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Everything posted by Obroa-Skai

  1. Round icon spinning and last try I've been waiting for 15/20 minutes
  2. Same here, nothing happening, stuck on Legacy of The City big loading picture
  3. The list is very long, and addresses a lot of nonsense that will be observable in each combat style when compared to th main class. I alqays wanted to make a two pistol trooper but now i'm realizing that this way, my trooper main AOE would be Death From Above, that as animation implies the presence of a jetpack or of rocket boots: simply lame if we consider that 99% of trooper in Star Wars Lore are not equipped that way. There are so much examples of how this thing won't work that it can take a whole day to write em down. Surrender animation when i pick an Imperial Agent? Meh. Then there is the issue of skill names that also should be fixed to better adapt to classes, but animations are more important and urgent in such a big re-organization of classes, skills and disciplins. I won't waste the opportunity of having a real trooper by selecting a BH Combat Style that hasn't properly shaped on my main class. My main troper will be Commando/Vanguard and i have another trooper who will be Merc/PT: if in the future they will do something about it i will enjoy those combat styles, otherwise i'll stick to classics.
  4. Yolo style is the real style of a VG/PT honestly. Always about trading your life for a kill at each spawn, always on the brinck of death. Firefall was important in my opinion and not easy to manage because you have to build stacks, using the correct abilities in a short window of time and also be strongly careful to your position toward enemy player, knowing when he/sh is about to pushback you making that big explosion futile. Moreover, skilled PT/VGs learnt when to get rid of Explosive Fuel/Battle Focus buff to make Firefall detonate earlier and with a bit of surprise effect for the opponent. Not a walk in the park. I'm confident about VG/PT changed in 7.0 (except for Hold the Line that i'd rather make basline), but is a pity Firefall is gone.
  5. Help us understand: what you wanted was an AP PT, playing AP but with a sniper rifle? So a Melee class playing melee but using a sniper rifle instead of a pistol?
  6. A mini class story, like a present for players for the 10th anniversary. Something like a K2-SO thing for Imps and more or less M1-4X for REPZ. Only 1 unique combat style (droid), 3 disciplines, 1 for tanking, 1 for healing and 1 for dps. Short class story ending early. Nothin more that a toy-class usable in all contents.
  7. I agree, i won loads of arenas, reg or ranked, sometimes scoring 6 or 7 kills in the whole match and the majority of time i had to run, hide, heal, kite etc, making my dps output itself really miserable. Numbers in PVP assume all another meaning, if not no meaning.
  8. I see a lot of DCD cut so far. PT/VG is the only class i wish will be boosted in its defensives. Every damn class in this game has some sort of "second chance" ability: mercs can reflect and heal almost back to full and he list cointinue; snipers and gunz can teleport away and lick wounds; sorc/sages the same; operatives and scoundrel can disappear and self heal exiting combat (ridicoulous since tree times); juggs can heal back to full and cheese dmg with dash. I know many of these abilities will be optional forcing players to choose among some of them, but they will still leave the chance to players to have a "second-life" ability. Nothing of all this is comparable to PT/VG stupid Kolto overload. A real death saving ability like all the other classes has is what has to be done for this class. Including an accuracy debuff ability, uselful for PVP, like Oil or Diversion, why not. And yes, i'd sacrifice some DPS from AP (Plasmatech is a "normal" spec in this sense) in exchange of a good defensive.
  9. Update: yesterday i joined a SR match and faced 2 vanguards with 300/330K endurance. I used to run an endurance built too in the recent past for AP and it works very good. Won the match despite the heavy focus thanks to 2 scoundrels carryng the team but i tried my best in dealing as much dmg i could. Guess is all about hitting the wall with my face times and times again until it won't hurt so much anymore. Thank all so far for the tips.
  10. Yea i'm trying because that dmg cheese on Power Yeld and 5 seconds more on Reactive Shield seem very important but a) is very hard and resource consuming to get it since i don't raid i only can hope for a lucky roll on Kay, b) in a couple of months there is the new expansion, will the set still be available for lvl 80 as far as we know?
  11. Yea i wanna add that i don't give a damn about toxicity, i never did. Played Star Wars multiplayer games for ages and i have to say that there are way worst communities than Swtor.
  12. Hey guys, i write this post b/c i really need to read some tips, advices and personal opinions about playing Solo Ranked arenas as a Tactic Vanguard. Last day i queued solo and ended up in a team with 3 stealthers, against a team with (guess what) 3 stealthers and 1 sage. Not to mention that i was sure i was about to be globaled, i put all my effort in chasing the marked player to take it down before dying backstabbed, volatile substance'ed and blood boilered. I was able to bring that sage to pop bubble in a matter of seconds but then i died, not surprisingly. Second round i lasted a bit less but was my fault, i've lost focus and patience and started to decimate one of the 3 steaòthers attacking me, almost killing him. I play the game since 2013, always played PVP with my PT/VG and my Commando/Merc, but VG always been my favourite and i decided that if i wanna try to do good in ranked i must be able to do it with this class. I've hundreds of thousands of game hours spent in Regz, gear and rotation and defensives are no longer a mistery without fake humble attitude. At the end of the match, yesterday, one of my teammates told me that maybe i'm still in need of some regz practice (was a normal comnversation without poison or *** attitude), and here come my dilemma: i'm so tired of regz, i really could shoot myself in the coconuts if i have to guard another node or kill another ball carrier, considering also that i'm the type of guy that tries to motivate others in playing for the objectives in chat, encouraging some team effort b/c i hate loosing like idiots. What do you suggest? Do you think i should just ride the wave and keep paying ranked more and more until i get used to it with this delicate class? If i choose to keep goin in SR, what mindset i should act out while playing asa tactic vang, and how to die as later as possible? Last but not least, why solo ranked is a stealth war? Thanks in advance for any tip and opinion shared.
  13. Lot of people want to just enter PVP and make kills. But they are too much afraid of joining ranked (solo or team) or they tried and got stomped. That's why i really hope Ranked Arenas in the future will be erased and make all the unranked league ranked: 8vs8, 4vs4 all in the same map cycling, all in the same queue and with ELO.
  14. Honestly i can't wait for new animations to come, and probably also new ability icons and names to adapt, example, an Adv Proto combat style to a Trooper. The rest is just like many already explained: Hunters play hunters' story but can play as a sniper, a smuggler, or normally as a Bounty hunter as we are used to know it. Ability pruning is another thing that so far, according to what's on the PTS, can create some unbalance between classes or make some classes weaker or with less utilities. About the latter point, my opinion is that in this game people tend to make too much of a drama when changes are about to come. Geez, some made comparison with SWG ending after pruning. Keep your sunny side up even without stupid Enure.
  15. Obroa-Skai


    Man i'll never understand all this hate about HB. Is a CTF with a ball. Just play it and do what's best for your team.
  16. Definitely Arsenal (Merc). Second in terms of easiness is Marksmanship Sniper but relies a lot on cover and positioning (not to mention low mobility compared to other classes and specs), but Arsenal is absolutely the most new-player friendly discipline in the game. Non turret DPS instead i suggest Advanced Prototype for Powertech or Fury as a Marauder.
  17. What should Sages and Sorcs say then? They have exactly the same problem. PT animations are good like this. And about the DPS PT being dead i just wanna say that is not about the DPS output if few ppl plays it, is for the lack of proper defensives and cheese abilities that makes the class an easy target in PVP. Especially AP can still take down enemies in a matter of seconds.
  18. I've levelled like 20 toons only through pvp and flashpoints. This is my standard levelling routine now and i'm still alive..
  19. I think they should just put all maps in the same queue, 8vs8 + 4vs4 and make everything ranked with ELO and leaderboards placement, defining new parameters addressing the rating. Stop. And did i really read about adding a teleport for Mercs? Like they are in need of it? They can self heal, shield up (with healing charges stacking in the meantime), reflect and self heal, kite/escape with Propulsion Round, root, stun, sap, net, pushback and last (but not least if properly used) cleanse themself. Mercs are ok, trust a 10 years merc player.
  20. What exactly about 7.0 will be uploaded on the PTS?
  21. We also have to see how the new Combat Styles will match with the loadouts thing, is all in theory now but, if i can create several presets for my toon with gear, discipline, outfite ecc i can have my Commmando and switch from Classic Assault Specialist to a Marksmanship Commando with sniper rifle and so on. We just have to wait.
  22. I think that now everything sounds easiest compared to what will really be in practice. One thing for sure is that a sith warrior storyline will be the very same even if a mara can explode a Chain Lighting or is using a double-bladed lightsaber. Other implications are not that clear: beside weapon proficiency, if i roll a ranged class like tropper commando, can i choose to play marksmanship with this class? In this frame, what will be of trooper/commando defensive cooldowns? Obviously this is only the beginning, there are plenty of unanswered questions still..
  23. I've read somewhere that the combat style option will be something you have to choose at the moment of character creation. Wonder if this will be also available for 75 toons...
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