back in beta when there was a large community of folks that wanted this content. Of course most of those left before the game even went live though after it was made clear this content wasn't being added for launch. Out of the remaining folks I would guess most left around the time of the Guild Summit like I did. Seems like only the die-hards and eternal optimists have stayed around this long with the occasional returning player like me. I don't know that we'd even get a big enough turn out for it to make an impression. Sadly BW did a pretty good job of killing off this section of the community. That said, I'd support anything someone puts together.
  7. Unfortunately I don't really have any favorite companion moments. I have to stop leveling all my characters when I meet an interesting companion while we wait to see if SGRA's will ever make it into the game.
  8. Its the only course of action we have, I'll give you that. Obviously nothing we say or do is going to impress Bioware. Personally, even if they add this content tomorrow I doubt it would be enough to placate me or keep me subscribed at this point. They've brewed too much bad blood. The fact this content wasn't there from day 1 is in and of itself inexcusable. The fact they've back-burner'ed it for a year and half only makes it worse. Their treatment (or lack there of) the issue really pushes it over the top for me. The game is a nice diversion for me here for a few weeks while I take a break from GW2 but with the breathtakingly inept way they have handled this for a company that has spent years building a reputation of inclusion I can't see anything they could do that they will do that would make me forgive and forget.
  9. That's certainly the kind of exposure this issue has needed since it was first discovered back in beta that SGRA's were excluded from the game. Thumbs up to you sir for the effort.
  10. So a dev that works on PvP says on Twiter that SGRA content may or may not be in Makeb then removes said tweet is what we are taking for communication these days? That is a rather loose definition of the term I would say.
  11. Confirmation that SGRA content is in Makeb.
  12. Well not really, but I see what you are trying to say. Still the vast majority of folks asking for this are Rep side since Emp side you actually can find non-hoodie outfits to wear. If 11 months ago they had taken the five minutes to add the Jedi robe all the Jedi NPC's use to a vendor somewhere people would have been a lot happier while waiting.
  13. Seems to be a trend with this BW team. Like the hood toggle issue that's been dragging on for the last 11 months. Its hard to fathom that all those folks at BW are so inept that they don't even realize all they need to do is add a single Custom Jedi Robe with the hood down to a commendation vendor somewhere and all the sudden everyone is happy again. I mean seriously, this isn't rocket science here. Things like this make me just shake my head and wonder what exactly it is they are doing up there. Of course our issue is very different in that it isn't an implementation issue but an ideological one. But all the same there are lots of things I see after coming back that just make me wonder if any of these folks have a clue what is going on.
  14. Assuming for the moment I'm wrong and SGRA's are in fact on a to-do list somewhere looks like you are looking at best at months more of waiting if not longer. This would actually be a pretty hilarious scene of ineptitude of it wasn't wrapped up in a blanket of discrimination and exclusion.
  15. That was pretty much what I thought when I saw that quote. They only have what like 30 existing romance options (counting all the one night stands and such). I can hardly see how they get by with just that. Its a travesty I tell you.
  16. I wouldn't read too much into that. That could easily be random non-companion romances (and not necessarily SGR ones) coming with the new planet. I wouldn't get your hopes up till you see something actually hit the Test servers.
  17. They look so happy driving that too, made me lol.
  18. We have a containment breach! Throw my vote in for all the general SGRA questions. No need to specify them, same questions we've been asking for a year now. I'm sure most people know them by heart.
  19. Discrimination has nothing to do with why we should get this content. The content should have been in the game on day 1 simply because its the right thing to do. Personally I don't think we'll get this content promises or not. Discrimination isn't being used here as a weapon to try and force BW to do or say anything. It is simply an adjective that amply describes the way the content and the community has been handled. I don't think if every GLBT activist group in the country came pounding at EA's door that it would get us this content. So since it is simply all us just here talking amongst ourselves we might as well call it what it is. No reason to beat around the bush about it.
  20. Not to rain on anyone's parade here, but even if we managed to drum up interest in this issue and got the word out and managed to put enough pressure on EA/BW to actually acknowledge this issue all I can see them doing is releasing another meaningless statement. "blah blah blah... content still planned blah blah blah... writer lead time blah blah blah... time and money blah blah blah... will let you know when more information available" For me personally BW's "word" wouldn't mean anything. Honestly I thought we made a pretty good effort back in Jan/Feb and got as much out of them as we ever will. The real time to effect change was back in beta, if we had organized then and gotten pressure applied maybe they would have been forced to change their stance and include the content. The decision to exclude the content had already been made though and I don't see what BW has to gain at this point when all they have to do is continue ignoring us. Yes I personally want this content added to the game but I don't think we'll ever see it now no matter what we do. Still I support you all if you want to make the effort, I just think its a year too late to produce any tangible results. The only real chance we ever have to actually see the content is if whomever made the decision to exclude this content and this section of the playerbase from the game is removed and someone specifically sympathetic to this cause is put in their place. I'd say the chances of that are rather small.
  21. I agree JC, I don't think BW ever intended to add this content. I suggested months ago organizing some kind of push to get the word out about this issue but I don't think the gaming press would be all that sympathetic. We would likely have to seek out GLBT friendly organizations with a public presence to help bring light to the situation. Short of that it is pretty obvious BW is more than content to continue doing and saying nothing till the issue simply fades away.
  22. The missing SGRA's, plain and simple I didn't actually. Left in February and just came back to see what's changed. I won't be around long sadly.
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