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Everything posted by Gloomycakes

  1. I've got it the other way around and I'm under the impression the same goes for Kitty. I get how the 1-30 levels can be boring, little to no skills available, little to not talents, hardly any rotation, but on the other hand I'm able to rush through them easily. 1-10 unavoidable hour to two hours on the starter planet *shiver* and level 10-15 is a bit of a drag for me aswell, no speeder (I'm stingy,) don't want to queue for FPs in case I get someone who's doing BT/Esseless for the first time (no spacebar) but after that it goes really fast. Build up some rested XP, pop an experience boost, run some FPs. The thrash gives so much XP it's just amazing and it stays this way (Boarding Party/Foundry and Maelstorm/Taral V only make it better with their bonusses!) until, dumdumdum, Colicoid. By that time I generally have all my companions, but no gear for them and it's just a pain to then go questing on planets as big as Voss/Belsavis and Corellia. I also get the 'I'm so close but not quite there yet' feeling, being so close to the top of my tree (generally vital to get your full rotation going) which for me is a big deal for PvP. You seem to really like your Powertech from the posts I've read, might be smart to go for that one to get to the point you used to be. But it's not a choice anyone could make for you. Like a wise post above us said: Decisions decisions.
  2. Kitty's advice is great so I won't really add anything to that. What about trying to pick one of your toons (if it's too difficult when it comes down to which class you like, go for your highest level) and get him/her to level 55 so you can join in on more of your guilds events. Obviously being more flexible with roles will help being able to join/be helpful. Once you're done with that take some time to level another character so you can cover even more roles? Seems just like me you can enjoy any class and won't mind changing for the team, might aswell give yourself the ability to do so.
  3. Veracity Experimental Reaction Implant indeed with the: Veracity Advanced Bulwark Module Earpiece. (iirc)
  4. Though it's a shame there're mechanics in the fight that are impossible to deal with at such an early level (Athiss is the same without cleanse) the actual amount of healing/survivability required is extremely low. Mechanics can (for now) simply be seen as fluff and a warning: Damage incoming! Unless you're still in the whites you came with at level 1 it's far from challenging aslong as people do fulfill their role: Healers: Only heal and always heal, don't start healing when people are more or less dead. See the lazer debuff? Start casting a big heal, if your tank doesn't drop, simple cancel it, repeat until you can hit your tank at ~80% (depending on your gear and his HP) Do not, I repeat, do not do any damage unless you're 100% sure you can spare the resources and time, very important at that level. Just cast and cancel cast if your target didn't take enough damage to be worth healing. You might look less experienced that a healer pushing out dps here and there, but you'll be doing an amazing job at your role. That being said make sure you cancel if your heal would overheal or go to waste completely to safe your resources. Tanks: Be the first to aggro, especially if you're level 15 (no taunt) and use your 1 cooldown vigorously, unless you're as Shadow/Assassin, just pray you'll be ok. Press an ability every 1.5 seconds, due to your stance (+100% threat) you'll make a lot of threat even with your basic attack aslong as you're always doing something. In case of adds make sure you hit everything, healers create 50% of the threat compared to DPS, but they create it on everything. You do want your healer to heal, right?) especially important for Thrash. The best abilities to do so: Force Sweep/Smash, Force Breach/Discharge or Mortar Volley/Death From Above and Sticky Grenade/Explosive Dart. People are often impatient, DPS will often aggro before you're ready, try to teach yourself to jump in if everyone is a at full HP and full resources, less thinking, more doing, it becomes natural to you soon enough. DPS: If you get aggro even after giving the tank a bit of time to build up, use a cooldown. I personally don't stop DPSing but if the aggro harms you too much, stop DPSing (+100% threat at those levels is HUGE, if you took aggro it likely means there's an enormous gear difference between you and the tank, thus you might actually be less squishy.) Kill adds and start on the weakest mob (think the second and last boss of hammer station.) For Thrash always kill in the following order: Greys > Silvers > Golds > Champions (doing this makes your questing life easier aswell) and if you can take something out of combat (Smugglers/Agents with Slice Droids, Sage/Sorcerer with Force Light/Whirlwind) do so! To be honest the bosses have never given me any issues, whether I'm DPS, Heal or Tank. Just yesterday on my baby-Sage I had a full level 15 group in greens, my gear were blues, but level 10 (having a headpiece/belt/bracers compensates for something) and simply by spamming Deliverance and cancelling it when it wasn't needed I could keep our medium armor squish squish smash-form tank up easily (Force Armour is OP in early levels though) Thrash was quite a bit more challanging due to the DPS and Tank being very inexperienced (I'm guessing first MMO, first playthrough, went a lot better after some basic tips and tricks, very kind people, nonetheless I think I showed the 3rd mob half of hammer station by having all greys, silvers and 1 of the golds on me and all I could do was line of sight a lot.) Thrash how-ever is only challanging if both DPS and the Tank don't really know how to deal with it. It's sad though that if someone rages and you get something like Treek out everything becomes 100x easier, sadly that's been the case up to Colicoid for most of my recent alts. OP furball.
  5. I voted for Inquisitor though I think a lot of the stories are really good and I found it quite difficult to chose one. My opinion about all of them: But it simply comes down to a few things: I dislike stories that are all about feeding your ego, no character development because you're pretty much a god before you end chapter 1 or simply being too cheesy to feed some childhood dreams (T7 for example) The other thing I dislike if a story can get completely ruined if you choose a certain alignment, something that often goes for the Republic classes. Since the Sith Inquisitor is all about your development aswell as both Dark and Lightside making sense (neutral, not that much) my vote went to that one, though Agent fits the criteria I have aswell (you start more or less as a professional, reducing the from zero to hero aspect) but I find the story a bit overrated at times. Great job on how much influence your choices have though. My Top 8: Inquisitor Agent Smuggler Sith Warrior Jedi Knight Bounty Hunter Trooper Consular
  6. You can indeed do all quests that are often referred to as 'Daily' The area's include: Ilum, Belsavis, Black Hole (level 50) and Section X, Makeb, CZ-198, Oricon and a few more (level 55) The reason they're referred to as dailies is that besides a possible 1-time storyline (such as Makeb and Oricon) the quests reset daily. They're often used to indeed farm the Reputation, which won't do you any good except it gives you access to their special vendors, or to farm together some money/credits. My advice on this part of the end-game is to do Oricon atleast once for the story (it takes place in between the older and newer operations) since it rewards Basic Gear, which is entry level for most level 55 Story Mode Operations. A Story Operation likely refers to Storymode, the easiest mode available for Operation, an 8 or 16man teamup to defeat the most difficult area's of the game. Storymode is quite do-able for almost everyone, hence Story-mode, not to get the challange but the Story (a good place to start for decent gear and then continue to the most challanging modes, Hardmore and Nightmare Mode.) Operations include: Eternity Vault, Karragga's Palace and Explosive Conflicts, the old level 50 Operations. These will be very easy to complete for any group, in any mode, with the exception of Explosive Conflicts. This raid involves a lot of tactics and can wipe a group no matter how overgeared they are if they chose to ignore tactics or simply don't know them. Terror From Beyond and Scum and Villainy, the earliest level 55 Operations. These can be found on the Zoist Shadow on intertransport on the Fleet. (Pick up the weekly in Supply Section and follow the questmarker.) And lastly: Dread Fortress and Dread Palace, the latest Operations and these can be found on Oricon. Slightly more difficult than Terror from Beyond and Scum and Villainy, so you might want to get a bit of gear/augments first. Keep in mind that Operations often involve quite a bit of tactics, having a basic knowledge of them is often required to finish, tell your team you're unsure you know the tactics and let them help you our, or read up on the internet. Lastly, keep an eye out for Events, they're fun and only temporarily. The Gree event is likely the only time you'll even find some World PvP going on. Goodluck and have fun! I hope it wasn't too difficult to read, your English definitely seems a lot better than my German so we should be ok.
  7. My machine is broken so I went from square screen to widescreen. It's horrible, I miss my interface so much *cries* On topic: I also scaled everything down to 0.8 in the interface and then individually everything else because otherwise my chat would get weird and pixely. Bars are under my portrait or tucked away in the bottom right corner (depending on importance of quickly gazing over cooldown) Bars are formed like the Naga: 3 by 4, 2 next to eachother just big enough to see the cooldown text and a bar under them, 6 by 2 for the keyboard abilities. Ops window in the right corner, it's quite small compared to my friends, but it has a huge debuff icon to keep my life too simple. The scaling down was such a must, everything (except the compass) was way too big and compass is never big enough. Keybindings: Naga 1-12: Offensive and Defensive cooldowns, left-over attack abilities, my free attack and such. Crtl Naga 1-12: Medpac/Relic/Adrenal, Pushback, Meditate, Classbonus, Throw Hutball, Taunts, Guard and such. Alt Naga 1: Roll, roll, roll (depending on class.) 1-5 + R: My most-used offensive abilities and interrupt. ctrl 1-5 + R: Stuns, AoE and stunbreak. T G H 6 F6 7 8 9: Marks. Aslong as it works for me.
  8. I won't deny dailies can make you a lot of money (I guess) but he did say at low levels. So +1 on the crewskills. All wonderful things mentioned by Psandak to safe money on, I throw it at like there's no tomorrow. But crewskills keep me at a positive moneyrate (and I store money on my BFs account so I don't slack on making more too much or spend 20mil on something silly instantly) definitely use them and at 55 you can do it whilst running dailies if you're money hungry. I'd also like to stress the saving money, especially on your first toon. Once you're 55 you'll want to spend tons of money on augments and things that will benefit you through what you're doing (like stims/medpacs/adrenals) if you plan on any endgame. Even I managed to do this, so you should be ok!
  9. I leveled my last few toons with Flashpoints and occasionally forced myself to do the classquest for companions (seen all the stories already.) It's incredibly fast if you have instant queue's and some rested XP. Do make sure you try to get the most difficult flashpoint to keep getting the most out of your time.
  10. In the books I've read so far Jedi Sentinel usually represents what now the Jedi Shadow does: Focussed in a balance between Force and Lightsaber (and even non-Jedi techniques such as medicine, demolition and such.) There's a specialization how-ever (Combat) that focusses on 2-saber combat; Through years of training the Sentinel lears the art of using two Lightsabers simutaneously to create an intricate web of damage that is almost impossible to evade. (The Jedi Path) The Maurauder description from Darth Bane: Path of Destruction "Those with a noticeable but limited ability are sent to Honoghr, Gentes, or Gamorr to become Sith Warriors or Marauders. There they are taught to channel their emotions into mindless rage and battle fury. The power of the dark side transforms them into ravaging beasts of death and destruction to be unleashed against our enemies." Something I think fits the Marauder, with them dropping the defence for a full offensive attack with 2 lightsabers and every class needs their mirror. I also assume it's more difficult to dual wield, especially with glowsticks of death that burn through your arm (or any other bodypart) when something goes wrong. On top of being completely focussed on damage (in the game) making Lightsaber Masters a fitting title if you ask me. I feel like a proper geek now.
  11. I don't think my country has Thanksgiving at all, or I missed the memo quite a few years now. Likely also going to aim to get my last toons (Maurauder, Sentinel and Sage) to the ~level 40 point, since I too, experience a little dip in my leveling during those levels. But depending on what my boyfriend will do, we might level one of his new toons. Will have to see. Might just focus on Maurauder and Sentinel due to their less friendly FP queue times, then again that's what PvP is for! (If my machine gets fixed )
  12. Jaesa does indeed have 2 extreme personalities, how-ever with the way you described your Sith, he might not be preaching it like she will (over and over... and over) he does feel similar about how to handle situations, where-as dark side Jaessa will completely conflict with you, Light-side Jaesa might be an extreme version of you, but still like you. Darkside Sith always seem to be extreme, similar to Dark-side Jaesa, where-as Light-side Sith are still Sith, but just a bit more like, well... you described your Warrior. It doesn't instanly make them Jedi. Just like dark Jedi aren't Sith. Having the evil apprentice with the good master will conflict with Jaessa's story, your actions will make her the way she's become. Having conflicting personalities would be very odd. But as an RP'er you could likely make it work. Lastly, if you want to romance her, she will need to be Dark-side. Something to consider. My vote would go to Light Side Jaesa.
  13. It's quite a smart move in my opinion to keep Augments and the other part of the Craftingskill split up. Like this you get motivated to either roll an Alt (and logically spend more time playing their game and seeing more of their content) or promote the economy. Either way you'll have to pick between Slicing and Underworld trading unless you have alts. My advice:
  14. I think all Kitty tried to point out that it's difficult to compare the tanks with a simple pro's vs con's due to so many abilities needing to be involved and valued as well as the actual values. In the whole post (s)he simply points out it puts Shadows in a better perspective due not including values but posting pro's vs con's, but not stating you'd actually think so. If you'd read his whole post you'd also notice that though finding your arguments incomplete and expressing some worries about the bigger picture, he completely agrees with your statement that Vanguards need another cooldown or Reactive Shield increased. This line: "Vanguards often feel 'naked' to me, from healing perspective not quite underpowered, but just there, unable to have the control tanks should have." makes that rather clear, though could be worded better. Though after the sarcastic, possibly even snappy reply to the first quote I can understand you felt attacked. I'm not a math-expert, but I'd like the idea that Tanks can actively react to what's presented to them in a HM/NiM and if they don't, get hammered for it. So another person agrees with you Cae. Though I've not yet dared to venture in NiM with my Powertech nor Vanguard due to discomfort I feel with this class, which is me, not the class before I get attacked.
  15. Yes. Leveling has loads of options but picking up the Makeb vendor mods (on fleet btw) with any planetary commendations you might have, great increase on what-ever you're wearing now. Prioritize weapons/barrels for tech/force powered if you're healer or DPS. Tanks can take what-ever is the best improvement total. At level 53 you likely want to replace anything you have with 'basic' gear anyway. For this I recommend doing the Oricon Storyline for some free pieces. Options for leveling are either doing Makeb (finish your storyline first if you didn't yet,) dailies (Ilum, Black Hole, Belsavis are the easiest, Section X isn't too difficult either) or like the mentioned Flashpoints and Operations. If you're ever wondering what you can and can't do, you can do all operations available in group finder (though you don't need groupfinder to access them.) The options are: Operations: Flashpoints: No need to do any of them though if you prefer to do planets on your own. At level 55 more operations and HM Flashpoints will open up, some more daily area's (Oricon, CZ-198, Makeb) which are called dailies since like Heroic they reset every day.
  16. From experience I can tell it vanishes. My friend gave me his old account when he quit, went from Sub to Preferred and his characters lost their rested XP.
  17. Hardmode EV is too easy. All tactics more or less involve either 1 person (maybe 2 if you consider the puzzle complicated) knowing the tactics, that one person generally has to be the tank or at least someone with taunt due to SoA. That and needing 1 tank, this one will stay people's favourite. In Hardmode KP it's considered best to do the puzzle on the robot, which is believed to require 2 or 3 people. How-ever in reality due to the geargap between what we have (69/72/78) and what it's made for (Columi) you 1. Don't need 2 Tanks for Jarg and Sorno. 2. Don't need to do the puzzle to beat enrage. 3. Don't need to tank-swap on the droid to survive. People will how-ever always believe they need 2 tanks and need to do the puzzle, making them turn to EV if possible. Hardmode EC, how-ever, is a complete different story. It can still wipe level 55s on the first boss (and all bosses after) if mechanics are ignored by a few people. EC, I'm officially in love with you.
  18. Your options at level 50: Planetary commendations: Makeb vendor sells (25) armourings, mods and enhancements. Level 50 HM Flashpoints: These drop Black Hole (26) gear and also Classic Commendations. Classic Commendations: These can be used to purchase Campaign (26) gear and contain a setbonus. SM/HM/NiM Classic Operations: These either drop Black Hole (26) or Hazmat (27) pieces and tokens for Campaign and Dread Guard (27) gear which contain a setbonus. Depends on the one you do (if I recall correctly only Explosive Conflicts drop the tokens, the most challanging of the 3) SM - Story mode HM - Hard Mode NiM - Nightmare Mode All token/commendation vendors are in the Supply Area of the Fleet. Force-Users and Tech-users both have a corner in the inner circle. For Operations make sure to check chat since group finder is only for level 50-54 for Operations and thus there's a low amount of people able to queue, how-ever a lot of level 55s still do them due to the Classic Operation quest. If you have the expansion and just want to continue leveling I'd highly recommend not bothering too much and make sure you get a nice set of basic gear (cheap of the GTN now-a-days or as questreward from Oricon) which is entry level for Scum and Villainy and Terror from Beyond SM.
  19. Atleast it's a hilarious read. Honestly, guess you're one of those Tanks or Healers that enjoys feeling important? A good DPS is like a blessing from heaven and makes a healer or tanks job so much easier. Well let me correct that, it makes a healers job easier, for Tanks it's the other way around, a braindead DPS makes our lives so much harder. I personally very much enjoy the moments I get around one, it's very noticeble. It's quite off-topic since it doesn't relate to queue-times, but wanted it of my chest nonetheless.
  20. I'm currently sporting the max amount of presence you can have, give or take by a few datacrons depending on character. In the very early levels the difference is god-like like said in the first reply. They're amazing, their HP pool is huge (~4k extra give or take) but the more your levels advance the less difference it makes. At first I thought I simply didn't remember how difficult it was at first, but since I'm helping a friend out leveling on a fresh account (aka I level for him ) and sport no extra presence what-so-ever (once again, give or take 1-2 companions and a few datacrons) and after a while the difference is hardly noticeable at all, about level 20 for Damage and level 40 for Tanks (HP is so amazing for companions.) What does make the difference is Legacy abilities and the way you use your companions. At early levels DPS companions can pack quite a punch since compared to use they're not so different, we lack quite a few abilities and skillpoints, like they always do. The key to leveling effectively with a DPS companion is that you want to stay at full health (healing up after battle ruins the extra time gained using a DPS companions) to achieve this it's important you control your companions and either send them in first and hope their AoE drives enough attention, or focus on different targets and use your cooldowns. I do this in combination with a reuseable medpac and hardly need to heal up, to heal up my companion (and refresh his/her cooldowns) I simply hop on a speeder or use rocket boots. Tougher opponents I pop Unity (max level Light-side, in case you have it) to reduce the damage either of us takes drasticly and really tough enemies I simply pop Heroic Moment (and possibly bombard them with a ton of Legacy Abilities.) It's not so much about surviving, that's easy to be fair, but about leaving the battle with as much HP on you as possible, companions doesn't matter how low they get. At max level my companions (DPS) only hit around 1.1k in full 69/72 optimized for a human player, where-as my Tanks hit around 600-800 in full 69, hence at max level I often simply take a Tank companion for my non-Tank toons for more support towards me, I very much dislike ability pushback on say a Sorcerer or an enemy facing me in case I want to Backblast/Stab them or Shadow Strike/Maul. Quite curious what similar geared companions do without presence, but likely not much worse. Long story short, play the way that makes you comfortable. The content that uses companions is far from challanging and can be done with any companion you prefer. DPS-companions are only worth it for speed if you micro them a bit and keep yourself topped up. PS: Most rDPS-companions wear the same gear as healer companions, minus 1 of the weapons and ofcourse Accuracy for DPS/Alacrity for a healer. Meaning if you do end up in a tough fight or unhappy you can swap companions if wanted. Examples:
  21. The story is a bit 'great potentional acolyte making his way into the Sith world' kind of story. Where-as Inquisitor is 'No-one acolyte making his/her way into the Sith world' and in my personal opinion it's possibly the best force-user story, though Jedi Knight likely gives more nostalgic feelings towards KOTR fans. The character is relatively interesting, quite a few ways to go depending on your choices/preferances and still make sense (something I think certain classes, mainly dark-side Jedi/Trooper, lack) on top of that your choices/allignment affect one of your companions! (Not just in whether they like or dislike you.) On top of very versitile (personality-wise) companions, none of them is really boring, storywise, some of them I'd not want to hang out with. Roles are the same for any class and order is already mentioned above. Playwise I must admit I've not tried Sentinel/Maurauder much myself since I tend to not DPS a lot, thus dedicating myself to a DPS-only class was last on my priority list. I've enjoyed it a few times on a friends account how-ever and I had a blast, wonderful and fun to play. Every spec is currently viable, with it's strenght and weaknesses compared to the others naturally, so if you enjoy chance, that's definitly a plus side (mind though that some Specs take a while to get strong or interesting.) If you enjoy (melee) DPS this class will fullfil al your needs. Juggernauts offer less versitility DPS-wise and generally lack behind a bit to their pure DPS counterpart, but have the ability to tank and any class can make a viable DPS aslong as you're skilled. So if you think you'd enjoy both roles, give Juggernaut another look. Everything else, groupfinder and such is already mentioned. Have a lot of fun in the game.
  22. Does a 'difficult' name really interfere? I thought it was quite simple to report by clicking their name/character/chat (I must admit I've never found the use of report, but it works for the ignore list.) I feel a bit bad now having quite a few character with (apparently just for a few people easy to write) character such as é ç è õ etc. I enjoy seeing my toons as 1 (or 2) and always use similar names, sometimes by changing parts of the name (for games like GW where you can use space) or indeed Ç instead of C. Time for a habbit change I see, interesting topic.
  23. You sure it really makes a difference? SWTOR is the first game I played that has the possibility of jumping (unless you count jumping of bumps in Pokémon Red) Youtube video's help tons! Only 10 more toons to go... OP, I loved the vid
  24. The point of all mission crewskills is to get the purple grade materials, aquired through a critical result in the crewskill. Gathering skills (Archaeology, Bioanalysis, Scavenging) reward additional results on a critical, but aren't needed for profit. Combined the right crafting crewskill you will get an item possibly selling for even more. If they'd stop giving missions crafters would have to keep leveling the gathering skills over and over just to get a few materials, that's quite brutal. It's a good way of making money, accessibly for everyone, but does sometimes require some research to figure out what's worthwhile on your server and what isn't. Might be worth considering investing in some companion affection since they raise the critical chance. Example: It takes me between 340 and 560 credits per scavenging material and they sell for 800-1.2k credits on my server, how is this a waste? I crit slicing about once every 10 missions, the missions cost me about 34k but selling the purples a critical gave me wields about 60-80k (though due to bad luck streaks I don't end up doing these as much.) Remember though that grade 9 (the 400-450 tier) mission crewskills (Slicing, Treasure hunting, etc) only return purple materials on a Bountiful and Rich mission. I personally only find Rich missions worth running, but that's me.
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