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Everything posted by CrownofGold

  2. Not sure where your unofficial info is coming from but Mercs DEFINITELY need a buff! We haven't been FOTM for many years. Yes, a good merc can be hard to kill 1V1 but they have virtually no DCDs. We need something for sure. And as always NERF OPERATIVES
  3. Doubtful. I'm sure at worst she will have as little dialogue as Nico Okarr with a very short recruitment mission. At best, it will have a bit more dialogue like when you meet the Star Fortress Companions or the Alliance Alert Companions. Small bits of conversation but after that, doubtful anything else meaningful. Reason being, I'm sure, is since she is a subscriber reward not everyone will have, there is no reason to feature her in the story line of the game. For example: NONE of the Alliance Recruit companions are in the story line. Only the companions you get as part of the story line: Kaliyo, Aric Jorgan, Vette, Gault and Torian Cadera. Still, romancing a bad @ $ $ like BAE Vizla would make my day!
  4. You can actually be defeated during this fight? People are fighting him literally NAKED with no armor...how is it possible to lose to him? Not trying to be a D I C K...but seriously? Am I missing something?
  5. Point 9. Make sure you understand English, if not, Alt F4 and jump off a building. Unless you are on a German server than by all means, make sure you know German!
  6. When it comes to the 4.0 Companions, Lana, Senya, Theron and the black guy whose name I cannot recall, their body types do not actually exist in the game. Same goes for NPCs like Satele Shan and others. I don't know that their bodies are designed in game to wear many armor sets that players/vanilla companions are able to wear. Just a wild hunch really. I'm sure it would not take much to edit every single armor set in the entire game to fit their body styles. Right? RIGHT?! As for Shae Vezla, I don't think she is quite Body Type 2, though that would be my best guess really. Yes, body type 2 with face option 1.
  7. Some hacks are being reported of players managing to be IN the map already while others still spawning BEHIND the walls where you start. Very possible they are already down there and the moment the announcer says "Let's Go Huttball!" the orb spawns and they instantly grab it.
  8. Darth Marr was Human... end of debate. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Marr
  9. My favorite class has always been Merc, even when the level cap was 50. I am a die hard (except in Warzones..I die easy, ha!) Merc all the way baby! I even like Gunslinger a bit too because of the double blasters! I really hope it is finally time for Mercs to shine, though to be fair, knowing how to kite and deal with various melee classes really helps to stay alive. Though it didn't help that in 4.0 stupid BW added more gap closing abilities to all melee classes while giving us the worthless Rocket Out ability where you have to blindly go backwards, usually into an object you get stuck on or over a damn cliff. #JusticeForMercs!
  10. They are talking about the armor sets you bought with normal/ranked warzone comms....
  11. Thank you so much! I could kiss you! Now to find a crafter on Harbinger who makes them....
  12. I want to assume that she will come without helmet as seen in the Artwork for the advertisement for Sub reward. I already bought the entire Commander Vizla armor set so me and my Mercs (Yes, PLURAL) can match her and I can pop on her helmet to complete her look...assuming we can do that! And ew! Guys, you want a 50 year old in a slave outfit? Hey, what ever floats your boat!
  13. Ok, but what about THESE blasters she uses during Shadow of Revan/Blood Hunt??? http://www.swtorstrategies.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Conflict-on-Rishi-screenshot-3.jpg I was really hoping to find these some where since they look so unique and awesome!
  14. This is all very well but what about THANA VESH as a companion?!?! We have been asking for her as a companion literally since LAUNCH! We clearly don't need much of a back story to insert ::random companion:: into the story. Here we go though: Thana survives her "death" (if you chose to kill her at end of Taris Imp story line) and went into hiding as she felt disgraced. As a result, she survived the initial onslaught from The Eternal Empire and has taken up arms again to defend her once loved Empire and gain her pride or whatever you wanna say she is in it for. WE WANT THANA VESH!
  15. Good morning, I recently bought the Commander Vizla armor set from GTN and I want to complete the look with blasters like Shae Vizla uses. I cannot seem to find them in collections. Do they exist in the game? Any help will be appreciated!
  16. Yes, it matters! #AllCompanionsMatter #GottaCatchEmAll
  17. I 100% agree with you! Deception used to be my favorite Assassin class and my favorite attack was SHOCK especially when it would proc a second shock. It was like a back handed b I t c h slap and then another slap after it. The shock ball animation is F-ing stupid! get rid of it or make it optional! At this point, I would even USE SHOCK IN PLACE OF IT even if it did less damage! I appreciate that they wanted to give us new abilities and try to make advanced classes/specs seems that much more unique but that was such a bad decision. I also hate that IO Merc lost Rail Shot. That sound is the best in the game!
  18. Why would top PVP gear equal top PVE gear? It should be based on item rating, and no PVP armor ever equaled the top tier PVE armor.
  19. I understand your concern, but yeah..the first thing I am going to do when I get her is do the Bloodhunt Flashpoint and make Shae fight herself, hahahahahahaha!!!!
  20. I think it's funny that the OP complains that Sin/Shad use too much Force abilities and here I am thinking that Knights/Warriors are starting to have too many force abilities. Knights/Warriors have just as many ranged abilities and /Shad/Sin. It's starting to get ridiculous.
  21. /SIGNED And I know that companions change armor based on what you put them in but for characters who do not have that companion, just put them in the generic armor they come in. Boom! Easy fix! I despise holograms in my Strongholds.
  22. CrownofGold


    Just throwing my two cents in there. I don't feel that ANY ability should be used for free. You cannot heal for free (unless you get a proc) so why should a Tank be able to Guard for free? Guard should utilize the Tank's energy pool to use. It should only work as long as the Tank has energy to pay for it. I also feel the same about stealth. It should use your energy pool to use and not be free. For a stealther to be invisible for long periods of time for free is OP as hell. I'm not saying either abilities should be expensive to use, making them useless other wise, but it should most certainly not be free. Just my two cents.
  23. Try to look at it this way. The raiding community is basically dead. Lack of new OPs has caused many to cancel subs and others to focus on other aspects of the game. With high end gear available to the masses, it wont be difficult to replace a raid member because so many people will already be geared. Some may require a bit of training but at least they will already have the gear. Now, I know that many want to feel extra special by wearing the soon to be retired NiM armor. Y'all wear it like a badge of honor, as you should. This is a new way of doing things and I would rather embrace it and evolve and focus on the positives, while working to fix the negatives, and keep my favorite game going. BTW, Anyone need an Alto-holic in their raid group on Harbinger? I play both Imp/Pub. HIT ME UP!
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