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Everything posted by MsMalice

  1. I've dropped my WoW sub, maybe I'll pick it up again once WoD isn't so overpriced. DA: Inquisition will get me through the rest of the month until SoR drops. CoD lol no thank you. GTA V never interested me. Halo is a console-exclusive waste of money. Any other games you'd recommend?
  2. This made my day, thanks.
  3. I don't really like the term "hardcore gamer", for me to consider someone to be hardcore they'd probably have to play 10 hours+ a day and basically have no life, or if they were working they would spend practically every moment of free time gaming (and sleeping... maybe). A casual is someone who plays maybe a few times a week and doesn't take it seriously at all like the "hardcore gamer". And then there's just the normal gamer, usually plays everyday for 3 or more hours, 20+ hours a week.
  4. This is so sad, he was a nice guy, can't believe it.
  5. Wait, Jiraya died? Seriously? If this is fake I will be so pissed, but in case it is true R.I.P. :(:(
  6. Can I have your stuff? Haha! Just kidding! But seriously, give me your stuff. :|
  7. The unbind S key thing is just to help people who are used to using it, stop using it. Once you get used to not using it you can bind it back to S if you want to for whatever reason. After playing a scrapper scoundrel for so long, the pvp "dance" is stuck with me, I am constantly circling players AND npcs, strafing & jumping (I can't help it). I look ridiculous, especially in pve and on a TANK. Standing still seems too... I don't know, boring?
  8. Unlikely the devs will respond. They're easy to play and they have the heals/slipperiness needed to be an effective healer in ranked. I don't think they are OP, most of the people still whining about them are bad dps.
  9. Well, it's a start. I use 1-4, Q, E, R, F, C, X, T, V, then shift+Q, shift+E, shift+R etc and some Alt & Ctrl keybinds. Having a razer naga also helps especially if you aren't too keen on using shift, Alt & Ctrl.
  10. For that reason I have geared my sorc and will see if I can get a pop this weekend.
  11. I don't have a 55 mara (54 lel) but queing as seer sage usually involves 30+ minutes of emoting on fleet until I give up on getting a pop and que regs. Yeah. Great fun.
  12. I'd suggest learning to use keybinds, unbinding your S key and binding strafe left/right to A & D. If you are handicapped by your playstyle, change it, otherwise you are not "doing your best" as you say unless of course there is a legitimate reason why you cannot keybind (usually medical).
  13. because objectives is hard
  14. The only half-decent player on your team was the seer sage.
  15. Really? Telling them to "git gud" doesn't work? Well, damn.
  16. Imo, stuns should be on a way longer cooldown so players are forced to use it more strategically. Also no half-decent player is going to just let you shred them up, well, maybe if you ask really nicely. I've found a lot of players use their stuns and knockbacks too carelessly and too quickly in a fight. I keep track of when they use their stuns/knockbacks and use it to my advantage so they have no way of escaping a devasting gore/precision window. That's not to say that the constant knockbacks and cc aren't frustrating, it does bother me. I'm interested to see if it gets better or worse in 3.0.
  17. Both are fun to play. I played a scoundrel for ages until I finally rolled a gunslinger and found out I actually liked it even more than the scoundrel in some cases. If you plan on going dps only, I'd go for a sniper. The cover system is something you'll get used to but it does make the sniper more stationary than other ranged classes. Kiting won't be nearly as effective, until you get the sniper roll at 51 you'll have to make good use of your roots and knockbacks (well, more than usual). Cover really only becomes a slight annoyance in Marksman spec when you have to re-enter cover to proc your insta-snipe (MM is an awesome spec though, one of my favs). Also don't forget snipers can't be leapt to in cover, have entrench (cc immunity), one of the best knockbacks ingame, 2 knockbacks if you spec into it and also sniper rifles!
  18. Just out of curiousity OP, what classes and specs have you played in 55 PvP? What class/spec is your main? I've played madness sorc & veng jugg a fair bit in 55 and can safely say beyond a doubt that they need to be... adjusted.
  19. http://i.imgur.com/eT1QCcK.gif
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