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Everything posted by Nightfalll

  1. Eric is hot? Huh? He looks like one of those trash compactor monsters from Episode 4..... (Dianoga for you nerdboys) Kinda' sounds like one too
  2. I really doubt they pay that close attention to those type of market fluctuations. Their workforce is minimal at best, and can hardly spare the manpower to manipulate the GTN. Don't be silly
  3. Stop the crying already, damn.....Whaaaaa, the game isn't fast enough. Whaaaa, I don't want to sit thru a few seconds of loading screens...Whaaaaaa The things people whine about.....lol
  4. Sad to say, a lot of these people who are saying DON'T forget the most basic tenet of life............ Its the journey, NOT the destination. Don't listen to them. Have fun with your journey, and if that means starting over, do it. I have a few times. Haven't thought twice about it......Have to remember, Americans are myopic for the most part. Its all about what you have/ or can have. Sad
  5. Sorry, your community number isn't high enough to allow you to ask questions in this elite/elder thread. Please refrain from further questions. Have an outstanding day
  6. had a wonderful Goa curry for lunch and am now having spiced rum raisin cake with a nice cup of coffee. Disgusting.....seriously glad im not going to be around you in a few hours. Your poor family/friend/whatever
  7. I still think its insane that Deewee has a 200 number. I moved my *** SO fast when this forum was opened and barely got a 2000 number. ( on my original SHOCKLORD account) Dude must have some crazy fast internet speed fo sho!
  8. I remember for the first few years the entire forums were HEAVILY moderated. Now? No employees....Hey wait I got it. Put that "CM" new girl on moderating. Forgot her name, the one with no gaming background other then a few Youtube videos that was hired. She's got my vote!
  9. You are right sir....They'll probably just laugh behind your back
  10. Thanks Ghost~! I didn't see the announcement..............Props~~
  11. Once and for all..........Families deal with TRUE addiction every day in this country. Substance abuse destroys people every day. EVERY DAY. Kills them........Got it? KILLS An 'online' MMORPG gaming addiction is pure crap. There is no comparison. end thread silly
  12. Good for you OP, that your still gaming at that age.... Well done!
  13. Alderaan music score in this game is epic.... totally agree.....The Tat is bad *** as well
  14. In all seriousness, there's no need for that type of hate in this thread. C'mon, grow up.. Yes, some of us are joking around. Yes, we signed up WAY before a lot of people did. Yes, our numbers are super elite. Yes, we are the true elders. Er, on second thought, hate away!
  15. Im almost certain theres another Star Wars MMO in development/Pre dev right now.. Remember, 2015 is a HUGGGGGGE year for Star Wars. Its popularity will be restored. Toys, shows etc will be hot property again.
  16. That's what she said................ (ahhh cmon, its a little funny)
  17. Sorry buddy....Those over the 7 MILLION MARK will be put to death when entering this thread. Only the Super Elite can post here...Now, kindly remove yourself with the other 1million numbered person or Ill have Deewee break your toons knee caps.......... Have a great day! Not everyone can be awesome........
  18. Original account.... Shocklord number 2,271 Had to make a different account when the CE number I received was no good, but linked with that account permanently...DAMMIT! So I guess im a 200k number........../shrug Edit: Closed/open beta as well.......
  19. Sorry buddy......those over the number 1,000,000 can NOT post in this elite thread...... Kindly remove yourself. The exit is ---------------> Thanks, and have a great day!
  20. Can we PLEASE get a team member to give us an update on this issue?
  21. Will anyone from the team comment on it though? Other then the requisite, 'ITS NOT OUR ENGINE, REALLY' response....Or the CALL YOUR ISP, CUZ WE"RE GOOD... Or I should say, give us an update rather....
  22. I drive on my speeder for 50 feet then hit a brick wall. Can't move.....40 seconds later same thing. Move 50 feet, brick wall. Massive lag spikes everywhere. Its going from bad to worse. Everyone in general chat was talking about it. So no, its not my isp, ok?
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