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Everything posted by Mysquine

  1. I see you've not played a juggernaut then. Using a DPS tree, to tank that works better than a designated Tanking tree means the class is broken. The Tanking tree is in shams with alot of beneficial talents in the DPS tree.
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=193085
  3. You know when a tanking class/tree is broken when you only spend 14 points in it and the rest in dps. Alot of high end raiding Jug tanks are doing this. Something needs to change.
  4. Well, broken is broken, seems alot of the juggys are going 14/27/0 .. I mean, thats just silly, can't generate enough rage, not enough long ranged attacks for spaced out groups ect - Its doable yes, but its just getting annoying now, no new content seems to be tank friendly, its all random aggro.
  5. No I mean, Out of combat - mob is dead, I am stunned. http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/6889/screenshot2012011816310.jpg It shows im still in combat in that one, but it persisted through combat, when the specific mob was dead and until I used my anti-cc ability. Also once I had used that it left a debuff (constricted) on there which was not even working properly anyway as shown below http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/7248/screenshot2012011816340.jpg Not to mention the 3x (strong not elite) adds on the bonus boss with 32-36k health each. Was worried we wouldn't do it in time but didn't seem to be a problem.
  6. Just finished it on hard mode. Its hard - atleast the last two bosses. And trash? They are a little bit overpowered with their stuns.. So overpowered in one case I had a permanent stun put on me (only removable by my unleash talent) All I can say is.. Bioware, Im disappointed - is there anything other than the random aggro feature in your instances? Its so anti-melee and so anti-tanking. For the last boss you don't even need to tank the two adds whilst they die as they hit for hardly anything. Last boss drops head, bonus boss (robot) drops head too. Also had an epic lightsaber drop. All in all, good fun, different encounters but needs a bit of work to make it more manageable for tanks. Saying that Jugg is broken having to use a DPS tree to tank.
  7. Yes we can, but other profession go to trainers to learn their recipes such as the trinkets. I've spent over 700k, At-least - with over 400 craftable blue implants of the same one and I have not received any new patterns what so ever. They may be the best yes - But they are damn expensive and very VERY unreliable. I've given up because I honestly cannot face throwing away hundreds of thousands of credits every day to not get a recipe. They need to fix it.
  8. So, there's been alot of QQ "Adrenals are OP! Medpacs are OP! Stims are too pricey and the ones biochems get are OP!" Am I the only one who's getting sick of seeing this? I mean come on, every other profession has their unique items which can only be used when you hit 400 of that crew skill - i.e. Artifice and their Augment-able trinkets, there's armor which can be crafted by Synthweaving (Sure its not as good as tier sets but then again when is craft-able gear better than tier pieces in general) Reusable Adrenals, Stims and medpacs are the only joy we get out of it. I've spent over 700k on Biochem alone to try and learn a level 49 Implant and I still haven't got the epic recipe. We do not have ANYTHING else, even a lack of implant recipes, Biochem will just become a moneyless and sink-hole of a profession. The simple way to fix it? Bring all of the materials required for Adrenals and stims into line, apart from the Fortitude Stim/Armor Adrenal - pretty much everything else requires Grade 5 materials from Bioanalysis + Diplomacy. Bioanalysis - Lacking missions and there's barley enough compound / samples missions to get mats every day without having to spend hours looking for "Red Goo" all over Voss or Ilum. This in turn increases the value of the mats used to create such items as Stims and adrenals hence forcing the price up. Diplomacy - If your Light or Dark-side, very limited amount of missions that you can do for Grade 5 medical supplies, possibly the worst designed crew skill of them all. Also, people selling 300 Diplomacy + Bioanalysis Mission discoveries @ 25-40k a pop also drives the price up. All in all - Sort out the Materials required to make Adrenals, Stims and such and make it easier for them to be crafted (25 minutes per one = fail). Or bring the other crew skills more into line with Biochem. If you nerf adrenals next then you'd best give us something damn good to replace it because the medpac is really only any use to Tanks now. Good job Bioware. You listen as much as your in-game customer support team. Im sure there will be some moaning here, as there always is, or someone saying "other crew-skill items are terrible" - Your going about it the wrong way, Don't nerf Biochem, Buff the others. Less hate more love.
  9. I've seen bracers for BH, but I managed to get a belt for 10k off the GM. Think they're just out of random lock boxes ect - best thing is to look on torhead, see what level the items are and go for a chest that produced a blue item of that level.
  10. There are alot of bugs sadly, however they seemed to have at least fixed a few in patch 1.1, however the customer support in game is terrible. If you do have a problem it just seems to be passed on to someone else, and it would seem they are an external company - when I asked for their contact details I was told it was confidential and I had to wait for a response via in game tickets. (Which have been deleted)
  11. The only thing we could do, which I've already pointed out is a) not wipe b) hope that a sorc doesn't get mind trapped before he dies c) not attack the "invisible" mind trap with an insane amount of health. (I haven't read anywhere that this would be the problem but we presumed after that it could be a contributing factor) Apart from that there is NOTHING we could really do. You can loot the corpse and unless the ML there or if its on round robin, the others are there then people would get gimped out of loot. I've read what I've put, I've read what others have put. But honestly - with what ever your going on about, they need a way to get back down there - Regardless of "What we did wrong" or what ever your trying to be "helpful" with and point out.
  12. We tried that with two sorcs - didn't work. The best we had was someone would bug and get stuck "off map" again, and have to exit area to become unstuck. We tried Intercede, using the walls (which have invisible walls) and everything else we could think of including Saber ward (Was doubtful that it would work but was worth a shot at this point)
  13. No, I am not saying its impossible. The people in mind traps were freed but did not res properly, they were "on the map" but could not see anyone, nor could anyone who was alive see them. There is also a invisible enemy called "Mind Trap" inside the mind trap, which can cause people to be stuck in combat, even when they are kicked out. This brought everyone who was left down by the boss into combat, thus we could not res anyone. After everyone had "died" or /stuck the corpse is down the bottom of the chamber, after you've run down ect ect, and there is nothing to get down there again. You jump - you die. Thus, we could not loot - the GM's couldn't do anything let alone even spell correctly, or even teleport us back down to the corpse before it de-spawned.
  14. So, I've heard a few other people have had the problem, but Soa.. Has anyone thought "How do you get back down if you kill Soa and wipe?" or get stuck in combat, cannot res and have to /stuck (which insta kills you) and teleports you out? Clearly - Bioware haven't. After a lengthy 4 hour discussion with a Customer Support Agent and another day of no responses from Customer Support, we have still been unable to claim our loot from a boss which we killed and was unable to loot. We have been fobbed off and for what? A Silly bug that keeps you in combat after he dies, bugs people in mind traps and then no way to get down to the final stage of the boss encounter? All I can say is Bio ware really don't seem to have thought much through, not even a slow fall buff or a speeder to take you back down there. Customer support is a joke, and the spelling is terrible - he had a hard time understanding us, and at one point the "GM" or Customer Support even said he would TANK Soa for us, little did he realise despite us telling him we had killed him that he would not re-spawn till next week. After being told to remake a ticket which would be put up to the top priority (Clearly their top priority is sitting around twiddling their thumbs or dealing with multiple tickets over how someone is called Darthmául) because we have still not had ANY response. All Im wondering is has anyone else had this problem with Soa? Or has anyone found a way to safely get down there without falling to your deaths.
  15. not after patch 1.1 As for reasons why Biochem isn't good 1) Diplomacy - Only yields Companion gifts or Medical Supplies - Gives you Light or dark side points which is a pain, I personally do not want to go below rank 5 dark over and over again to be able to farm more medical supplies, and due to insane prices of missions on the Auction house it is a complete joke. 2) Expenses and rewards - I have spent well over 700k+ on trying to reverse engineer ONE blue implant that I have created from green, and nothing. The only other benifit I have from going Biochem from the start is the Rataka stims and medpacs. An extra 30/20 stats without being used is the least we could have. It saves us consuming our "profits" from crafting blue stims/adrenals. I personally farm all these mats (using grade 5 which is a pain in the arse to get) and give them out to my guildies for free. Now I dont know if other people do or not but this helps alot. 3) "Profit" - if people were to all get reusable stims, adrenals, medpacs then shortly there would be no demand for the crew skill At all. Everyone would have one medpac for eternity and we would not be able to make enough money to make the profession useful other than for the stims. Artifice for example - can make Colour Crystals, which will always be popular and in demand for the colours (magenta/white for example). Cybertech can make a summoning device, Synthweaving can make higher level armor (maybe not as good as tier gear) but its a start. Im happy with the changes that they are making to Biochem it might be better having an extra +15% health, but majority of whine is from the PvPers and people don't seem to understand how much of a sinkhole Biochem can be. Every crewskill has its pro's and cons.
  16. I had a little look at my server (Uther Wynn EU) at 9:10PM GMT (Not a peak time I know) and did a /who on both republic and imperial going through levels 1-50 individually. I know this isn't the most efficient way nor may it be the most accurate but it gives a good picture. There was 697 Republic on, 47 of those level 50. There was then 1202 Empire players on with 84 of those level 50. Will be doing it at a peak time to see what the numbers are like but at the moment it seems to be 63% empire and 37% republic. All in all, quite low numbers compared to what I thought it would be. Still 350k isn't too bad still, as the article pointed out WoW took a lot longer to reach that point so.
  17. I've easily RE'd over 300 of ONE blue type, and Still nothing. Im wondering what the hell is the point of of all of the money / effort when you can buy an epic level 50 one that is much better than the Biochem ones for Daily points. Seems pointless, and I'm getting really annoyed at the proc chance. All in all I've had about it with crafting. Everything apart from the reusable stim packs ect are worthless. And the Epic schematics are hardly worth the time and money. I've put over 700k into farming for this tanking implant and still nothing.
  18. When people are at work, yes - When people are off On Christmas Holidays, its not off-peak I guess thats a bit hard to grasp tho.
  19. I think its time for the EU to rebel, America had their Declaration of Independence and said **** off to the rest, I say its about time to do the same Besides, their document wasn't even legal !
  20. Are they being paid? Hell I'm sure they've had a nice bonus or overtime for working Christmas day. Either way they are paid to do their job, regardless on the time of year. Im sure they're doing a good job, but don't forget money makes the world go round. They wouldn't be there if they wern't paying. Either way Sign for earlier times at least. 8->4pm is a joke.
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