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Everything posted by Nightfalll

  1. But HOLD ON A DARN MINUTE!!!! According to certain members here, there is NO LAG, NONE, PERIOD....Its all on our side! Though hundreds complain, the two or three here in these forums are surely correct! Let there be no more of this lying!
  2. Reno, no offense, but as a 'whiteknight' of SWTOR, i would be amazed if you had lag and DID admit it. Let's be honest for just once. Lag is horrid. Period. /1 general is full of people complaining. The forums are inundated with posts. Yet just a select few are immune. This is what we call selective perception. Reno, try helping the game instead of white knighting it....
  3. But YOU JUST THANKED THEM FOR FIXING IT............. Are you feeling ok? Get your meds this am?
  4. Seriously? Are you being serious?.........Fixing the lag? *** are you talking about? The lag has never EVER been worse. /ignored
  5. I spend ALL my credits on Twilek dancers and Spice and Corellian ale........
  6. I'm surprised you play at all, considering how many threads you create every day.
  7. I know you mean well posting this, but this is a bit silly. Borderline Capt. Obvious land....
  8. I've done it multiple times and nothing. Reset instance, abandon quest, get quest from ship, talk to Arkous blah blah blah. Nothing.. Again, if these quests are done due to this bug, will it matter at endgame? Will i be locked out of other runs etc?
  9. Not true...When i hit 56 i couldn't que up for flashpoints with others in order to try to complete it as a group. I thought i could group up and do it that was as a go around. The only instances you can go as 56 are the new ones... Very very annoying bug...Multiple tickets in from guild and no response.....
  10. Its not just the ability to recall the droid. We cant obtain the solo mode. Period...... Recalling the droid isnt available because no solo mode when reset/abandon start over etc....
  11. Still waiting to hear from EAware on this bug....Many people in my guild are stuck, have tickets in and no word. Very annoying. Multiple threads about it in customer service/bug area and no reply..... Do these quests have to be done in order to play endgame? Or is it just story filler?
  12. Will it effect endgame play? Will i be unable to do any type of group play if I don't do these quests? Atm, there's a bug that many of us are experiencing. Can't do solo mode and recall the droid in order to complete Assault on Tython, Korriban Inc etc. (as an Imp player).. Put in a ticket, but we all know how many bugs are going on. Tried repeatedly resetting instance/abandoning quest etc and nothing. Now being level 56, theres no option to do Asslt on Tython.... Any ideas?
  13. I'm having problems recalling the damn thing. I completed AoT with it earlier, then went to do Korriban and can't recall it. Theres way to get the damn thing. So reset/abandoned everything and still nothing. Now, it's just continual wipe after wipe. Can't complete anything without it...
  14. I'm getting a 15.00 charge showing on the order page, not 10 bucks... Just me?
  15. Harbinger......Highest population. Period
  16. Just tried purchasing....Same as earlier poster. Not available....... Anyone else having luck?
  17. Talk about having an inferiority complex lol! Wow, total textbook case...... "I DEMAND THE TIMES ARE ALTERED"........ huh?
  18. By the way, to any SW collectors out there. I'm calling it now. That 'balldroid' is going to be hard as hell to find, and worth a crap load of cash. Hasbro/Disney are allready making the new toys. So if you see any, grab em. You can thank me later!
  19. Agreed, to a point. But looking at the arguments made against it from posters like LT.whatever, there's zero logic. Like any 'modern' type of lightsaber in the SW universe couldn't evolve with the technology or even combat forms. Well thought out.......lol
  20. It's about time....... Alot of you don't pvp, and you know it. If you have been in at least five matches with those healers, you would know how silly it is. Absolutely freaking silly...... Nice job BIO/EA
  21. If you are one of those who feel the lightsaber grip/handle was 'dumb', you seriously have ZERO knowledge about sword technique forms. ZERO KNOWLEDGE. The possibilities that are brought with modified grips are endless. Quit showing your ignorance. It's laughable....
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