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Everything posted by Threjyan

  1. here to the OP: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=926323
  2. did you know that Musco was doing progression when EV and KP were relevant?
  3. ^^ ...so..can i have ur stuff before you leave?
  4. i did 3 hammer stations yesterday with all stelth classes. 30 min to do the weekly but i know what u meaning in the other hand i went from 220Cxp to 282Cxp yesterday. CXP should alwasy be like this, or at least like 3/4 of what it is now. this way it makes me wann aplay alts
  5. why not? raiders have really so little rewards these days that unique mounts make only a small prize.
  6. To try to replicate you need to use 2.5M hp modulator with all of the debuffs aplied to dummy - this is reguarding pure parsing. by default all values that appear on parsely is the 2.5M since that is basicly the amount of dmg every dps do on operation bosses. reguarding the metrics, if BW doesnt use they should also use it. im pretty sure they prolly have their own system of measuring the dps and other values, but parsely is prolly the most used system by many raiders due to its many tools (and it comes to my mind revan push and pull )
  7. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/pt/dicionario/ingles/irony damn people cant have a little bit of fun these days. i am aware of sorc lightning situation.. and besides i knew the people in the hm operation, so we were trashing around *sigh*
  8. your ideas would require people to do it..and you lknow..its EW. dont get me wrong they are nice ideas, but: let them focus on new content. old content is..old. between revanping old content vs introducing new content, well..its not that hard to choose
  9. yesterday i was in an hm operation where a lightning sorc got agroo from corrupter zero, so please nerf sorcs. thx ps: im having a blast since 5.3 hit live. its glorious to see the salt and the whining
  10. the problem is people rerolling at the 1st sight of nerfs. then they will all go and play maras, sins or operatives if the skill is there all classes in this game can do hm. the problem is that game is to hard ps: prolly the logarythm of scalling ops badly tunned for 5.0, but even with the nerfs all content is doable in hm by any class. most people didnt realize that this is intentional to make people play other classes and grind all the way again and keep a few more months sub.
  11. no..no..no..this cannot be happening nerf the number of people helping out!
  12. so they were not healing more then intended in wz? kappa
  13. im afraid hes not skilled enough
  14. there will never be NIM anymore in this game. only master mode
  15. i stop reading there. not sure if u are serious or just dont have a clue. i said many times before 5.3 hit live that this patch would be glorious, and i didnt mistaken.
  16. tyth mm was to be released when second boss was released. i suspect their goal is to release full ops in hm until the end of this year and expect a mm around march or april 2018. to keep raiders entertained..or in the worst case scenario to release each boss in MM dificulty in this model they currently have: one every 2 or 3 months, in 2018
  17. what should be the best way to get an offcial reply reguarding this issue? ingame ticket? direct message to eric or any of the devs? thx for feedback
  18. HAHAHAHAH oh my i never thought people would actually reçly to it, but i guess it was totally worth it since i already got some good laughs from certain replies in this thread
  19. 5.4 will prolly bring nerfs but for you i think u wanted 5.4 to have happened already yesterday
  20. most likely yes. and if u are a progression player you probably are aware u need to have multiple classes (not mandatory ofc, but even so...) so just swap for a time. my 2 cents.
  21. not really but i just wanted to feel integrated , and ask for a nerf of something, so here goes: hope they balance the amount of cartel coins one gets every month
  22. hm is still the same. i dont think any change was made.not that i was awre of. perhaps when the 3rd boss will come they will nerf tyth hm, and funny thing is that i thought about removing one add per wave was what could be done.
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