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Everything posted by Threjyan

  1. i think alacrity is beneficial to burst classes - im using high alacrity build on me concealment and am having interesting results, while on lethality not so much
  2. i think BW did not taken into consideration, high alacrity builds and how it could affect specific classes: concentration/fury being one of them, so the result is a higher parsing class, but i am yet to see the practical results on operation bosses. in any case, pure raw numbers the OP is correct - there is no reason to play watchmen/anni, due to the fact that the other 2 specs seem to be parsing higher then intended. :offtopic: it must be me, but i am using high alacrity build on my concealment and having good results, but on lethality not so much. can it be that only high alacrity builds afect only burst classes optimally?
  3. considering Fury mara will be the top parsing dps spec after todays patch i can say they will need to adjust
  4. yes i did. 90M on the Sith Recluse Chestpiece, like 1 or 2 months it was introduced as a direct sale. so because of this, i will never spend such amount of creds on a single item. patience is a virtue. ps: but i do hope people will buy mine, for a similar amount, since i got a full sith recluse set to sell more ahead in the future
  5. if u saved any mail, u received when the toon was created maybe it can help. thou im unsure if toons created when the game was 1st released receive that type of mails.
  6. and i dont think the RP will have an easy life when prog+TRE merge, or both populations get in the new server.
  7. i have witnessed a couple of RP events back when i was on Prog, never interfered, usually they were on gav daragon where we enter to ops,, and i just stay from lets say a rather distance. is it bad to just watch it? i mean i just got curious.
  8. what seems to be the biggest concerns for the RP comunity? trollers?
  9. considering a lot of the TRE population came from progenitor will be nice to see old friends
  10. looooooooooooooooool same here.i came from prog, but in 3.0 i think i did the correct thing and transferd to TRE.
  11. i would like to see kira. althou how am i going to explain to my wife that i got late for dinner that day in kotfe, on marr's ship, and when i said for her to take the ship, i didnt meant for so many years
  12. i would say illum, but hoth seems to be a very strong bet aswell.
  13. in 28th november 2017 i guess
  14. yep http://parsely.io/parser/view/318658/0 overperforming m3-r0 and its your fault! time to swap some stats as of today and change spec - something i only used for pvp, now seems pretty viable on pve
  15. hehe nice reply to bad i already gave my upvote today or else it would have gone to you.
  16. for me sir, you won the internet today! you u have my upvote! it was really funny to read one complain about space barbie and then talk about dyes..he completly destroyed his point of view. so i wonder, is space barbie a part of this game or not? when i wipe or get rekt in pve or pvp, at least i hope i do it with style
  17. if you think our opinions matter to BW ur smarter than i thought.
  18. i stopped reading here. Arsenal was broken in dps and still is in utilities. Fun to play FOTM classes - kappa Perhaps Arsenal was one of the most broken specs ever in this game, as far as i can recall
  19. if these nerfs kill your raiding team, instead of no real new content, im actually very surprised.
  20. probably Bants numbers were correct - the thing is that since BW buffed the class, and there are no new calculations, those calculations are outdated now.
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