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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. They said they would fix it on Tuesday. How they leave a game breaking (stopping?) bug for a WEEK is stunningly pathetic. I can't play that toon for days because they won't do a daily hotfix!

    and here i was wondering why the heck this droid seems squishy af. didn't have this problem on first play through, but that was ... at least a year ago. :eek:

  2. Are u serious about combat dude? This spec was underperforming compared to fury and no one is playing it! Damn i hope the classes you play will be nerfed one day to ground so you will feel how it is to play a class which underperforms so much in pvp

    oh snap. what if they don't play pvp at all?:eek::eek: would be hard to feel it then :p


    Thank you guys for FINALLY fixing the Deathmark stacks :D:D

    now can we have a bit more dps plz?? the sage specs are kinda lagging behind. :D:D

  3. Hey folks,


    I verified with the team and the current implementation is intended, but I am seeing some confusion around the perk so let me explain how it works. Every time you hit Command Rank 300 on one of the mirrored base Classes (more on that in a sec) you get a 25% bonus to the base value for CXP gains. Since there are four sets of mirrors, you can gain four stacks of this buff, up to a total of 100%. It looks like this:

    • Any Knight or Warrior to 300 adds +25%
    • Any Consular or Inquisitor to 300 adds +25%
    • Any Smuggler or Agent to 300 adds +25%
    • Any Trooper or Bounty Hunter to 300 adds +25%


    Separately, I know there are questions about how we communicated (or didn’t) around this perk and so let me explain what happened. When Keith put information on the perk in the roadmap, it was meant to be fairly general, but we realize if we had been more specific we could have saved some of this frustration. The requirements for the perk were born out of some technical limitations which prevented us from giving you a bonus for any character which hit 300 (such as multiple Sith Warriors). As I was gathering the notes for 5.5, I didn’t realize that limitation had been put in place and it wasn’t caught during internal review. None of this is meant as an excuse, you should have had this information before today and it should have been in the notes. I apologize for that not being communicated, that’s on me.


    The above information has been added into the patch notes for clarity, we hope that you still get to enjoy the benefits of increased CXP as you rank up in Galactic Command.






    that moment when i realize that:

    sage - 300;

    sorcerer - 300;

    assassin - 282

    .... and everything else either under 50


    RiP me i guess LOL.:eek::eek::eek::eek:

  4. well. if you say it's just best of the best. and the best of best apparently average 8.7k dps on 2.5 mil dummy..... well damn, we're in even bigger trouble than i thought lol. :D:D

    but really, when i'm told to please swap to a healer next time because my sage doesn't do enough dps to clear hm kephess in ec.... even though we had another dps die even before the boss actually came down, well. that tells me something lol. they didn't assume it could be because of hte guy that died. no. it was because i'm a sage dps.

  5. Why do we continue fighting over the same thing for months?

    I have searched for an answer among all the posts for months and didn't reach an answer...


    Buffing 300-400 dps will make the big difference?


    And will buffing Sorc's defences and utilities make none ?


    Everyone fights and argues at changing dps numbers without agreeing on one thing - if sorc's defences are buffed a little the class can be viable in pvp and then you will forget about those useless 300-400 dps.


    That's for PVP.


    About Operation bosses - yes a little buff on dps will cause a difference. This I don't argue at all. But we need small changes,not big ones.

    yeah we're not asking for big changes though lol. we don't want to be on top of everyone, we just want to be in-line.:D:D

  6. Madness got their buff, it's done. They shouldn't get buffed more and I hope they don't get buffed more. They should get nerfed, they should do the least damage of all the specs of that type among the classes. They already fluff their way to the top of wzs.


    You call for nerfs, we call for nerfs, see how that works?


    fluff. exactly FLUFF. how the hell does that fluff matter at all on ops bosses, huh?????? how the hell is it okay to say it overperforms u silly person when it's around 400 behind I.O. , engi and even virulence, not to mention the melee burst which BioWare says also is in the same dps 'on target group' huh? or are u just trolling maybe?

  7. But considering warzones parsley, sorc DOESNT need buff to dps. I shoed 14 screenshots in my thread when they performed really good. And since then i got 4 more lol. What other source of info you want them to consider? Operations?


    errrr yes. OF COURSE operations. hard & nightmare ones.

    w/z screenshots.... u realize that's like at least 70-80% FLUFF damage that mostly can be healed through / ignored right?:D:D:D

  8. Here's the problem. Madness does need more dps, but the way you want to do it just adds more burst, which is not what Madness needs. I think Madness needs some sort of ramp up mechanic, but instead of a self buff like annihilation, it would be a debuff on the boss. For instance, whenever all of you deathmarks are consumed, the target takes 1% more damage from your dots, stacking up to 5 times. Just an idea. I don't want a dps buff that involves an increase in burst because that is antithesis to what Madness needs to be. It is a sustained damage spec, and should gain a real benefit over time to differentiate from Lightning.


    yeah. but any debuff tied to deathmark would be frankly USELESS. unless it's a 30-45sec debuff. because if u have sin & sorc, or 2 sorcs in your team, those deathmarks are consumed in under 2 seconds and not only by your own dot. well either that or they need to already fix the damn thing so it only affects your own dots lol:D:D:D

  9. sadly as a DPS sorc you barely even can do Master mode story stuff without god mode level companions...


    because sorc gets almost instantly blown up by even normal hard mobs lol


    so yeah its bad even in PvE.... also DMG is still not realy good compared to others even in PvE...

    so yeah... Sorc suck hard in both....


    also for many people PvP is the endgame... PvE gets reeealy stale and boring after some time...

    well i dunno. even the same raid is different in small ways depending on the group. i don't do it to kill the same hard mode bosses again. i do it to have fun with friends. and yes i do it as a madness sorcerer. yeah on single target fights i'm prob 500-800dps behind our sin & pt and about same 500-800dps ahead of the other madness sorc on the team lol.

    as for being blown by mobs? well. errr let's see. i have a utility that turns my aggro drop into a defensive, i have a bad self heal on all my dots and my bubble... or a defensive when i pop unnatural preservation... nah mobs don't kill me unless i'm dumb and aggro a whole room at once lol.

    master mode chapters? for whatever frigging reason would i even want to go there? then again, to each his own.


    that said, i'm not gonna argue, out of the 3 ranged dot specs and 3 melee burst specs that are supposedly in the same boat and should do comparable damage, sorc if def. the worst and i'd like to get closer to I.O. & snipers lol

  10. is this seriously what our community is degrading to? fighting about whose class got screwed over more? please grow the **** up.

    i maintain my opinion of:

    PvE & PvP should be balanced separately.

    yes pt might have worse defensives. yes sorcs are squishy as ****.

    well.... pvp isn't exactly the only activity that a person can do in this game. if u don't like how your character functions - don't pvp. or do it on a different character. :D:D

  11. it's not devent. Its OverPowered. Look at parsley... operatives NEED A HUGE NERF


    FFS, please stop calling for other classes nerf would you? as a fellow sorcerer i'm embarrassed lol. i agree, sorc needs some more love. but while yes lethality is too high compared to every other spec, there's really nothing wrong with concealment:D:D

  12. Problem is that said idiots don't have problems reaching 242 thanks to GC.


    You wanna filter idiots, check for fully augmented 228+ gear.


    nah that might not help either

    cause augments are easy, if a bit expensive u need to augment more than 1 toon lol. it's the ability to not stand in **** that really matters and not spamming button #1 over and over lol. and i dunno how to make that happen lol:D:D

  13. Dec assassin should be more like this: 10100 max, 9200 average but whatever. same thing for most melee burst specs. as for ranged sustain they should be like this: 9990 max, 9300 average (sustained so lower max dps, but more consistency).


    lol means i'm still missing 300 dps x.x to at least reach that average lol. but that's prob gear / apm / small rotation issues lol. how the heck do people even get apm over 42 on madness? there ain't that many buttons to use lol:D:D

  14. Just going to use this as an example since I play an assassin. The averages on Parsely are very misleading because it doesn't factor skill and gear differences. For example I can easily average around 800 dps more as Deception than what Parsely shows as the average.


    Deception is still doing better than Hatred does after the buff when Hatred should be doing 5 % more than Deception does.


    yes obviously. it is after all based only on hte data that was submitted to it :D still it is the only source of numbers available to us so that's why we look at it. it would be easier if we knew just what hte heck the mythical target DPS actually is. then there would be no need to even look at parsely statistics lol.

  15. dunno, the other game i play is FFXIV and it certainly have a required item level for most of the higher level content, hard mode and even some story. sure wiht 246s being craftable now u don't put in that much effort to get above 242. but if nothing else we can know that we won't get some bolstered level 50 in empty orange gear shells (for example):D:D
  16. where exactly did u get these numbers from? the average numbers to look on parsely would the 2.5mil ones lol.

    and those give us such a picture at the moment:


    Melee Burst/Ranged Sustained Damage Dealers (at the target DPS)

    Innovative Ordnance Mercenary / Assault Specialist Commando (max: 9947.86; average: 9454.84)

    Concealment Operative / Scrapper Scoundrel (max.: 10361.95; average: 9388.22)

    Deception Assassin / Infiltration Shadow (max: 10589.22; average: 9338.62)

    Engineering Sniper / Saboteur Gunslinger (max: 10005.29 average: 9316.14)

    Carnage Marauder / Combat Sentinel (max: 10567.33; average: 9279.75)

    Rage Juggernaut / Focus Guardian (max: 10226.71; average: 9229.23)

    Advanced Prototype Powertech / Tactics Vanguard (max: 10191.08; average: 9195.66)

    Madness Sorcerer / Balance Sage (max: 9640.16; average: 8775.69)


    and then there's this that is supposed to be doing -2.5% compared to the 9 specs above:

    Dirty Fighting / Virulence (max: 10028.46; average: 9449.53)


    now looking at the averages, i would say A.P. & madness as well as Rage & Carnage might need to be buffed a LITTLE, so they can reach an average of 9.3k if not 9.4k same as the other specs in the same bracket.

  17. I play sorc fairly regularly actually and I've yet to run low on force after 2 or 3 abilities

    depends really, if u remember to use vindicate often enough u shouldn't have much issues. but after heal intensive phase u might find urself out of force lol :D:D

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