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Everything posted by CrownofGold

  1. Exactly! Both Darth Marr and Empress Acina are guest companions only available during their respective chapters but Darth Marr instantly had a Deco while Empress Acina does not. I would love to put her in my Dromund Kaas Stronghold to rule OVer everyone. BTW, With Darth Marr, during his chapter, if you exit the chapter you can summon him....anyone know if we can do this with Empress Acina? I haven't tried yet. I have a couple characters I level up to JUST get to Darth Marr and I exit the Chapter and keep him forever. Would be sweet to do with Empress Acina. =) And yes, Arcann needs a deco TOO!!! I want to place him next to my throne so he can stare at it but not be able to sit on it til the end of time haha!
  2. Dear Bioware, Please include Arcann and Empress Acina as Stronghold decorations. That is all. Thanks!
  3. I agree with you to a degree but hacking clearly still happens in regular warzones. It's an epidemic everywhere.
  4. Sorry if this has been posted before. I couldn't find anything. I am role playing as a Master Ranos Character. I know what most of her armor pieces are aside from that beautiful Crown. Where in the heck can I get that crown? I cannot find it anywhere in collections or with any of the reputation vendors. Thanks in advance!
  5. I know which sets you are referring to.n The sets located all the way to the left in the Supplies area. They do not have very good stats because they are EMPTY. They will be only as strong as the armorings, mods and enhancements you put into them. Hope that helps!
  6. I forget what it's called but it is available as a Cartel Pack item. Look in collections. You'll see it and most likely you can buy the pieces on the GTN. Good luck!
  7. Just look at my signature, lol. I also have characters named Nia Goespewpewpewpew, Gia Goespewpewpewpew, Diva Goespewpewpewpew, Sam Goespewpewpewpew, etc. We are the Pewpewpewpewpew Legacy =)
  8. On Imperial Fleet there is a recreation of the scene where Darth Vader is talking to the group of bounty hunters like he did in one of the Star Wars movies. It is an OBVIOUS recreation to pay homage to the movies. They can do something similar with Princess Leia's likeness with an Astromech by her side on Alderaan in House Organa quite easily, it doesn't even need to have her name tag on it. It could be "Heir to Alderaan" or "House organa Noble" with "Trusty Droid" with her.
  9. That's a nice theory but did not apply to my guild on Prophecy of the Five. I started it on PoT5 and never moved it but it always said we were Dread Guardians @ Mass Shadow Generator, which I, the guild leader and founder was never part of. It's just BW being stupid.
  10. Honestly, with the years, literally YEARS of Mercs being the free kill and always being focused down first we deserve these OP changes. I consider this justice. I WANT people to cry about this and smash their keyboards. They can know what it felt like to be us for 3 damn years. I hope it stays this way for three years to exact the revenge we deserve. After three years of being murdered by Mercs will anyone have the right to complain.
  11. Dreadseed Armor Set! You'll have to do the Seeds of Darkness mission thread to get the pieces so there is a bit of work involved but that means less people have the set and you will really stand out! It looks best on the body type 3 male as you mentioned your Sith will be. http://torf.mmo-fashion.com/dreadseed/
  12. Happens to me too even on my Sage/Sorc where absolutely NO ONE is going to die unless they stand in "stupid". It's really annoying for sure!
  13. Yep, same exact spot for me too! It's infuriating! Dropping the graphics settings was the only thing that worked but then I had to play the rest of the chapter at sub par graphics. I hope Bioware fixes this. At first I thought it was just myself experiencing this but now that I know I am not the only one it is clearly a bug they need to fix.
  14. Before they nerfed the final fight with Darth Malgus the only way you could kill him was to knock him off the side of that bridge using a bomb so canonically, he fell off and we never saw him again. Malgus has taken bombs to the face and has even had a mountain dropped on him. I'm sure he could have survived the fall using something simple like the force to slow his fall and land on a lower platform. He could have escaped and went into hiding to plot his return. 100% plausible considering BW once had the idea to have Malgus gifted to The Eternal Throne in carbonite. Not sure why they scrapped that idea but at least now we know there is true potential for his return in one form or another.
  15. Without Vette, you never would have gotten off of Iokath. She could sneak in and out of just about anywhere. In the Sith Warrior story line, you never would have gotten into the tomb to retrieve the first lightsaber. Her ingenuity and cleverness is invaluable. Torian is a soldier. That's it. He became liason to the Alliance at the permission of Mandalore the Avenger but after Shae joins the Alliance herself Torian is not necessary. Literally just another cannon fodder Mando. I only saved Torian on my Merc that married him. There is no real argument that Torian is worth more than Vette. And yes, I do realize my forum signature is a bit ironic. LMAO!
  16. I first completed this on my Assassin Tank with Lord Dramath as my companion (Dark Side Choice). He will be your healer if you choose to keep him imprisoned. It was an easy as hell literal tank and Spank...I stood still the entire fight and she died quickly. My SECOND time through, I did not have him with me on my DPS Mercenary. I died three times before I remembered how to MMO (as SWTOR basically NEVER gives us difficult solo fights) and I was able to beat her. I love that it was difficult! Reminded me of how difficult Vanilla story line fights were with the boss at the end. Remember how impossible The Emperor used to be at the end of the Jedi Knight storyline? Darth Baras? Thanaton? I miss the difficulty of those fights and this did not disappoint! I want more fights like these!
  17. I created a perfect Darth Hexid replica on Harbinger server. I was even lucky enough to get the actual name with no special characters. I would be more than happy to run around with you if you would like =)
  18. This post made me LOL at work so thank you for that! I would be just as angry. I probably would have thrown my keyboard through my screen. It's funny when it happens to someone else though. :D:D
  19. Remember all those times you would tell your team to Focus the Merc because "he has basically no defensive cool downs" and "he'll drop quicker than a Sorc with no armor!"? Or for those guys who chase Mercs around the map, completely ignoring the rest of the game, team, for 15 minutes because you wanted the easy kills? Well, you asked for it! In 5.0 we will FINALLY get our vengeance. I am so ready to make you guys pay! If you're a Mara, you will be my # 1 target and now YOU will know what it is like to be hunted down every match and feel useless to your team. MUAh HAhHHAh HA hHA hA!!!!! "Revenge is a dish best served cold" - Old Klingon proverb (wrong fandom, but you get the idea)
  20. PVP is for casuals. always has been and always will be. I used to run Operations a few nights a week with a guild. That died out but I still love the game so I do the most casual thing possible to level: Warzones. But I play objectives as well as kill lots of our enemies. I believe most people play objectives. You seem to be having a bad experience. BW will never take away solo queue. It would drop the amount of people who do Warzones tremendously. You would be waiting for a POP for a very long time.
  21. Please, Bioware, let us keep Flame Thrower!!! I know it doesn't do damage worth a damn but it's a really neat animation!
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