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Everything posted by Princess_Chibi

  1. Just relax and wait 30 days. They need a place to put all the Force Awakens noobs... Empty servers should do quite nicely. A few crossguard lightsabers released in January should have a long list of Kylo Ren wannabe's all over your PvP palaces.
  2. Xo-Lara makes some excellent points. And for the record, Economics CANNOT be learned in a weekend. Anyone who would make such a baseless hyperbolic statement so far outside the realm of common sense is trolling. To Xo's point, economics are problematic because the system is constantly manipulated by self-interested groups for personal gain (i.e. politicians, judges and executives). SWTOR economics are little different in that the developers largely don't seem to care about the health and well-being of the economy beyond buying/duping credits, there are no pricing or common sense financial controls to prevent abuse or predatory practices and even basic support such as mobile apps for GTN seems to be beyond this company's capabilities. In real-world economics, we absolutely do print new money whenever we don't feel like paying our dues; it's called national debt. The US owes China how many billions now? I believe the CBO's last report was the world is $14 Trillion in debt. Basic kindergarten math; if Susie has 2 apples, and Jake takes 3 of Susie's apples, how many apples does Susie have? The smart children answer it's not possible as you can't take what Susie doesn't have, politicians and opportunists answer -1, and Susie should charge interest. You can't fail to have an amount of money exceeding the amount ever printed into existence, yet we do, real-world economics; and it's because the amount "printed into existence" is imaginary, arbitrary and can be increased whenever one particular nation magically wishes. Credits in SWTOR work surprisingly close to that method of generation. Missions print credits all day long; the sinks never deduct enough. And there's NEVER a finite amount in circulation at any given point. Those are EVE MMORPG type economics; and do you honestly think BW is capable of such highly technical, detailed and adaptive applied economics when not screwing up a crafting profession by removing its ability to generate revenue seems too far beyond them?
  3. No, but what it does mean is all the professions are watered down crafting-drivers. Problem is they've gimped crafting to such a degree at this point that it's not predictably lucrative to perform small volume actions. All the big money is made in bulk sales (augments being the quintessential example). You don't make money selling 1-5 pieces of armor (considering all the armor is now generically adaptive so that entire f'n market only sells on cosmetic appeal alone now). You don't make money on high end consumables as augments are permanent one-time investments and PVP/Biochem have the only on-going consumables (stims, medpacks and grenades). See the problem with watering down the whole game isn't that there's nothing to do; it's that there's only 2-3 things to do (such as those I've named above). You can make money by doing those things repeatedly over long periods of time...but it's not fast and it's mind-numbingly boring. It also sucks because a million+ players are all doing the same damned 2-3 things, so the market is saturated and then it turns into a game of who can afford to undercut most. I made 22Mil off augments when 4.0 came out, but it was PAINFUL... BW decided that all the token-60 noobs needed the ability to instantly make augments without leveling crew skills or spending money on schematics, so suddenly the market doubled with people selling the same thing. BW's track record on crafting thus far is crap. They've annihilated Artifice going on four times now and all the good cosmetic armors they only release on Cartel Market (god forbid they code new pretty armors and give the schematics to end-game crafters to profit from). And THAT is the state of the game; anything good goes on Market, anything left gets watered into oblivion. You can make a few credits here and there, but the days of swimming through Uncle Scrooge's money bin are dead. ...Oh, and BW is promising to "fix" things in January. If they fix crafting any more, we'll all be using desh as the only material in the entire game.
  4. Pulled your post history, and honestly it reads like a BW-apologist. No criticalities of a game that's FAR from perfect, or alternatives to people's constructive criticisms about specific events that require redress, much like this thread. So let me ask the obvious question, what "new content on old worlds" are you talking about? The "new content" KOTFE was supposed to bring? Maybe that new operation on Belsavis;.... oh, wait, there isn't one. Or is this another patented "Bioware is doing something in the future and it's gonna be lights and stars!!!!oneeleven" line? Here's the problem with level sync; a large number of people didn't want it to begin with, BW went ahead. They've never justified the change, and may people still hate it, others tolerate it. Tolerance of something unenjoyable is not evidence that it's inherently good; something pro-syncers forget. In either event, blind faith in a for-profit corporation is poor logic. I enjoy Square Enix as a developer, but when they make a piss-poor decision, I call them on it (case in point, FF7 remake in multiple releases). BW apologists lack this fundamental trait which is critical for a constructive discussion. Now see, this is the type of casual that's problematic. They don't care about anything that happens in the game, so long as THEIR perception of it is enjoyable. It doesn't have to be balanced, fun, non-repetitive, progressive, creative, require problem solving or out of box thinking...just so long as it meets their desire. The problem is this is three-quarters of the player base; the same population I earlier mentioned jumps ship every 3 months. We'll still be here in a year; now stuck with a crap level-sync system BW isn't doing anything more with. It's unnecessary, unwanted and those resources could have gone to something better such as a companion missions/crafting mobile app.
  5. For the record, you made the CU/NGE comparison, I simply said devs of SWG repeatedly made poor decisions in an attempt to increase subscriber numbers of primarily the casual "sub 3 months and bail" type. But, here is a point I will make from your considerations: This type of poor decision making of "code and pray" undesirable features, failure to focus on long term subscribers/investors over the quick easy cash, and the steady decline of complexity in favor of ease-of-access, is precisely the crap that Sony Online Entertainment pulled just before they started their grand schemes that did in fact turn out to be CU/NGE. So I'm not saying the world is ending here. But I'm definitely firing off some flares and screaming at the top of my lungs that I've seen this behavior from development teams in MMOs before (and their casual patrons), and I know how it always ends.
  6. The highlighted point above is precisely the type of poor development logic that flushed SWG down the toilet. You don't make drastic and unforecasted changes in the hope of a magical fix to declining subscriber numbers. I've said it before and I'll say it again. There are two types of players involved in this argument, 1) that thinks they can dictate how ALL players of SWTOR should participate (or not if they won't drink the koolaid) in content and 2) those that think there should be an off-switch should they wish to partake in content differently than the first group. Group 1 thinks it's perfectly acceptable to force their play-style on millions of people FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE!!!!!!!! The second group just wants to be able to play the game closer to as it was before the devs starting making desperation moves with KOTFE in the hopes of raising subscriber numbers for casual noob players. Casuals bring money, but only until they get bored and leave for FF16 or WOW: Lands of Whatever, or Evercrack 3. That's why desperation moves by developers are bad, but efforts to cater to the common denominator is even worse. Much like other entertainment, ESPECIALLY with Millennials now in play, short attention spans, lack of patience, A.D.D. and instant gratification are very real considerations to the business model of MMO's. The question is how will Bioware respond? They can take the easy cash (casuals) and hope it's enough, or they can bank on loyal and long-term subs, the same ones telling them that forcing a play-style, any play-style on their sub base is a fool's errand.
  7. I can read perfectly fine. The rollback was due to several servers having reposted duplicated items that were hiding in alts cargo holds. This cleans up the mess rather nicely. The fact that you lost 100 CC that you probably got free to begin with is tough potatoes. 12 hours of game time isn't the end of the world. Yet people in this thread are crying like BW shot their puppy. It's not that bad, it'll be alright, there there....
  8. If someone cheated and had their account nuked, that's justifiable. It's justifiable to remove ill-gotten gains, and it's further justifiable to nuke their cheating ***es back to the stone-age; and then a perma-ban on top of it. You cheat, you lose big-time. Not just "the icing on the cake". That will make sure they think twice about glitching the next time. And if they leave then never come back, so much the better.
  9. For once...I agree with BW. IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO BE SURE
  10. Eric said not to exploit... The lesson here is to exploit, spend it all before it's confiscated and BW lets you keep most of it. Billions of artificial credits and items they're hiding on their alts, if BW wanted to make an example, send every single player that cheated back to zero. Level 0, influence 0, credits 0, alts 0, wipe them clean... That's far more entertaining than any ban.
  11. This complete disregard for the core audience of the game, moving multiple mutually exclusive directions all at the same time and general poor design decisions without properly considering and utilizing input from the community at large is VERY much the same bad behavior that those few of us who were around for SWG from beginning to end, observed in the CU and NGE after a few short expansions. Sony Online Entertainment didn't learn their lesson. They allowed their developers to dictate to the players what the players would like, critical feedback (be it constructive or not) was summarily stamped out by a team of moderators more interested in their next paycheck than any health of the game, and the general dumbing down and oversimplification (or poorly executed simplification in the case of crafting) as well as future promises of betterment (ala Fix crafting, NiM ops and some good stuff in February after months of snubbing the entire player base). Thunderheart was the Eric Musco of those days, and he appeared less and less on the forums as it became very obvious people making the decisions for the overall game neither played it nor cared about anything beyond the quarterly subscriber numbers. They learned....only at the end how much they neglected their customers and did themselves a disservice. BW needs to pull its head out, the direction they're moving of casual accessibility at the expense of mid/hard-code raiders/pvp/completionists (the core sub pool with the lowest churn) is not going to be sustainable. The new movie will absolutely bring new casual players to the game. But in a year, those players will move on to EverCrack4 or World of Pedobear and the devs will be "left with" the small quantity of raiders/pvp/completionists that only continue to pay as their subs are on autopay. "All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again." -- Caprica Six
  12. If they can afford to make another trash FIFA game next year, Star Wars expacs should be an easy sell. When was the last time something Star Wars didn't turn a profit? Except Ewok Adventure, that just doesn't count...
  13. Bioware is a multi-billion dollar corporation with the backing of Electronic Arts, so stop with the weak "finite resources" rhetoric. There's nothing finite that a few fat stacks of cash, some ads on career builder or monster for developers, and one month to learn the ropes wouldn't fix....
  14. "I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-*ss decision, I've elected to ignore it." -- Nick Fury
  15. Since common sense dictates that barring the seller being mentally ill, no competent person thinks a single unit of adaptive circruitry sells for 1.117 billion credits, ....yes, yes we can.
  16. To everyone replying "hur dur, title is all you get"...just can it. The point this and everyone else is making is for the price of our subscription, Bioware absolutely owes us value. For those who have been around since the beginning, we were promised value in this ongoing product, much like a Costco membership. Costco competes in the retail space and is constantly adding new membership perks or updating old ones to at minimum maintain, if not provide additional value. Bioware's swtor model has been less than stellar. Long periods without new content (value), inconsistency on who their actual membership base is (like it or not subs pay regular, f2P doesn't by the very nature of that model), and some really poor design positions such as companions and crafting (Artifice has been gimped 3 times to uselessness now). Their model has fallen in value, and yet they keep treating crap like the hk-55 comp and two days early access to chapters as value... Those are really more like newspaper coupons, they add nothing long term to our investment. Bioware does owe us something. We're paying for a service and product they promised would be of high value, they market it as though it's amazing "something BIG" (#SWTOR, Twitter, Nov 2015) and they've delivered under that bar consistently for quite some time. Cartel Market actually eats away at sub value since the items on it they could have incorporated into crafting skills or as sub bonuses, INCREASING the value of being a sub, instead of the shameless cash-grab it actually is. It's not an issue of voting with our wallets. It's an issue of holding a business accountable for poorly delivered and outright undelivered promises (mobile crafting/companion app, SWTOR, 2012). Only a BW apologist wouldn't see a pattern and problem and just sits down and takes it at this point. Bioware can do wrong, and they have, and many of us want them to fix it. Unlike Costco, when their product turns sour, BW is making no efforts to improve the situation, they're just plugging the leak with a companion and hoping the ship doesn't sink. When American Express wanted to degrade Costco's membership value, little David Costco dropped Goliath Amex like a hot potato. As a result, they found someone willing to give them more value, for less cost. BW should do the same. They can start by killing CM.
  17. We at Bioware feel that color crystals and relics would best be suited for Armstechs. As a result we will be moving these items with no compensation for Artifice immediately. No lube...
  18. I just walked out of a super secret BW developer meeting. Prior to the patch notes, everyone should be aware that when HK-55 is released as a full companion...
  19. Whatever it is, it'll go live that day. Dec 1 is a patch day.
  20. They are the mark of a First Prime and given to only the highest J'affa. KREE!
  21. "Snark gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall carry no sheep, group no noobs, leave no loot. I shall wear no PvP gear and win no valor. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the elitist that burns away the scrub, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of MMO. I pledge my life and honor to the Snark's Watch, for this snark and all the snarks to come."
  22. There's more of my type of player than yours. But! I found some others you can group with who will relate to you: Group FTW
  23. Kicking you is easier than dropping. Consider yourself dealt with. Did you just...try to use evolution to argue in favor of sheepism? Humans and most mammals are dog-eat-dog. Back to the caveman days where there were two cavemen and one cavewoman, one of those cavemen was getting clubbed to death... Ever since the dawn of time where there's been an advantage to be had, two people on equal footing are willing to battle over who gets the advantage, and so is it online. It is not in the nature of the human species to cooperate, it's a byproduct of artificially induced consequences (lion prides don't have police to arrest one lion for knocking off the current alpha). And to your point, I have no idea what plant you work in, but it sounds like a KinderCare... Office politics in every industry ever examined are catty, petty and self-serving. Human Resources is a business model built off the predisposed assumption humans will inherently do something not in the interest of the social construct. All the internet does is reveal the true human condition minus nearly all filters and fear of consequence. If one of your co-workers could shiv you in the back for a promotion without consequence, they'd do it in a stone cold heartbeat. The online equivalent is ninja'ing gear. Don't ever argue against humanity's inherent drive to serve itself first... If anything, the reason most people think those on the internet are more unruly, is because that holy social construct you cherish has permitted that it's socially acceptable to do as you wish online, so long as no one knows Monday morning at the office water cooler.
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