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Everything posted by Mysquine

  1. 500+ is "Standard" - I know this because I checked earlier and there was about 530-540 people on both Empire and Republic. YAY!
  2. This week has been a school holiday in england, thus numbers should have been higher than normal - not the case. Where as you say Im clueless about population numbers, maybe - I've been saying its different on every server. But when you speak to people on MY server, you ask them how the servers doing, they will say people are quitting, their friends are quitting, people are moving to other servers. As a whole my population has declined alot. "It in no way is evidence that the entire game population, let alone your own server population, is decreasing." Haven't said the whole game population is dying, its just very noticeable on my server. I mean who's right? No one, can't be proved they are dropping or increasing as a whole, but certain servers are suffering. Log onto them, do the numbers every so often to see whos on / when, and you would have seen a decline in people. Theres having school, work and real life, and then there's just a lack of people who want to play on that server. Edit: I really don't care what other people have to say if I'm wrong or not - All I am saying is on my server, Uthar Wynn, population has decreased alot, activity has decreased alot. If you were on it from day 1. I don't want the game to fail, I want it to work because I like many others have put alot of time and money into the game. The games good, needs work, but some servers need to be addressed.
  3. Its principle. You pay x amount for x service you expect x back. Level of service in games seem to be dropping and the amount of games which seem to be released before they should seems to be increasing. Personally I think Asia / Australia got the release just at the right time where bugs are being fixed and more content added.
  4. Not really an option for some people though when you've got your main geared + alts @ 50 geared along with other players you play with. Shouldn't be the only option to reroll :/
  5. well thats interesting to see (if its accurate) but tbh would be nice to see figures for servers. Im sure they've got them as to # of players on each server vs total.
  6. I guess pure numbers show nothing now adays. I've not "ignored" the fact that I might have alot of college kids on. The fact that theres more people on at 12:00 resets than in the evening goes to show that we have alot of people that may not be in college, school or have a job. The fact is, population is dropping, ALOT of people i've gotten to know have left the game, and the vast majority if not 95% of the guild I am in have all been over 18 (not by selective recruitment). More and more people are not logging on, we've gone down from 25-30 people in the guild to under 10 unless its a raid. You're right, theres millions of millions of reasons, but you can say that all you want - there is and has been a decline on my server especially. There might not be enough data out there, you're right, and the fact I've been monitoring my servers population proves nothing it would seem. But after speaking to alot of the major pve guilds who are progressing, finding out more and more guilds are folding because guild leaders, and majority of members have left for what ever their reason is speaks for itself. We have about 1-2 top end PvE guilds and the rest just seem to be social guilds. And like I've been saying "Perhaps people are trying the opposite side but want to try on a diff server(that would be a net loss for your server, but not overall population of the game, thus population would not change overall)" - not all servers are dying (Don't know if you've even paid attention to me continuously saying this because I know its not the case with EVERY server or the game "dying"), but in particular my one seems to be suffering. And 500+ people make the server standard. Without numbers from Bioware we can't confirm anything, but with people constantly in /1 saying servers dead, people looking for hours for queues, and seeing the same faces over and over again really doesn't fill my heart full of hope.
  7. Well its disregarded as of now =] I'd like to see free transfers - maybe not to everyone but realms which are "lacking" in players. At the end of the day I can sit through the constant bugs which come up every week, new bugs such as soa's threat jump and things - sure it makes it a bit more of a challenge having to find a fix for a bug so you can kill a boss. Its just the lack of people.. lack of sociability and the lack of people wanting to do high end content after the first week because they've cleared it in NM. The game has taken some good steps, bugs are being fixed. But you can't keep waiting and waiting for something you hope they will fix. If the devs would post more, rather than just moderate, lock forums and delete them I think it would help alot. But for now I seem to be the only one holding my guild together on our server, trying to stop people from leaving because they're getting frustrated.
  8. Not really looking to prove a point, more to outline the problem and get it fixed. All I'd like to do is be able to not have to worry about recruiting x people per week because we are losing x people per week due to "being bored of content" or any other reason, whether its just a bad day for them and they've had enough of the bugs ect Some servers are benefiting (and I will keep saying that) others are not. All that needs to be done is find the problem and to fix it.
  9. Can sigh all you want, but Im giving you hard numbers of who is on my server at the moment with the population of standard. Republics had under 200 people, empire had just over 300 - So it seems to be the level of "Standard" is about 500+ maybe even less?
  10. Paid or free? Again we don't know. I don't want to have to pay x amount because Bioware released a few too many servers early, or people disliked the game so they left or for what ever reason. They've not said if it would be free or not for certain declining realms but I sure hope it is (Much like the system Rift had - possibly not every 7 days but it was still good)
  11. I've been looking at the numbers at peak times. I've written them down in a book somewhere in the house but 3 weeks ago it was about 700+ imperials and 400+ republics at a similar time to today, and now its 537 in total on our server - still with standard. Im not just going on "Who's in fleet" I am actively going in-between our sides to see who has what online at x time. And the numbers are sad. My servers standard. We have 537 people on the whole server (give or take as people may have logged off in the 5 minutes it took to do the math) but that's not really what I'd expect to be "Standard"
  12. Bioware's communication hasn't been the best. That and again it might not be every server but there ARE servers that are suffering. Those ones that are need to be fixed. You can't say "its not happening" because it is. The game might not be dying but some servers are leaking players, whether thats to other games or to other servers, the numbers need to be balanced out (As I know Empire outnumber Republic on certain servers if not all atleast) I'm happy your servers benefiting but there's quite alot of us that are out here playing on a dying server. I'm sorry but on a Sunday 40 people in fleet.. 340 Empire Online from 1-50, 94 people @ 50 - and 197 people on republic, 56 @ 50 - and my servers at population "Standard" with 537 people playing on a Sunday. Doesn't really seem to be that many people..
  13. Would probably benefit the US servers more so than the EU servers, as well as them having their own servers but who knows? Can only hope. 1.2 will be good, Im staying for that no doubt - Just hoping the others that I play with will be as patient as that. Still waiting to see the dailies on ilum get fixed! (Despite trying every day and getting the same messages)
  14. As you said - Only Bioware know, but they've been so quiet about everything it would be nice to just see, maybe there's a reason they've not said anything? Maybe there isn't.
  15. Well, as "inaccurate" as the statistics might be, It gives you a good idea. I'm sure your on a higher populated server that at least stays on "standard" or above. This would give new players a bigger reason to roll onto them as there's more players. Fact is its happening, maybe not on your server, maybe not on others but servers are suffering, and those that are need to be sorted out. I'm up for playing the game, but re rolling and remaking all the classes I've leveled to 50 so far on another server, isn't really an option. But there seems to be more information pointing towards decline than a growth. And im not sure which servers you'd be on EU or US. But personally, Uthar Wynn EU - there's been a decline, and even though its sort of averaged out at about 40-50 or so in Fleet now compared to 100+ about a week-two ago its just a shame
  16. kthxbye Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  17. It might not be to failing - point taken, but its starting to show a decline. Guilds have been falling apart on my server, people have been quitting or resubbing when new content comes out, like I've been saying - some servers are benefiting others are sadly going into the ground. People might be re rolling to higher servers, might be the case - but there's still a population decline.
  18. If you used your eyes that you were born with (I'm guessing you were at-least as your able to write so well!) that you would notice a vast number of players are in fact pretty tired. You can try and reason it how ever you want so your brain can understand, but fact is, statistics of servers - in general show a decline in population, and if your lucky enough to be on one - you will have first hand experience. The game may not be dying, but its not living up to its full potential. And you must be so luck to be on a populated server, but you don't seem to understand everyone isn't as lucky as you and servers have been dying. Like I said, reason it how every you want, my care cup is empty for what you have to say back, but its people like you that just have a closed minded view on this game, and your "LOLOL IM FINE MY SERVERS FINE DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR PROBLEM IS WITH GAME YOU FAIL" attitude really isn't what the forums need. There are problems out there that need to be addressed.
  19. Well, they can say what they want, but they have 215 servers.. With 1,000,000 it would suposidly be about 4651 players to each server (Im pretty sure this isn't the case, and yes that would include people who are not on at the same time I know) 1,300,000 would be 6046 players average per server 1,700,000 would be 7906 players average per server I've been checking my server count and its been going down from the beginning of the game (averaging out at about 1000 Empire : 730 Republic all the way down to 600 Empire : 370 Republic - rough stats admittedly) but at peak times with them having "1.x million people" - they have too many servers to choose from. Some servers are more populated than others. It doesn't matter if they have 1.7 million people or even more - if there are too many servers to choose from, people will be scattered all over the place, and some servers will die, others will flourish. Free merges / server transfers - or something "FREE" needs to be done, there's only so long you can keep holding on thinking "things will get better" when its just a downhill spiral.
  20. Heres a suggestion : They listen to the community more so, and talk to us more to let us know whats happening, if the problem has been addressed, or what they are going to do about it. A few Dev posts a day isn't really enough for my liking.
  21. still shows what you can see in the game, population = declining. It would depend on what server your on, but yea.. theres a major problem that needs to be sorted asap, I know alot of people can only smile so long whilst content that has been out from released is still bugged.. Or has become bugged (i.e. Soa <3) And alot of people don't want it to fail, it just IS failing. One or two of the really high populated servers may not see a problem, because people will go for the higher pop servers on creation. But the smaller ones, they're the servers that are suffering.
  22. About 70% of the people I know have either left for good, or left to resub when 1.2 is out. Our fleet has gone from 150+ on a Friday/Saturday at peak time to just 40-50 as imperial. Less people raiding, less people pvping, planets are underpopulated. Guess your servers just lucky, ours is just plain dead.
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