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Everything posted by Unchosen

  1. The clipping issues with the Togruta lekku are probably the biggest problem, not their montrals.
  2. Or is it just an indication that any system will be limited in some manner.
  3. Maybe it's a barrier to far fewer players than you think.
  4. I get plenty of opportunities to explore the capital worlds. I see no reason for BioWare to spend time relocating things there. I'd rather see them creating content to improve the fleet experience.
  5. Cartel Market items are only bound to the character temporarily. On each item you will see a timer counting down how long until the item becomes not bound. Just make sure you don't equip the item, that will bind it the the character. Once the item is not bound, you can send it to an alt or sell or trade it to another player.
  6. A feature for very lazy people?
  7. That simple approach is not the most constructive for making this game better. If we don't give Bioware feedback regarding exactly why we don't like something then we're just doomed to get more of it.
  8. Adding a third faction would be a foolish plan. Dividing up the player population makes no sense. There's a big difference between what would make the game more enjoyable for you and what is best for the overall game and it's future.
  9. I was just about to start a thread on this same topic. Many of these sabers just look way too cumbersome when worn at your side. Hey Bioware, less is more. You've ruined so many great looking outfits by adding butt flaps, over-sized shoulder wings and strange looking random hardware pieces. Please stop ruining great looking sabers by making them too long. I have no interest in items that look impractical to use. Create gear that looks like it belongs in a Star Wars movie. Stop making gear that looks like it belongs in a Star Wars Parody movie.
  10. First of all, it's bearable not bareable. Levels 1-10 are so quick and easy. Take a xp boost and it's over in no time. I see no reason for BioWare to spend time making changes.
  11. That's why I'll probably never play a Chiss character.
  12. I say Voss will be added within the next 6 months.
  13. People who don't spell Wookiee correctly are not to be taken seriously.
  14. Anyone who says that is not really paying attention.
  15. Just because you like this version doesn't justify BW giving us poor imitations of lore gear. If BW is incapable of recreating accurate and authentic looking versions of lore outfits then they shouldn't be named lore outfits. BW should name them something else.
  16. This game already has more than enough jack-o-lanterns. Snake, let's not make SWTOR look like CWA.
  17. Don't expect to see that either.
  18. The name wipe, fall 2013. "As of right now this is a one time name renewal, so if you are unaffected on the 12th then you will not have to follow these rules unless we do a renewal again at a later date. Of course if we do that we will notify players of it so they can save their names. " -BW When have they announced anything after this about purging names?
  19. The devs did the right thing. It brought back some importance to the event, to actually participating. I think things should stay exactly the way they are now. It's good for the economy that completed contracts retain their value. I think it shows appreciation to the people who continue to play this monthly event.
  20. You sound like a person who is really aware of what's going on. Stay sharp.
  21. Treek is perfect , no changes are needed.
  22. Sets that are sold with installed mods can not be copied through the collections feature.
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